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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Even though your mod list is a short one, you may want to consider running BOSS and then Wrye Bash ... mod conflicts can cause problems.
  2. Another alternative is to personalize the mod in question using the Construction Set, removing the items you don't want. If you keep a backup of the original esp you can always revert back if you want to.
  3. To have BBB work in the game you need a skeleton, body, clothes/armor and animations that are all compatible with the BBB system. My own setup uses Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeleton and Rivelle's HGEC Body with BBB version 1.12. I have fore's NoMaaM Animation Replacer (linked above in fore's post, and highly recommended) augmented by various walks installed to some individual NPCs using the Construction Set (as opposed to Sensual Walks for Female NPCs linked above) and a plethora of BBB enabled clothing and armor (for those ladies who haven't 'misplaced' their inventory). If you install Rivelle's HGEC Body with BBB you won't need to install Coronerra's skeleton separately, but you will need Timeslip's Oblivion Mod Manager to install the omod (and either chose the 'No Animations' option or install fore's NoMaaM AFTER you've installed Rivelle's HGEC Body).
  4. Another thing to try is the Memory, Loading and Multithreading tweaks on this page of Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide. There are also some suggestions on the page previous to the Memory tweak page for decals (blood splatters) that may help.
  5. I don't really know an awful lot about how OBSE works, beyond the obvious that it must be started first (and then OBSE starts Oblivion) and it stores information that I assume is OBSE specific in a separate save file. Perhaps you would find more help via the OBSE site.
  6. No problem ... we must be alike somewhat. I'll keep nailing 'em in the noggin until they go down ... I like it better when they end up with that one arrow between the lookers (as opposed to a half dozen or more).
  7. When you save once you've started using OBSE it actually saves two files, the regular and an OBSE one (can't recall the file extension on the second one ... I'm not at a machine with Oblivion loaded presently). When you deleted the 600 saves, did you delete both files in the ones that had two (the saves made after you started using OBSE)?
  8. In the case of the Azura quest, did you talk to Mels Maryon and raise his disposition above 50 first? Edit: On each of the quests you need to talk to a certain follower before activating the shrine with the appropriate offering. Click the link in the Shrine Quest (first) column for more details.
  9. I'm wondering if it might be related to your oblivion.ini settings. Have a look through Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide and compare the suggested values to your game settings, and in particular compare the values in the Memory, Loading and Multithreading Variables section on this page with the values you currently have in your oblivion.ini (located the Oblivion folder in your Documents and Setting folder or My Documents if you're a Win XP dinosaur like me ... NOT your oblivion_default.ini located in your game directory). Another setting to check is the uGridsToLoad found a little further down that same page of the guide.
  10. I'm not at my machine that has Oblivion loaded, so I can't check my own oblivion.ini, but I'm fairly certain mine has 1920 x 1080 in the iSize fields.
  11. Actually if your shot is a fatal head shot the arrow will appear where you shot it in their head. The devs probably did that so you won't have someone walking around with a 'pincushion' head when your archery skills aren't high enough for a one shot kill.
  12. For those interested here's a mod that allows you to define another key to open the console (useful if your keyboard doesn't have a tilde (~) key). You will need Oblivion Script Extender to get it to work.
  13. Hmmm ... that's odd then, as I'm sure you don't normally play at 640 x 480 screen resolution.
  14. Open your oblivion.ini file with Notepad (the file will be located in your Documents and Settings folder or My Documents if you're a Win XP dinosaur like me) and then find the line that starts with bAllowConsole. Make sure the value following is one (i.e. bAllowConsole=1). Make sure you're not editing oblivion_default.ini that is located in your game folder. As noted above, some laptops do not have a tilde key (although I get the impression in your case that your keyboard does have one).
  15. The way I read it you'll need to wait until you've completed Turning a Blind Eye. Here's an excerpt: and here it is again without the "i.e." part and emphasis added
  16. There are only five Daedric quests available to you at level 8 ... Azura's, Namira's, Sanguine's, Sheogorath's and Vaermina's. All others require level 10 or higher. Here a link to the UESP Wiki for Daedric Quests.
  17. I take it from your iSize W=640 & iSize H=480 entries that this is the newly created oblivion.ini with default values that was created when you deleted your old oblivion.ini (I doubt you normally run the game at 640 x 480 screen resolution). The file to compare this to is your original oblivion.ini (if you can retrieve it from the recycle bin). Rename the oblivion.ini that is currently in your My Documents to oblivionini.new before recovering the old one.
