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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Oblivion Mod Requests is the section for a question like that JackTownsend. If the mod already exists people will tend to let you know.
  2. By mods I was more speaking about mods like Ashes to Ashes or NPCs Yield (another that comes to mind but I don't use it is Oblivion Graphics Extender). Often mod added ini files will be found in a folder you create (Oblivion\Data\ini in the case of Ashes to Ashes and NPCsYield, however it is possible to put Ashes to Ashes.ini in the Oblivion folder along side Oblivion_default.ini and it still will work ... other mods may also use that location). I wasn't sure how far along your own modding may have progressed but I think my extra detail just unnecessarily confused things. In your case all you need to worry about is the file Oblivion.ini found in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion. I like to rename rather than delete the old ini because having it there to compare to is handy (though having multiple versions hanging around can get confusing ... if you're a packrat like me document the reason for the ini backup with comments at the top of the file, just precede each new line with a semicolon and use Enter to new line rather than allowing wordwrap in Notepad). On modern hardware when you rebuild your Oblivion.ini often the game does a poor job of recognizing your graphics and so will default to low resolution. It's just a matter of getting the settings back to where you had them before and it will be fine.
  3. According to what the CS Wiki says I'd say refID: GetClass. Here's a link to the OBSE Command Documentation (hyperlink to the CS Wiki at each command description).
  4. Here's some UESP Wiki links: Oblivion: Oblivion Gates (follow the map link behind each to get a detailed location map) Oblivion gates map (general overview map)
  5. Your saves should be in a completely different folder than your installed mods. Saves will be found in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves for Win 7. Your mods should be installed in your game install's Oblivion\Data folder. Something to get out of the way right up front is where you have the game installed. If it's the default C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) you may be running into interference from UAC (User Account Control).
  6. That is the way to get a fresh Oblivion.ini (found in your Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion in Vista and Win 7 or Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion for Win XP). The game will create a new one when you start the game (going to the menu screen and then exiting is enough) using the file Oblivion_default.ini that's found in your game install's Oblivion folder (same folder as Oblivion.exe and OblivionLauncher.exe). I'm not sure about BlendSettings.ini and ConstructionSet.ini (if you have the CS installed). I'd leave them alone myself ... actually I always rename Oblivion.ini to Oblivionini.old so it's easy to revert back if an experiment goes awry (or to use as a reference for reapplying the tweaks I know worked). If you have any mod added ini files I'd leave them alone ... often they'll be installed in an 'Ini' folder sub to your Oblivion folder though some can be found in your Oblivion folder.
  7. I like the idea. I agree the last thing needed is another uber house near Weye. While the idea of quest messages would have merit if the shacks were part of the vanilla game I wonder about their need when the user would have downloaded and installed your mod. Unoccupied free to use shacks aren't a feature of unmodded Oblivion. For the adventurous there are already non-respawning containers to be found in the game ... some in cities, some near roads and the occasional one out in the middle of nowhere. Your mod idea would be a welcome addition. Thinking on the container thing, you could name the container (using unique ID containers rather than vanilla). Mods will often have named containers (e.g. Emma's houses mostly all have a container named 'Waste barrel - RESPAWNS' to indicate it's not a safe container). Or you could just rely on the mod description by clearly stating that all containers are non-respawning and safe for storage.
  8. I was wondering about using a variation on the fog already found in the game. It seems to me that a realistic looking effect would have a somewhat gradual drop off in what's visible the farther away it was, something like the fog effect only in this case you'd want the fall off to start closer and drop to zilch faster.
  9. Probably just laziness on where their editor locations are. I see the whole group of them when I first come into Elven Gardens during the day. The only thing that the UESP Wiki says is that some were intended to have wander packages in Talos Plaza some days, but because of the order their packages are listed their default wander takes precedence (fixed by the UOP). If I think of it that's something I'll maybe check in the CS next time I'm poking around in it.
  10. According to the UESP Wiki none are involved in any vanilla game quests. Elven Gardens will seem pretty empty without them though.
  11. Does your computer monitor (LCD) have a DVI input? If so you may have better luck on DVI ... it's 'old school' digital, no DRM stuff to interfere with the digital signal. I've got a couple of 19" CRT computer monitors laying around unused. I'm not sure I could ever go back to a non-wide screen format, plus after years of being spoiled by my 24" 1980 x 1200 I think the 19" would look small. I can't imagine how much desk space a 24" CRT would take up ... the 19" took up all available space.
