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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. 1. I'm not certain, but it could be something you've added that gives everyone an enchantment. In the past I've used the console to give some of the travelling NPCs enchanted rings (usually either shield or the Ring of the Iron Fist). Afterwards they would glow (especially evident because they travel at night). I use No persistant enchantment glow fix myself, but I suggest you try to find out which mod you are using that adds the glow (if the glow is in fact coming from an enchantment and not some other cause). 2. From Vilja's 'About this place' menu select 'This is our new home'. You need to be in an interior when you bring up her menu or it won't be there. 3. Don't use the mod so no idea. 4. They are listed in her menu ('Lets just talk for a little while' then 'About my other companion'). They are also listed in the Vilja manual (the file name is Vija_Manual.html that came with your download). Here's a quote from that manual: You really should read the manual. Emma did an excellent job documenting all of Vilja's features (in fact I don't think you would even find out about some of them without reading the manual). It uses the same format as web pages, so navigating to the part you want is dead simple ... just click the hyperlink at the top of the page.
  2. Can't give any advice on a scripted solution ... waaay above my pay grade. That mod I linked doesn't do anything to the player character ... it works on NPCs only using class and other AI condition variables. There is a similar mod that works on just the player character, which served as inspiration/source material for Xtudo (at least that's how it reads to me from the mod description).
  3. Have you read through the mod comments for Babe Hair? My quick scan through reveal problems with the mod (and some solutions offered, but you may not find them very easy to implement depending on how experienced you are at modding the game). - Edit - Specifically have at look at this post by Maigrets.
  4. I use a 'personalized' version of Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions to get the girls I've added to my various houses to dance when I come visit. By using their classes and conditions you can set (all the same ones as available for AI packages) you could achieve somewhat of what you're looking for I think.
  5. Ran across a link to this recently but haven't tried it myself: The Normal Tools Ver 01_1.
  6. Do you have a frost/fire shield spell in your listed spells (and are able to cast it)? Here's the link to the UESPWiki page on Enchanting. I always prefer the elemental shield enchantments available from sigil stones myself.
  7. Unfortunately most game companies have far too many executives who couldn't code a 'Hello world' app (but they do have their MBA). After a few bug fix cycles their overriding attitude is 'well we got your money, which is what this whole exercise was about, so we'll move on ... you're on your own'. They miss the chance to correct problems still embedded in their boiler plate code. I gave a bit of misdirection on where to find the reported problem byte in OAF's dialogue. Look at the value shown in the third box to the right of the 'FixMe' button with the heading 'Byte:' above it. When it get's to 47 or 48 you should also be starting to see artifacts around flames.
  8. If you are talking about the Heneri that is added by the Companion Vilja mod then she is found in Cheydinhal (either at the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn or she can sometimes wander around town).
  9. Number one thing to get taken care of is to get the game installed in the correct location. I'm going to guess your original install was in C:\Program Files (x86) or C:\Program Files and you are running either Windows 7/8 or Vista. If I'm correct in my assumption use Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure to get the game properly re-installed in C:\Games. If you use the Steam version of the game don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install location, and don't skip the registry cleaning step ... it's important. To get the correct method of Archive Invalidation implemented using OBMM click on the 'Utilities' button and from the dropdown select 'Archive invalidation'. In the Archive Invalidation dialogue click on 'BSA Redirection' and leave everything else at default. If you use the Steam version of the game click on 'Reset BSA timestamps' near the bottom of the dialogue window (for some reason Steam will change the dates of the vanilla game's BSA files to a recent date, which makes replacer mods like Qarl's 'older' than the vanilla BSAs so the game will render the old textures even though BSA Redirection is properly implemented). Close the Archive Invalidation dialogue and close OBMM (it doesn't commit changes until you close).
  10. Another option is Oblivion Animation Fixer (OAF). If you also use OBSE you will see that each save has two files, one with the ESS extension and one with the OBSE extension. You run OAF on the ESS save file. It will put 'OAF_' in front of the file name (so if your original was 'MySaveGame01.ess' the OAF fixed copy will be called 'OAF_MySaveGame01.ess'). The original save game is untouched (OAF works on a copy it makes). You'll need to make a copy of the corresponding file 'MySaveGame01.obse' and then rename that copy 'OAF_MySaveGame01.obse'. Takes longer to describe what to do than actually do it. Whether you use Wrye Bash's animation fixer or OAF you'll still need to run the fix periodically. There is a field near the bottom of the OAF window that's says 'Byte found'. Whenever that gets up to 47 or 48 I run the fix (Wrye Bash gives the same using percent). If I don't check and find it's up to 47 or 48 I can usually tell in-game by the Legion rider's torches ... at 48 you start seeing tiny spark-like effects trailing their torch flame.
