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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I saw that you weren't getting an answer to your question on the DR thread so I PMed someone who might know. Here's a quote with their answer: My take on that answer is that it will take some knowledge and tweaking to do, and you may need to give up some of one or the other's features to achieve compatibility. Sorry I can't be of more help, I don't use either mod.
  2. Well if having BBB means you're a pervert you're in good company (take a look through the Top 100 and you will certainly find lots of BBB stuff). You need a BBB enabled skeleton, such as Universal Skeleton Nif (use the Controlable Skeleton not the Total Controlable Skeleton unless you know for certain you need the Total Controlable for a certain mod, and then also understand the limitations of that option and how to work around them). You will need a BBB enabled body, such as EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (keep in mind if you download any clothing/armor mods that they will need to be compatible, and BBB enabled as well ... providing you want to have bouncy bits). Then you'll need BBBed animations to get the game using all those bouncy bits. I recommend NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer. You can look through the optional folders in NoMaaM for the walk used in the video or go with Sensual Walks for Female NPCs. Keep in mind with replacer type mods the installation order matters ... I believe you'd want to install NoMaaM and then Sensual, but I don't use Sensual Walks myself. Then final piece to the puzzle is something called archive invalidation. To get the game to use the new resources (animations, meshes etc.) you need to get it to look for and use resources with a newer date. The simplest, most common way to do that is using Oblivion Mod Manager. Click the 'Utilities' button and then select 'Archive Invalidation'. Select 'BSA Redirection' (without changing any of the other options) and then close OBMM (it doesn't commit it's changes until you close it, and has no 'Save' option). A fun way to test if everything is working is go find a female bandit. After you've killed her and looted all wearable items from her inventory open the console (using the tilde (~) key, found below the Esc key on standard keyboards) and then click on her dead body with the mouse. You should see the bandit's referenceID at the top of the screen. Type 'resurrect 1' (without the quotes and that's a number one at the end) and hit Enter. Close the console (hit tilde again) and she'll stand up and be ready to fight you again. Take your time killing her and enjoy the show.
  3. The game doesn't use modern hardware to it's advantage. Things like the 4 Gb patch can help on the RAM usage front, but there's not much can be done to make this old game use multi-core processors. What Oblivion wants is a fast processor, which goes against the grain of modern developments on the CPU front. Pretty well any decent modern video card offers all the game will ever use, but more video memory (like you have) will allow things like Quarls, OBGE and antialiasing. As far as I know the obse_loader calls Oblivion.exe and injects it's extra code so I think you'd apply the 4 Gb patch to Oblivion.exe only, but there may be other's with a more definitive answer to that question. Something to keep in mind on the performance front is that this game is an RPG not a FPS title. It's still playable if you dip down below that 30 fps magic mark, where a lot of FPS players would be getting antsy if they dip below 60 fps. Oblivion is more about enjoying the nice scenery and then "Oh sh*t" when you get jumped by a bandit or two. Frames per second can become an issue when you start adding overhaul mods that put a lot more enemies into the game, but you'll seldom see more then a couple at once in the vanilla game's outdoor areas, and dungeons and ruins aren't as taxing for the system (and in some of those you don't have to work too hard to get a handful or more of enemies to fight at once when you're not careful).
  4. One of my pet peeves with Wrye Bash is that the documentation is hard to locate before you install it, and the download page here at least has diddly for installation advice. It is a program with particular requirements (install order and version for Python for example) as well as different 'flavours' now being available (standalone, self installer etc.), something that was developed at least in part due to the number of people who had problems installing in the past (it always flabbergasted me why a simple step by step install procedure couldn't be included on the download page ... you had to search through countless forum postings looking for anything of that ilk). Anyway, enough Bash bashing. For graphics improvements I like to point people towards Nitefox98's Noob up and running, a very well documented journey. The Wrye Bash section on Wrye Musings and alt3rn1ty's Wyre Bash Pictorial Guide are my choices for WB. If you let me keep you bogged down with links to follow you'll never actually need to play the game. :tongue: - Edit - Bben46 is one of the moderators here ... he posted on comment on this thread back at post #21.
