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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Just another one of those 'special Oblivion moments'. The horse will sometimes get abandoned down there in the shacks (kinda' cool havin' a new 'face' hanging around) but invariably it gets teleported to Cheydinhal when Oghash needs it. Most of the time when I run into her headed for the IC she's riding, but occasionally things must glitch and her pony doesn't show up (it's never left in Cheydinhal for some reason, probably because it's not at the IC stables when she heads home). She walks about twice the speed of that paint. I much prefer escorting her when she's on foot for that reason (takes forever to get there on the horse). I've 'arranged' for the horse to have a little 'accident' a few times, hoping she's be on foot for the rest of the time, but no, it's another one of those 9,999 lives horses ... just keeps coming back for more abuse. I get lots of time to pick the pretty flowers while I'm escorting her anyway, in between when I have to give her backup. All part of the job.
  2. Not sure if any of this will help. It's all excerpted from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide:
  3. That one is the Orum Gang's (from Cheydinhal). Oghash gra-Magul rides it from Cheydinhal up to the Talos Plaza District gate if you're following her (part of my 'Protector of all Cyrodiil' job description is escort duty 24/7/365). If she arrives while you're in the IC you'll sometimes see her riding it across the causeway onto the Waterfront. Sometimes she'll manage to ride it over the stairs and out to the area where the shacks are, sometimes abandons it by the pirate ship. Her destination is the locked barrel beside Myvryna Arano's shack (skooma business). The AI is faulty so her horse doesn't get parked by a stable unless your right there with her (fixed by the UOP if I'm not mistaken). Ya ... I know ... I know waaay too much about the equestrian peculiarities of the Cyrodiilic population. Somebody's got to pick up all them apples (if you know what I mean). :tongue:
  4. Just a suggestion GuardedJake, but you may want to explain your problem and ask for assistance in resolving it in the mod comments.
  5. Here's a couple of stabs in the dark. Nenyond Twyll or Arkved's Tower.
  6. I had a look at the download page comments. VadersApps is currently active supporting the mod (his/her last post was yesterday). I am sure that they would be far better at troubleshooting this than I am (I can make some somewhat educated guesses but I'm no expert on all the ins and outs of skeleton.nif replacement). My guess would be that if you were just a vanilla skeleton before you installed the mod then deleting the skeleton.nif that it added should clear up the problem, but I emphasize THAT'S A GUESS. PM the mod author or post a question in the mod comments. VadersApps may not monitor these forums and your input may help make the mod better.
  7. OK ... so UAC isn't a problem (doesn't affect WinXP). Are you logged in under the same account used when you installed Obilivion??
  8. Can you post or PM me a link to the mod so I can have a look??
  9. Again ... we need more information. What operating system are you using, Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7?? What directory (folder) is Oblivion installed in?? Are you running with an administrator account or limited account?? Give us somewhere to start.
  10. From the UESP Wiki console commands page on the sexchange command: I can't help much other than that.
  11. Carandial from the Bravil Mages Guild likes to camp out beside the Anutwyll ruin. Doesn't take long before he's a goner. His horse likes to hang out just north of Bravil after that. I'm considering going nuts with the console (SetOwnership) just so I can stable all these derelicts. Break out the defib paddles ... CLEAR!!
  12. The utility to unpack 7z files is here. When you download a mod make sure to read the install directions and compatibility notes in the mods description page.
  13. Have a look at the uninstall instructions for the mod (usually part of the readme or on the mod description page). Most that I've seen call for removing meshes and textures added to the game as well as the esp. Often the install instructions will tell you what files to backup beforehand so you can restore them afterwards.
  14. I occasionally need to delete a file that I'm wanting to overwrite because of a similar squawk from Microsoft (I'm a dinosaur still using WinXP). The other possibility if you're running Vista or Win7 is the UAC 'bug' (Oblivion installed in C:\Program Files). When you uninstalled did you go through all the steps mentioned in this guide by bben46, a moderator here?
  15. As much as you don't want to (I know it's a pain) I think you need to start out fresh with a brand new install in C:\Games\Oblivion. Follow bben46's uninstall/re-install guide so that you remove all vestiges of your old problematic install. Right now you're trying to fix an installation that has messed up registry entries and who knows what other problems. Getting off to a fresh start on the right foot in C:\Games\Oblivion will let you turn UAC back on and will eliminate problems associated with that. Then we can concentrate on getting your DLC and mods working.
  16. Another 'paramedic player' ... good to see. Something else that bugs me is that not all bodies are persistent. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why I had a painted horse standing by the small bridge just outside Bravil on the road to Leyawiin. When I was doing the Ahdarji's Heirloom quest I went looking for Hildara Mothril but couldn't find her. I finally followed the quest marker for her, which lead me to the Bravil bridge. Turns out she accompanies Countess Alessia Caro on her jaunts to Chorrol to visit her mom and they probably ran afoul of the critters that spawn near the bridge. The Countess is marked essential until the heirloom quest is complete so she won't die earlier in the game. The Countess' bodyguard respawns if he dies but poor Hildara is left to the wolves. Funny thing is, a couple of times I tried to get rid of the paint horse by getting the orgres or minotaurs from Anutwyll to do my dirty work. Every time the dead horse would revive itself after a few days when the cell reset. So you can lose Hildara (who does play a small but non-quest breaking part in Ahdarji's Heirloom) but her horse will live on in perpetuity even if it dies. Go figure.
  17. Yes, once Oblivion and SI are installed and patched with the main Unofficial patch you can install all the DLCs you want to play. Then install the Unofficial DLC Patches that go with each of the installed DLCs. Make sure, when you install the main Unofficial patch that you get the right one (in your case it should be the SI version).
  18. Sounds like an uninstall issue. Could be that installing the mod replaced files that weren't restored to original afterwards. Have you contacted the mod author or checked through it's comments section?
  19. You would install the Unofficial Patch Supplemental that goes with each of the DLCs that you have installed. Example ... if you have the Frostcrag Spire DLC installed on your machine then you would also install the DLC Frostcrag Spire Unofficial Patch. Let's say you don't have the Vile Lair DLC installed on your machine, then you would not install the DLC Vile Lair Unofficial Patch. I don't have a list of your installed DLCs, but you can find them listed if you click 'Data Files' on the game launcher. They'll show up with names like DLCFrostcrag.esp or DLCBattlehornCastle.esp. Install the corresponding Unofficial Patch and you're good to go.
  20. Turning your UAC off as a TEMPORARY measure is OK but it's best to NOT be connected to the internet at the time. Make sure you turn UAC back on when you're finished. It is an important part of your protection from all the bad stuff on the internet.
  21. From the install instructions on the BOSS download page: I would say, regardless of whether you used the installer method to install or unzipped the archive and copied method, your BOSS.exe file should be in the Oblivion\Data directory after you go through your re-install of Oblivion.
  22. As Hickory asked in this thread ... is your Oblivion install directory C:\Program Files\Oblivion?? Makes a big difference.
  23. I did quite a bit of research on gates when I was on my '60 gate marathon'. Here's a quote from one of the UESP Wiki articles: Here's a couple of links you may find useful.
  24. From the CM Partners FAQ (included with your download of CM Partners ... this is item #5):
  25. The Oblivion game engine is quite forgiving if you decide to get side-tracked as well, up to a point. I'd advise reading through the Main Quest walkthrough on the UESP Wiki if you want to avoid some of the quest glitches. If you don't want to spoil you experience by reading the step by step walkthrough you can skip down to the bottom of each walkthrough to the 'Bugs' and 'Notes' section. I was tempted to go buck naked at that point MastersSon. :biggrin:
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