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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Here you go ... well provided you use a compatible body.
  2. The more modern and recently updated version of the mod evestargw linked above is electrro's BBB Designer body spell. With it you can set your player character to whatever suits your fancy and leave all NPCs at whatever body you've installed as a default, or go wild and set various bodies for different NPCs as well as yourself. It's really nice for matching the body mesh and textures to the armor or clothing you want to use.
  3. Hmm ... all I've ever done is edit an NPC's animation tab and saved (my own stuff has only been to assign different walks for different NPCs).
  4. If I recall correctly the specialanims will show a black check and the vanilla ones a red check in the CS (or possibly the other way around ... I'm not at my gaming machine to confirm for you).
  5. Last time I checked, you need to click some links to download a mod. Also last time I checked, you have a choice which links you click. As for search results or similar lists of links ... I personally only click those that catch my interest.
  6. If you're not afraid of getting your hands a bit dirty in the Construction Set, Aranmathi Ayleid Home (I suggest also installing the Aranmathi v105 update). The reason I say "not afraid of getting your hands a bit dirty in the Construction Set" is there are some mannequin bases available in the house as downloaded, but there's also plenty of room for more bases. It comes with a few NPCs but is roomy enough to house a small army of companions (or NPCs you add yourself with the CS). The Throne Room has lots of display cases and the Treasury Vault has plenty of named storage (a fairly unique feature). Both rooms have weapon racks as well. Since I first started using Aranmathi, it has been my number one favourite home (now heavily modded in my case).
  7. Here's a link to the Steam FAQs on moving your Steam installation to another folder.
  8. Have you tried the console command setquestobject <BaseID> 0 ?
  9. The first thing I'd suggest is to let the game redetect your hardware. Rename your oblivion.ini file located in Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion if you use Windows XP or Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion in Vista or Windows 7 (NOT the file oblivion_default.ini located in your game install directory). After you've renamed oblivion.ini (I suggest renaming it oblivionini.old) when you restart the game it will try to detect your hardware an create a new oblivion.ini. Considering how old the game is it will probably not recognize your graphics card and will default to low resolution defaults. Change the graphics setting to suit yourself in the game menus, start a new game or load an old save and save (your new ini will be saved). If you still need to toggle light bright with the console your can open your new oblivion.ini with Notepad and find the line bFullBrightLighting and make sure it's set to read bFullBrightLighting=0 (you could also try changing your original oblivion.ini before you rename it and see if that works for you).
  10. Something to keep in mind is that in the game the clothes or armor become the part of the body they're covering. If you use clothes or armor that isn't compatible with your chosen body you'll see effects like you're describing. As roquefort indicates above, some seam will always be visible at the neckline, and you can use mods designed to help hide the seam. To determine whether your problem is due to incompatible clothing/armor or not, see if you're seeing the problem when your character is nude.
  11. Thank you for the correction (must have hit a little blank spot there ... getting older) and the update on your solution.
  12. Have you met all the requirements for the quests (each has different requirements). For your Namira example your fame must be 5 or more and your personality 20 or less when you go to talk to Hjolfrodi the Harrier. Here's a link to the UESP Wiki page for Daedric Quests.
  13. Here's an excerpt from the bugs section of the UESP Wiki walkthrough for Nature's Fury:
  14. This may have nothing at all to do with your problem but I notice that both zone 1 Welke and zone 2 Tombs of the Undead have gas traps. Do any of your mods alter gas traps? You could try entering Wenyandawik and/or Morahame (each have no gas traps) and see if you crash. If you don't crash try Wendelbek (which has a gas trap in the first zone) and see if your crash reappears.
  15. I use selections from Pyramidhead123's BBB H-cup Stock (most of the upper and middle class and a couple of lower class). I'm not sure if they'll solve your problem, but give them a try. Back-up your current replacers or restore them from your original download if these don't do it for you.
  16. Here's a link to the UESP Wiki's page on Leveled Lists.
  17. The Steam version is just as good provided you get Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) properly installed and working. Many newer mods require OBSE (generally those that are outside the clothing/armor category). Make sure you install the correct files for Steam in the correct folder (read obse_readme.txt after you unzip the download).
  18. Looking at your 'boots needs' list the size of the project begins to appear. Even with load consolidation, can you imagine the size of the transportation fleet required to move this stuff to market? Talk about crowded roads. Bridges make Anvil and Leyawiin the only available ports for import ... the Gold Coast Road becomes a highway. What becomes of the bandits, monsters and wildlife? If they're allowed to persist are the transporters sufficiently armed to defend themselves or would a beefed up Legion patrol be needed? The Inns along the route are kind of small ... would the transporters work in teams and have sleeping space for one on their wagons (ala modern truckers)? It would be informative to discover the major sources of income Rome used to support itself (I suspect it's main 'export' was the tax revenue it collected from it's conquered provinces). Knowledge is a viable commodity for export, and Cyrodill has training for mages at least, perhaps the University needs a larger, more diverse student body. As far as mineral wealth, perhaps Cyrodill imports raw ingots and produces finished goods for export (the higher end products being the most likely ... import gold and silver bars and export jewelry and luxury tableware for example). That way the infrastructure needed is more limited in size and we're not 'messing up' Cyrodill with mining, milling and smelting facilities. Even with winnowing the list to obvious easy to implement choices this is a project of epic proportions.
  19. You may need to resort to the console to give yourself the quest reward items then (if in fact that is why you're seeking help). With the console open enter "player.additem 0006B665 1" (without the quotes) to get Thornblade or "player.additem 0006B671 1" for the Staff of Indarys.
  20. On the subject of infrastructure I'd like to lead with a question ... How much realism will the game support? By support I'd further define that into game engine and land area. The first may help prioritize the usage of the later. In the vanilla game the most basic of needs (food) is woefully provided for. The few farms could not possibly provide the amount or variety of food that magically appears in vendor inventories. If more land area was devoted to farms we'd lose wilderness area (a required source of housing material and fuel for the many fires and fireplaces). Even if those inequities are resolved what is the basis of Cyrodill's economy (if they import that which they can't produce themselves what do they have to export to maintain trade balance)? Is their major 'export' the tax revenues extracted from the other provinces or do they have something else of value to those provinces? To achieve the granularity needed to represent an economy from basics to luxuries will the game engine withstand the scripting required and still have enough left for gameplay? As always Mark I enjoy your history lessons and find they often lead to interesting questions.
  21. Some laptop keyboards don't have a tilde (~) key (the key right above the Tab key on standard keyboards). There are also issues arising from infrared devices (see the General Information section of this UESP Wiki page for complete info). Change Console Key and Oblivion Console Spell are two mods that help get the console working (both require Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) to work).
  22. Go with Mark and fg109's suggestions first and consider mine a 'Plan B' alternative.
  23. Here's another possible path for you. Set everyone including yourself back to vanilla (completely uninstall all your body/clothing/armor replacer mods). Use electrro's BBB Designer body spell on yourself with whichever available body suits you and leave all the rest at vanilla.
  24. Unfortunately the console commands you could use that may allow the Cheydinhal gate to reopen after the Main quest is complete won't give you the quest targets and stages for Wayward Knight, at least as far as I know. If you want to try them, open the console (use the tilde (~) key just above the Tab key) and enter "set MQ00.AllowGatesToReopen 1" without the quote marks. This will allow Oblivion gates to reopen throughout Tamriel after you've finished the Main quest. To get them to stop reopening you'll need to enter "set MQ00.AllowGatesToReopen 0" without the quotes again and that's a number zero at the end. If you can get the Cheydinhal gate to reopen and enter you may or may not find Farwil (I'm personally doubtful).
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