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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Well that eliminates BSA Redirection not working as a cause for your problem then, as that date is the same as I have for my disk version of the game. I'm afraid this brings me to that same spot I was at when trying to figure out Zariel's problem in the OCO v2 mod comments (see the link and description of which post in my reply to HadToRegister). I had run out of ideas for solving Zariel's problem when the solution for that case just sort of "presented" itself. I don't know what to suggest for next steps.
  2. From the mod description and a look at the SI map I'd venture a guess at somewhere west of Clylarne, but that is just a guess. From the screenshots the table set up by the mod should be easy to spot.
  3. An observation that may (or may not) be classified as "interesting" ... As we age, and (for the guys at least) tend to begin getting too tall for our hair, we begin to split hairs for entertainment. - Edit - Sorry HadTo ... I couldn't help myself. I'm like a moth to some flames and damn the consequences. :laugh: - Edit 2 - Just wait until you hit the "+" category ... it is a treat!! - Edit 3 - Define interesting ... I'll be hitting the + category in 4 years Maybe time to switch to the good Dr.'s new topic then ... I'm hoping for a new category to select, so for now I just selected one that seems appropriate to outside observers (which doesn't align well with the internal clock, but such is life). You like keeping your distance; from the fire don't you! Well Paga, if I got close then how could I complain about freezing feet?? Ya can't freeze yer feet when ya put 'em in the fire ...stand still will ya!! (at least I think that is a sort of almost close approximation to the line from The Wall).
  4. So far I'm seeing that HadTo is leading by a mile!! Well played sir!!
  5. Wally has always been my hero ... https://dilbert.com/strip/2020-10-04
  6. Created: 10/2/20 Modified: 1/1/6 Accessed: 10/4/20 What is that year for the modified date ... just 6?? - Edit - Did you mean 1/1/06 perhaps?
  7. Do you ever do the "bubble bath" trick the same way my ancestor did 50,000 years ago Paga? There was bubbling spring water before that! :tongue: We called it warm champagne and it made us giggle when we sat on the hole blowing bubbles up our backsides. :laugh: We hadn't develop stomach gas because we were all vegetarians and didn't eat anything that was passed the purchase date including rotten cabbage or beans. We lived 1000+ years back then too you young farter starter you! :nuke: Edit: We had natural springs with bubbly water. What?! Haven't you ever heard of Perrier! Some things work better than others to keep the bathroom off-limits during bath time though Paga. For an "experienced" guy like you that should be second nature. There was a movie with a line like that though ... something about how life couldn't get any better than sitting in the hot tub with bubbles in the ...
  8. Do you ever do the "bubble bath" trick the same way my ancestor did 50,000 years ago Paga?
  9. Hey to the rescue!! You are getting well trained on that next big task we mentioned elsewhere (or was it Elsewhere) ... you are getting the lingo down pat. :laugh: - Edit - Ha ... two to one advantage for the "more experienced" crowd!!
  10. OK I don't see anything in your load order that could be the problem. Look at the file Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa found in your game's Oblivion\Data folder and right mouse click on it and select Properties from the right click menu. In the Properties dialogue box that opens tell me the Created and Modified dates that are shown almost at the bottom of that dialogue box.
  11. okay so what should I do fix this problem My point was that I don't know if the yellow box is indicating a problem, or just FYI info. For instance in my own load order Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp is a similar type filter ESP, but in my load order it shows with a red box (even though it is as it is supposed to be). The red box tells you that it is missing masters, but that is OK with that particular type of filter ESP. So you need to open Wrye Bash General Readme.html (found in your game's Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder) and tell me what it says the yellow box means in your version of Wrye Bash (copy and paste would be the preferred method to move that info into a post here). Section 5c is where you'll find the info.
  12. OK ... when looking through your Alternative Start mod's comments searching for possible clues I noticed a post regarding problems when OBSE isn't working. The only other thing I notice with your load order is the yellow box beside UnleveledQuestRewardsDLCFilter.esp (which is also indicating merged and disabled by Wrye Bash). When I look through my WB version 3.05 Wrye Bash General Readme.html (found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder) it doesn't have a yellow box available as one of the possible colours (see section 5c). The colours are supposed to indicate info regarding what WB is doing or finding ... perhaps a new option was introduced in later versions of WB and a clue may come from finding out what the yellow box is saying.
