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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Your screen resolution shouldn't be a factor. By default the game is locked into 75 degree for FOV. The console command 'fov xx' (e.g. 'fov 90' only without the quote marks) can be used to temporarily change the FOV but it will revert back to 75 whenever there's a change such as talking to an NPC. There's also an Oblivion.ini setting related to FOV but using that can lead to graphical problems in menus etc. If changing the FOV does in fact help your situation with DR6 there is a mod (which I use myself, though I don't use DR6) which changes your FOV while not in menus ... FOV Zoom but it does require Oblivion Script Extender (which is required for DR6 anyways).
  2. I'm not sure if OBGE makes changes to Oblivion.ini, but you could try renaming your Oblivion.ini to Oblivionini.old and then restart the game as far as the menu and exit. The game will build a new Oblivion.ini after it tries to ID your hardware (which is why often you'll need to do things like reset your video settings). If you can start the game without a crash using your post OBGE clean save then use your Oblivionini.old to transfer any additional Oblivion.ini edits you may have made in the past (non-OBGE related).
  3. Magicka-based enchantment limits has a feature that displays the full enchantment list. Here's a quote from the mod description:
  4. C:\Games is the most common choice (once created you can use that folder to install all your future games). Use Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure as a guideline. Don't miss the link near the top about moving your Steam install location if you use the Steam version of the game and don't skip the registry cleaning step ... it's important.
  5. The Oblivion Tweak Guide that I linked has a lot of tips for optimizing the game.
  6. A suggestion for future reference ... Multiple Oblivion Manager - MOM allows you to have completely separate mod environments. If you used Bben46's Revert to vanilla data on one profile you could use that one for modding.
  7. The patches to use are very specific to the game version you are starting out with. If you don't have Shivering Isles installed the SI version of the patch won't work (and if your SI came with the disk Game of the Year version you'll already be patched to 1.2.0416 after it installs SI). Without SI you need to be sure your getting the correct language version (US English version won't work on UK English version and vice versa for example). If you are planning to install mods you should consider installing the game to somewhere like C:\Games. Here's a link to Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure. Have a look through it and see if you see anything that it suggests that you haven't done.
  8. The quote about ToggleLightBright was to illustrate what it was introduced for ... so that people with marginal equipment back shortly after the game was released could play (and Bethesda could receive their money). For years after Oblivion was released it was one of the top tests for kick-ass hardware. That same game engine that brought bleeding edge hardware of yester-year to it's knees hasn't been updated to take advantage of any of today's hardware's advances (and some of those advances, like multi-core CPUs are nearly totally wasted on Oblivion ... CPU GHz are king for this game). My own hardware is older and slower than yours (Core2 Duo @ 3 GHz and 2 GB RAM and an old 9800GT with 512 MB VRAM). I'll take your FPS if you're not happy with them.
  9. First about ToggleLightBright (which is a console command interface for the change that the bFullBrightLighting INI file setting implements). Here's a quote from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide: Your card isn't a candidate for ToggleLightBright. Lighting, especially overlapping light sources, cause a drop in frame rate. Oblivion is not a First Person Shooter and has no online format where 'he who has FPS rules'. Dips in frame rate do not necessarily mean 'unplayable'. You will need to exercise restraint when adding mods that use high poly models or increased texture sizes. Best advice is get a baseline without mods and then add one at a time. Test thoroughly between adding mods so you have a good idea how each affects your game. It's certainly alright to keep an eye on frame rates, but it's actual game playability that matters.
  10. If you can find any grand soul gems and happen to be traveling between Skingrad and Anvil on the right day (specifically between Fyrelight Cave and Ra'sava Camp) and you see a strange beam of purplish light shining down you'll be in luck, providing you also have a soul trap spell. You'll find more details on the UESP Wiki page for Black Soul Gems. - Edit - Azura's Star can't be used to capture NPC souls ... it's a Grand Soul Gem not a Black Soul Gem. More info here.
  11. When it comes to hardware it isn't so much a case of 'how recent' as it is simply a matter of 'how fast' and 'how much memory'. Brand new laptops are an example of what won't work for Oblivion unless you have been very careful selecting the right laptop. Laptops will typically have either a good CPU and lousy graphics (Intel integrated is common) or a slow CPU and a fairly decent discrete graphics. Anything with shared memory for graphics will be taxed by Oblivion, and modern CPUs are often slower on the GHz and they try to make it up by having multiple cores. That works OK with modern software and games but Oblivion was last updated long before Intel or AMD dreamed up multi-core CPUs and when you add modern mods to Oblivion it just ups the ante for hardware spec requirements. Oblivion plus a mod like this will need at least 3 GHz CPU speed with absolute minimum 2 GB system RAM along with a dedicated video card with at least 1 GB VRAM (preferably 2 GB). You might get away with scrimping on the CPU speed but anything other than dedicated graphics will not make it. If you think your machine isn't the problem perhaps you should post details about your problem on the mod comments. If you are getting the crash at a certain spot all the time the mod author may know some details about that particular spot.
