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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Sorry parkerjones ... the thread hijacking king strikes again.
  2. Getting the official patches right can be a minefield. Pay close attention to downloading the proper version of the patch for your version of Oblivion. Steam takes care of it for you (sheesh ... who would have thought the original anti-Steam guy would say that). The Oblivion Game of the Year version will fully patch itself if you install the second disk, along with the Shivering Isles expansion. If you are using the English version of the 'regular' disk version make sure you get the one appropriate for your flavour of English ... North American vs. the UK (and most of the rest of the English speaking world).
  3. OBGE = Oblivion Graphics Extender. Edit: OBSE will require your Oblivion to be fully patched with the official patches to 1.2.0416.
  4. I don't shop for games much anymore, but when I do look in a bricks and mortar location the PC games section just keeps getting smaller and smaller. Soon there will be two or three game cases up at the cash register, that's it.
  5. And if I may inquire, what about the one on the left in the third link and the ones in the center and on the right in the bottom link?
  6. Impulse is the distribution channel for Stardock (Galactic Civilization, Sins of a Solar Empire, Demigod) . Used to be just for their own titles ... now they compete for their piece of the big pie. The games released by Stardock are still unencrypted, but most of the big boys want restrictions before Impulse is allowed to distribute. Steam has their "You must be running Steam" restriction so they stick handle through some of the morass that way. Because the Oblivion exe isn't encrypted at Steam, they were able to work with the OBSE team and the obse_steam_loader.dll is the result.
  7. Just as a heads up ... the Impulse version of the game is also an encrypted exe, so OBSE won't work with it either. GotY or Steam are the best bets.
  8. Does your script require the vanilla music to be enabled but not audible? The reason I ask is there is an Oblivion.ini tweak for shutting off the music. From Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide:
  9. Your problem could be related to those disabled mods. Even though you disable them they affect your game. Move them right out of your Data folder. I have a MyBackups folder that's a subdirectory off Bethesda Softworks (at the same level as the Oblivion folder, not in it). Move your disabled mods somewhere like that and see if it helps.
  10. When I run into a 'Rocky' I use my best fire spells. Stand back so I can dodge their shock attack and avoid being crunched, and melt them back to pieces (final blow is best with largest spell damage I can muster, and watch the little bits fly).
  11. Do you have anti-aliasing turned on in the game menu? Turn it off and you'll probably be OK. Fraps is an alternative for screen capture that allows AA at the same time. Edit: BTW there is a new stable version of OBSE (version 0020).
  12. Does the game (or should I say DID) work without any mods installed. You could have a missing master (some mods have both an esp and an esm ... both need to be checked in Data Files). The 'ton of mods' is a really poor way to go about modding Oblivion. The recommended way is get the vanilla game installed and patched to version 1.2.0416. Check everything works out past the tutorial and exit the sewer. Save. Install the unofficial patches (if you are going to use them). Most important, when you start installing mods do so ONE at a time (or two or three at once when you get a good understanding of what you're doing). Thoroughly test the game before moving on to add any more. Makes troubleshooting problems much simpler.
  13. Number one ... are you using a custom race or a vanilla race? If you are a vanilla race, go near the cell bars and your neighbor will talk to you. If you are a custom race you'll need either the Unofficial Oblivion patch OR a custom race fix. The unofficial patch also fixes a lot of other problems ... that's the recommended route.
  14. I've been lucky in my scrounging ... I have the Frost Ring, Flame Ring and Storm Ring. I hardly ever wear them (for one I'd be overburdened immediately after taking off one of my custom feather rings ... I'm a pack rat). The collector in me can't pass by a pretty bauble (aka So many rings, so few fingers). :tongue:
  15. Here's a cut and paste of my reply on another thread: Make sure you get Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) set up first and read the readme.
  16. I can say that for magic resistance, (when added as different spell/ability then default resistance) dose NOT increase defense. I tested this on the new one I made, (I backed up, for obvs. reasons) And there was no effect on the defense bonus. Just posting for your info. Yes, I should have been much clearer on this. What I meant to say was that spell resistance in the form of a shield, ie. 'Fire Shield', 'Frost Shield', 'Shock Shield' and 'Shield' affects the Defend Bonus. Also, Luck as a buff affects most attributes, including Armour Rating. Which is why it is far more effective to enchant armor with elemental shield effects than plain shield effect. Plain shield works against plain bashing attacks only ... elemental shield provides the anti-bash as well as elemental shield, two for the price of one (and maybe that's why I had to try so many times to get an elemental shield sigil stones vs plain shield ... went through a lot of reloaded saves in my 60 gate marathon).
