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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Thank you for the reply JDFan. As I mentioned in the PM I've sent you, if 'Striker's Great Mod' ever happens I will be sure to give you credit and notification that I'm using your assets. Until then rest assured that I will enjoy using your great katanas in my own personal version of Tamriel. - Edit - Striker's Tamriel now has two nice new katanas thanks to JDFan.
  2. One thing you don't specifically mention in your quest to get Ring of Console working is installing Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE). It won't work without it.
  3. To expand a little on the point that DrakeTheDragon raised, make sure you have archive invalidation enabled. On the right side of the OBMM window click the 'Utilities' button and then select 'Archive Invalidation'. In the dialogue that opens make sure that the 'BSA Redirection' radio button is selected (no need to touch any of the other check boxes etc.). Close the Archive Invalidation dialogue and then close OBMM (this last part is important because OBMM doesn't have a 'Save' option ... it doesn't actually make any changes to your game until you close it).
  4. From the UESP Wiki walkthrough for the Cheydinhal Recommendation: Either this or using Nephenee13's suggestion of 'kill' should work (with Vidkun's refID displayed at the top of the console screen). If you decide to go the add the ring to your inventory route Vidkun's body will disappear in 3 days.
  5. Did you read through the Bugs section of the UESP Wiki for Anvil Recommendation. As with most quests there are a number of 'gotchas'.
  6. Another thing I avoid is reloading a previous save without exiting to the desktop (based on something I read, but not widely known as the quicksave thing). I know in your case it may not always be the preferred path, but another thing to keep in mind and in your toolbox.
  7. The vanilla game will display at least 8 (check out the Ring of Perfection refID 00098446).
  8. @ JDFan ... I'd be interested if you ever decided to release those katanas ... they are some seriously sweet looking pieces! If you don't want to go through the bother of releasing them as a mod (which I would totally understand) I can PM you my email ... I'll get them into my game, no worry.
  9. If your manual saves are made on progress that started with a quicksave then yes. Your saves are just another layer of 'changes' to the default original state of the game (kinda' like an esp is changes to the state of the esm it depends on). In my own game it took a while of using only manual or console saves before I gained stability. My theory is I had to wait until the unstable parts of the save got buried by more relevant data from newer saves (eventually the game must mostly ignore old stuff ... sure you exited the sewers and then killed that crab, but heck, you're the Champion of Cyrodiil now). Instead of having a 'quicksave twitch' you need to develop a 'healing spell twitch' (or have healing potions hot-keyed). I mapped the 'Back' button on my mouse to cast spells along with the default 'c' key ... has saved my butt many a time.
  10. Until now I've never noticed either ... and on my old guy I closed 60 Oblivion gates (my new guy is only up to 10 gates, and just level 12 so he won't run across any for 9 levels).
  11. I can explain on the archive invalidation issue. There have been several methods used over the years to get the game to recognize and use replacements for the vanilla resources that came with the game. Those vanilla resources are packed in the BSA files you'll see in your game's Oblivion\Data folder. They are compressed (similar to .zip or .7z) and within the compressed archive there is a folder structure that coincides with the folder structure hardwired into the game engine. Archive invalidation is the method of instructing the game to use resources outside of it's BSA files. There have been various ways of achieving that over the years. Today's recommended method is called BSA Redirection. If you click on the 'Utilities' button on the right of Oblivion Mod Manager's (OBMM) window you'll see an option in the list 'Archive Invalidation'. That will bring up the dialogue where you can chose an archive invalidation method. Make sure the 'BSA Redirection' radio button is selected and leave the other check boxes etc. as they were. Close the Archive Invalidation dialogue and then close OBMM. You'll notice that OBMM doesn't have a save button or menu item. It saves when the program is closed, so it's important to close OBMM after you have used it for anything before you start your game (I don't recommend using the 'Launch Oblivion' button to start the game ... but then again I am an old school dinosaur). The only thing in your mod list that I notice is that you are using Natural Weather. I have no personal experience, but Hickory (one of the local experts, who has been absent for quite some time now ... where are you old buddy, hope you're well) always advised to use Weather - All Natural instead (his reasoning was Natural Weather was old, buggy and unsupported vs Weather - All Natural is more current and supported). - Edit - One other thing that came to mind ... never follow a mods recommendation to unzip a download directly into your game's Data folder. Always decompress the download into either a temporary folder or named folder (I use a named subfolder in my OblivionDownloads folder I created). That way you can examine the files and folders it includes and compare to your game install, checking for file overwrites. To install use the copy and paste manual method. The other alternative is to use Wyre Bash's BAIN installation method. It's intelligent enough to warn you of any overwrites, and will keep track of what is overwritten and restore the previous if you ever uninstall the offending mod in the future.
  12. Do you use quicksave? After I found out that quicksave is a known corrupter of save files I started using only save from the Esc menu or the save command from the console. I wasn't getting corrupted saves so much as frequent CTD. It took a while but those same saves are what I was loading to continue my old character, who is now well over 1200 hours (and this all happened back around 400 or 500 hours).
