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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Not with two hand blunts ... I like the reach of a two hand blade myself. First time I tried Oblivion I just accepted all the defaults in the sewers tutorial so I wound up being an Imperial (can't recall class & birthsign). I think I might have been level 2 when I tried the gate at Kvatch. After being toasted to death a few times I gave up and did some research. My next (and current) character is DarkElf (resistance to fire being the key determining factor there) with Warrior birthsign and class. That combination doesn't lend itself to much of a mage (especially early in character development) but I managed to max out his magicka for that situation. Using the Ring of Perfection he has 220 magicka, enough for some reasonably powerful spells. My favourite combination is first hit them with a shock spell with a short paralyze and 100% weakness to shock and magic. Follow that up with a second shock spell, no paralyze (allowing a higher shock value) still having 100% weakness to shock and magic. If the one two punch doesn't take 'em out my trusty Daedric Claymore (via the permanent bound glitch) finishes most jobs rather quickly. The mage aspect of the character didn't really become playable in a fun way until I'd made master in destruction and illusion to bring the spell costs down. Next character?? Not a double warrior that's for sure.
  2. I agree. I've been eyeing that one up myself. It'll make an nice annex for Arborwatch after I've done the Dark Brotherhood (I've got to stop making so many 'friends' in the CS). What's really nice to find is those unoccupied out of the way places. The Abandoned Shack is out of the way alright, but the bandits inside respawn. I'm not sure about the all the containers ... I'll need to check on that next time I'm in the area.
  3. What happens if you setownership to a faction that you aren't in (e.g. setownership 00009274 which is the Anvil Citizens faction). The description of the console command is partway down this page ( http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Console_Commands ) and the formID of the various factions on this one ( http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Factions ).
  4. According to what I can find on this page ( http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Reflect_Spell ) you should be able to achieve 100% reflect spell (e.g. Mundane ring + Spell Breaker shield + Ring of Sunfire + Amulet of Reflection would give you 110%). If you're wearing any armor at all your magic effects will be reduced but I'm not sure if that would also affect enchantment effects.
  5. Roland Jenseric's cabin just off the road to Cheydinhal is free for the taking after finishing the 'Order of the Virtuous Blood' quest. You'll need to use the CS if you want safe containers and the console and 'setownership' if you're not the thieving type but it's a nice spot off the beaten path. On the subject of whether a container is safe for storage or not I like this trick. Take everything out of the container then put a few arrows in it. Come back a few days later, after you've left that cell and check to see if your arrows are still there. There are plenty of non-respawning containers around, outside fort and ruins and even in the middle of nowhere. Once I've found one I like I lean something useless against it so I'll remember for sure I've checked it. If I'm running short of feather potions and I've got a container nearby it saves leaving a pile of stuff hidden in the grass while I find a merchant.
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