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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. The Oblivion game engine is old and doesn't take advantage of modern CPUs and video cards (e.g. ... the Havok physics can't be offloaded to the GPU). The game is also quest driven so a lot of processing is taking place each frame or every 5 seconds depending on it's priority. When you're outdoors there are far fewer NPCs to process. You go into the IC and the count skyrockets. Excerpted from the Construction Set Wiki A Beginners Guide - Appendix 2 If the game engine could take advantage of multi-core CPUs we'd see better performance. There are mods that improve performance and, as you're finding, quite a few that tax the system.
  2. You might want to try The Mod Detectives thread pinned at the top of this page ... they're the mod findin' specialists extraordinaire!!
  3. LOL ... more like neophyte when I was selecting birthsign and class. Warrior sounded stronger (and I wanted to be strong!! ... carry more stuff, hit like ton of bricks ... aka, strong like bull, dumb like ox). Double warrior doesn't equal efficient leveling. When I create my next guy he'll be quite a bit different ... can you say 'custom class'. I've done a bit of research since then. :whistling:
  4. I didn't mean to imply that. After looking at Hickory's answer I tend to agree with him. Almost any modern video card will give you the option of HDMI out. Unless your laptop is a high-end gaming laptop, almost every video card you can buy today will have far more pixel pushing capability that your laptop. What's important when you're deciding on system components is that they are balanced. Example ... If I build a new machine today and use for example an Intel Core i7 - 2600K in an ASUS Maximus IV Extreme motherboard but then decide that I'll use my old NVIDIA 8800GTS SLI video cards (probably because I've run short of money at this point) I will be lucky to ever notice the tiny improvement in performance that I get from the new CPU and MB. The video cards severely limit that scenario. If instead I buy a pair of EVGA Geforce GTX 570's and put them in my current rig I will also see negligible increase in performance, as my current CPU and to a lesser extent MB will limit the new video cards. Any gaming rig build is an exercise in compromise. If money grew on trees you could just buy the absolute best of everything and be damned if I don't get bang for my buck. I don't live in that neighborhood, and if you do can I come visit?? The bottom line that drives my builds, after money considerations, is screen size. It takes more video card horsepower to drive a 2560 x 1600 display than a 1920 x 1080 screen. I work backwards from the display when planning component buys.
  5. I believe your screenshot is showing that you have a missing texture. You mention Quarl's textures ... have you posted a question on that mod's Comment page??
  6. Another thing ... is Oblivion installed in the default location (C:\Program Files (x86)\...). Un-modded Oblivion will run fine in that location but as soon as you install mods the Microsoft security feature called UAC will cause problems. If you uninstall all your mods and Oblivion runs fine from Program Files (x86) then you have narrowed down the possibilities. Here's a link to bben46's Uninstall/Re-install Guide if you need it.
  7. Sorry Goudanis but I'm stumped at this point. I'm a PC guy myself (never owned a TV so a console like Xbox isn't likely to be found in my house). Does Oblivion load your mis-ordered saves OK? If so at least your game's not broken, just being inconvenient. Can't offer much more.
  8. I haven't been trying to ignore anything. You say you've uninstalled OBSE and it made no difference. I myself have little experience with OBSE. I use it and haven't had any problems as yet (touch wood). If you've uninstalled something and the problem persists, in my estimation it probably wasn't the problem. My point in asking whether you could launch Oblivion using the Bethesda game launcher was aimed at determining whether or not the Steam update is at the root of your problem. If Oblivion launches fine with the Bethesda launcher but not from your Steam overlay then the problem is rooted with Steam and not Oblivion itself. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear to you, sometimes even old guys like me have trouble getting the whole picture across. If you look through the various threads here you will see some common recurrent themes. Near the very top of that list is having Oblivion installed in the Program Files directory if you are running either Windows 7 or Vista. It is not a problem if you are running Windows XP. By asking which operating system you are running I was trying to determine whether or not that could be either at the root or contributing to your problem. It is not always very easy determining the cause of a problem when you can't poke around and look for possibilities yourself. Working through a medium such as this forum, the person trying to help is trying to narrow down a list of possibilities in their head by asking questions and trying to fully understand the answers. That same person is limited by their abilities and experience. Unfortunately there are no magic wands here (at least at this end of my computer). Not all problems will be solved. Knowing that doesn't deter me from trying, but all I can offer is my best shot. If that isn't sufficient for you, just let me know and I'll ignore this thread.
  9. You know what makes it even sweeter ... the higher your level the more tumblers you need to tumble for each level-up tick. If security is a major skill ... well pity you. How do I know this??? Smart guy that I am, I have security as a major. I carry a lot of lockpicks ... a lot (I get antsy when I have less than 500 ... repercussions of running out constantly early in the game). My best friend is J'baana ... first person I seek out after a level-up. Security 89 and counting ... let's see how many picks will I need to reach 100. :laugh:
  10. I'm not sure about your ordering issue. I have noticed that Oblivion on the PC will re-number saves if I save over an old save. You notice next time you start the game and reload your last save it's re-numbered sequential to the next highest. It does always appear at the top of the list though. I notice in the screen shot your scroll bar is at the bottom. What's at the top of your list?