  12. I can't see OBSE being the root of the problem ... more likely one of those more recently added mods. Your idea of moving your saves out of the Oblivion\Saves folder is a good one. Having a large number of saves in your saves folder slows the game menus etc down. I have a backup folder outside of all the game folders that I use. As soon as I notice the menus getting a bit slower to open I clean house (I'm a packrat, so I don't delete much of anything, just move it around). If I'm understanding you correctly your game works fine after the re-install with no mods. It sounds like you added all your old mods (including the more recently added mods) and then the same thing happened. You removed the more recent mods and it still wouldn't work. It could be that the more recent mods are making changes that only re-installing is able to undo. What I would do is re-install the game using Bben46's wiki article as a guide, confirm good operation with just vanilla Oblivion. Then I would install OBSE and OBMM, again confirming good operation between. In OBMM use the Utilities button and Archive Invalidation to set BSA Redirection. Leave all the other options at their default values and close OBMM (it doesn't actually make any changes until it closes ... it doesn't have a 'save' button). BSA Redirection is a do once and forget about it solution to archive invalidation and is the recommended method these days. Next you have a choice to make. Either add all your old mods and confirm good operation with them but none of the more recently added mods (which should in theory work, but if it fails you're back to the re-install the game step), and then add your more recent mods one at a time and test thoroughly in between (and when it breaks you may need to go back to the re-install the game step, this time a little wiser). The other more conservative option is to add your mods one at a time, testing in between. If it's a long list that could take quite some time. The other option I considered but I'm not sure it will have much value in troubleshooting is adding just the more recently added mods to the working vanilla game. About the only thing that would prove though is whether or not they are compatible with the vanilla game (information that may be more easily acquired by reading through the mod comments for the mods in question). The other aspect that makes this option less useful is that if the game runs fine with all the more recent mods you still won't have a short list of what the conflict is with your old mods.
  13. TheMastersSon are you running a CRT monitor or an LCD? The reason I ask is that pretty well all of the LCD monitors I'm aware of are locked at 60Hz refresh rate ... could be the source of your problem when using vsync.
  14. What you'd be looking for is an early version BBBed skeleton, most likely found by looking through some of the old original BBBed armor/clothing mods (they often included a skeleton file in their download). I know I've seen some in my perusing and installing ... if I run into one I'll pop in a link. The other option might be to 'personalize' one of the modern skeletons, removing the extra bones you don't want. I'm not sure how that might go with some of the newer BBBed armor/clothes that use some of those deleted bones ... you may be inventing a new version of 'boobs to infinity'.
  15. I'm an old Win XP dinosaur, so I'm not sure the same trick works on Win 7 or Vista, but what I've done is created a desktop shortcut and then set that to prompt for my administrator account password. On Win XP just right click the shortcut, select 'Properties' and then on the 'Shortcut' tab click the 'Advanced' button. In the dialogue that comes up select 'Run with different credentials'. When I doubleclick the desktop shortcut it brings up a dialogue to select the account to 'Run as' ... I use the default administrator account, but any administrator level account will do. Windows 7 and Vista introduced the additional complication in getting modded games to run called UAC (User Account Control). If you're just getting started with Oblivion and mods you want to make sure you didn't install to the default location C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86). UAC 'protects' that directory and will cause no end of headaches for you when you start adding mods to the game. Better to get started on the right foot right off the bat. Follow the instructions in Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure to get the game properly moved to C:\Games\Oblivion. Don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install if you use the Steam version of the game, and don't skip the registry cleaning step ... it's important. It seems a lot of work but trust me it will pay dividends down the road when you start installing mods. The vanilla game runs fine in the default location. It isn't until you try adding mods that UAC rears it's ugly head to 'protect' you from yourself.
  16. Another of my favourites is fore's excellent NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer. Coupled with the appropriate BBBed stock armor replacers you'll look forward to fighting female bandits ... heck you can even give them a little console lovin' and 'resurrect 1' them (after you've looted of course) for a more interesting 'round 2'.
  17. If you don't understand the files and folders that the game requires all the options presented in the extracted download for HG EyeCandy Body by RAIAR and Madcat221 can be quite overwhelming (I know it was for me when I first started installing mods). You can't simply drop the folders from the extracted archive into your game's Data folder. You need to pick the body options you want from the screenshots folder, locate the appropriate files in either the nude or underwear folder and then get them to the correct folder structure in the game's Data folder. Even for me there are plenty of opportunities to make a mistake while doing it. The best advice is to go with the more modern equivalent EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion. It comes as an OMOD, which will present you with options and then install the appropriate files. Downside to that is you will need to get Oblivion mod manager installed and working first. The upside is that EVE comes with the proper HGEC clothing and armor replacer so you won't get the ugliness that results from using the HGEC body with the vanilla clothing and armor. EVE also has a manual install option, but it adds the extra layer of complication of needing to find and install the correct clothing/armor files along with the body files. Manual install is possible with either, you just need to get your head around the file names and folder structure the game requires. The body will need to be located in Oblivion\Data\meshes\characters\_male and will require one file from the optional and common folders named femalefoot.nif, femalehand.nif, femalelowerbody.nif and femaleupperbody.nif. If you download and examine the manual install version of EVE you'll see similar options for the body and then folders for the options in clothing and armor. Folder structure and file names are hard coded into the game ... if you don't give it what it wants it won't work, simple as that. I like to create a folder I name 'Installed' and then create the full games folder structure within that folder (so the full folder structure would be Installed\Oblivion\Data\meshes\characters\_male in my working folder, located in a temporary folder outside of the games folders, in my case on the drive I download mods to). Get everything copied to the proper folders in your 'Installed' folder, recheck your work and then it's a simple right click and copy on the 'Data' folder in 'Installed\Oblivion\Data' and then paste in my game's Oblivion folder (always paste into one level higher than you copy ... if you don't get the message about there already being a folder of that name you're doing it wrong).
