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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Looks like a server issue. I'm sure it will get sorted out. You may want to send a PM to one of the admins concerning that second account you created. Explain why you created it and I'm sure they'll delete it for you no harm no foul (multiple accounts isn't allowed here).
  2. No problem ... I've got your back and you've got mine.
  3. Also check his intelligence in the CS ... he won't use doors/gates if his intelligence is below 30.
  4. Thanks for reporting back with your solution. Glad you got it sorted out.
  5. Quicksave (F5 by default) is a known corrupter of save files. Only use save from the Esc menu (never overwriting a save ... make each save in a new slot) or console named saves, again without overwriting.
  6. May I ask as to your 'saving habits'? By that I mean, are you a quicksaver, an Esc menu saver or a named saver from the console prompt?
  7. Thanks for the comment ... check yer PMs.
  8. I'm not familiar with the 'All Pells Available for Enchanting and Spell Making' but that's where I'd start. Uninstall that mod completely and see if the problem persists (you could try just disabling it first if you want, but disabling leaves all the mods assets still in your Oblivion folder). I'm also not familiar with OOO ... perhaps someone who uses it will know if that could be contributing to the problem. My rule of thumb for installing mods is a simple one. Install one mod at a time and test thoroughly in between adding mods. Makes troubleshooting a trivial affair. - Edit - I noticed your post on the Deadly Reflex mod comments ... is that still installed (and you forgot to list it) or have you uninstalled DR?
  9. Providing you've eliminated the obvious (toggle god mod (tgm) in the console) then we'll need a mod list.
  10. From the UESP Wiki page Resist Paralysis: According to the UESP Wiki on Blade, Blunt and Hand to Hand only the master level perk gets the paralyze power attack bonus (5% chance), expert level is just a 5% chance of knockdown.
  11. Hmm ... not much coming to mind. Does this problem persist if you start a new game now you've replaced your skeleton.nifs?
  12. Not sure if Split Oblivion meshes would help you.
  13. You could try the 'coc center' trick. Open the console (hit the tilde (~) key, right below the Esc key on standard keyboards) and at the console prompt type 'coc center' (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to an open plain with some trees visible in the distance. Using the game wait menu ('t' key unless you've changed it) wait for 72 hours plus a bit (three full days and then a bit more). Open the console and enter 'coc weye' (again no quote marks ... if you know the correct location code for somewhere closer you could use that). You'll be transported to Weye. I suggest you don't fast travel to Lipsand Tarn right away (Chorrol or Nonwyll Cavern if you've discovered it would be alright). By arriving at Lipsand Tarn on foot you'll give whatever scripts etc. that are trying to run a chance to execute.
  14. I don't follow Skyrim or Fallout 3 so I can't give a definite answer there. I believe those games and mods work much better than Oblivion though. Remember how old Oblivion is. Many of the still popular mods haven't been updated in well over two or three years (or longer) ... long before NMM was conceived. Use the tools for each game that work best for that game. For Oblivion that means OBMM, Wrye Bash and it's BAIN installer or manual. You can try installing mods with NMM, but expect to run into plenty of mods that won't install that way. To me it seems like more work figuring out what may or may not install with NMM. Read the install instructions that come with the mod and you'll do fine.
  15. Sounds to me like a mod has replaced your skeleton.nifs. Re-install your skeleton of choice.
  16. In addition to Lanceor's good advice, you will probably need to learn using Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) or manually installing mods. Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) support for installing Oblivion mods is spotty. Generally it can handle simple mods (that would be trivial to install manually for example) but any mods requiring an installation script to select options won't work (a body mod like EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion would be a good example). Start out with simple mods. Install one at a time and test in between. It's a bit confusing at first, but once you learn the jargon and get an idea behind some key concepts installing mods isn't rocket science.
  17. What you are seeing is called the Shade of the Revenant (related to, but not limited to a Mage's guild quest). For more info check out the UESP Wiki article Black Soul Gem.
  18. Grumpf_be and DragonAviator are very active at supporting the mod in the Claudia s little secret The complete story and GOLD EDITION mod comments thread. They will have the complete story for you, but my guess is you won't be able to install with Nexus Mod Manager.
