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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. No ... all we will use NifSkope for so far is to view the various NIF files. My bad ... I should have looked at the Files tab on SetBody Reloaded before I ran off to the store. The download we will be using is the second one down named SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition Data ... you can delete all of the other stuff first if you want, or create a new folder for the second download to keep things organised. - Edit - In NifSkope when you looked at your currently installed femaleupperbody.nif did the body textures show up fine?
  2. I'm up, and at 'em Paps ... have a little grocery shopping on the morning's agenda but I'll get you started with some prep work before I head to the store. One tool that I find indespensible for Blockheading is NifSkope. It allows me to preview different bodies while I'm trying to decide which one to use for either my own character or NPCs that I'm Blockheading. I got started using NifSkope version 1.0.22 so that is the one I prefer, but I do have versions 2.0 and 1.10 downloaded. When you click on the link Download NifSkope 1.2.0 (right below the grey box that says Download Link) it will actually bring you to the page for version 2.0 (could be my NifSkope page link is a bit behind the times). For version 2.0 scroll down past all of the tutorial stuff to just above the section marked with the heading NifSkope 2.0 Pre-Alpha 6. Click on NifSkope_2_0_2018-02-22-x64.7z (I'm assuming you have a 64 bit version of Windows). That will bring up a Windows Save dialogue window. Create a folder to download NifSkope to (it doesn't need to be anywhere special ... mine is even on a different hard drive than my games) and once the download is complete extract the archive to that same folder you created. In the extracted archive you'll find a folder named NifSkope_2_0_2018-02-22-x64 and inside that you'll see NifSkope.exe (along with some other files and folders). I create a shortcut on my desktop for making running NifSkope more convenient myself, but open NifSkope and you'll see a window similar to those shown in those tutorial pics on the NifSkope page. In the top left click on the folder icon and then navigate to your game install's Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male folder and scroll down to find the file femaleupperbody.nif which will show you the same HGEC upper body we installed in the OCO v2 mod comments. You may need to go through some setup steps in NifSkope (setting up your game paths etc). Next you'll need some resources for doing your Blockheading. My number one source for body meshes is SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition which has a wide variety of body types, plus they are all seamless quality!! Download SetBody to a folder and extract it's download to that same folder ... we aren't looking to install it in the game. Inside the extracted download you will find three folders ... Core, Data_Pak and Templates. Open the folder Data_Pak and then continue down so you have Data_Pak\data\meshes\characters\Bombshell all open. You'll now see a bunch of folders (e.g. AGHGEC, CLS, Curvaceous etc). and some of those will just have their resource files (e.g. CLS) while others contain further subfolders. While I'm doing my shopping you can look through all of the possibilities and select which body you'd like for your character. NifSkope should have associated itself with the NIF file extension so it's just double left click on a file you'd like to see and NifSkope will open it. Once you have more than one open you need to move between open instances of NifSkope down in your task bar at the bottom of the screen. When I narrow the choices down to a few possibles I find it real handy in comparing the subtle differences between some NIFs by just using the Windows preview of the remaining open NifSkope instances down in the task bar. Learn how to use NifSkope a little and do some exploring.
  3. Have you tried posting this in the Vortex Support forum?
  4. And yet, if you know a bit about that "third step" I allude to it does rule out much of what most people consider self determination. We are accountable for what we do, and it is by our actions right now that our futures are shaped but outcomes are not in our purview. All we can control is what we do at this instant, the rest will unfold as it will. How prevalent is that order of business in today's society?
  5. Stay the course ... good plan!! - Edit - I did remember to look for those chips last time at the store. Sadly, no joy. :sad:
  6. And so, what would you prefer with that conglomerate sir ... perhaps a little lithification, or would you like to stick with the consolidation??
