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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. OK ... let's do +5 Attribute first and then while you're testing I'll hop in the shower (the test will take a while becuse you will need to level up at least 10 skill points to get a level up). Download it and extract, and you'll find the file All+5AttributeModifiers.esp ... copy and paste to Oblivion\Data and then activate in OBMM and run BOSS. When you do your test make sure that at least one of your attributes (e.g. Strength or Willpower etc) only gets a single (or two) skill points (so try to only level two or three major skills for 9 points and one major skill for one or two). I should be squeaky clean again by the time you do that.
  2. Ya sometimes when I tell people that I help out on a modding site for a game I enjoy playing I can see the confusion in their eyes ... uh, what's a modding site? So will we try any more tonight? If so maybe one or two of those smaller ones like +5 Attribute or Light Weight Potions.
  3. Well I have been wanting to ask ... did your Mom say I shouldn't be keeping you up so late? That is a common mistake people make with Vilja because they are two separate downloads. Emma did that so if the mod was updated people wouldn't need to download the BSA file over again (it's a big download from all of the voice files).
  4. No Vilja has a voice ... Emma did the voice acting herself. Just to confirm you have 1em_Vilja.bsa in your Oblivion\Data folder, right?
  5. OK ... download Companion Vilja 4 04 ESP (top download) to a folder, and then Companion Vilja ver 4 BSA to that same folder. Next download Almagerds Vilja for OCO to that same folder. Extract all three downloads. You will now copy 1em_Vilja.esp from the Companion_Vilja_4_04_ESP folder in the extracted download and paste it into your game's Oblivion\Data folder. Next copy 1em_Vilja.bsa from the extracted download and paste it into the game's Oblivion\Data folder and then finish by copying 1em_Vilja OCOv2 Alternative.esp from the extracted download and paste into the Oblivion|Data folder. Activate 1em_Vilja.esp and 1em_Vilja OCOv2 Alternative.esp in OBMM and then run BOSS. Start the game and go to the Bloated Float in the Imperial City's Waterfront District and she should be sitting at a table in the Bloated Float.
  6. Excellent ... now on to Vilja. On the Vilja mod page there are two different possible OCO v2 compatible versions. The one that is listed near the top (Almagerds Vilja for OCO) and further down the Files tab page (OCO_Vilja_ByJet4571). The Almagerds version has a thumbnail picture on the Files tab beside the name. The Jet4571 version can be seen on the Images tab, top row third picture from the left). Which of those would you like?
  7. So that makes me think that the two problems are related (the not being able to look around in first person and not being able to turn your third person's focus point while sitting). Brings us back to the skeleton.nif as a possible root cause. What I would suggest is to change to something like Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons and test if the problem remains. If it goes away then you have something that can be researched (I'm assuming the LAPF skeleton is from another site ... I've heard of it mentioned in comments but not seen it).
  8. No it won't say debug ... that text you see is the debug messages. OK next we will install the patch that is needed so that Vilja doesn't lose her stuff because of EE. Download Patch for Vilja and Enhanced Economy Loot Removal Feature to a folder and extract to that same folder. Copy the Data folder from the extracted download and paste it into your game's Oblivion folder ... yes to the folder merge and any file overwrites as usual. This only replaces the file Oblivion\Data\ini\Enhanced Economy - Immune.ini with a replacement with the entries to stop EE from taking Vilja's stuff so we don't need to do anything to activate and don't need to run BOSS. We will wait until after we are done installing and testing Vilja to turn off those EE debug messages (in case they come in handy testing and troubleshooting Vilja).
  9. I'm a first person guy so I don't follow every last third person mod that comes out (or from the past), but I don't recall ever hearing of anything like what you are asking for (I do skim all new mods, just so I stay abreast of what is around). When in third person do you get a prompt somewhere on the screen showing you the character's current focus (like when you are trying to pick something up)? I use third person when getting into and out of bed, and sometimes wind up in a conversation with one of my "house guests" because I didn't notice that they were standing by the bottom of the bed, close enough that they are now my third person view focus (also use See You Sleep DLL, so when I wake up I need to exit the bed). - Edit - My guess on the can't look around when sitting thing is skeleton.nif related problem. Are you using the skeleton.nif recommended by the combat etc replacer mods you're using?
  10. OK ... first some prep work. There is a new version of Enhanced Economy available that I learned about when reading up on a patch for using Vilja plus Enhanced Economy. Download Lubrons patch - Enhanced Economy to a folder and extract to that same folder. Copy the file Enhanced Economy.esp from the extracted download and then paste it in the game's Oblivion\Data folder. Say yes to the file overwrite. Check to see that Enhanced Economy.esp is still ticked in OBMM (should be) and then run BOSS (required beciase the replacement Enhanced Economy.esp will have a different date ... BOSS will fix that). We still have Enhanced Economy.ini set to show debug text so all you need to do is start the game and open the console. You should see the EE debug text in the console like before. That's all we need for this test.
