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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Thanks to Kats I remembered where I'd seen info regarding custom spell IDs, and I just did a test and the custom potion IDs can be discovered the same way. So the steps for the spell IDs is this (from the UESP Wiki page Oblivion:Spells ... look down at the bottom of that page):
  2. I'll get a head start on today's adventure in Blockheading textures ... So just like we needed to do for mesh overrides, texture overrides need the folders set up for Blockhead to use. The folder path in your game needs to be ... Oblivion\Data\Textures\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm I'll use the body textures from Female Body Retextured in this example, but the same as for meshes it's just a copy/paste/rename exercise so you can use any resource for your source files. So we know from what I have outlined previously that the HGEC body requires two textures ... one to cover the feet, legs, torso and arms and another one for the hands. That means that in Blockhead for a HGEC body mesh we only need to override the foot texture and the hand texture. In the Female Body Rextured extracted download (I commonly use the modular version 1.2 4K version which is the second download down from the top but a lot will depend on how capable your own computer is in terms of handling large textures ... in any case the folder names remain the same between 2K and 4K versions) find the folder 10\textures\characters\imperial\female (which contains a single file named footfemale.dds). Copy footfemale.dds and paste it into the Oblivion\Data\Textures\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm you just created. Now Female Body Retextured doesn't include a replacement texture for HGEC hands, so it's designed to use the hand texture you currently have installed. Blockhead doesn't have a problem with this as it will only override the body parts that it finds correctly named files in the proper folder path for, so we can procceed with the single body texture for now. Rename Oblivion\Data\Textures\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm\footfemale.dds to Oblivion\Data\Textures\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm\00000007_Foot.dds and go into the game and you should notice that your character now has a different look for nipple colour (see the picture 003_03.jpg from the SS folder in the Female Body Retextured extracted download). As I noted last night, the AC AAA body mesh doesn't give a very large nipple diameter, but you still should see some difference. Now the body textures found in Female Body Retextured are very close to (if not up to) seamless quality standards, whereas the hand texture we got from the EVE body install are not particularly great in that regard. The body meshes from SetBody Reloaded are seamless quality, so the seam at the wrist can be improved. Download Seamless - OCCv2 to a folder (I suggest the top listed download SR- OCOv2 BAIN 44676 for this exercise) and extract to that same folder. Inside the extracted download you will find the folder path 20 HGEC TGND2 DMRA or Variants\textures\characters\imperial\female that contains four files. Copy footfemale_n.dds, handfemale.dds, and handfemale_n.dds and paste those three files in your Oblivion\Data\Textures\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm folder. Next rename footfemale_n.dds to 00000007_Foot_n.dds, then handfemale.dds to 00000007_Hand.dds and lastly handfemale_n.dds to 00000007_Hand_n.dds and now go into the game and see if you notice any difference with the wrist seam on your character. It should be at the least slightly improved, if not completely eliminated. What remains is a seam at the neck. We can get better in that area when we move to the next phase which will bring us past the Blockheading part of your character's body and into the realm of Seamless. An explanation on what some of those new file types from the Seamless download are, specifically the footfemale_n.dds and handfemale_n.dds files. The game uses two files to display textures on a mesh ... the colour map (example footfemale.dds) and something called a normal map (the footfemale_n.dds file). What the normal map does is allows a more 3d effect to the way light interacts with the colour map on the mesh, sort of a way to show things like wrinkles that are more apparent when the light strikes at certain angles and less apparent when the light hits from directly above. To reduce the difference you see between two adjoining meshes like the hand attached to the arm we need two things. The mesh is made up of small triangular areas arranged in a way to create the shape of the body (click on your character's body mesh in NifSkope and then zoom in and you'll see these triangles). Now look at the wrist of the upper body mesh and you'll notice that around the end of the arm there are places when the vertices of the triangles meet the line around the wrist that defines the end of the arm part of the mesh. The same situation is there in the hand mesh, and if those vertices don't exactly meet in exactly the same place we will notice the difference in the shape transition between hand mesh and the arm. It's not so easy to show a visual, but the same situation occurs with the normal and colour map texture files. If the colour didn't match up exactly we would all expect to see the difference, but the same is true with the normal maps. Everything needs to be precisely aligned if we want to reduce the noticeable differences where different meshes meet. That is why I have been mentioning this "seamless quality" at different points along the way. That should give you enough to explore for a little while.
