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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Ike has the experience on this front, but I believe he says the CSE window looks pretty well the same as the original CS, just has more options but the view is still the same. As a quick and dirty check, look in the File menu and see if you have a Save As ... option. If you do then you have CSE (the original CS only has a Save option, no Save As ...).
  2. OK, I have a batch file saved but no notes on what it was for specifically. Memory fails every now and then but I think it was for an early variation of what eventually became Oblivion Reloaded (maybe the memory purger or may the water ... can't remember for sure). In any case if you don't have a d3d9.dll in your Oblivion folder it doesn't apply. Did you try the plug in a microphone thing? I think that tip came from Emma's site ... again memory isn't all it used to be. - Edit - While looking for it on Emma's site (couldn't find it) but that tip may be in regards to getting voices and LIP files working in the CS.
  3. Ahh ... was just looking over some stuff on CSE I have saved ... you aren't running anything like ENB etc. are you? - Edit - Specifically anything that installs a file named d3d9.dll
  4. You say you're installing all of this on Android??
  5. So you're saying we now have two rock stars Ike (that's two keyboards at once Lup ... head banging optional ... Ike will need to be your mentor there). - Edit - Ahh ... I'm so old school ... Windows disks and multiple defrags through the entire process. Give me a day and I'll have Windows installed though. - Edit 2 - You're probably install to an SSD too, so no defrags. My PCs are closer to stone tools and rubbing sticks together for fire.
  6. Lup, you are one bugger for punishment !! :laugh: If I'm not reading your post correctly and you don't mean you're also re-installing Windows then follow the link Ike linked and don't skip the registry cleaning steps. It doesn't matter which way you uninstall the game there will be registry entries left behind and they will screw with your re-install (and for the record, re-installing Windows is a much tougher way to get a clean registry). - Edit - Sleep well my friend.
  7. Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp needs to be after almost all other mods, and if you use a bashed patch it needs to be before the bashed patch. BOSS will sort it correctly, so no need for you to place it manually or via User Rules. You can use BOSS independently from Wrye Bash ... BOSS simply sorts load orders and so will work with any mod manager (or at least with any mod manager that is BOSS aware enough to not try to switch the load order after BOSS has it sorted).
  8. If you download Construction Set Extender version 6.3 to a folder and then extract it you will see a folder named Data after you've extracted it to that same folder. Right mouse click on the extracted Data folder and select Copy from the right click menu then navigate in Windows Explorer to your game install's Oblivion folder. Right click on the Oblivion folder and select Paste from the right click menu. You will get a Windows warning about there already is a folder named Data ... select Yes to All. If you don't get that warning you've pasted into the wrong folder.
  9. Yes ... bad idea for Oblivion. NMM is for Skyrim and other newer games. Most of the Oblivion mods you'll find here on Nexus were made long before NMM was even a dream in the Dark0ne's mind. They were made to be installed with the tools of their day ... OBMM, Wrye Bash and manual install.
  10. Construction Set Extender ... you want the top listed download ... says CSE 63. The one your screenshot shows is an old depereciated version (I'm not sure if shadeMe used it as a basis for his or not). - Edit - Looking at shadeMe's credit I'd say they aren't related at all.
  11. Worst habit you can develop ... you are at the mod author's mercy in terms of their competency. Download everything to a folder (my CSE download is in Construction_Set_Extender\Version_6_3\CSE 63-36370-6-3.zip) and then extract to that same folder. Examine the extracted download and compare to your game's already installed files and folders. Before your game is risked you will know what files will be replaced by what from the new mod.
  12. After you've extracted the ZIP it will be in the extracted folder Data\Docs\Construction Set Extender\Construction Set Extender Manual.pdf (or if you look in your game's Data folder it will be there in the same folder structure if that's where you extracted the version 6.3 download to). Edit - ... -> Ike = :ninja:
  13. Did you look through Construction Set Extender Manual.pdf (found in the Data\Docs\Construction Set Extender folder)?
  14. I think there is also something about plugging in a microphone that is supposed to help stop the CS crash, but I can't recall if that was crashing when editing faces or something else.
  15. Ike got a little excited there ... he meant install Construction Set Extender (I believe) but in his defense CSE does require OBSE.