  7. Oh! I don't like to talk about those kinds of people. I prefer archaeologist evidence that leaves us without any doubt we don't know enough about anything from the past to know what a God is. I wouldn't know a God if I saw one. Everyone seems to think they are Gods, or God's gift to man or God's gift to woman. Then tell me I am not. I'm just a cripple. Poor insignificant cripple as far as they are concerned. It's sad that you mentioned that kind of infinitely all knowing know nothing blurb. If a God answered questions like Gods are supposed to we all would be so well educated we could reach out of our solar systems and beyond. Faster than the speed of life! Hmmm, I believe you misunderstood me. I wasn't making any reference to a particular deity or religion. However your reference to a "soul", the existence of which is a completely unscientific hypothesis, leads only to the belief in some "higher" being and/or state of being. When I speak of God, and I do indeed believe in God, I'm not picturing Morgan Freeman in a white suit, or some other "being" you can actually talk to. But rather in the same sense that Einstein himself was referring to when he said (paraphrasing) "God does not play dice with the universe". In this sense 'God" isn't a being, but rather a "consciousness" or "drive" that is the "reason" for the Universe. It's an "idea" of existence, perhaps in some unknown (and unknowable) dimension or "plane of existence", but it some way, it's what makes the universe "live". Your words were what made your meaning unclear. Now that you have elucidated with words to show you have some sense of a vast real estate beyond what we call our sight can view it is better that you recognized you used uneducated words spoken by children who have not read much about life yet and wrote words now about it with more words to appraise your own concepts. What matters is that people never let what we believe become so ingrained we never find out if what we known and can compare to beliefs are valid. Scientist often become frustrated adventurers who only wish to find a way back to the udder of life. Unlike Nostradamus: MIchel de Nostredame who was a great physician that used code to keep his medical journals from being read by uneducated doctors and competing doctors from his own school. Some of his first journals were stolen while on delivery to the college which he gave his reports on medical research. With his wife and childrens help he started coding and making several copies to assure at least one of his latest work in his journals would get to the correct people at the college. Coding them made them worthless to hired thieves who would rob couriers for them and sell them to people of the craft who wanted his knowledge so they could heal their own and receive acclaim for the wisdom. The wisdom they didn't have the patience to learn on their own. His children received letters about how the family at home was doing in the code we call Quatrains for their entire lives keeping them safe from the many dangers life presented them from the uneducated hoards. Such were the ways of the good doctors of those times. Once you got your foot in the door it was your secrets that gave you tenure. No wonder they still write atrociously and use language that is beyond normal comprehension ... it's in the roots of their calling. I'm onboard with the concepts you guys are proposing ... what got me off the "old track" I wandered until middle age and onto the "new and improved, with all the bells and whistles" track I have travelled since began with a simple concept to get me past some deeply rooted prejudices. G O D ... Good Orderly Direction. Make it past the third step and it's a cakewalk (all up hill of course ... but does anything worthwhile lie downhill??). My question is ... Where does Mr Murphy figure into all this? He lives at the Striker Manor, always has his feet up on the furniture, and is welcome to leave whenever the notion strikes him. I've been ready for years. Oh! I know! It's all about RISING to the top of the hill, (heap) and enter the outhouse with the latest letters in hand. A moment of brief quiet before the sounds of how the last supper begins to be heard. Which often were quiet unheard times. Until the occasion for meals with new and untried food types arrived the night before with explosive gases, grunts, groans, and growls of the fierce beast within us; reaches the ears down on the mile marker we began our climb from. Where all those standing about hear and fear they are also going to have experience with while they wait in line there. The cook could surmise what not to add to the meals before the cook began eating the treats themself that way. Wise is the cooks way. PB&J is so easy to the mind where all the reasons for living also receive the reports of our backside. :laugh: Ah ... the Burnin' Ring 'o Fire. Last time I had that bad was also the last time I tried making my own chilli (if 1 spoonful of this stuff is good ... then two, or maybe even three would be way way better, right??). If it can leave burn marks on your skin when you take the leftovers from the fridge to reheat you would be well advised to rethink the dinner menu. My younger days were not noted for good decisions.