  3. I was wondering when you'd run out of gas ... it's not late for you, it's early (in the morning). Get some sleep before the sun starts shining!!
  4. That sound like a question best asked on the Vortex Support forum. Tannin42 checks in there pretty regularly.
  5. So the way that HGEC maps the texyures on the body is it uses the foot texture (footfemale.dds) to cover all of the feet, legs, torso and arms, but it leaves the hands to be covered by handfemale.dds. Roberts Female uses the footfemale.dds to cover everything ... feet, legs, torso, arms and hands. What happens is when you use a mesh that is designed to use Roberts Female but instead try to cover that mesh with HGEC textures (the one that is supposed to cover just the feet, legs, torso and arms) the texture for the hands is not there, and so doesn't display correctly. It's actually even worse, because the individual parts of the mesh and textures are mapped onto one another in a very specific way, so when the correct texture is used all looks positioned properly, but when an incorrect texture is used you can have nipples in the wrong spot and things like that. Stick with HGEC meshes for now, and then I'll show you how to use different HGEC textures to change how your character looks. A lot of how a particular HGEC texture looks depends on details found on different HGEC body meshes, so on the AC AAA body mesh a body texture that has large diameter nipples will still look fairly small diameter as compared to when that same texture is used on a AC SMB mesh (which will also be larger with the same texture as an AC SMB2 mesh). You can see that yourself in NifSkope just by comparing those three body meshes with the single HGEC texture we installed with EVE. Now look at Female Body Retextured (you will need to downoad to a folder and extract to that same folder ... look for the files in the SS folder in the extracted download for examples) and you'll see there is quite a large range of nipple options available. Couple the largest of the nipple options from Female Body Retexured with the AC SMB body mesh and you can get a significantly different look than what you see when using the EVE HGEC body texture.
  6. Not so fast ... we haven't ventured into body texture overrides yet, and non-HGEC meshes will absolutely have to have the proper texture overrides to display correctly. So that means before you try for instance Robert Female from SetBody Reloaded on your character we need to set up the folders for Blockhead's texture overrides. Robert Female is the only one in that SetBody Reloaded download that isn't HGEC compatible, but there are others on Oblivion Mods that require different textures than HGEC (e.g. UFF ... Ultimate Fatasy Figure).
  7. Your character can only be one size at a time, but changing the body for your character is as simple as copying the new size upper and lower body (and hands and feet if they don't use the standard HGEC hands and feet meshes) to the PerNPC\Oblivion.esm folder and renaming them. One trick I use when trying out different bodies on an NPC is to rename the one I just tried (so in your case 00000007_UpperBody.nif) with some xx in front (so change the file name to xx00000007_UpperBody.nif) and then change the name on the new one you'd like to try to 00000007_UpperBody.nif. Blockhead just ignores files that aren't named exactly right so you can have as many different choices all in the PerNPC\Oblivion.esm folder for your character with just a different combination of xx in front (so x00000007_UpperBody.nif and xx0000007_UpperBody.nif and xxx0000007_Upperbody.nif etc). When you want to switch you just do a little file renaming right in the PerNPC\Oblivion.esm folder. For clothes and armor you need to make certain that the mod you are checking out is not a replacer or it will change all of the NPCs who wear that item in the game (or if you don't mind then they would be OK too). When I want one particular NPC to have a certain item of clothing or armor to "fit" the body they have I use the Construction Set to add it to their inventory. That might be pushing you onto a pretty steep part of the learning curve at this point in time.
