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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Do you still get this if you launch Oblivion with the game launcher rather than the OBMM launcher?
  2. Responsibility is what determines whether or not they'll report crimes. Try lowering that. Lower it too low and they'll become thieves whenever they're short of food though ... keep 'em fed.
  3. When you copied from Hickory's post make sure you get the part that says 'Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00' but not the part above. Click File - Save As and then make sure it is being saved on your desktop (click the Save In drop down box). Name the file removedlc in the File name box near the bottom (don't put .txt on the end ... Notepad will add the extension) and then click Save. The file removedlc.txt will now be on your desktop. Right click the file and select Rename from the right click menu. The text below the icon will be highlighted. Click at the end of the text (or anywhere within the text and then use your arrow keys to move to the end of the text). The highlight should now be off the text. Backspace and remove the txt from the end but leave the dot. Type in reg and hit Enter. Say Yes to the warning dialog about changing the file extension. The file on your desktop should now read removedlc.reg. Double click the file and answer Yes to the confirmation prompt about merging a registry file. What this will do is remove the registry entries that you currently have in your registry that Oblivion is seeing when you try to install KotN and SI.
  4. Here's a link to the Construction Set Wiki on Connecting Door Markers.
  5. OK ... because it's Vista that means you are subject to the UAC problem, so you do need to get Oblivion installed in a directory outside of C:\Program Files. When you said it doesn't respond when you press the uninstall button are you talking about the uninstall option off the Start/All Programs menu? Do you also get that response when you try to uninstall from the Control Panel/Programs and Features? Edit: Looking over bben46's uninstall/re-install procedure he mentions using the original game CD setup.exe for your uninstall. I recommend you read through that guide and follow it's suggestions.
  6. Are you running Windows 7 or Vista? If not and you're running Windows XP you won't need to uninstall. Are you trying to uninstall from an administrator account or the same account you used to install the game?
  7. Hickory ... I was just checking in one of my Windows texts regarding using a .reg file to delete a registry key. When I look a your suggested .reg file I see the hyphen (-) outside the brackets (e.g. -[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion - Horse Armor Pack]). Are you sure it shouldn't be inside the bracket (e.g. [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion - Horse Armor Pack])??
  8. Probably best not to select it yet though. It may prevent triggering the Vampire Cure quest down the road if you ever want to do it (although you may never catch the disease again now you've consoled your way out of it ... if you catch it and use the cure quest you're immune afterwards)
  9. From the UESP Wiki for Light the Dragonfires:
  10. LHammonds' reply to my request for clarification: Thank you LHammonds.
  11. Beginning mod user and even more beginninger (is that a word?) modder here. I've been doing a lot of reading and can't recall exactly where I read this, but I believe either Blender or NifScope (not sure which without seeing the original source I read) has some peculiarities around resource paths. It was either an extra backslash (\) got added to the path that had to be manually removed so that the texture would map correctly or forward slashes (/) were used instead of backslashes. Or I could be all messed up on this. BTW ... nice looking building. Don't give up on this ... get your issue resolved. :thumbsup: Edit: Please disregard anything above that is not in red text. LHammonds was gracious enough to respond to a PM regarding what I posted and set me straight. See my post below for his reply.
  12. Not sure whether your problem got resolved or not, but Telyn posted an excellent troubleshooting guide on this thread:
  13. In support of madmardigan409's advice above ... excerpted from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide:
  14. Beauty ... thanks for the update. So that tells me that bFullBrightLighting is your 'Lite Bright' ... good to know.
  15. Looking at your screenshot techsupport.jpg I see no difference to what I see on the same panel in my game (beyond the difference in CPU info ... my GPU info doesn't show there either). Comparing your rendererinfo.jpg to my RendererInfo.txt file the only thing that jumps to mind is that you are using 3.0 shaders, which is the same as me. When I enabled 3.0 shaders I used this section of Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide: Basically what you're doing is replacing a shaderpackagexxx.sdp with one you've renamed. I have no idea if this will make a difference, but if you make sure to save a backup of the file you're replacing (which in your case would be shaderpackage007.sdp) in a separate directory you can easily revert back to original (I always create a MyBackups directory and then subdirectories for each thing I'm backing up, often with a text file for notes on what was done). When you look in your Catalyst driver page I take it everything is OK and recognized and you get no errors when you run dxdiag.exe (I love it when someone else is on WinXP and I can look through my own machine for the names of things :thumbsup: ). When you say you reformatted, I take it that Oblivion is installed outside your C: so no Windows re-install took place (I use a separate physical drive for games myself ... and no I'm not suggesting a re-install of XP). The only other suggestion I have is make sure you're running the latest Catalyst drivers. Quite often store bought machines (even expensive ones) come with the default off the drivers disk or even older video drivers installed. If need be you can roll-back your driver later if it doesn't fix your problem and causes other problems (unlikely ... newer drivers are always a good bet, just follow the instructions for making the upgrade). The Oblivion Tweak Guide linked above has an imbedded link to instructions on doing this if you need them. I myself prefer to not allow the Microsoft Update site to make my video or sound driver updates ... been screwed by them a few times. Download from ATI and install using their and Koroush's instructions. About all I can think of ... good luck.
  16. You could try Companion Horse Support. I have no experience with it myself but it was suggested in this thread as a solution to a similar question.
  17. When Oblivion (or any other program for that matter) is installed in a subdirectory below C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) the Microsoft security feature called UAC (found in Vista and Windows 7) prevents modification of any executable files (e.g. Oblivion.exe). If you install Oblivion in the default location, it will install in C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion. This will not cause you any problems until you decide you want to install some mods. To properly resolve this issue you need to have Oblivion installed in a directory outside C:\Program Files (I don't recommend disabling UAC ... it's there to help keep your computer safe from malware). When you install Oblivion change the directory to C:\Games\Oblivion, which will create a new directory C:\Games and a subdirectory Oblivion under that. Once you have Oblivion installed in C:\Games\Oblivion UAC will no longer stop your mods from running. One of the moderators here bben46 has this guide to help you do the uninstallation/re-installtion properly.
  18. I believe that the GOTY Edition should already be patched to 1.2.0416 (you can confirm this by checking the version number shown in the lower left corner of the game start-up screen).
  19. Are you using the same account to start the Construction Set that you used to install it? Edit: Also is your Oblivion installation patched to version 1.2.0416?
  20. Thanks whalecakes (total noob on custom races here ... my bad ... I'll remember in the future).
  21. Have you tried any different skin textures (e.g. Ozmo's High Rez Skin Textures for HGEC)? Edit: Disregard ... see whalecakes' post below ... bad advice.
  22. No ... C:\Games should be fine. Did you install using an administrative account and is that what you are trying to run it from?
  23. Give Luchaire's HGEC Bod Seam Replacer a try. Fixed a similar problem for me. Edit: Disregard ... see whalecakes post #5 below.
  24. You say you're running on Windows NT (would that be as in Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0??). Is that OS even supported by Oblivion? I haven't had NT installed on a machine in nigh-on 10 years.
  25. When you open your RendererInfo.txt (located in your My Documents\YourUserName\MyGames folder along with your Oblivion.ini) does the correct name for your video card appear at the top of the file (right below 'Renderer Device Information:'). I'm thinking that Oblivion isn't recognizing your video card and defaulting to 'Lite Bright'. Here's a quote from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide: If I'm correct (not a certainty) bFullBrightLighting is your 'Lite Bright'. It would make sense that if Oblivion doesn't recognize what card you're using it would default to a low powered solution that would allow the game to run. Perhaps a video driver update will help. Is your Control Panel reporting the correct card in Windows?
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