  5. Here's a link to Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure. Don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam installation. Also don't skip the registry cleaning step ... it's important. I could be confused, but I get the impression from you posts that you're trying to use the disk version of the game with the Steam versions of the DLCs. Not sure how that would work out.
  6. Take heart, you're not alone. I don't learn anything from getting something right first try. My mistakes are my most valuable resource (and it always amazes me that people here will let me borrow theirs). If you do decide to completely uninstall the whole game, and not just the mods, Bben46 has posted a wiki article that will help: Oblivion reinstall procedure. Don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam installation (if you use the Steam version of the game), and also the part about registry cleaning (it's also important). He also has a Revert to vanilla data you may find helpful.
  7. Have a look at Emma's posts in the Vilja mod comments thread ... post #4890 and post #4903.
  8. LOL ... wait until you retire and everyday's a weekend. Nephenee13 is offering sound advice. Consider the suggestion around Wrye Bash as well. I don't use it myself as I found it quite intimidating when I first started out (I'm a researcher, along with being a dinosaur). In my case, my rather modest expectations for the game haven't pushed me into territory that required WB (most commonly the need for a bashed patch ... that's how you get conflicting mods to work together). My impression of you however leads to my seconding Nephenee13's suggestion. Something I was thinking of adding last night before i finally dragged myself off to bed ... you do realize that at some point you're going to have to break down and actually play the game. You don't want to start resembling Bben46's sig.
  9. Ahh ... you're wanting to cut your teeth on the hard stuff. Read carefully and don't get discouraged. On a side note, you've put in a full day on this ... trying to pull more hours on here than me??
  10. In addition to what LFact has outlined, something you need to be aware of is the body you have when unclothed is not necessarily what you'll see when wearing clothing or armor. In the game the piece of clothing/armor 'becomes' the body part it covers. As an example, if you had a female character with B-cup breasts when unclothed and then put an H-cup shirt on her she'll have H-cup while clothed. A related thing is the different type of bodies that are available. Some are compatible with one another as far as textures are concerned and some aren't (example, if you had a Roberts female body and then used HGEC clothing you'll get weird texture anomolies). Learn to read the mod descriptions and eventually it will start to make sense. Then you'll decide you want a better looking face and open up a whole new world of hurt on your poor head (I still tell myself the vanilla faces look fine to me ... I've read through enough 'face tales of woe' to know I don't really need to go there).
  11. So your first troubleshooting step is deactivate your most recent additions: ... and see if the game runs. If it does then reactivate those one at a time and test thoroughly before adding another. If the first batch still don't allow you to run then start deactivating the rest. If you are faced with that scenario something you might try is completely uninstalling that first batch of mods before moving onto the next bunch of mods (when a mod is deactivated the game still loads it's assets (nif files, kf files etc) and those could be causing your problem). You are learning the hard way that it doesn't save time to install a whole bunch of mods at one time. If you add one mod at a time (or when necessary a related group of mods) and then your game stops working it's a pretty trivial matter to figure out which mod broke things. Just as a point of reference for you, have a look through the last 5 pages of comments on the Deadly Reflex mod comments thread ... it's not an easy mod for fairly experienced people to get working (and I'm certain if I looked through MAO and DMC I'd find more of the same). This doesn't mean you shouldn't try to use them ... it means you're going to need to put in a fair amount of effort and perseverance to get them working, and also to get them working together. A lot of mods conflict with one another (sometimes you even have to pick just one or the other). If you for instance got MAO working good on it's own and then things went bust when you added DR to the mix you could post on the DR thread and ask if MAO and DR can be used together, and if so how to get them working together. When you can say "My game worked OK with this mod list and then when I added this one more I'm having this problem" it gives the 'helpers' a defined problem to troubleshoot. My own game doesn't include any of your mods, but my gut says that you will probably not have much luck getting MAO, DMC, DR and Seph's all working together (they're all trying to change the same things). Maybe with Wrye Bash and a carefully crafted bashed patch ... I don't know that for sure though.