  11. Exactly the same solution I came up with to the leveling situation. I'll grab it from the desk at Rosethorn Hall once I'm master in security (at which point it will be superfluous). I agree that there must have been an issue with your security level. When I first got the key it raised my level as you indicated, and dropped it back whenever I took it out of my inventory. Just think about how many lockpicks you've yet to break!! I know ... I'm a joy. :tongue:
  12. First you will need a skeleton replacement that is compatible with the body style you're interested in (e.g. Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons). Next you will need a BBB body that's compatible with that skeleton (e.g. HGEC Body with BBB v 1dot11). Then you will need clothing and armor compatible with the first two items and in the same bust size you chose in step two (e.g. BBB H-cup Stock). Quite often the armor will require the non-BBB version installed first and then the BBBed version second (e.g. IvyArmor for HGEC and BBB for Ivy Armor). You will want animations that take advantage of BBB (e.g. NoMaaM Animation Replacer) Optional but recommended High resolution skin texture replacers compatible with the body you have chosen (e.g. High Rez Skin Textures for HGEC) If available for your chosen body style, a body seam replacer/concealer (e.g. Luchaire's HGEC Body Seam Replacer) You can spend hours looking through the downloads once you get the hang of it. Enjoy. :biggrin:
  13. You may have already checked out this UESP Wiki article on the Skeleton Key. It doesn't add much not already mentioned here (I linked for completeness & background). There are console commands which can be used to return your security skill to where you want it. Read the caveats carefully (e.g. take note of setav vs advskill so you understand the consequences of using advskill).
  14. Without any details around your laptop, off the top of my head I'd say that the laptop screen is driven by an on-board video (is this an Intel machine or AMD??) whereas the HDMI out is driven by a discrete HDMI chip. Gonna' be kinda' hard to cart the big TV around ... probably won't fit in the laptop bag. Looks like you're playing Oblivion on the couch. :biggrin:
  15. On your game version issue, you can get your current version at the bottom left corner of your screen when you're at the menu screen (load game etc). If you have the Game of the Year edition installing SI from the game CDs will update Oblivion to 1.2.0416. When you say I'm unclear whether you downloaded just Francesco's or you downloaded the DLCs and SI as well. If you are not a Steam user I hope that means you downloaded the DLCs and SI from an official source. A Steam installation should be automatically up-to-date from my understanding (I'm a non-Steam guy myself). Patches from differing sources shouldn't be mixed (e.g. the Direct2Drive patch won't work on a retail disk or vice versa). Your install directory is also important if you are running either Windows 7 or Vista. Microsoft's secuity feature UAC will interfere if you have Oblivion installed in the default C:\Program Files location. Follow bben46's Uninstall/Re-install guide to get things set straight if that's the case.
  16. I had similar issues getting my Logitech mouse wheel working ... finally settled on not using the wheel and using the side 'back' button instead (I was looking for an alternative to 'c' for cast ... 'c' says crouch to an old FPS guy like me).
  17. No ... I'm a simple man yet, playing vanilla + HGEC and a few trinkets and baubles I've picked up here. Counting my own 'homegrown' endeavors I think I have twelve mods active. Mostly I use animation replacers and some clothing/armor replacers. Not too complex to install and keep happy. Someday I'm sure I'll need to cross the BOSS/WryeBash/BAIN bridge, but all my research here isn't making me eager for it. Maybe Hickory will make me a friend before that day ... he's 'The Big Dog' once you tread that path.
  18. I feel your pain. After I had trouble with a couple of quests and started reading through the UESP walkthroughs I've gained a sense of how 'quirky' a lot of the quests are (must cross eyes just so ... stand on one foot and say "There's no place like home" three times). Having never written a script, never mind a quest script it's easy to throw stones. I've got a lot of plywood covering my own windows now (hmmm ... wonder how that happened).
  19. The price tag attached to manual install ... manual uninstall. I'm sure Hickory will have some suggestions. I'll read along and learn. Edit: I'm not seeing an Oblivion.esm ... should be at the top of your list.
  20. Wasn't suggesting not posting here ... advocating what I call the 'Shot Gun Principle' ... you put enough lead into the sky, a duck's bound to fly into one of them. :tongue:
  21. Have you tried asking on the FCOM mod comments page??
  22. Were Martin and Jauffre with you?? If you look at the stages for the quest listed in the walkthrough I linked you'll see this is a quest with many individual stages inserted checking Martin's and Jauffre's progress, not the players. The dimmed out ones are non-journal (you get no notification in your quest log) but are essential steps that the scripts need to advance through. Use caution with 'setstage' ... know what you're doing beforehand.
  23. What's the issue with contacting Scent Tree as Hickory suggested?? He's actively supporting OBMM Extended ... his last post on the mod Comments was Feb 26/'11. The 'simple fix' you're looking for might be that close.
  24. I checked the UESP Walkthrough for the Weynon Priory quest and didn't see anything specific to your problem listed. I have seen advisories in other quests about fast travelling giving problems. I know walking from Kvatch to Chorrol is about as exciting as watching paint dry on a cold day, but do you have a save prior to the autosave which you can try using 'Shank's mare' to get to Weynon Priory? Considering you've consoled the quest ahead this may not help but it's worth a try. Maybe you'll get lucky and the game will drop every last extra bandit it has in it's 'inventory' between Kvatch and Chorrol ... I know it seems to do that for me whenever I'm not looking for a fight. :tongue:
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