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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. You've got it. Notice that there's a bit of description for each of the forum sections (e.g. this one says "Having technical problems with Oblivion? Post it here."). Don't sweat it too much on getting in the correct section (Oblivion Tech Support vs Oblivion Mod Troubleshooting). Main thing was to move questions unrelated to any particular mod off that mod's comments page (so it would be entirely appropriate to ask a question about Wrye Bash on it's mod page as opposed to OCO v2's mod page). And remember, these are guidelines not rules. Key point is if you have a question don't be afraid to ask. So how are you and Wrye getting along so far?
  2. Here you go: StartConversation The trick with all the old broken CS Wiki links is just take out the "index.php?title=Constwiki/index.php" part (so http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Constwiki/index.php/StartConversation becomes http://cs.elderscrolls.com/StartConversation ).
  3. As soon as you quoted Arthmoor I went "Duh, of course, I remember reading that". When I worked troubleshooting was a big part of the job (with a generous portion of tedium mixed in ... don't miss it). On a day when there's plenty of trade on here I don't get much time in Tamriel ... on slower days Tamriel fits the bill. Bottom line on all of it is to help me keep that big gray lump atop my shoulders from turning to mush. "You seem like an experienced adventurer ..." just cracks me up. Just last night I was turning some not-so-ill-gotten gains into Septims with Nilawen (first time my newest guy has made it to Bravil) and the bandits along the road there had been rather generous. Go to close the conversation and out comes that quote. Of course, my guy already has his next couple of days planned out ... if he'd been just wandering about looking for something to do she wouldn't have asked, happens all the time.
  4. Have you had a look on the Nexus Wiki? I have absolutely no real know-how on the subject, but Making square UV maps in Blender jumped out at me from this list on the Wiki. - Edit - The 3D Modelling forum has gotten itself buried waaay down the new and improved supported games list (man there's a lot of games listed now) ... here's a link to the Blender Forum, could be something there too.
  5. I do tend to read a lot, and I have the curse of remembering that I've read something. Occasionally that leads to lengthy searches through my downloaded mods or Oblivion links. This one was a piece of cake and the links just popped out of my Other Bookmarks folder, almost unbidden. Good to see you're putting past advice to good use ... only downside is if you ever decide to stop using UL then you'll need a patch. The same advice in the TES Alliance thread applies ... find the least used texture in the quad list and replace it with the one you want. If only my batting average was as good with every "service call".
  6. You are probably trying to paint in a quad that has already used up it's "quota" of textures. Each quad cell can only contain nine different textures. If you try to use one that isn't already in that quad's list it won't display. Here's a link to a TES Alliance description of the solution: CS Basics: General Questions - Construction Set Basics Here's a link to some other TES Alliance CS resources: Construction Set Basics - ESIV: Oblivion Modding - Tutorials - Edit - Corrected an "Oops" on the first link - Edit 2 - Corrected that it should be cell and not quad that can only contain 9 textures.
  7. If you intend to ever do Shivering Isles on this installation you must install it before you use any of the official patches. Are you using one of the disk versions of the game (e.g. Game of the Year) or one of the digital download versions of the game (e.g. Steam or GameStop)? Correct order of installation is base game then SI (which should patch you up to version 1.2.0416 if it's the GotY edition). If your game isn't showing version 1.2.0416 then install the correct official patch for your language (note that for non-SI there are two different "English" versions, but only a single SI English version, intended for pre-GotY SI installations). Next is Oblivion Script Extender version 0021 and after that run OBSE Tester to confirm that OBSE is working (it will report your OBSE version if it's working). Then install Blockhead and start game. If Blockhead is working you will see it has created Blockhead.ini in the Data\OBSE\Plugins folder. Next install HGEC or Roberts Female and Roberts Male bodies if you intend to use body replacers (recommended if you are interested in adding any armors/clothes to the game ... not many have been developed for the vanilla game bodies and the HGEC and Roberts textures aren't compatible with the vanilla bodies). Then install OCO v2 and if you decided to use a body replacer add the appropriate OCO texture patch.