  8. The menu idle is fixed in the game to show either hand to hand idle (if you have no weapon equipped) or to show the weapon idle that goes with the weapon you have equipped. Blockhead does have a way to change that in Blockhead.ini but I haven't messed with it much. You've probably noticed that when your character is dressed or wearing armor you have the bust size of the EVE equipment replacer, but once you take of the clothes/armor you are the AC AAA size. Now that body size does not have a lot of equipment replacers available, but there are some I know of (they just don't cover all of the available equipment). Mod author yuravica has released some armor and clothing that is a pretty close match (looks to be HGEC AA for some of them). They were all released in small batches or one at a time ... if you do a search on Oblivion Mods for user yuravica you'll see seven pages of mods. Many of them are set up to be replacers, so that would mean that all NPCs that wear that particular item will be wearing the replacement. Then you'll have the opposite problem with NPCs ... when you kill them and loot their body it will go from small bust to big once they are naked. User elPatrixF released a single mod that has most of the available FLY series (a subset of the yuravica mods), originally as a non-replacer that was then turned into a semi-non-replacer (the armors got added to the leveled lists at a 30% spawn chance). What I'm going to suggest is you download the old version of FLY Armor and Clothing - BBB - Non-replacers (so download the one in the Old Files section right at the bottom of the list on the Files tab) to a folder, and extract it to that same folder (same as you did with SetBody Reloaded). You can then use NifSkope to check out the following armor and clothes: FLY_Armor ArenaHeavyBlue ArenaLightYellow DarkBrotherhood DarkSeducer Leather (which is an unused armor in the vanilla game ... the one you'd think was called Leather is called Thief) Orcish FLY_Clothes ApronRythes LowerClass 01 RobeKingWorm RobeNecromancer If you decide you'd like some of those (or others from that mod) it comes as what is known as an OMOD ready format (so you still need to go through the add archive method in OBMM, but it is organised in an OMOD friendly manner). The version 1.0 that I'm suggesting to you adds a spell named FLY Container to your character and that spell summons the container to you and you can take what you'd like from it and just leave any you don't want. One other thing to note for you ... because NifSkope is set up to find the textures in the game's folders it won't display the textures while you are checking the meshes out in your download folder. Don't worry, they will have proper textures once you see them in game. - Edit - As for pictures ... if you uploaded them here in the regular member Image Share they would need to be no nudity, and my guess that is what you'd like me to confirm for you. Perhaps an option is to upload them at the SetBody Reloaded page (that mod is set to Adult and so can show pictures with nudity). Let me know if you go that route. - Edit 2 - If you click and drag with your mouse you can rotate your character and move them closer or farther back ... that may let you see what you need to verify that the body is working correctly.
  9. Ya ... we're going to need a BBBed skeleton, didn't think of it for the body until you brought it up. Not hard to fix. I suggest Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons even though there are newer ones available. You've indicated to me that you have no interest in BBB so what we are going to do is just install the BBB skeleton but not the BBB animation replacers. That will leave you with no BBB, but more importantly none of the visual glitches that happen when you use a BBBed mesh with a non-BBB skeleton. Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons will install fine with OBMM. It is not a pre-made OMOD so you will need to go through the Add Archive method as we did before in the OCO v2 mod comments. The BBB skeleton was something I had on my "to do" list for you, as many mods you will run into (including some suggestions I have for you) will require it. - Edit - So now when you see somebody with a problem they call "boobs to infinity" you'll be able to tell them what to do! - Edit - Coronerras is a mod that I call a "pure replacer" as it does not require an ESP file to work. In the OBMM left hand panel nothing will show after it is installed, but as soon as you go in game and test again with your nude character you will see that it is working.