  11. OK, a Google search brought up the post about it in Vilja's mod comments ... now I know what you're talking about. That Argonian Vilja was for an old version of Vilja (version 2 ... she is at version 4 now). It looks like Emma has removed the download for it on the Vilja page (I didn't go searching any further for it ... the post in the Vilja mod comments was from back on July 15 2010).
  12. I've just noticed some updates for Vilja that I should look over before we install her. Shouldn't take long. Where did you find this Argonian Vilja ... I don't see that as an option on the Oblivion Nexus mod page for her.
  13. Just as an FYI aside ... The Bevilex mod comments had some interesting discussion and insights on the wonderful world of hair in Oblivion recently (see the post on Sept 25 2020 by ohla2 and in particular a reply in that thread by Wiepman on Sept 26 2020 ... about half way down that post by Wiepman).
  14. Yes for some people Kvatch Rebuilt can be a problem. It's another one I don't use so I don't follow closely. Companion Vija I am familiar with from previous characters but I don't use any companions with the guy I'm playing now. Vilja is a very well done companion, and has in-game menu that allows you to change how she plays alongside your character. Midas Magic is another I would need to do some research as I've had very little to do with it over the years. So would you like to meet Vilja?
  15. It does sound interesting but I too think it may be adding too much load to your game. A lot of the fighting in dungeons is places you can't hide or run away easily, so then low FPS takes all the fun out of playing. What would you like to try next then (I did look at the Less Overpowered Nighteye ... maybe wait until we are doing Let There Be Darkness so we are testing when it will be darker).
  16. Can't be deleted except by a moderator. Use the Report button and ask.
  17. OK I've had a look and have seen a couple of points to consider. When you use Better Cities plus Better Dungeons you need to use the loose files version of Better Dungeons to prevent crashes (the reason is a bit technical, but I can explain if you want). This will make Better Dungeons difficult to uninstall in the future but if you do a lot of testing in the dungeons before we install any other mods then we can just use the good old Data folder backup trick to completely uninstall Better Dungeons if you change your mind about it. The reason I say you will need to do lots of testing is because some dungeons are really low FPS for some people. I can get a list of dungeons to test from the mod comments, so you don't need to go into every dungeon, just the ones that other people have had trouble with.
  18. Let me have a look at Better Dungeons ... it's another one I don't know much about. I'll look at the night eye mod too.
  19. OK, no problem ... I was looking at it becuase it requires a patch for Better Cities. From what I can see I think it was the only one that needed a ptch for BC after you decided against UL. What would you like to try next then?
  20. Ah Paga ... you can warm a heart on a cold damp day. You aren't a cat perchance, wearing a big hat?? Your picture is a close approximation of the Striker Manor, but let me adjust the focal point a tad. Computer parts are far too valuable to be left strewn about in disarray ... even the ones that no longer work all rest carefully cushioned in their original boxes. It is the "notes to self" which seemed so important that recording that thought was paramount at that moment that understand the fundamental Rules of Disarray. They understand them well indeed. Even scrawled at odd angles and directions on the backs of junk mail envelopes (mustn't throw away paper with blankness that requires filling up), some so incomplete that the sensible reason they once may have carried in their squiggly lines is lost to the ravages of time and failing memory ... yet they remain availble for purview, if the situation arises for a mystery to solve. Shall I read some to you one day, while the rain pitter patters on pane, and the occassional car hisses past on wet pavement? Moms ... loved while we can still hug, and receive hugs returned. Loved even more I think when the hugs can only be remembered.
  21. OK good ... I was starting to wonder what we could try next. When I'm haggling I usually only move the slider a tiny amount at a time ... a lot depends on how good their skill is (Rohssan is a tough one). I am wondering about the next mod from the list ... Oblivion Uncut?
  22. So it didn't work and she let you keep on haggling? With EE after the merchants stops haggling with you they will still buy and sell stuff ... you just can't try to get a better price after you fail five times. The second screenshot says EE:Didn't haggle down near the bottom just before the last entry.
  23. OK that says that EE is working to my eyes anyway. Leave the debug messages on for right now and go to Rohssan again and try the haggling test. If it fails to work again look on the console for some more debug messages.
  24. OK ... right at the beginning of the Oblivion\Data\ini\Enhanced Economy.ini (so the one in your game's folders) find this line ... set tnoEE.debug to 0 and change to set tnoEE.debug to 1 and then save the file. Next open OBMM and put ticks on Enhanced Economy.esp, Enhanced Economy - House prices.esp and Better Cities - House Price Patch.esp and then run BOSS. Start the game and as soon as it loads open the console and see if you see the Enhanced Economy debug messages like I have in this pic ... https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/images/175416
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