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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. OK ... are you still seeing problems with clothing and armor or did BOSS fix that?
  2. Ya the BOSS step is important to remember ... it gets the ESPs in the proper order for the game. - Edit - I wasn't doing a good job of reminding you ... we're working better but things are never 100% perfect.
  3. If the answer is yes then we can get the Shivering Isles patch next. Create a folder Shivering_Patch_Install and then inside that a folder named Data. Copy the file Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch-10739-1-5-9a-1589152090.7z from the download folder and paste it into the Data folder you just created. You should now have Shivering_Patch_Install\Data\Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch-10739-1-5-9a-1589152090.7z and then extract Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch-10739-1-5-9a-1589152090.7z to the Data folder. Delete the file Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch-10739-1-5-9a-1589152090.7z from the Shivering_Patch_Install\Data folder and then copy the Data folder. Navigate to your game's Oblivion folder and paste ... answer yes to merge the two Data folders. Open OBMM and activate Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp and then exit OBMM. Open BOSS and hit the Run BOSS button, and when it's done check in the game for any problems.
  4. Yup ... that's what I'm thinking too, get the unofficial patches done and then we'll fix Vanila Gear Redux. OK ... so does that mean that all of the DLC patches are activated in OBMM and we are still good? Did you run BOSS after we did our copy/paste install? I've been forgetting to remind you ... it's always install, activate ESPs, then BOSS and then test.
  5. Ha ... I like it!! I'm off to see if the boating store is open again (don't want to miss it and they are closed again). Be right back.
  6. Do you want to try activating all of the DLC patch ESPs at once and then test, or take it bit more time and do them one at a time?
  7. OK, now we are going to delete the file Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches-9969-24.7z from that Data folder. Next we will copy the Data folder from DLC_Patches_Manual_Install\Data and then paste it into your game's Oblivion folder. Again answer yes to merge the contents of the two Data folders. When you get that done decide if you are feeling lucky or not and let me know.
  8. OK ... we will do the same install method as we used for the UOP. Create a folder named DLC_Patches_Manual_Install and then inside that folder create a folder named Data. Next copy the file Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches-9969-24.7z from where you downloaded it and paste into the Data folder you just created. You should have DLC_Patches_Manual_Install\Data\Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches-9969-24.7z Extract Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches-9969-24.7z to that same Data folder.
  9. What I meant was in your game from Steam, does it come with all of the available DLCs or just some of them?
  10. OK ... the unofficial patches are all meant to be installed first and then you install your other mods. That way your other mods can overwrite the unofficial patch stuff (may explain the clothing and armor issue you have). Let's finish the DLC Unofficial Patches and then we can do the Shivering Isles one. Do you have all of the DLCs installed?
  11. Well the store was closed until later ... so I need to go back in an hour. When you get back from playing I'll leave a next step for you ... Open OBMM and put ticks beside Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp and UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp (if you want to do one at a time and test in between is OK but I'm sure both will be alright if you want to do both and then test).
  12. I have not a lot of faith in OBMM right now. I know what I'm doing with the Striker copy/paste method ... with OBMM I'm left just hoping it knows what it's doing. With the UOP it obviously didn't know what it was doing. The way your game is right now is playable. While I'm gone have some fun, just don't overwrite those saves we made back in the sewers and after the sewers. When I get back we'll go back to work.
  13. Then the UOP is working ... whoohoo ... high fives all around. To fix the clothing and armor issue we can either try getting OBMM to fix it (sort of a fingers crossed prospect) or we can do an old school Striker method. Which do you think? I need to go out for a while again today. The boating store didn't have my stuff ready yesterday so I need to go back today. It shouldn't take long, but I've been wrong about that before. I'll be back as soon as I can.
  14. Whew ... I've been worried about OBMM. Good stuff ... now start the game and see if the Striker Magic is worth all the trouble or not!!
  15. So now we need to activate Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp using OBMM (and I'm hoping it doesn't bite us in the butt!!). Open OBMM and in the left hand panel find Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp and put a tick mark beside it. While you are there have a look in the right hand panel and see if it shows any of the red boxes, or if they are all just blue.
  16. Hmmm ... I was sure there would be some from the Unofficial Patches. OK, now we will install the UOP. Go to the UOP_Manual_Install\Data folder and right click on the Data folder and select Copy. Next go to your game's Oblivion folder and right click on Oblivion and select Paste. You will get a prompt about there is already a folder named Data ... select to merge the two Data folder's contents.
  17. Good ... now we need to make sure that OBMM can't mess us up with the UOP. Go to your game's Oblivion\obmm\mods folder and tell me all of the files you see there except the ones for EVE, Roberts Male, OCO v2. What I need is any that are for the UOP or any of the DLC and Shivering Isles UOPs.
  18. OK now delete the file Unofficial Oblivion Patch-5296-3-5-6b-1589151835.7z from the UOP_Manual_Install\Data folder.
  19. OK ... next extract Unofficial Oblivion Patch-5296-3-5-6b-1589151835.7z to the Data folder.
  20. Now go to the UOP download folder and copy Unofficial Oblivion Patch-5296-3-5-6b-1589151835.7z and then paste it the Data folder you just created. Now we should have UOP_Manual_Install\Data\Unofficial Oblivion Patch-5296-3-5-6b-1589151835.7z
  21. Sometimes the old Striker comes up with a good idea eh? :laugh: OK, now in the UOP_Manual_Install folder make another new folder named Data. So now we will have UOP_Manual_Install\Data - Edit - More corrections ... gah!!
  22. OK ... that Data folder backup is coming in handy isn't it. I want to do this with just one step at a time. If my instructions for that step are not clear ask me for a better explanation. First step ... Create a new folder ... this time name it UOP_Manual_Install. - Edit - Without my spelling mistake ... hehe.
  23. I think that we have spent enough time trying to install the UOP with OBMM and it is not working. Maybe it's time to go old school and just manual install the UOP. It's a good thing you don't have any give up in you Wolf. I hope this way will get us past this confusing part. Let's go back to another fresh Steam install, and then another copy and paste of our Data folder from the backup so we know we have a working game without any of this stuff from the UOP. Then we will try my manual install method ... OK?
  24. When you look at the main OBMM window, on the right hand panel where you have the list with blue, green and red boxes do you have two that go with the UOP?
  25. Is there two things showing in the OBMM right hand window that belong to the Unofficial Oblivion Patch (meaning one from before and the one you just made)? - Edit - When we have the red box we need to stop and figure out why before moving ahead, so good that you asked!
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