  8. LOL On the flip side of life... All I am contending with today is unhealthy levels of smoke from the lower 48 states nations mid-western and western states forest fires. Too many national parks are burning along with many woodland properties owned by people. The many people who fight are outnumbered where they can fight forest fires. National Parks are listed as protected and any fire inside their border is supposed to let burn their course out. Many don't know that long before we "paler" races arrived here, the Native North Americans practiced controlled burns regularly. Mature forest doesn't support deer herds, but recently burned regrowth forest does. Niph it's a good thing you didn't go really really old school on your Coke ... like back when Coke had coke in it!! I wonder if the paler race existed before and some of the cave dwellers children began playing near lightning caused fires? You know? And after many years the light pale white skin was roasted to a light red? Thus a group of lightly toasted children became redder faced and fondly referred to as fire bugs? After being struck by lightning a few times children became thought of as fire starters, farming trees as their trade, only to be falsely called such? They were just innocent by standers and tried like the dickens to put out the fire, some successful at it??? Later to be called Redskins? Later to be referred to as Lightning Children? Later to be called Smoke Jumpers, from seeing them stomping on flames than jumping up and down in pain from having burned their bare feet? Or after seeing some mountain goats eating coffee beans, they ate the ripe red coffee beans and that was what gave their skin that color? Of course after many, many years of eating coffee beans they fought the mountain goats for while outside the caves dark safe shade where their pale skinned relatives craved fungi, mold, and darkness as they watched their children live it up more and more outdoors? You know?! It's possible that cave dwellers began to stay outdoors more after certain planetary commotions settled down? There might have been coffee beans once that grew wild in the Rocky Mountain's range near caves and the like? Where paler people emerged after the planet's stomach settled down? You know! They ate them all and moved along and became wanderers looking for food to keep their caffeinated neural networks from getting sluggish? Hm? That could mean then that all of us were the paler race once upon a time? Oh the possibilities ... eh Paga? Too bad we don't have that Time Machine so we could get the "right" right answer!! But then again, where's the fun in that?? Speculation seems like much more fertile ground for coffee growing.
  9. Oh! I don't like to talk about those kinds of people. I prefer archaeologist evidence that leaves us without any doubt we don't know enough about anything from the past to know what a God is. I wouldn't know a God if I saw one. Everyone seems to think they are Gods, or God's gift to man or God's gift to woman. Then tell me I am not. I'm just a cripple. Poor insignificant cripple as far as they are concerned. It's sad that you mentioned that kind of infinitely all knowing know nothing blurb. If a God answered questions like Gods are supposed to we all would be so well educated we could reach out of our solar systems and beyond. Faster than the speed of life! Hmmm, I believe you misunderstood me. I wasn't making any reference to a particular deity or religion. However your reference to a "soul", the existence of which is a completely unscientific hypothesis, leads only to the belief in some "higher" being and/or state of being. When I speak of God, and I do indeed believe in God, I'm not picturing Morgan Freeman in a white suit, or some other "being" you can actually talk to. But rather in the same sense that Einstein himself was referring to when he said (paraphrasing) "God does not play dice with the universe". In this sense 'God" isn't a being, but rather a "consciousness" or "drive" that is the "reason" for the Universe. It's an "idea" of existence, perhaps in some unknown (and unknowable) dimension or "plane of existence", but it some way, it's what makes the universe "live". Your words were what made your meaning unclear. Now that you have elucidated with words to show you have some sense of a vast real estate beyond what we call our sight can view it is better that you recognized you used uneducated words spoken by children who have not read much about life yet and wrote words now about it with more words to appraise your own concepts. What matters is that people never let what we believe become so ingrained we never find out if what we known and can compare to beliefs are valid. Scientist often become frustrated adventurers who only wish to find a way back to the udder of life. Unlike Nostradamus: MIchel de Nostredame who was a great physician that used code to keep his medical journals from being read by uneducated doctors and competing doctors from his own school. Some of his first journals were stolen while on delivery to the college which he gave his reports on medical research. With his wife and childrens help he started coding and making several copies to assure at least one of his latest work in his journals would get to the correct people at the college. Coding them made them worthless to hired thieves who would rob couriers for them and sell them to people of the craft who wanted his knowledge so they could heal their own and receive acclaim for the wisdom. The wisdom they didn't have the patience to learn on their own. His children received letters about how the family at home was doing in the code we call Quatrains for their entire lives keeping them safe from the many dangers life presented them from the uneducated hoards. Such were the ways of the good doctors of those times. Once you got your foot in the door it was your secrets that gave you tenure. No wonder they still write atrociously and use language that is beyond normal comprehension ... it's in the roots of their calling. I'm onboard with the concepts you guys are proposing ... what got me off the "old track" I wandered until middle age and onto the "new and improved, with all the bells and whistles" track I have travelled since began with a simple concept to get me past some deeply rooted prejudices. G O D ... Good Orderly Direction. Make it past the third step and it's a cakewalk (all up hill of course ... but does anything worthwhile lie downhill??). My question is ... Where does Mr Murphy figure into all this? He lives at the Striker Manor, always has his feet up on the furniture, and is welcome to leave whenever the notion strikes him. I've been ready for years.
