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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Have a look at Bben46's wiki article Revert to vanilla data.
  2. I've no experience with the mod so I don't have a clue beyond that one obvious question. Perhaps someone else else will chime in. Have you tried the support link in the mod description?
  3. You aren't trying to use one of the torches from the Namira Daedric quest are you?
  4. From the Weather - All Natural readme (emphasis added): My guess is you either aren't using Wrye Bash or haven't been rebuilding your bashed patch. Have a look at the first seven pictures after the Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide logo shot on the Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide Images tab.
  5. Have you seen the CS Wiki tutorial Landscape LOD Tutorial?
  6. Have a look at Noob up and running.
  7. OBMM is not a very good option for finding and resolving conflicts between mods. Wyre Bash is the tool to use for that. Your problem sounds like it could be a missing master for one of those 'some mods' you've installed. You are learning that adding a bunch of mods at once doesn't 'save time'. Completely uninstall all mods (not just disable) and start again, installing one mod at a time and testing in between. Troubleshooting what mod is causing a problem and finding a solution is trivial when done that way. - Edit - Here's a link to Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure should you decide to truly get off on the right foot this time ... C:\Program Files is not the recommended place to install the game if you expect trouble free modding.
  8. Should be good now ... looks like it was maybe the roll-out of the new notifications system.
  9. The problem is widespread ... see this link.
  10. Here's one person's well documented journey: Nood up and running.
  11. Something to note regarding BSA resources vs 'loose' folders and files (and this is more of a personal opinion than scientifically proven fact, at least based on my own limited research on the subject). I believe a large BSA will be slower to load individual assets than the 'loose' method (same resources and folder structure, just not packed in a compressed format). For example to render a mod added cuirass the game will need to load the mesh NIF and texture and normal DDS files. If those are packed in a BSA the entire BSA must be loaded into memory and the needed files extracted, and then the game can render them. If those files are individually available in their respective folders the needed files are read from disk and the game can render them. I suppose in a perfect world where the entire BSA is contiguous on the disk and the drive is an ultra fast RAID 0, and the machine has RAM in excess of what it requires to run the game, the trade off would likely be negligible. In the real world that is seldom the case. Often the hard drive is a slower low power model (here I'm saying laptop), though 4 GB RAM and more is becoming much more common. To get the game to use more than 2 GB RAM takes some work though (from what I've read, my own machine has just 2 GB RAM total). If the 'read the BSA and use the assets in the game' operation requires the use of the swap file you've introduced another layer of slow down to the process. I never considered this aspect until recently, when I was helping troubleshoot a new mod. I noticed that it seemed much smoother after I'd extracted the BSA and used the 'loose' method for installation. In writing this I've thought of another mod I use that has a BSA in which I notice a definite slowdown when I approach the door. I need to run some more experiments.
  12. You might find something suitable in the FLY series of replacers. Do an Advanced Search with the uploader name as yuravica. Many are adult themed, and in general they are meant to be replacers for the vanilla item. If you find something you like you can always use it as a non-replacer in your own game by creating a new item in the CS.
  13. I'm not saying it's related to your crashing problem, but the DRSplatter.esp isn't recommended. Search through the Deadly Reflex mod comments for some old postings by Xtudo for more info.
  14. I'm afraid the 'how to' part of that is way above my pay grade (I'm better at having 'ideas' than accomplishing much beyond the basic stuff in the CS). Nephenee13 provided the link to Map Marker Overhaul ... I myself would be unlikely to use the proposed mod as, like I said, I seldom refer to the map to find a location I've previously been. Mostly I bring up the quest journal and make whichever quest I decide to work on my current (but that's only if I want to use the quest pointer ... usually my current quest is Companion Vilja, so the quest pointer helps me find where she's hiding). In theory (at least from my limited knowledge point of view) it should be a matter of duplicating what the vanilla marker does times 10 or whatever plus adding the marker label system. You could try posting the idea in Oblivion Mod Requests and perhaps link back to this discussion in your post there.
  15. The member named Umpa has posted quite a few dance and animation mods (e.g. Umpa Disco). - Edit - If you are wanting to make your own animations here's a few links to get you started: Basic Animation Tutorial Blender/Creating a Character Animation Easy Animation Tutorial for Blender English and Spanish
  16. He may not look at this post as it's a bit older and the title doesn't specify 'MMM and Francesco's Leveled Creatures compatibility'. I've found him to be open to PMs ... he is a wealth of knowledge.
  17. First in the console 'setdebugtext 0' (no quotes and that's a zero at the end) and then Enter. Next 'tdt' and Enter (again no quote marks). Close the console and you'll have a display on screen with Game Date & Time, Cell and Map Coordinates, directions etc. Here's a link from the CS Wiki with the complete list of SetDebugText IDs: SetDebugText - UESP Wiki. The complete set of console commands is here: Console - UESP Wiki.
  18. Hickory would be the 'go to' guy for an answer to that.
  19. Do an Advanced Search on Oblivion Nexus with 'umpa' (no quote marks) in the 'Uploader name contains' field.
  20. I'm afraid I don't have any experience with any of the mods in your list beyond HGEC ... maybe someone else will chime in with an idea. Did this start after you added anything in particular?
  21. OK good. After I posted last night I looked in my game at the spells. What the zero is showing is how much magicka it costs to cast the spell (Lesser Power spells are always zero). To see if it is working correctly I have a little 'side game' I like to play. Find a female bandit and kill her. Loot all the armor and clothes from her ... if you leave a weapon she'll use that in the next step, otherwise if you take her weapon too she'll be using hand to hand. Open the console (hit the 'tilde' key, looks like a ~ and is usually found right below the Esc key on standard keyboards, left of the number one). Now using your mouse click on the dead bandit's body. You'll see some numbers come up on the top of the screen beginning with 'ff' ... e.g. ff086cb3. Now type 'resurrect 1', without the quote marks and that's a number one at the end, and then hit Enter. Close the console (hit tilde again) and she'll stand up. Cast the spell and pick a body size. I like to switch my spell to a Convalescence spell to keep her healed while we fight ... I am a friendly type of guy after all. Something else to keep in mind is how the game treats bodies when they are clothed/armored. The clothing or armor 'becomes' the body part it covers. What this means is if your default body size is set to lets say B cup but the clothes and armor default in your game is E cup then all the females will appear to be E cup when clothed or wearing armor. If you kill one and take the clothes/armor she will 'change into' a B cup nude body (or with underwear if that's how you're set up). Now if you cast the Set Body spell on her and change her into a J cup while she's wearing clothes/armor she won't appear to change. Again kill her and strip her and you'll see she's a J cup. Have fun.
  22. I understood that part of it. My point is how would you know which map marker went with which quest/thing you wanted to mark? In the past I have used the single marker. Unless I was using it for the same purpose each time (usually marking the back entrance to Ceyatatar) I wouldn't remember what it was marking. Your wish mod would need a way of attaching a label to the marker as well to have much utility beyond the vanilla game quest markers (the blue marker has no such ability as it sits). I don't know enough about what that would require to comment on doable or not. I guess I've traveled around and done enough quests that I seldom bother with the map much anymore (well except in Blackwood, where one puddle looks like the next). I don't even need to mark Ceyatatar's back door anymore ... can find on the darkest night.
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