  10. Cool ... next we will create the folder that Blockhead needs in your game. At this stage we will set up the folder path for meshes. In your game install folders create the following folder path ... Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm Next from the SetBody Reloaded download's Data_Pack\data\meshes\characters\Bombshell\HGEC\UpperBody folder copy femaleupperbody_AC_AAA.nif and paste it into the Oblivion.esm folder you created in the first step (so now you will have Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm\femaleupperbody_AC_AAA.nif). Next in the SetBody Reloaded download's Data_Pack\data\meshes\characters\Bombshell\HGEC\LowerBody folder copy the file femalelowerbody_AC_HGEC.nif and paste it into the Oblivion.esm folder (so now you will have Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm\femalelowerbody_AC_HGEC.nif). The AC body doesn't have special hands or feet so from the Data_Pack\data\meshes\characters\Bombshell\HGEC\HandsAndFeet folder copy femalefoot.nif and femalehand.nif and paste them both into the Oblivion.esm folder (so now you will have Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm\femalefoot.nif and Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm\femalehand.nif). Now all we need to do is rename the files you copied to the Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm folder so that Blockhead will use them as overrides. The player character's baseID (also known as formID) is 00000007 (so that's seven zeros and a seven) and Blockhead uses the baseID to determine which NPC to apply the override to. The file femaleupperbody_AC_AAA.nif will be renamed to 00000007_UpperBody.nif (so the full path is now Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm\00000007_UpperBody.nif). The file femalelowerbody_AC_AAA.nif will become 00000007_LowerBody.nif (so the full path is now Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm\00000007_LowerBody.nif). The file femalefoot.nif will become 00000007_Foot.nif (so the full path is now Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm\00000007_Foot.nif). And finally the file femalehand.nif will become 00000007_Hand.nif (so the full path is now Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm\00000007_Hand.nif). Go into your game and now your nude player character will be the AC AAA body while all other female NPCs will remain whatever body you first installed when we going through the HGEC + OCO v2 install. The body textures will still be the same for all female NPCs of a particular race. We can set up a unique body texture for your character if you like ... it's a similar process only done in the game's Textures folder. - Edit - Had to make an edit to correct the brain cramp for the file name change ... somehow during my copy and pasting to save typing the 7 got dropped off the file name shown in the full path part.
  11. You don't need to limit yourself to the HGEC folder. Look back at my previous posts and you'll see I've given you a number of suggestions, or you could look through them all. Keep in mind that you could change your body as often as you like later, it's just a matter of copying some files and renaming them. Because some of the upperbodies require specific lower bodies, and I am quite familiar with all of those found in SetBody Reloaded, I suggest you tell me the upperbody you want and then I will find the correct lower body. That will save time if you pick a lowerbody that doesn't work with the upperbody you wanted. If there is a choice I'll let you know.
  12. Actually once GOG was told about the problem that the new BSA dates caused they corrected the problem. All the GOG file dates are correct now from what I'm told (I'm a disk dinosaur). Steam knows about it too ... just a different culture there I guess. - Edit - For anybody sitting on the GOG vs Steam fence and would like some more info on what others have experienced, go to the Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 mod comments and look up the post by zariel on Sept 17, 2020. I think you'll find it a rather enlightening read.
  13. It will be easier for me if you give me the exact upper body you'd like, as I can ensure we use the correct files to go with it (hand, feet and lower body meshes). - Edit - And no problem about the delays ... school is job # 1. In part that was the reason I suggested moving this part of the process here is so we can each work on this as we find the time (not really a big problem for me as I'm retired, but things do come up from time to time).
  14. No it was the bell I was referring to, but in my case of course most of the time it shows no notifications (my own mods get zip for comments anymore, so it's primarily OBSE and Blockhead that give me a notification). Could be a good question to post on the Site Feedback and Questions subforum.
  15. What happens if you use a utility like File Date Changer to change your repacked uncompressed Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa to year 2006? Then the loose file goes back to taking precedence. This is without SkyBsa installed. Somewhere I got the idea that it was a hard rule that loose files always trump what is in a bsa no matter what because the loose files are loaded last and so regardless of date they win. Now after all these years I find out it's really because the loose files have a more recent date. Ya Steam users find out that pretty regularly from what I've seen. Redownload the game and they get BSA dates that are dated the day of the redownload. I'm not certain, but I thought I read somewhere that Wrye Bash takes care of redating the BSAs to 2006, but I'm on the disk version so mine have always been year 2006. When I went looking for the info much later of course I couldn't locate it (I really don't have a clear idea of where I saw it ... makes for a rather large hay stack).