  10. The point is that it actually hasn't worked for years. It was literally breaking how comments looked on the site (not the forums, the site). You can still search the comments via the forum - nothing has stopped that from working. If I search the forum thread via "This topic", I only get a blank page. Hmm... can you please post a link to the forum topic you're trying to search. I'll test this out and see what happens. If the permission change has broken the search it may be bigger problem. However, I have had cases where some topics are so large the forum just times out when searching for posts. I just did a search through the Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 mod comments Forum topic for IkeCoast and it came up no problems.
  11. If you know the login for the old account you should log into it and then close the account so that you don't get into trouble for multiple accounts (have a look through Forum rules and warnings to get an idea of what I'm talking about). If you don't have access to the old account but can remember the user name then hit the Report button under your post and explain in the Report dialogue that opens what the situation is.
  12. That is the one that is most used on this site. There are a few times I've noticed that certain RAR archives aren't working, but it's not a regular thing ... otherwise 7-Zip works flawlessly.
  13. LOL On the flip side of life... All I am contending with today is unhealthy levels of smoke from the lower 48 states nations mid-western and western states forest fires. Too many national parks are burning along with many woodland properties owned by people. The many people who fight are outnumbered where they can fight forest fires. National Parks are listed as protected and any fire inside their border is supposed to let burn their course out. Many don't know that long before we "paler" races arrived here, the Native North Americans practiced controlled burns regularly. Mature forest doesn't support deer herds, but recently burned regrowth forest does. Niph it's a good thing you didn't go really really old school on your Coke ... like back when Coke had coke in it!!
  14. It worked, ty very much. xxxx your a life saver. I got that from a post by Mathmaestro on May 18 2020 in Blockhead mod comments. If you're looking for someone to "blame" it's not me ... heck I'm a manual install dinosaur from shortly after the Earth's crust cooled. You'd be giving me lessons if I ever decided to move into the Holocene (as if my metabolism could ever survive that). Lol your funny, I mean I originally started modding oblivion using OBMM. I then swapped over to Wrye Bash, but I had issues with it not correctly uninstalling mods after they had been cleaned via TESEdit. Then I was told about Mod Organiser and respected it's potential, allowing you to keep you base install directory clean. However I must say it's really not been straight forward, having to run everything threw it and install wizard's via Wrye Bash using Mod Organiser as a proxy. Right mouse click on Data and select Copy ... change to my other Windows Explorer window ... right click on Oblivion and select Paste ... installed ... open BOSS and sort (maybe need to create a User Rule, maybe not) ... open Wrye Bash and rebuild Bashed Patch ... start game and test. With the possible exception of sometimes needing to reorganise a mod's files and folders (generally selecting options, except in the case of weirdly packaged downloads) that is the entire Striker version of mod installation and management. Took me longer to decsribe than it normally takes from end of download to the play game to test stage (but I am admittedly a rather poor and slow typer). All of those skills/knowledge I brought with me to the game, with the exception of a little reading was required before the first Bashed Patch stage. That's not to say I didn't have a bruised forehead my first day. Mod install instructions included for the first mod I wanted to install (HGEC ... not rocket science but I did bring a rather large handicap to the table as well) didn't do much for me. "Extract the archive to your Data folder" ... yup, I'm not doing that until I understand what your are going to be doing to my game. Extract to my download folder ... compare to the game's folders ... none of the folders are in my game's Data folder ... much head scratching, searching for answers. All those "skills" I carried with me from my early DOS and Win 3.1 on days (and my cautious nature) had stacked the deck against me. Stumbled across Rivelle's HGEC version, looked into OBMM, got HGEC and BBB installed and then it started to fall into place. Think I may have used OBMM for NoMaaM within that first week or so but by then I'd learned enough from reading about other people's problems and the solutions that it had all started to gel. Right click Copy ... right click Paste. - Edit - No answer from you on the animation woes thread ... do you have OCO v2 installed?