  18. The reason I asked is I was thinking perhaps the crash is due to your hardware not playing nice with the default values. For example, things like AA forced in your graphics driver control panel (which would be how you would have got AA and HDR as the game engine won't offer AA when HDR is selected instead of Bloom). I know from following your posts over the past months that your game is modded and tweaked ... what extent your current setup is tweaked I'm not sure of. If you try my rename method instead of deleting oblivion.ini you may be able to quickly prove or disprove my theory. In Windows Explorer find the current oblivion.ini (should be in the My Documents) and right click then rename it oblivionini.new (if it's the newly created one from your previous deleting and recreating test) or oblivionini.old if it's your original one. If it's the new one, then recover the original oblivion.ini from the recycle bin (or if you renamed the original oblivion.ini to oblivionini.old then just rename it to oblivion.ini). Where I'm going with this is checking to see if Oblivion will start to the menu normally with your old oblivion.ini vs not making it to the menu with the new oblivion.ini containing the default values. If that's the case you could open each side by side in two instances of Notepad and compare values that would affect or be affected by your hardware. Another thing to consider is whether or not you previously setup your system to force the use of Shader 3.0 (as per Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak guide ... see the bAllow30Shaders section part way down this page of the guide if you're unsure what I'm talking about). You could have a look at your RendererInfo.txt (located in the same folder as your oblivion.ini) in any case and see if it has correctly identified your graphics card (I believe that file is recreated as part of the creating a new oblivion.ini but I could be mistaken there). Bottom line here is try to find out if your crash before the menu is because of the new oblivion.ini with default values or not.
  19. When you tried starting after deleting your original oblivion.ini did the game create a new oblivion.ini with default values before crashing?
  20. Here's an excerpt from the UESP Wiki on the A Plot Revealed quest: If you get close enough to him you should see your cross hair change if you keep looking around. You could also use a detect life spell/potion to zero in on him quickly.
  21. I would. I'm pretty sure your oblivion.ini.temp was created when you tried starting Oblivion when you had deleted both oblivion.ini and oblivion_default.ini. The game would have tried to start, looked for oblivion.ini but couldn't find one, then looked for oblivion_default.ini to create a new oblivion.ini with the default values (it uses oblivion_default.ini as a source for those default values) and when it couldn't find oblivion_default.ini it failed to finish starting. I think the zero byte oblivion.ini.temp you have was created then (a file name but no contents that the game would have renamed oblivion.ini if it had been successful in reading oblivion_default.ini). You don't actually need to delete the oblivion.ini ... renaming it to oblivionini.old will do (that's how I do it when troubleshooting my own machine). Either ignore the UI weirdness caused by DarN UI and it's missing fonts etc. or do as Aryeonos suggests and temporarily uninstall DarN UI while you're sorting through this problem. If your game still fails to start when trying a new game then I would say a possible next step would be uninstalling mods and trying to start either a new game (if you stick with the newly created oblivion.ini while troubleshooting) or from one of your problematic saves (if you revert to your original oblivion.ini by renaming oblivionini.old to oblivion.ini or rescuing oblivion.ini from the trash if you used the delete method). If you have a lot of mods to uninstall you'll probably want to use the block method (uninstalling a bunch of similar or related mods at a time, then if you find your game starting normally between blocks you don't have so many to re-install to narrow down the problem). Another thing that pops to mind ... when you're trying your new game start with a fresh default value oblivion.ini try starting the game with the Oblivion_loader.exe as well as the Oblivion.exe (your normal desktop shortcut, before you installed OBSE used Oblivion_loader.exe to start the game). If your game is fixable without re-installing Oblivion it will be a small detail that needs finding and fixing, and it can be frustrating work doing the finding part. Good luck.
  22. I know the spot very well. The boulder on the west side of the pond is my favourite perch while I'm toasting the Charcoal Cave guardian Spriggans or Ogres.
  23. I think you've covered the possibility that your oblivion.ini was not recreated correctly the first time (which was also the probable cause for your zero byte oblivion.ini.temp). Your UI being messed up is likely just as a result of not running with OBSE (which DarN UI probably requires). Did you try a new game with the fresh obilivion.ini (the one created after deleting/renaming your old oblivion.ini)?
  24. Like MarkInMKUK I like where your idea is headed. I'd like to see the possibility of choosing which of your equipment is used for making a potion, without the need to drop it from your inventory to get rid of that piece's effect on the resulting potion (e.g. dropping your alembic so that it doesn't reduce the magnitude of the negative effect on potions). Here's a few UESP Wiki links I find useful: Alchemy Calculator, Useful Potions & Alchemy Effects. I've never checked out the Direnni's Advanced Alchemy Apparatus Mod that is mentioned on the Alchemy Calculator page ... might be useful.
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