  16. It's still there up in the post where I first posted it ... but here it is again SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition. - Edit - Again I mean the second download down from the top ... not the top one you already downloaded. - Edit 2 - I'm off to chase my lawnmower around the yard for an hour. A couple of ones from SetBody Reloaded I think you should have a look at (in addition to the one I already mentioned) are ECUV, FCPA, TGND and of course there are a whole bunch in that HGEC folder. I know there are also plenty that aren't worth considering ... heck even I don't consider a bunch of them and I'm an omnivore when it comes to bust size (plus I'm Blockheading the world in Tamriel ... 900 plus, and I'm still finding candidates I haven't yet Blockheaded). - Edit 3 - Another one you may like is Realistic Look. It comes with a variety of cup sizes (though the smaller ones tend to be a bit large for their advertised size in my opinion) and some nice body textures and the meshes are pretty close to seamless quality from what I've seen.
  17. Did you download that one I mentioned ... the second link down from the top of the list on the SetBody Reloaded mod page Files tab. It says SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition Data as the download name.
  18. What happens if you use a utility like File Date Changer to change your repacked uncompressed Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa to year 2006?
  19. Once I go on any Oblivion Nexus page I'll see a notification of how many comments have been left on my mods up beside the bell icon upper right. I can't recall if that was something I needed to enable, or if it's enabled by default. Note that the new comment notification only shows on the various game's Nexus page , not here on the Forum. Not sure if email is an option ... never looked into it as I'm checking on here far more frequently than email.
  20. Well providing you now have body textures showing on the NIFs in NifSkope your next step is to decide which body mesh you want for your character. Go through the folders from SetBody Reloaded I outlined above and pick your upper body. Some upper bodies will allow a choice of lower body, some won't. Once you tell me which upper body we can work out any of those details. For the most part the folder names will help lead you, but don't be afraid of opening folders and seeing what NIFs are in there using NifSkope. Like I said, it's simple to just double left click in Windows Explorer and NifSkope opens it. If it's not something you'd be interested in just close NifSkope and move on to the next. I'll get you started ... go to the SetBody Reloaded Data_Pack\data\meshes\characters\Bombshell\HGEC\UpperBody folder and open the NIF femaleupperbody_AC_AA.nif which is an example of one of the many upper bodies available in SetBody Reloaded (and you'll have trouble finding seamless quality versions of those hard to find meshes elsewhere too).
  21. And yet, if you know a bit about that "third step" I allude to it does rule out much of what most people consider self determination. We are accountable for what we do, and it is by our actions right now that our futures are shaped but outcomes are not in our purview. All we can control is what we do at this instant, the rest will unfold as it will. How prevalent is that order of business in today's society? In passing through a building I saw a few stacked bags on a few pallets on the floor. They were not stacked on top of each reminding me that it took some work to make them looked better stacked. I had nothing more occur as I passed by and went out of the building. I encountered a man who appeared to make me think of someone in authority. Someone I might talk to about becoming employed as the one in charge of the stock in that room with the bags only one extra on top of each of the four on the pallets on the floor. Eight all together. I suggested that I would prefer some kind of arrangement giving me authority and I awakened from the dream. I felt a feeling that I was denied work. I felt the feelings of feeling useless. I wanted to right myself and prove I wasn't. I was awake though, so I had no further connection with the dream sleep realm. The dream views and encounter seemed as real as real can get. I deduced I had other reasons that made it so I could not live in the dream realm any longer. A short dream. I sensed while I was thinking what to mention that I was dreaming of what was remaining after a long day of work which causes some of us to be in a sense asleep as we work. Repeating the task is automatic until it grows dark and life begins to return to my mind. The evaluation of what remained in supplies gave me the feeling of having the persons job for leaving the remaining sacks of material for the job in a little bit of disarray fired up the sour thought in my dream sleep as the visions began to grow dark and my mind awakened me in the early morning hours when the Sun no longer rises at four in the a.m.. I wondered what time it was because I felt a little out of sorts myself. I found the nearest time piece and realized I had slept until 7:20 AM MDT. Which would explain my discomfort since I had in mind to finish some work before dark and it wasn't even light out when the thought the work