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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Trying to recall ... think it might be Ctrl + left click (think right click gives the blue high priority nav points). - Edit - Path Grids
  2. Another trick to help figure out what is happening is to open the game console and player.moveto refIDoftheNPC (you'll need to get that from the CS ... it's the collapsed column in the Cell window that is just to the right of Editor ID).
  3. For the problem you stated you'll want to look at where you dropped your NPC that is not where expected and see if there are any nav points close by or not.
  4. The button is a toggle ... click it and the nav points and connections are shown in the Render pane, click it again and they are hidden again (seeing them, especially in some interiors does clutter up the view in the Render window when you are placing things etc ... however it is a good practice to check them after altering the postion of things or placing new stuff so you don't have NPCs trying to walk through or over stuff).
  5. The the vanilla CS it's a button up at the top with little orange and blue boxes and some yellow lines connecting them.
  6. Do you have a tera byte yet ... or are you still trying to pawn off second rate stuff to us ? Paga's GuFF is a full 737 GB ... and I wouldn't have the mod made with anything less than his full GuFF. Otherwise it would just be a shadow ... and what's the point of that ? except noodles and cheese. If you go in for that sort of thing :teehee: Life is a mystery , then people think about checking into Hotels :ninja: "What kind of Sangwich aint to fattening ?" "I don't know , a half a Sangwich " OOooh ... Mk is talking about the Food of the Godz ... KD for ALL!!! There is only one kind of sammich ... PB & J ... Lunch of the Godz. Ease your mind Niph, think of it as training for retirement. Survive this and you'll be way ahead of the curve! Key point ... survive this. That is job number one.
  7. If it's exterior cells (especially wilderness cells) there is often a long disance between nav points. The game will always place them at a nav point closest to where you wanted them. Otherwise without seeing a lot more details I can't say. - Edit - turn on nav points in the CS and see if they are near one (or where the nearest one is).
  8. In actual fact none of the game NPCs use vendors to sell anyways ... only thing I've seen is them buying food items.
  9. Look at the differences between Manheim Maulhand (who will buy stolen goods from anybody) and Ongar the World-Weary (who will only buy from Thieves Guild members).
  10. Dark0ne does send out notice of things that may be coming/are certainly coming. They are long detailed reads, not something you'll skim in 5 seconds and get the story ... maybe you missed them.
  11. If they are just wander packages leave them for the first test. If that test fails then remove them and add a vanilla game default wander package for the second test.
  12. Change their service package to the vanilla game aaaServicesEditorLoc8x12 (formID c89a9) and test.
  13. And they asking you to leave at the end of the service packages? Also note that there are Merch classes specific to each of those different types ... I'd make sure they have the correct Merch class for the service they offer (though I doubt that has much to do with the problem).
  14. No yesterday is but some electro-chemical residue left behind in my brain as it unfolded as the present nano-second. The brief slice of time I am experiencing at this moment (that has flashed into the past almost as quickly as I was able to notice it's fleeting passage) is all that I have. Yesterday has no value beyond what value I attribute to it as I muck through that electro-chemical residue. The future only exists as a construct I've made for myself in that same electro-chemical cesspool, as something to aid in getting through any particular current nano-second. Hope springs eternal. I have no horses, only a keyboard and some electrons willing to do my bidding.
  15. Is their services package At Editor Location or is location set to a marker? Is your custom package a travel package or wander package? If you look at those NPCs I mentioned you'll see they use At Editor Location and have their service package at the bottom of their package list (if I recall correctly). AI packages are assessed by the game starting at the top of the list and proceeding down the list. The first package it finds that meets current conditions (time plus any conditions set) is the one it will use.
  16. Open the AI package same way you created it and they'll be near the top right corner in the section called Door Flags.
  17. Factions control relationships (disposition) between NPCs and to a certain extent dialogue (so IC NPCs don't have Bravil rumors etc).
  18. Untick Continue if PC Near ... and if any of the Doors Flags are ticked untick them. Look at Sergius Verus and Nilawen for examples of MerchTrader who do kick the player out (one uses the Services wander package, the other the Services travel variety). Compare them to Shady Sam (who uses the non-locking version of Services travel). Then look at the differences between aaaDefaultHomeOwner and aaaDefaultHomeResident.
  19. Then compare the vanilla homeowner AI packages and yours, and then compare that to the vanilla AI packages that are not home owner. You have set something in yours that is causing this behaviour. If your vendor is outdoors then look at Shady Sam for an example of how to set up the AI packages.
  20. Yes the Arrow of Time is the enemy. As compared to planets and suns we are ephemeral, something we start out blissfully unaware of. When we glimps that harsh reality, and gain the nerve to look it straight in the eye it may seem that perhaps we are closer to the end. In fact we spend each of our days, from the very beginning, close to the end ... for that end appears, often without warning, when it decides it is time. I know not how the decision that it is time happens, I only know that it will happen. Though I could fear that it will happen I choose to embrace it. If this is the last day let there be no regrets.
  21. Do they use vanilla game AI packages or did you create custom AI packages for them?
  22. I don't know what you have set up as far as what the NPC owns or doesn't own. The vanilla AI package that has NPCs asking you to leave is normally used in interiors that the NPC owns. You'll need to look and see whether or not you set that exterior cell as owned by the NPC (and if it's not that look and see if they have one of the AI packages that causes that behaviour).
  23. That's the way it looks to me ... however, as a full disclaimer, you'll notice my own profile just has crickets chirping in the About Me section.
  24. On your forum profile page (not Nexus Mods profile page) click on Edit My Profile (top right). Should bring you to the General Account Settings page ... to the right of Profile Information you'll see a box with Edit my About Me page. - Edit - +1 :ninja: for BlackSwan
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