  15. Actually it more like a leading question ... one of my many talents! :cool:
  16. Makes sense. A modern cpu and an SSD shouldn't be troubled overly much decompressing files, but it probably made a noticeable difference back when we were using Pentium 4 chips and hard disks for everything. Still, I'm of the mindset that any CPU cycles saved are CPU cycles that can be devoted to other tasks. Stingy old guy here.
  17. The Striker life story, in four panels ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2020/09/14 ... which is perhaps true, but it is my lifestyle.
  18. The Striker life story, in four panels ... Mathmagician ... which is perhaps true, but it is my lifestyle.
  19. "common" sense is what got us where we are today. I would much prefer folks exercised GOOD sense. :D If it weren't for all the bad weather we get we would never enjoy a day where we think the weather is good. Which begs the question; when is the weather actually good? Don't forget your liver spot cream if you're going outside during that great warm sunny day! :laugh: SKIN CANCER!!!!! Agghhhh!!! :D Skin Cancer? What kind of cereal can you by that reminds us of a forest fire? Eww Mom!! I don't want to finish my breakfast. This one didn't get burned all the way through ... he's still too juicy!
  20. Oh! I don't like to talk about those kinds of people. I prefer archaeologist evidence that leaves us without any doubt we don't know enough about anything from the past to know what a God is. I wouldn't know a God if I saw one. Everyone seems to think they are Gods, or God's gift to man or God's gift to woman. Then tell me I am not. I'm just a cripple. Poor insignificant cripple as far as they are concerned. It's sad that you mentioned that kind of infinitely all knowing know nothing blurb. If a God answered questions like Gods are supposed to we all would be so well educated we could reach out of our solar systems and beyond. Faster than the speed of life! LOL ... nice one Paga. Did you ever run into one of those people who are convinced that the Light of the Universe shines out their butt. They drop their drawers and we are all expected to gather round and marvel at the wonders beaming out their butts. Maybe that's what the world needs ... more Butt Beams!! On the bright side you have a in your neck of the woods. I heard him say in one of his talks that he has a hammer (and wasn't afraid to use it either).
  21. It worked, ty very much. xxxx your a life saver. I got that from a post by Mathmaestro on May 18 2020 in Blockhead mod comments. If you're looking for someone to "blame" it's not me ... heck I'm a manual install dinosaur from shortly after the Earth's crust cooled. You'd be giving me lessons if I ever decided to move into the Holocene (as if my metabolism could ever survive that).
  22. Try my secret weapon. Using that same end of the sewers save that has zero mods installed exit the sewers and run around to places like the Market District. What you are looking for is how the game is running with no mods ... nice and smooth is the ideal, how you are measuring up to the ideal is the info you are getting. Then exit the game and install one mod. Load the end of sewers save and test again. All good ... move on to the next mod. Big problems ... it should be pretty simple to figure out where to start troubleshooting. When you add one mod to a properly working game troubleshooting is a trivial affair. When you add a bunch of mods to a game that wasn't really stressed (the tutorial sewers are peanuts for any half decent computer compared to the game world) and now it doesn't work you are where you are now finding yourself ... with no idea where to start figuring out what is wrong. Slow is faster. And by the way ... this is the Mod Detectives thread, not a troubleshooting thread. Read the previous posts and you'll get an idea of what this thread is about.
  23. What would that be ... maybe ten of my coffees, all in one gulp. Did you need some duct tape to hold you in your chair after that Niph?
  24. Have you seen this one ... Running Oblivion OBSE with MO2?
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