day was over occurred in my dream sleep. Work, work, work! How the anthropological analyzes and prepares for the next day of business in today's society. Now it is so different to me I feel as a tough who worked all those years of hard labor only to have it all becoming like a cake walk and all we have to do is keep taking a turn at it until we are the lucky winner of the next cake. So easy! So relaxed! And yet each time I put an eye on the scenes I see more troubled youth who can't see the work that I did when I was a lad. They can't even imagine the jobs I did with tools that no longer are seen except in a museum. I seem to suffer for not having to anymore. I seem to punish myself for not having to do the hard labor anymore. I seem to regard those in a discomforting way who have never had to do such work that earned our bodies aches and pains and little more than enough money to pay for board and room, a new set of work clothes and work tools each cycle the old ones wore out. The corona-virus and now the forest fires have driven people out of work and out of their comfort zones. So many I have seen. When I was young I helped when I had no means of support, I served when I saw a problem I could solve. I got board more often than a room with luxury furnishings. I don't want to make anyone feel sad. It's just the way of life I had with the people I lived near and worked alongside. We were earning just enough some days that would save us from a harsher night life for one restful evening. The speed of my thought while I was asleep dreaming of a task I saw; only required a few bags be straightened up so they didn't leave behind enough disarray so that when their contents were needed no one would stumble in the dark have tripping over them, possibly tearing them open, and lettings the contents spill so we had a greater problem in the morning. I learned while watching a movie about Indiana Jones that in Latin Jehovah is spelled Iehovah. I just Google it to see if it was spelled with a capital 'i' only to find it is also stated in words spelled, "Iehouah". You know me Paga ... always seeking different angles on things ... maybe you could start calling me Mr Viewpoint. I wonder if it is us that are at the root of what we are seeing. What I mean is this ... when you and I (or any other of this "older" generation) look at what today's youth are doing we are using the "tools" we are familiar with and have used for decades. We observe and try to gauge their progress towards a mark that we may not even understand in the framework that those young people understand it in. We get out our trusty old "progress measuring tape" and to us it looks like they are going nowhere. They use their "new-fangled" laser measuring device and note that today's progress was 4 one millionths of a millimeter ... right on schedule. We lack the precision to gauge their progress. Just tossing around possibilities (because what fun is there in not looking at possibilities).
  22. When you are in your Nexus Mods profile for the game you don't see it listed on the User Files tab?
  23. OK, lets get NifSkope set up with the paths to your game that it needs to display the textures. In NifSkope click Options and then Settings in the menu at the very top of the NifSkope window. In the Settings dialogue that opens you'll see three items listed to the left side ... General, Render and Resources. Click on Resources and now over on the right side you'll see a button with Auto Detect Game Paths on it. Click that and NifSkope should find your Oblivion folder path (e.g. mine is G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data ... I'm on the disk version of the game, yours will probably be something with Steam). Now it may also pick up your Skyrim install ... that's not a problem as NifSkope will work there too.
  24. "And now you know ... the rest of the story".
  25. Stay the course ... good plan!! - Edit - I did remember to look for those chips last time at the store. Sadly, no joy. :sad: Kettle --- Brand --- New York Cheddar . I may have added Care on to Kettle. If I did sorry!. The cheese smell from opening a bag reminds me of the time I was handed a baby whose breath had a sweet smell when it breathed in my face after it's mother had let it drink it's fill from her breast. Stay the course ... good plan!! - Edit - I did remember to look for those chips last time at the store. Sadly, no joy. :sad: Kettle --- Brand --- New York Cheddar . I may have added Care on to Kettle. If I did sorry!. The cheese smell from opening a bag reminds me of the time I was handed a baby whose breath had a sweet smell when it breathed in my face after it's mother had let it drink it's fill from her breast. I was looking for anything with Kettle in the name. This whole COVID thing seems to play havoc with supply lines for stores ... today my favourite Miss Vickies (Applewood Smoked) was back in stock after more than a month of not one single bag on the shelf. Don't worry, I'll be keeping an eye open for your Kettle chips ... and with that description of the smell I'm intrigued. Maybe I should just follow new mothers around the store ... think I may get in trouble for that Paga?? - Edit - Hmm ... that is one weird quote, wonder how I managed it.
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