  12. Here's links to the various resources I use for character planning the old fashioned (i.e. dinosaur) way: Oblivion Character Creation Oblivion Character Planner Oblivion CC
  13. What little research I've done on Medieval weapons (mostly following links that were posted on the threads discussing things like the flails etc. and then getting lost in Wiki/Google land) impressed me with one thing ... cheap weapons wielded by little more than peasants were often quite effective against the 'state of the art' weapons used by the rich (a case of 'real world balancing', not necessarily a good thing for game world/game play balancing granted).
  14. BOSS - Better Oblivion Sorting Software ... there you go, fresh off the Top 100 list (currently riding at #14).
  15. If it was my machine and I found myself where you are now I'd go right back to basics. Uninstall the game and clean up all traces that it was ever on the machine (Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure is a good resource for that). Then install only those things that came from official Bethesda sources (game + official patches + DLCs ... no multi-monitor stuff, no game pad stuff, no unofficial anything). Then I'd confirm that the vanilla game runs stable without any issues. If I found any issues I'd address them before proceeding one step further. Then I would add OBSE (because down the road I'd need it) and either OBMM or NMM (though I've never even laid eyes on NMM it's bound to have continuing support and development, something that OBMM lacks). When that is confirmed working as it should (hard to do with no mods installed, but at least when I'd installed and the game still runs) I'd get the UOP and UOMP installed and no problems (if I chose to run the UOP and UOMP that is). Then I'd look at my multi-monitor and game pad stuff. Even without the UOP and UOMP the game is playable. Ya there's some things that could be better with quests, but if you don't mind doing a bit of research on the UESP Wiki first you can avoid all the vanilla quest breaking pitfalls without the UOP or UOMP. It all comes down to what kind of game experience you expect vs what kind of game experience your current setup can deliver.
  16. Something that I use to keep my two characters save games/mod lists separate (that was also very easy to install and learn how to use) is Multiple Oblivion Manager - MOM. It's also very useful for things like having a separate Oblivion install for testing mods etc.
  17. I'd have a look at the manual install version and see if there's an option to install it without the TES4LODGen 3.0.15 Experimental script, but Fonger will know far more about this than I could possibly know (if I don't use the UOP I guess you can kinda' figure out the possibility of me using the UOMP).
  18. I just had a look at the Unofficial Mods Patch and see it has three files for different styles of installation (don't worry Fonger ... search hates me too, I have the UOP and now the UOMP links saved in a text file). Which of the three possible methods did you try Stemin? - Edit - Just read through some of the mod description and this caught my eye: - Edit 2 - If anyone can help get to the bottom of this Fonger's got to be near the top of the list (look at the credits section of the UOMP description).
  19. The only thing that came to mind to ask with your original post was did your mod list work at some point and then stop working (i.e. did you add a mod or mods and then it stopped) or is this a list of mods you added all at once and it doesn't work (a commonly seen problem)?
  20. No need to start a new thread unless you think having that question under the Tech forum would help get it seen more (to my thoughts, since the release of Skyrim all of the categories here on the Oblivion forum get scrutinized pretty closely by the few who continue to frequent the Oblivion forum ... not so much traffic these days). Are you saying that with just a vanilla game plus DLCs, plus OBSE plus OBMM running correctly you are still getting the error when you try to install the UOP?