  12. After you get FCOM installed and your bashed patch built you don't need to start the game from Wrye Bash (Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide is a good guide if you're new to Wrye Bash). As far as the game is concerned the bashed patch is just another mod after you've built it. Just start the game how you normally would with Steam.
  13. I don't use the mod myself but have been following it's mod comments. Only thing I can think of is whether or not your machine is up to the job. There are areas of the mod that are very tasking (you'll notice low FPS).
  14. Which mod manager are you using, Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) or Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM)?
  15. I agree ... makes one think twice about sharing (even though I don't use Skyrim I've looked through some of the mod comments).
  16. Posted for anyone finding this thread via search ... Sornan posted a video explaining why Bladesong is gone on this thread.
  17. Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) will not work with many, if not most, Oblivion Mods. It is unable to understand the folder structure used by many older and more recent Oblivion mods. Read the install instructions in each mod you are trying to install and follow them. If they say use NMM then use NMM. Most will say to either use Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) or install manually. Here's a link to a on using OBMM. Manually installing is a matter of downloading the mod to a temporary folder, extracting it, and then copying the necessary folders and files to your game install. Every mod is different so refer to the mod install instructions (and yes, many of those leave a lot to be desired, so start with simple mods that have good, understandable, complete instructions).
  18. Well you'll need to ID the mod that's doing that to you then because the vanilla game Agility is what determines how successful enemies are at knocking you down ... i.e. player character high agility = low chance of knockdown, player character low agility = high chance of knockdown (the enemies agilty doesn't figure in the equation at all).
  19. HGEC more revealing standard armor is another option (with BBB for More Revealing Standard Armors HGEC for it also available). I mix and match replacers, so I have some of Razorponys HGEC Vanilla Armors in the mix as well as a couple from Naughty Armours - Stock Replacer HGEC Std BBB ECup Lbot PPN and Clear Glass Armor (required for BBB Clear Sexy Glass H-Cup).
  20. Your Strength still contributes to your Encumbrance when above 100 (Encumbrance use the formula Encumbrance = Strength x 5). Strength above 100 will also still contribute to your total Fatigue (Fatigue = Strength + Agility + Endurance + Willpower). In the vanilla game only Acrobatics and Athletics give you any direct benefit when they are above 100 (they both cap out at 255 ... Athletics above 100 increases your running and walking speed, Acrobatics above 100 will increase the height you can jump). - Edit - A good page to start from in learning more is Oblivion: Skills. Follow the links for more details on each of the Attibutes and Skills.
  21. Strength benefits more than just carrying capacity. It also affects your blade and blunt effectiveness. Doesn't take all that long to build up your speed, providing you run and don't ride everywhere.
  22. I wonder if that game is recoverable. You mention that you are crashing frequently and only Streamsave is allowing you to continue it. Perhaps time to wipe the slate clean and start off with a fresh install.
  23. I have never experimented with entering a two gate world and exiting through the other gate and then leaving it open. All that I recall ever seeing on the UESP Wiki about multiple gate worlds is outlined in this quote: The only point I doubt what they say is this: I always get the maximum number of gates open at any stage in the Main quest by travelling to areas I would prefer a gate to be located until I get to the current maximum (getting the gate to show a map marker but not entering the gate). The only gates I close right away are ones located along roads, and even many of those I leave open if their spawns are far enough from the road to not be a concern for travelers (actually they make convenient 'harvest stations'). I'm certain I've been at max gates when I exited through the wrong gate. When I was in Tamreil I noted exactly where I was on the map and then traveled there after re-entering the wrong gate and closing that world using the sigil stone. When I traveled to where I had emerged from the wrong gate there was nothing in Tamreil indicating that a gate had been there. I guess my point is that there are possibilities not outlined in the UESP Wiki. In your case it may be due to something like exiting through the wrong gate and then leaving that Oblivion world open and then entering that same world through a completely different Tamreil gate that linked to the opposite gate of that world and closing it using the sigil stone. Or it could be because of a mod conflict with a yet unidentified mod. In your troubleshooting I would keep a written record of which world I entered when first going through a gate so you can see if the problem is isolated to certain Oblivion worlds or more random. If my theorry holds any water I would expect that only Oblivion world 5 and/or Oblivion world 6 will be affected (they are the only two worlds with two possible gates).
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