  13. Confirm that you now do not see the OCO v2 error face. We will probably need to see a load order ... a couple of suspects that would be shown that way are Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp too close to the top of your load order, and another common pitfall is MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp activated (Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp replaces it, and MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp will interfere with it working).
  14. A question ... is OBSE working? I see the OBSE tester in your load order, what does it report?
  15. Why are you running everything as an Administrator? That's going to bite you in the arse later on down the line with Mod Managers and other games. The wonderful thing about the Internet is that if you search far and wide enough you will find advice that suits any taste HadTo. My own rather uninformed experience trying to help Steam users with OBSE/Blockhead issues is that somewhere someone will claim success with every possible option ever suggested. So maybe it just boils down to "doing stuff" until it is fixed ... it's about the only common denominator I've ever been able to discern. The touchstone that I have found to make sense of all this can be seen in the Sept 19, 2020 post by Zariel in the topic started by Zariel on Sept 17, 2020 in the Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 mod comments.
  16. "Oh God, oh God ... we're going to die!!" Duh ... of course!! - Edit - I suppose Mal offers a more palatable option for most.
  17. Err ... Dr. are you under the impression that those approaching/arriving/long past geezeristic age categories will be limited in such a way. Tsk, such are the illusions of youth! - Edit - Oh oh HadTo, seems the young are gaining momentum. Could it be a harbringer of the future? A world with scarcely any geezers is a cold dark thought.
  18. Accurate in what frame of reference. Timescale is a relative thing, as the young version of Albert pointed out in his seminal paper. Perhaps the "Sonics" of this time/space continuum require other options ... my vote would have landed on "Older than Dirt", had that option been an available one.
  19. An observation that may (or may not) be classified as "interesting" ... As we age, and (for the guys at least) tend to begin getting too tall for our hair, we begin to split hairs for entertainment. - Edit - Sorry HadTo ... I couldn't help myself. I'm like a moth to some flames and damn the consequences. :laugh: - Edit 2 - Just wait until you hit the "+" category ... it is a treat!! - Edit 3 - Define interesting ... I'll be hitting the + category in 4 years Maybe time to switch to the good Dr.'s new topic then ... I'm hoping for a new category to select, so for now I just selected one that seems appropriate to outside observers (which doesn't align well with the internal clock, but such is life).
  20. From my understanding (which is based on what I've read regarding the Steam version of Oblivion ... I am a disk guy) you need to start Oblivion via Steam for Steam to load OBSE. There is a new unofficial version of OBSE available now that does away with this need for using Steam (or perhaps it is Steam Overlay) to start the Steam version of the game and get OBSE to load. It can be found here if you want to try this new unofficial version of OBSE, or we can try further steps to try to figure out why OBSE version 021 is not working.
  21. That is because your character does not have any Lesser Powers spells, so that category is not displayed. This all indicates that the UOP is not installed, or not installed correctly. How have you attempted to install the UOP?
  22. You missed the one I would normally select ... so I just picked something that sounded fun.
  23. An observation that may (or may not) be classified as "interesting" ... As we age, and (for the guys at least) tend to begin getting too tall for our hair, we begin to split hairs for entertainment. - Edit - Sorry HadTo ... I couldn't help myself. I'm like a moth to some flames and damn the consequences. :laugh: - Edit 2 - Just wait until you hit the "+" category ... it is a treat!! - Edit 3 - Define interesting ...
  24. OK next test to see if the UOP is working ... Spells menu, in the Lesser Powers section:
  25. Eeeh! I won't be using the Report button for this request (OP). OK ... wait for a moderator or member of the site staff to see this post and tell you that you could have done the same thing I suggested. I didn't just invent that answer ... I learned it by seeing the answer that other people received when they asked for the same thing as you have asked.
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