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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. The way that armor and clothing works is the item of clothing/armor becomes that particular part of the body. That's why it's important to match the armor and clothing to the body type you have selected. The other variable is BBB ... if it's working on the nude body and not on the clothed one then the clothing isn't BBB enabled. Quite often popular armor and clothing have a BBB enabled version. Usually you need to install the original first and then the BBBed version. The required texture files come from the original and the BBBed mesh comes from the BBB update (and you will normally find the BBBed version in the same location as the original). Many of the latest armors and clothing come BBBed right from the onset. If it's Trashdogs SPB Curvaceous you're after then completely uninstall the Rivelle's omod, install the SPB Curvaceous and then after you've confirmed nude BBB with that body install jojjo's Dread Knight Armor and Weapons and Drake Knight Armor and Weapons (required for texture files would be my guess) then Trashdogs SPB Curvaceous Shop followed by Thelios' BBB for Trashdogs SPB Curvaceous Shop (for the BBB enabled meshes). Install order is important here ... whatever is installed last is what the game will try to use and display.
  2. When you put clothes or armor on a body that piece of clothing becomes that body part. If the body texture you're using doesn't match the body type the clothing/armor was designed for unpleasantness may result, depending on how close the two textures match. Download and install some clothing/armor that is made for the HGEC body and see if your problem persists.
  3. Sorry, about all I know about oblivion.ini tweaking comes from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide but I don't recall those setting mentioned at all.
  4. You need to apply the correct official patch for the version of the game you're running. If you have the Game of the Year version it will fully patch itself when you install the second disk (the one with Shivering Isles on it). If you have the Steam version of the game it will patch itself via the Steam client software. If you have an older disk version of the game you will need to select the correct patch depending on whether or not you have Shivering Isles installed. If you want to use SI the correct order of install is base game then Shivering Isles then the official patch for Shivering Isles then any DLCs you want to add. Be sure to grab the language version of the patch that matches your game. Edit: Also make sure you are installing the game outside of C:\Program Files. Create a folder C:\Games\Oblivion and install there. One of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get the job of moving an Oblivion install done correctly and completely. Don't neglect the part about using CCleaner to clean the registry of old entries from your first install attempts ... they will mess up getting the game running when you re-install to C:\Game\Oblivion.
  5. Once you've completed the Main quest your only option is to go back to an earlier save. You would probably be OK with a save immediately after you return from defeating Mankar Camoran but before you and Martin set out for the Imperial City to light the dragonfires. If you have such a save, it would also give you another chance at getting the Imperial Dragon armor (here I'm assuming you still haven't been able to receive the armor in your current game). If you do have an earlier save tell Martin to wait when he wants you to escort him to the IC and then go to Cheydinhal and close that gate. Here's a link to a UESP Wiki walkthrough for The Wayward Knight. Keeping Farwil alive can be a challenge, but the quest and gate closing can be completed even if he dies (grab his signet ring if he dies and present it to his father Count Indarys when you return to Cheydinhal ... only the quest reward varies depending on whether Farwil lives or dies). Once you have finished Wayward Knight return to Martin and proceed with the Main quest.
  6. The only time the file oblivion_default.ini is used is when the game is generating the initial oblivion.ini or recreating oblivion.ini after you've deleted it (a troubleshooting measure which gets the game to recheck your hardware and set the initial settings for your game). You should never alter your oblivion_default.ini. The only safe to edit default game ini file (in other words not generated by a mod) is the oblivion.ini located in the Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion directory for Windows XP or Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion in Vista or Windows 7.
  7. Without me searching for links to those mods I'd venture a guess that they use one of the new high heel systems and require a specific skeleton. Coronerra's skeleton hasn't been updated to handle those types of mods.
  8. After you complete the Main quest all open Oblivion gates close. If you haven't completed The Wayward Knight quest the Cheydinhal gate will be closed at that point (see Notes section of the link UESP Wiki walkthrough).
  9. More info is required (i.e. what mods is this happening with and with which outfits, along with what skeleton you're using).
  10. Starting to sound like a corrupted save. Do you have a save from before the crashing started to see if it's related to the IC Waterfront area or the Elven Maiden quest? If you do go to the waterfront without starting that quest and see if you crash. If you don't try redoing the quest.
  11. When you deactivated BC did you also completely uninstall it (meshes, textures, esp etc.)? My understanding is that Oblivion will still load the resources if they're in your Data subfolders (so the conflict could persist after you've deactivated in Data Files).
  12. That should never happen. The Bashed Patch only patches default Oblivion data, and that data will be reverted to vanilla if the patch is disabled or rebuilt with the patch option disabled. Thanks for the clarification Hickory. Good to see the 'big dog' back, even on an occasional basis (and good to know you've still got my back).