  19. See if BBB DeadlyReflex6UnnecessaryViolenceII CompatibilitySkeleton helps.
  20. I have very limited experience beyond WinXP. I have a non-gaming laptop running Vista (that I keep threatening to toss and install one of my spare copies of XP) and have set up and maintain a few netbooks and one gaming laptop for my grandkids running Win7. In addition to Koroush's guide I have a number of reference volumes on XP but haven't anything similar on Vista/Win7. Part of setting up an XP machine is turning off unneeded services. Because I'm just following a template now it's really just an 'order of execution' thing (which is why I say 'my annotated copy' of the tweak guide). When I troubleshoot I always try one thing at a time and document exactly the steps taken. Makes it easy to find my way back should I suddenly discover I'm lost in the wilderness. Laptops are a bit different than setting up a desktop you've cobbled together from a box of goodies (which is in part what keeps Vista on my own laptop). Manufacturers have made a lot of optimizations to Windows to enhance battery life/performance etc. That alone makes documenting the steps you've taken even more important.
  21. Generally, if you add mods one or two at a time and test thoroughly in between it's a trivial thing to figure out what 'broke' your game. Of course mods that have requirements need to be added together as a group. Crashing on start-up is generally a sign of a missing master. Check your mod's requirements. You should also run BOSS and then build/rebuild your bashed patch (I see it sitting there in the middle of your 'load order', if in fact that is your load order). Seems to me that the DRSplatter.esp was not recommended (search the mod comments for posts by XTudo from a year or more ago, when he was helping out on the mod).
  22. About the only other thing I can think of to suggest is Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide. When I build a new machine the first thing I do after installing Windows is use his TweakGuides Tweaking Companion (I'm still using WinXP and have an annotated hardcopy of the XP guide I've refined over the years). Next is the Nvidia Forceware Tweak Guide. Every build gets that treatment ... it gives me a known starting point. When you're looking through the Oblivion Tweak Guide have a look at the [Graphics Variables] section on the Advanced Tweaking first page. When the first of my current rig's SLI two video cards died I had to redo the steps to force shader model 3.0 ... you may run across a similar thing. Before I thought of that I was really scratching my head. Your problem may be rooted in something simple ... a mismatch between what you are trying to set in the game menus vs what's being forced in your graphics card set up for example.
  23. Sounds like you've made a lot of changes. If you kept a record of those changes you could start rolling them back one at a time until things sort out. If you don't have a record of the changes you'll need to rely on memory. I'd keep a record of what I do in troubleshooting. Having a list to look at may also trigger some other ideas on what to try. I don't have any experience myself with Oblivion Graphics Extender (OBGE) or the like, but I do know that there are certain ways that things need to done (it doesn't generate it's ini file until first run for example). You make no mention of OBGE but you haven't giving us a mod list and it came to mind when you mentioned script extenders. I've never heard of any conflicts between Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) and it's equivalent in Skyrim (SKSE if I've got it right, but I don't have Skyrim myself so I could be wrong).
  24. Did your 'maintenance process' involve updating video drivers? If it did you could try rolling back to the previous version and see if it helps. Have a look through Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure and see if anything mentioned in there flags something you know you didn't do (or did differently) when you re-installed. Another trick is getting the game to create a new Oblivion.ini and re-detect your hardware. Just rename your Oblivion.ini (NOT Oblivion_default.ini) to Oblivionini.old and start the game as far as the menu screen. If your hardware isn't correctly detected you'll likely need to go into the video settings and reselect your preferred settings. Exit the game to the desktop (so that it builds the new Oblivion.ini) and see if that helps. Laptops (even recent ones) and Oblivion weren't really designed for each other. Generally newer laptops will either come with a fairly good video card and a lame CPU or onboard shared memory video with a good CPU. You really need to be a smart researcher with deep pockets if you want a good video card (with dedicated memory) and a good CPU. Expect to pay $400 or $500 dollars more for options that only cost the manufacturer $200, but transform the machine into something worth while. I suppose you were able to run the game before so it should run on the same machine again ... you can tell what my opinion of most laptops for gaming is though. Check your Windows updates installed log and I bet you'll see Microsoft helped you out.
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