  8. Ya I knew about Curvaceous ... didn't figure it for a fit. There is List of Mods Lists ... and further down the list of lists is a dead link to List O' Female Armors/Clothing by Lunethel (leads to a dead Bethsoft forums link ... I tried some "maybe the topic still exists on a different URL" magic but couldn't massage it to life). I know that way back I tried looking through all the pages in the Armor category. Think I made it to page 50 or so on more than one occasion working from page 1 and through about as many working from the last page. Not sure if it ever met in the middle or not ... it is a big job.
  9. Ya, those are pretty highpoly meshes. Not sure what Ave may have done as far as tweaking ... have a look at some of the base mods listed in the mod description, perhaps they're lower poly. Nothing else springs to mind. When I first read the post I knew I had something but I had to browse through my folders in Explorer for a bit before I went ... Ah ha, that's what I was thinking of. Maybe I'll wake up tonight with another epiphany. There may be some other mods in the Buildings section like this, that also add a bunch of clothes/armor. I found out about Aves House when it was released (I follow the Oblivion Nexus New Files page as well as lurking/living here at the Nexus Oblivion site). There isn't anything to force a mod author to release a mod in the "proper" category. There's even an "Oops, I forgot to set this" category. I've been around for a while and there's still mods that pop up in the mod comments I've never seen or heard of (and probably always will be).
  10. Use OBMM to extract the BSA to a folder, NifSkope to check out the various meshes and then after copying the meshes you want and their required textures to the appropriate folders in your game use the Construction Set to put them into your game. If it's all for personal use no permission required ... if you were posting screenshots I'd be sure to lavish AveBrave with praise and credit. I'm on a semi-decent desktop (Core2 Duo 3.0 GHz 2GB RAM and a GTX 275 with 896MB GDDR3) and the interior brings my machine to it's knees (it's OK until you go in the door).
  11. The chuckle made it all worthwhile. I'd tell you to go and sin no more my son, but I know you'll be back to OAF eventually so just have fun. - Edit - And trust me, I know exactly how terrible it is when your particulates won't line up ... sheesh, and people thought ducks were bad.
  12. Aves is in the Buildings category ... the whole mod is more than just some clothes and armor. If your machine has the horsepower it's quite an experience to spend a couple of days there (maybe get a room, have a couple of dancers up for a private visit ... all rated M for Mature ... ish).
  13. Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 is the defacto standard for improving looks. I use Stolen Items Ownership for a reasonable compromise on the theft thing (nobody sees you it's not stolen ... expect for the limitation of stuff coming out of containers ... if you drop it on the ground and pick it up unseen it's stolen flag is cleared, but if you want something to sell to a fence you're golden as the stolen flag remains).
  14. A FEW HUNDRED SEPTIMS!!! Whoa ... your gal and my guy are living in different Tamrielic universes. My guy's feeling pretty smug if a couple of weeks of dungeon diving nets out 100 or 150 Septims after repairs and food (Enhanced Economy and Basic Primary Needs). Took him forever to get his first Packdonkey. Heck, he begrudges a single Septim to a beggar, but knows that's the path towards the Thieves Guild so he ponies up when asked. Just today he was shaking his head at the foolishness of spending 50 some-odd Septims at Devine Elegance buyiong some fancy clothes and shoes for Umbra (he's been shacking up at Vindasel with her, trying to stretch the Septims and has fallen for her charms ... Give a Gift gave him hope of one day winning her heart ... well and maybe her sword and armor). I've always been partial to girls wearing the Arabian Dancer outfit from Aves House of Earthly Delights, but it takes some work to extract the BSA and dig them out for personal use. Modest girls will wear the hood, and when they're raring to go off comes the hood and boing goes the eyes on the guys. My old guy spent a lot of time there ... the new guy stands no chance, and not just because he has no Septims (Aves not in his load order).
  15. You are probably suffering from The A-Bomb bug. Happens on long hours games. Easily fixed with either Wrye Bash (found on the Saves tab context menu) or by using Animation Fixer (aka Oblivion Animation Fixer ... OAF). If you also use OBSE you will need to rename a copy of the corresponding co-save to match the OAF fixed save. For example if you have a save named MySave004.ess and use OBSE you will have a co-save named MySave004.obse (also found with your saves in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion for Vista/Win 7 users ... Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion for XP users). OAF will name the fixed save OAF_MySave004.ess and you will need to rename a copy of MySave004.obse to match (name it OAF_MySave004.obse, just append OAF_ in the front). No renaming co-saves is needed with Wrye Bash. Both solutions aren't permanent however. The A-Bomb bug slowly accumulates in your saves and periodically you'll need to run the fix again, but beyond that it causes no harm.