  17. Something to keep in mind on this idea (and I do like it) is that torches will need to negate your dark adapt when they are used, and it will take some time to gain or regain your night sight after using one. In caves and dungeons without any light sources the night sight should be zero effect, so that the night effect is proportional to the available light level. Even outdoors, it should be tied to sky conditions and moon phases. This would perhaps make an effective spot for tweaking the vanilla night-eye effect ... tie it's effectiveness to available light, so that it boosts your 'natural' night sight (without the annoying black and white effect ... although all night sight should include some chromatic reduction now that I think of it). A further note on goblins. In the vanilla game they are clannish, and where scripted to meet (as in Goblin Trouble) they will fight one another.
  18. Have you looked through Saaya's BBB Compilation? You'll need to install the non-BBB version of any you like and then the BBB version over it (if you want BBB as well).
  19. I use selections from BBB Hcup Stock Clothing so that there's a little variety but you can also just use them all.
  20. Those look like the missing mesh errors to me ... I'd have a look at the extracted Lights Within/Without and compare it's folders and files to what you have installed through OBMM. That's part of the reason I'm an old school manual install guy. If you don't get everything right when you create the OMOD you wind up going through all the same troubleshooting you'd do with a manual install. The OMOD gang will be all over me now ... thanks. There's an extra http:// in the image link ... that's why it doesn't work (without some more old school stuff :biggrin: ).
  21. 1) Read the mod description and see if it gives any specific install instructions. Also pay attention to what are required for the mod (Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) is required by many recent mods or some may require another mod installed first for texture or mesh resources). 2) Download the mod to a temporary folder you create with Windows Explorer or as an additional step in the Save As dialog. I have an OblivionDownloads directory and then subdirectories off that for each mod I download. 3) Using an unzipping utility (7-Zip available from this site if you click right here) extract the archive your downloaded into that same folder you created (7-Zip is nice because it defaults to that folder ... other utilities like Winzip require you to navigate to your directory). 4) Compare the folder structure of the unpacked archive vs. the install instructions, taking note of any optional folders it may need for options you wish to have. Some unpacked mod archives will have a Data folder with meshes and textures folders inside, others may just have the meshes and textures folders. Most mods will also have an esp file and possibly an esm file (usually named something like 'Whatever_the_mods_name_is.esp'). If the unpacked mod directory structure started with a Data folder then the esp and esm will be inside the Data folder. Some mods may come with just an esp file alone. 5) Open Windows Explorer and copy the required folders to your game. Use right mouse click on the unpacked archive folder and then select 'Copy' from the right click menu. If the unpacked archive starts at the Data folder right click that one (makes for a one step install). If it comes with no Data folder and separate meshes and textures folders you'll do those one at a time. After right click and copy, you navigate to the directory that Oblivion is installed in. If you right clicked and copied the Data folder you will right click and select 'Paste' to your Oblivion folder. If you right click and copy meshes or textures you will right click your game's Data folder and select paste. The rule is, when copying folders always paste into one level higher. If your unpacked archive started at the Data folder you're done copying (unless the mods install instructions tell you about additional steps required). If you copied meshes and textures separately you will need to right click the esp and copy, and then navigate to your Data folder and paste (and if the mod came with an esm file you will do this again with the esm). You will get a "Do you want to overwrite?" warning when pasting folders ... select "Yes to all". Once you have experience at this and more mods loaded you will learn to check out what files will be overwritten before you install a new mod. Files with the same name but in differently named folders are OK ... the same name and folder structure will overwrite and the older file will be lost. You'll learn to keep backups. 6) From the Oblivion game launcher select Data Files and click to put an X next to the mod esp in the list (and esm if it came with one). Play the game and make sure everything is working correctly. Again refer to the mod description to find your new armor/start your new quest/activate your new feature. Only add one mod at a time and thoroughly play test before adding another. This makes troubleshooting much easier.
  22. Careful when getting rid of the SRC directory ... somehow you've managed to install your OBSE along with some other stuff as a subdirectory of SRC (the SRC directory is an optional part of the download, required by the GNU licence, but only useful to programmers 99.9% of users do not need to use it for anything and don't copy it). When you install OBSE you copy obse_loader.exe or obse_steam_loader.dll (depending on if your game is the Steam version or not) to your Oblivion directory (not your Data directory) and also both obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_editor_1_2.dll, also to your Oblivion directory.
  23. Your yellow shapes could be the game indicating missing meshes. When you built your OMOD were there any optional folders you may have missed including?
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