  16. You most definitely need to do that as well. All ESP type mods that you are using as resource need to be ESMified, then create your ESP and then re-ESPify them. Those re-ESPified mods are still masters of your mod and as such will always need to be both in your load order as well as above your ESP in your load order.
  17. At their root they are the same mod and share the same problems (look through Skin-Toned's comments). So I take it you tried the Wrye Bash ESMify\ESPify method?
  18. Can't really say in the case of Skin-Toned Mannequins. I've stopped using it due to the freeze-up problems it causes if any other NPCs are in the same room. Could be something in it's scripts or who knows where else.
  19. Are you trying to use another mod's ESP as a master? If so you'll need to either use Construction Set Extender or you could use Wrye Bash to ESMify the ESP, make your mod and then re-ESPify it. ESPs cannot be used as masters with the vanilla Construction Set.
  20. Hey Blades ... was starting to think maybe a Dremora had bested you. I think you'll need to either see Azzan in Anvil or Burz in Cheydinhal for your next assignment. Did you already do The Unfortunate Shopkeeper for Azzan in Anvil? If you want a complete rundown on the FG quests have a look at the UESP Wiki page Oblivion:Fighters Guild.
  21. LOL ... no need Ike. If BanditMelee03 has been hanging around the bridge near Vindasel I usually lure her down to "meet" Umbra anyway (or any other bandits that hang around that bridge, or the conjurers that Umbra has chased out of Vindasel). Wouldn't want poor Umbra to get too bored down in that cold dank ruin, would we? You are learning quickly my Padawan.
  22. ... and the :ninja: appears from the mists ... As far as I know the only time BOSS will sort a mod after the bashed patch is when that mod is not found on the master list (with the possible exception of Maskars Oblivion Overhaul, which needs to be sorted after the bashed patch, and possibly some other mods in that same category). To prevent BOSS from doing that you simply need to set up a User Rule for that mod, using your best judgement on where the mod should be in your mod list. You can also report that the mod isn't on the masterlist in the BOSS Masterlist mod comments thread linked by Raedwald or using the report feature from BOSS's interface. There has been a problem with BOSS automatically updating the masterlist. I myself have run into the problem ... BOSS used to automatically update the masterlist and then sort my load order when I first installed it and then some time ago it started to fail to update the masterlist. I seem to recall reading a post somewhere about how to fix that but have been unable to track down where or exactly how. In any case it's simple to keep your BOSS list updated using the BOSS Masterlist page linked by Raedwald. Just download the latest masterlist, extract the download and then copy the new masterlist to your BOSS\Oblivion folder (replacing the one that is already there if you have at least once managed to update the masterlist using the BOSS automatic update). Whether you have BOSS update the list automatically or do it manually makes no difference ... the list is only updated when Mhahn releases a new revision. You can see a new revision has been released by checking the Nexus Mods Oblivion New Files Today page or simply checking the BOSS Masterlist for Oblivion mod page. To resolve your problem Katfan simply download the master list to a temporary folder and extract it using 7-Zip, then copy the file named masterlist.txt to your BOSS\Oblivion folder, run BOSS and you should be good to go.
  23. Now that one wouldn't have made my list of possible culprits ... good thing your mod list was short enough to cover all bases. Thanks for reporting back. :thumbsup:
  24. I don't use any UI mods myself (well except HUD Status Bars) but I think I can recall some posts about people saying they couldn't undo the changes that installing the UI mod had made (generally there are files/fonts replaced when installing the UI ... deactivating alone won't reverse the changes). If none of the other mods seem to be it either then look at the uninstall instructions for DarNified and follow them rather than just deactivating (which leaves all of the files in place, just the ESP isn't activated). Same situation could apply to the other mods I mentioned ... I don't use either of them but chances are they will have some files installed that the game will use instead of the vanilla files in the BSA archives. If you installed with a manager and are unsure about whether or not it is uninstalling all of the files it installed with a mod you can download the mod to a folder, extract it and see what files and folders it installs, and then compare to your game install's files and folders. If you're unsure about whether or not it's safe to delete a file don't ... just move the file to a temporary folder while you test, or you can rename the file while testing (so you'd change menu.xls to xxmenu.xls for example). Just keep track of what you've renamed so you can change things back if that turns out to not be the problem.
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