  16. Have you looked at Assorted Protective Female Armors? - Edit - There's also HGEC more revealing standard armor ... some are a bit less revealing than others, and pick and choose works for replacers.
  17. I already have a copy of Win 7 ready for my next machine. I refer to Win 8 as a phone/tablet OS (not entirely accurate I know, but as you may guess when I can no longer buy Win 7 I'll finally be forced into the Linux camp). I have three unused still in their original packaging copies of WinXP. Who knows if MS turned off the activation servers along with updates for XP. I've also got SP3 and some of the post SP3 updates archived, but I think any machines I put together using XP will need to be non-internet connected.
  18. I took the liberty of asking one of our Alternate Start gurus ... here is the post (and Arthmoor's reply follows). - Edit - I do like your idea though ... would add a new perspective to things like collecting Oblivion realm ingredients, why there are so few people in Cyrodiil and works nicely with how I feel about those "other" questlines (if you are the Champion of Cyrodiil how could you be at the lowest rank of Mages or Fighters guild, yet if you stop pursuing the Main Quest while you take those side passages it isn't realistic that the whole Mankar Cameron/Lord Dagon group goes "Oh ... OK, we'll just wait until you're ready"). My current character is using an alternate start with Kvatch intact for that reason.
  19. Nexus links to older mods are all broken by the new site. The mod number hasn't changed so it's just a matter of pasting the number of the mod you want into the link of a mod that does have a working link. So if the broken link mod is http://www.tesnexus.com/mods/40098 (Dynamic torches just happened to be at the top of the Oblivion Uploaded Files and is an older mod that fits the bill) the working link is http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/40098 (note that the 40098 hasn't changed). Myself, I just copy the 40098 part from the broken URL in my browser and then paste it into a working link from the NexusMods Oblivion New Files Today page (which I have on my browser links toolbar). Others change the tesnexus.com/mods part to what it should be in the new system (nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods). I find there are two or three broken link versions (i.e. the tesnexus.com/mods part is often oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods) so I find my method easier for me. Whatever works for you is the best way.
  20. I've never had a problem from DirectX, but then again I'm a way behind the times dinosaur still using WinXP. I know little about MS's latest OS beyond the woes I see posted here.
  21. Rome wasn't built in a day ... what makes little sense today will someday. I've used NifSkope for more than a year and have hardly scratched the surface. Got Blender a couple of month back but haven't even cracked it open beyond confirming it runs. It'll be a long time before I run out of stuff to learn.
  22. I'm not 100% certain if the waist seam lines up between the regular DMRA upperbody mesh and DMRA GUTS lowerbody mesh (other spot to check is the ankles, but you could just use the DMRA GUTS foot mesh). You can simply replace meshes in Oblivion\Data\meshes\characters\_male with different ones renamed appropriately for the nude bodies. Some clothing/armor mods are set up as one piece, which makes mix and match difficult unless you use Blender (a 3D editing program) to break things up. You can either install a bunch of mods and try them out to see what works or doesn't or use another program called NifSkope to check out the meshes beforehand. Either way you need to see them in-game to really decide. There is a mod that does the all female world for you ... Oblivion The L World.
  23. CS is the official Construction Set for Oblivion. The way that clothes and armor work in the game is they "become" the body part the cover. That means if you have a DMRA character and put a top on that is designed as A-cup your character will now appear as A-cup. Change into a top designed as D-cup and your character will now be D-cup. If you take off either the A-cup shirt or D-cup shirt your character will revert to Dual Melons. Often this will cause problems with body seams (DMRA waist and ankles are different that standard HGEC). For example, if you put on a DMRA top and mix it with a bottom designed for HGEC S (or any size actually) you'll see a seam at the waist and ankles. That's why it's recommended to use clothes/armor designed for your installed body type/size (though if you stick to regular HGEC you can generally mix any top and bottom size from that regular HGEC group). Animations are one size fits all characters (everyone uses the same walk for example) unless you use a mod that assigns different walks or an OBSE plugin such as Blockhead and do the assigning yourself.
  24. From the Microsoft download page Trucker linked (Additional Information section):
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