  11. I think you have a space after the last digit perhaps.
  12. First off I don't use either Better Cities or Unique Landscapes, in part by choice (I'm weird because I like the game just the way it is, looks wise) and in part by necessity (my hardware wouldn't be up to the task in it's current configuration). That said you would need to be prepared for some sort of performance hit. How large that is will depend on how much you have 'left in the tank' after your current improvements. Experimentation on your own machine with your current load list is the only way you'll determine what can and cannot work. In my opinion you would also place yourself in the middle of a continuing situation of needing to research and troubleshoot. BC and UL 'own' almost all of Cyrodiil. By that I mean they have altered pretty well all of the usable cells in the game. The reason I use the word 'own' is that every mod you currently have or will install in the future will be tied to that requirement ... either BC and/or UL compatible or UL and/or BC compatibility patch available. I base that opinion on what I have seen across a wide variety of forum posts and threads (and certainly not limited to those mod's comments). House mods, vendor shops for clothing/armor mod compilations even quest mods can be effected by BC and UL. Whether or not compatibility patches get made depends on the modder's skill (many can't resolve UL conflicts on their own for example ... I've done some minor landscape editing myself and it's not something I'd enjoy tackling) as well as the modder's relationship with members of the UL/BC teams (not all conflicts are treated equally ... just human nature that's all). I'm not trying to dissuade you. When you go into something with open eyes you see more than the pretty stuff pointed out by the guy whispering in your ear. Spend some time looking through the BC and UL comments. Just seeing problems reported isn't what you are looking for. How are the problems resolved, is that a problem you know the solution to or do you understand the solution provided, is that a situation you wouldn't get into (you'll see some wild install/uninstall then 'did some random things' type tales of woe) ... these are the things you should be focused on while reading. How important is having BC and/or UL to you. Are you an aspiring screenshotter, looking to impress in the Oblivion Uploaded Images forum? I would say from what I've gathered about you that you care more about how the game looks than I do. Nothing comes without a price tag ... you just need to determine what the price would be for you and figure out if it's in the budget. You have quickly outgrown those training wheels on your bike, so I'll get them off for you with one more suggestion. I use a utility called Multiple Oblivion Manager - MOM to keep separate games for my old guy and my new guy. Fairly simple to understand and once you do it's really simple to use. With it you could create a clone of your current game state ... mods, game settings, saves, ini files, everything you need for your current game. You could then use the clone (appropriately named 'BCandUL_Test' for example) to try out BC and/or UL. Your original game is never at risk. Change your mind about BC or UL you just delete that profile. If you decide you'll give them a shot you can re-clone the profile that has BC and UL installed and use one of the two copies as a testing profile as you add mods down the road. Using MOM you need never put your primary game at risk again (if you are rigorous about using a separate profile for testing). The only price tag attached to this one is hard drive space (every profile physically duplicates all the files needed for the game). Don't know about you, but I have hard drive space out the whazoo. It's been a pleasure helping out in any ways I could. Don't be a stranger and remember, people on here are willing to make mistakes for you ... all you need to do is read through a few forum posts to find one. That's a situation that has benefits on many fronts, at least for me. Gives me a problem to gnaw on (when you're retired gnawable problems are good for keeping the mind busy), plus I don't need to mess up my game install just to have something to fix (I do occasionally find ways to do that anyway, but courtesy of the excellent training provided by all here I generally manage to sort things out without much fuss). Top of the list ... I sometimes meet people like you who are are joy to work with.
  13. I'm not 100% certain about BSAs, but with loose files and folders it's always last installed wins (because the last one overwrites the first). Looking at it that way BSAs would be different, because the contents of BSA # 2 wouldn't overwrite the contents of BSA # 1 until the game called for the contents of BSA # 2 and unpacked it (they're just compressed files and folders). Situations like this is probably the reason that a bashed patch is the only way to get conflicting mods of that type (that come with BSAs) to work together. I guess the alternative would be to unpack both BSAs into temp folders and then manually decide which records from which mod to install. Someone like Hickory would know far better than I, but it seems likely to me that two BSAs with the same file in the same folder structure wouldn't lead to good things.