  21. First make sure you have Oblivion Script Extender installed correctly. In Windows Explorer you should see the files obse_1_2_416.dll, obse_editor_1_2.dll and obse_loader.exe all located in your game install's Oblivion folder (not in Oblivion\Data). Right click your desktop shortcut and select 'Properties'. In the Properties dialogue that opens find the 'Target' field and single left click directly in front of the 'O' in 'OblivionLauncher.exe'. Delete that part and put in 'obse_launcher.exe' (without the single quote marks I've used here, but leaving the double quote (") at the end of the line). Click the 'Apply' button and then 'OK'. Now when you double click your desktop icon it will launch the game using the obse_launcher (you should see two small black windows open and then close and then you'll be presented with the game menu screen). The 'Data Files' that I mentioned is the way the vanilla unmodded game allows you to select which mods you want activated after you've installed them in the game's Oblivion\Data folder. If you select 'Oblivion' from your Windows Start button it will bring up the vanilla game launcher, which presents you with a small sized dialogue with 'Play', 'Data Files', 'Options', 'Exit' etc. as possibilities (this is the same dialogue that you'll see if you insert the DVD and you have autorun enabled for your DVD/Bluray drive). You can activate or deactivate installed mods using that dialogue's 'Data Files' option, but don't use the 'Play' option from that menu after you have installed OBSE. As Fonger points out you can use either OBMM or Nexus Mod Manager to activate mods as well, it's just not my preference. My advice would be to get the vanilla game (patched to 1.2.0416 showing in the bottom left of the game menu screen) with only the official DLCs, OBSE and OBMM installed and running and go through the tutorial dungeon. Just before you exit the tutorial dungeon (at the part where you can first see the sewer exit in the distance, before you make your final character changes) make a save that you can then use if you ever start a new character (and don't want to redo the entire tutorial). Exit the sewer and make your way to the Imperial City Market District (one of the more taxing areas for you computer, especially during the daylight when there's lots of NPCs wandering around). If all is well make another save there (handy for testing out mods). Then start adding the UOP etc. one at a time, testing with your testing save in between (if you want to do a good test after loading the testing save where you're in the IC Market take a quick stroll out to the Chestnut Handy Stables and beyond). If you do one at a time and things break it's pretty easy to say what caused the break. I've never installed the UOP myself (though I do recommend it a lot) because my original character was seriously addicted to permanent bound armor, a glitch exploit that the UOP 'fixes' and I haven't gotten around to adding to my new guy's game yet. I also don't have any experience with the 4Gb patch, as I'm running a Win XP box with only 2 Gb of RAM. Another thing, the one mod at a time advice applies to regular mods too (armor, clothing, quests, gameplay changes etc.). - Edit - I think my above advice still covers everything even after your previous comment's edit. And yes, all of the various flavours of UOP are just fixing what Bethesda didn't bother fixing themselves ... not user added mods.
  22. I could be misinterpreting, but I take it from your post that you added the unofficial patch, the unofficial patch upgrade, the unofficial official mod patch, obmm, boss and OBSE all in one fell swoop (i.e. all at once). It's always better to install one thing at a time, and test thoroughly in between ... makes troubleshooting much easier. You're running the disk version of the game, so you do realize you'll need to start the game using obse_loader.exe, not the original OblivionLauncher.exe. Simpliest way to do that is edit your desktop shortcut. OBMM's game launcher is supposed to detect that you have OBSE installed and change it's launching behavior (if I'm not mistaken), but I'm Mr. OldSchool and only use it for OBMM things and launch the game from my desktop shortcut. The downside of that is it now doesn't bring up the game launcher screen that gives access to 'Data Files' for activating mods. For that I use the unaltered shortcut off my Start button (which still uses OblivionLauncher.exe) to activate mods (I'm also Mr. ManualInstall, a true dinosaur through and through). If I have a brain cramp and hit Play from the launcher after I've used it to activate a mod I get the crash you describe. All just part of my wonderfully complicated way of playing.
  23. Also keep in mind that the Armor Rating caps out at 85 points. You can add all the AR you want above 85 and it will only have psychological value (and I find that 85 AR isn't that hard to achieve in the vanilla game).
  24. Here's a direct link to the post I was talking about. Here's a link to the first page of mod comments. I decided to have a look through myself ... have a look at post #33, post 37 & 39, post #43 & 44 and post # 46 (if you only follow one link, follow this one).
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