  13. The 'stretching to infinity' is caused by using the incorrect skeleton (or correct skeleton installed in incorrect folder). I use Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeleton, Rivelle's HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12 and fore's NoMaaM Animation Replacer. There are however many newer mods (especially the latest high heel mods) that have other skeleton requirements. Generally these skeletons will be backwards compatible with older armor, clothing and animations, but check the mod description, comments and readme for a complete picture. Best way to check for BBB working is with a nude character and/or NPCs. Once you see your animations working correctly nude, you'll know if a particular mods clothing or armor doesn't bounce it's because of that particular mod and not a general problem. Simplifies troubleshooting. Any further help will require specifics of the skeleton, body, animations and armor/clothing you're trying to get working.
  14. Just a stab in the dark ... are the items that didn't get 'un-renamed' ones in your player inventory? If so they could be part of a save, and therefore persistent in the game now.
  15. While the UESP Wiki for the Elven Maiden quest lists a number of quest bugs, the only one listed that leads to a crash is if you try doing An Unexpected Voyage at the same time as the Elven Maiden quest is active (a bug that was supposedly corrected by the 1.1.511 patch). Make sure your game is patched up to the latest patch (version number shown at lower left on start-up screen).
  16. You can scroll the console text up and down using the Page Up and Page Down keys.
  17. When you re-installed did you delete your oblivion.ini file (NOT oblivion_default.ini that is located in your Oblivion folder but the one that is located in My Documents along with your save files)?
  18. If I recall correctly there are issues between Vilja and Ruined Tail that cannot be resolved (have a look through the Companion Vilja thread or post your question there as Emma is very good at providing solutions to Vilja related problems and doesn't mind if the question has been asked 100 times before ... she knows that it would be an onerous task to read through all 3500 posts). My own experience with CM Partners is similar ... sometimes they'll just go brain-dead for a while (never all of them at once, they take turns). I mostly use them for populating various inns and homes now.
  19. Did you talk to High Chancellor Ocato after Martin defeats Mehrunes Dagon? If you open your journal after talking to him and make Imperial Dragon Armor your active quest you should see an entry saying: Wait 2 weeks outside the Imperial City and then you should receive a quest update message saying the armor is ready and you should go to the Legion armory to pick it up. If Imperial Dragon Armor is your active quest your quest arrow will point you to the right location. Here's a link to the UESP Wiki walkthrough for Imperial Dragon Armor.
  20. A small addition to MarkInMKUK's advice ... you may find that the installation for the GotY prompts you for the second disk when installing to C:\Games\Oblivion. I would alter Mark's advice in that you should go ahead and install the second disk at the same time you're installing. The second disk on the GotY edition installs Shivering Isles and patches the game to version When SI is installed it actually alters the file oblivion.exe (which is also the reason you need to use the correct download patch if you were patching manually). I'm not sure if your installation would properly complete if you stopped it before the second disk and then tried installing SI from that disk afterwards. I agree with his advice to make sure the game is working after installing Oblivion and Shivering Isles and before adding any of the unofficial patches or Knights of the Nine (all of which are mods in the game's eyes).
  21. Was your Hiyoko_Store.esp a recent addition? On a recent thread it was thought to be the source of that person's crashing. Edit: Link to the above mentioned thread
  22. Here's a link to the Construction Set Wiki AI Portal.
  23. The way replacer mods work is whichever is installed last is what the game tries to display. When you uninstall the mod that was installed second you need to replace the assets that were overwritten by the second mod from the first mod's download archive. OBMM doesn't keep track of which files were overwritten so that it can replace them when you deactivate mods (for that you need BAIN). If you deactivate your Beautiful People and then reactivate it you should fix your missing textures problem. If you want vanilla back you would need to deactivate both mods.
  24. That's certainly a possibility. On my own playthrough I was trying to get one to activate at a time, so I was sneaking up slowly from the side. Of course when one activates so does the other, but my guy prevailed in the end.
  25. Once you cast the spell on an NPC they stay with that body until you cast the spell on them again and either revert to default (that is which ever body you have installed and all characters must use without the spell) or pick a different body. As fg109 points out, the clothes or armor 'become' the part of the body they cover. One of the problems with that is if you really like a piece that is designed for a body that is not texture compatible with your default installed body you can get weird colouring problems. With electrro's mod you would just change yourself or that particular NPC to a body that is compatible with the armor or clothing you want to use. If you want naked NPCs you need to kill them and take their inventory and then 'resurrect 1' them, otherwise they'll be wearing the same clothes/armor they had on before you cast the spell on them. If it's vanilla clothes/armor usually no weirdness results, but they won't show the bust size change until you get their gear off. The BBB Designer body spell mod has two spells, one for changing your player character and one for changing NPCs. It doesn't include any animations, such as Pretty Woman etc. They will need to be downloaded and installed separately. I personally use fore's excellent NoMaaM Animation Replacer and use the Construction Set to apply different walks on an individual basis where I want to use walks from other mods (NoMaaM includes some optional files you can use for that purpose).
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