  13. Have a close look at this shot from the UESP Wiki. Either the person who posted the shot had the same problem as you or it an endemic problem. All of the other Dremora mage pictures show ungloved hands. If someone looked at the vanilla BSAs I'll bet there's a missing texture for the Makynaz mage hands.
  14. I haven't done this quest in a long time. A look through the UESP Wiki walkthrough for The Siren's Deception shows a quest chock full of ways to break it (and not all fixed by the UOP). I wonder if this situation fits you (emphasis added):
  15. Here's a link that should help get you started: How to post a load order for Oblivion.
  16. Rivelle's latest update gives the option of installing HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12 without the included animation files (unless there were some included that you wanted of course). If a mod that includes animations also includes an esp and those animations do not go in the default location for animations (Data\meshes\characters\_male and/or Data\meshes\characters\_male\specialanims) it should be OK to play safe with replacer mods. It's alright if it has it's own folders as subfolders of Data\meshes\characters\_male (i.e. Data\meshes\characters\_male\JoesCoolAnimMod\*.kf). If it has an esp but still puts it's animation files in Data\meshes\characters\_male it will work out the same as a replacer mod. The rule there of course is "He who is last installed wins". That's when install order is paramount. I'm a mix and matcher for animations. I always extract the 7z file to it's own named subfolder of my OblivionDownloads directory so I can examine the folders structure and files included with any mod. If the mod is only available as an OMOD I extract the OMOD to a folder so I can check out the contents. You'd be surprised at how many times I find a skeleton.nif or .kf file that isn't mentioned in the mod description or readme. Something gets overwritten on my machine I'm the guy deciding what, where and when. I'm sure that Nephenee13 will advise using BAIN to install the mods. If you don't want to go old school it is the best choice for what you are wanting to do. It will alert you to the overwrites and allow you to chose which file wins (kinda' like what I do only in a perhaps more elegant fashion). Wyre Bash will allow you to chose which mod wins where there are conflicts to the .esps trying to change the same thing (something that my method would require firing up the Construction Set and getting your hands dirty). There will certainly be plenty of conflicts in what you propose.
  17. Eiries ... Google was my friend and you now are too!! Your second suggestion did the trick. Thank you. :thumbsup:
  18. I already use electrro's BBB Designer Body Spell. I agree that it has a 'manga' look about it. I have a few manga variations I've scrounged here and there but it isn't one of them (I replace the bodies I don't use in electrro's mod with some of my 'scrounged' ones). I don't have thumpthing's version ... I'll download and have a look through it. Thanks for looking, but shouldn't you be working on school stuff (just kidding ... I'll tell my granddaughter the same thing when she texts me from school).
  19. I do believe you are 100% correct on the shoulder pads part ragegamer ... unfortunately, for me at least, the part I was more curious about is ... errmm ... below the shoulder pads area (LFact kinda' has me figured out ... the body looks similar to Light GUTS to my eye, but the breast shape is definitely different than any variants I have found).
  20. Other Steam games and Oblivion for Steam don't have a problem with UAC until you start adding mods. Perhaps newer games (like modern regular programs) have ways of letting UAC know it's OK for changes to be made to it's executable and in it's install folder. Oblivion was designed and coded long before Microsoft dreamed up UAC. Here's a link to Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure. Don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam installation, and also don't miss the part about registry cleaning (it is important). - Edit - Also make sure you are using the Steam install instructions for OBSE ... they are different than the regular version instructions.
  21. The only dragon stuff I'm aware of is DrakeTheDragon's Drakes Anthro-Dragon Race WIP pre-beta releases. The 'WIP' stands for 'work in progress' and 'pre-beta' means 'still has a number of fairly serious bugs to work out/problems to solve'. There are seven videos (see the little 'play' icon near the right above 'Description'. Have a look and see if this is what you've seen.
  22. Hmm ... guess I should rephrase that then. Anyone know the armor mod shown in Skagg's post?
  23. I don't think our tastes coincide. I downloaded this mod so I could give a step by step installation guide. I mostly use some home mods and Companion Vilja (well and Packdonkeys is a must have for me too). Other than that it's some replacers for vanilla animations, clothes and a couple of vanilla armors.
  24. If I can step in for Nephenee13, the BOSS team updates it's masterlist frequently, whenever a new mod is reported to them. They determine what tags will be useful for Wyre Bash to use when building a bashed patch (along with finding and reporting dirty edits, outdated esps etc.).
  25. You likely didn't do a registry cleaning after uninstalling Oblivion when you did your re-install. Here's a link to Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure. Don't miss the link near the top about moving your Steam folder if you are using the Steam version of the game, and don't skip the registry cleaning step. Your saves will be untouched, and they are just fine remaining where the game stores them (in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves for Win 7).
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