  14. Sorry I'm not much for races and beautification mods myself ... anything I know about them is from what I read on here. I'll be traveling the rest of today, so won't have a chance to do any research for you. Maybe someone familiar with those mods will come along.
  15. You are quickly outgrowing this old guy ... soon I'll be asking you for advice! I don't use any graphical improvement mods myself ... my machine in it's current configuration isn't up to the task (I'm stuck with a Geforce 9800 512 MB for video). After downloading it and having a quick look through the folders and files I see there is an ESP (Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp) but I'm not seeing any obvious folder structure that would be used for just that ESP and not the others included with the download (Vegetation, Water and Weather). I did find a mod that is just an OBMM installation script (Natural Environments OBMM installation script) but the download is an EXE and I'm not willing or able to test it (on my non-gaming laptop until later tomorrow). The weather component in Natural Environments is outdated and I've seen recommendations to use Weather - All Natural for that (I think the 'Noob up and running' thread even covers that). My go to guy for advice on things like that is Hickory. He'll know what if any parts from Natural Environments to use, how to get it working and what the better alternatives are. I've always found him approachable and helpful ... errr, hope you don't mind me directing some trade your way Hickory. Another observation I'd like to make regarding the unofficial patch thing ... I don't like leaving little problems hanging while troubleshooting other problems. It will sometimes just cloud the issues you're seeing (so you're not sure if what you're seeing is the old problem being affected by a new problem or just a completely new problem). Be prepared to uninstall the Battlehorn unofficial patch as a troubleshooting step down the road if you run into something that's being difficult to pin down. - Edit - See, and I'm already getting too slow :-)
  16. Loading from a BSA does sometimes suffer from some records not being read. For example I use Alluring Potion Bottles (which changes the world meshes, textures and menu icons for potions). It has it's resources in a BSA. Even with my game running off a well defraged RAID0 (two WD Raptors) I will sometimes get a missed read for the menu icon for user made potions (world model has never been a problem). Another person who had the same problem extracted the BSA (so that the game was using the loose files) and the problem went away for them. It's never bugged me enough to do that myself with that mod ... it's a rather occasional minor problem in my case. I have used that trick while beta testing a mod before and it helped a bit (I was crashing on cell transitions into a cell with a lot of high poly models ... having them uncompressed outside of the BSA helped the cell load complete). I just used OBMM to extract the BSA to a temporary folder and then copy/pasted to my game as done in a manual install. I believe you can also use BSA Commander, but I think I've seen problems reported when using it to extract BSAs.
  17. As I said, I'm no expert on Win 7/8 but I wonder if setting an affinity for a core for the hsmgr.exe may help?
  18. I'm not certain on what may be the problem with the Battlehorn unofficial patch, but it could be a load order situation. This might be a good time to start using BOSS to sort your load order (it would make sure that your Battlehorn unofficial was after your Battlehorn ESP for example ... and anything else it needed to be after). I'm getting the impression that you'll be using some of the more complicated to get running type mods too (not sure what 'MEAT' is for example). It may be a good idea to start getting familiar with Wrye Bash. The Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide can help with that.
  19. Does it go back to working correctly if you uninstall both the KitRae Dynasty and Throne armors (except for the MBP++ and XEOSP++ problem)? If it does work properly without them, add them back in one at a time and test for a return of the problem in between. If that doesn't help then post back here with details about your machine (laptop or desktop, what CPU and video card) and a complete load order list of all your mods and utilities such as OBSE, OBMM or Wrye Bash.
  20. The CS relies on the game to work properly, so the first step is to get the game installed properly. Copy and paste doesn't do a thing to unregister your old game install and register your new game location in the Windows registry. I'm amazed you were able to get anything running at all. Follow the steps outlined in the guide ... especially the registry cleaning step. Your Windows registry will have plenty of bad records. Uninstall, clean registry and then re-install, following Bben46's advice.
  21. Copy and paste are a way to move data files not programs. Have a look through Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure for a guide on doing it the right way.
  22. Here is the top Google hit on it: http://www.file.net/process/hsmgr.exe.html Keep an eye out for any sound problems with it disabled ... it's likely related to your ASUS sound card.
  23. Marketing guys have known the answer to that question for years (more likely centuries) ... sex sells.
  24. Woohoo ... sweet! For future reference on the moving Steam games thing: Moving a Steam Installation and Games (courtesy of Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure).
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