  18. You are well on your way to having a diverse Cyrodiil. A couple of points to keep in mind. In the game the clothing or armor worn 'becomes' the body part it covers. If you have for example the HGEC E-cup installed all naked women will be E-cup. If clothed with H-cup clothes those same women will appear as H-cup while clothed and E-cup while naked. Cast the 'Set Body' spell on her while clothed and set her to AA-cup and she'll continue to appear as H-cup while wearing an H-cup top but will be AA-cup when naked. The point I'm making is that you only need to cast the spell on women who you will get naked (a bandit you'll be killing and stripping for example). This leads me to my tip. Download and install different cup sized clothing replacers and you'll get some variety at minimal expense in setting it up. The only caveat is make sure your replacers are HGEC compatible or texture weirdness will result (odd looking hands and arms/legs when 'bare skin' is part of the clothing/armor). I use selected parts from BBB H-cup Stock and a C-cup replacer that has unfortunately been pulled from the site (not sure why). I also use a few from the FLY series (search on the uploader name yuravica). If I want an NPC to wear something from a non-replacer mod I'm not above console killing them, taking their existing clothing/armor and adding the stuff I want them to have. Then I console 'resurrect 1' them and they go on their merry way.
  19. I believe Drake's advice would only apply if you were trying to use the Oblivion Construction Set to add the clothing to the CM Partners and Trade and Commerce NPCs. If you are trying to do all this in-game it's a different story. First for the CM Partners you would use their 'Share' menu option, which opens up their inventory menu just like they were a container. The problem in getting them to wear what you'd like them to wear is because they'll wear whatever they consider is the 'best' piece they have in their inventory if they have more than one piece to chose from. The other problem can arise if you want them to put on something that is rigged to the tail or amulet slot (tail is a problem to get to work and they'll wear amulet slot only if they don't have any other amulets ... same as the 'best' problem). Simplest way to deal with CM Partners is strip them of everything and only give them what you want them to wear. If they still won't wear it while in following mode it is probably a slot related issue (in other modes they may not wear armor, for example when relaxing while split up). Second, how were you trying to get the Trade and Commerce NPC to use the clothes? If that NPC doesn't have a 'share' menu like the CM Partners you could use a mod that opens up a 'share and recruit' menu on normal NPCs or use the console to remove their current clothes and add the ones you want. The problem with the second method is finding the proper base ID for the mod added clothes for use with the 'additem' console command (or the 'removeitem' command, if they are wearing custom clothes added by Trade and Commerce). I find using the Construction Set and creating a new item the easiest way there, but that may be more than you care to do.
  20. I'm going to assume that Waalx Animals and Creatures comes as a premade OMOD, hence it isn't readily apparent what files the mod includes. You can use OBMM to extract the files and folders from the OMOD to a folder (make sure you create that folder outside of any of your game's folders). Look at the details for any skeleton.nif files included in the extracted Waalx OMOD and compare those to what you have installed in the corresponding game folders (date and size in bytes, not size on disk are the tell tales you'll be looking for). If you find the game's installed files aren't the same as the ones that came with Waalx (because a later mod has overwritten the Waalx files) then copy the currently installed files to a new backup folder (again outside of the game's folders) and then overwrite the files with the ones that you found in the Waalx extracted OMOD. If that solves your problem and doesn't create any new ones you can safely delete the backed up files (I'd wait a good while though to be sure ... they don't take up much space and give you a fall back position). If that doesn't help you can overwrite the Waalx files with the ones you backed up.
  21. If it's not C drive then UAC shouldn't be an issue as far as I know, even if your other drive has a folder Program Files. If the vanilla game ran fine then all I can suggest is revert to vanilla, install OBMM and OBSE and confirm good operation. Then add mods one at a time or in related groups, testing in between. Here's a link to Bben46's wiki Revert to vanilla data.
  22. You didn't install the game to C:\Program Files on the new machine did you? Not a good plan if you are also running Windows 7 now and wish to use mods.
  23. I figured as much. My only suggestion is that a lot of the older mod armor is available as non-BBBed (in fact you normally need to install the old non-BBB version and then replace the cuirass nif with the BBBed version). Have a look through the listed 'required' mods in Saayas BBB Compilation for example (you of course wouldn't be installing Saaya's BBBed version but using the list as a source of sexy armor links). The other option useful with newer stuff that doesn't have a non-BBBed equivalent is to learn how to un-BBB stuff yourself using NifSkope and/or Blender (something outside of my ability).
  24. If you do decide to experiment with Universal Skeleton Nif I suggest the ControlableSkeleton version rather than the TotalControlableSkeleton version. The total version has scalable bones that will only add to your load and is only required for mods that specifically require that version. I can't say that I think it will help in your case as the universal version adds quite a few bones to the Coronerra's version (tail and wings etc.). Switching between them is as simple as swapping a couple of files so it's worth a try. Are you basing your assessment that the skeleton is at fault by comparing to performance when you use the vanilla skeleton?
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