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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. So if it's frequent crashes (and frequent needs to be defined ... every five minutes, every 25 minutes etc) then you need to find out the hard answer ... why. You won't be looking for conflicts in the bashed patch with TES4Edit. The bashed patch resolves conflicts. If you looked at it with TES4Edit you will find out the details of what the WB report tells you after it has built the bashed patch (that small browser window that comes up after it is done ... that tells you what in all WB did while building the bashed patch, but it doesn't tell you all of the fine print details). Most of my troubleshooting is done before the mods get installed ... done right in their extracted download folders. If mod descriptions (or my Spidey senses) lead me to suspect some other conflicts that don't appear in a simple file and folder comparison then I'll use TES4Edit looking for other conflicts that may be hidden in the ESPs (leveled list conflicts etc). I know quite a bit about a mod long before it gets onto my game drive, hence my "troubleshooting skills" are a bit different than what you'll need in an "after the fact" troubleshooting exercise.
  2. Another one knocked right out of the park by none other than Pagafyr!! Ah ... back when entertainment was entertaining, eh Paga??
  3. Oh yes ... watched plenty of those way back in the day. Funny story ... Back when my oldest granddaughter was five she came for her second visit on my boat (the previous year her Mom, my eldest as well, and her spent a few days). My younger daughter, her Aunt, was along to "help" grandpa with some of the more delicate feminine stuff (showers etc) on her second sojourn. We're sitting in the cockpit tied up to the dock in the marina just before lunch. Lunch time tends to be a busy time, with some early up-and-at-'em types arriving from various anchorages and other marinas, and the late starters getting underway from our marina, bound for parts unknown. My grandaughter had brought some little kid's "boom-box" type thing that only played one song and we were at the point that we really needed to get her onto something different. My daughter and I were trying to recall all the words to the Gilligan's Island theme to teach her the song when just a couple of boatwells over from us this big powerboat cranked up the Gilligan's Island theme on their flybridge sound system. Shortly after that they fired up the engines and left. Serenidipity rules ... they probably "announce" their intentions that way every time they leave harbour, but it happened to be exactly at the right time for us. The granddaughter had no interest in Gilligan's Island and immediately went back to whatever the latest popular song was on her toy ... and we endured.
  4. LOL ... poor Paga!! In some "sports" the ambidextrous DO hold some advantage. The one that got me the most was the Little Red Riding Hood story. I can't even imagine being able to garble that up like that and not either completely lose where I'm at in the story or burst out laughing. The Barber barely cracked a smile once or twice.
  5. Unrecognized Game Mode: skyrimspecialedition
  6. It isn't just the number of mods that counts (as long as there are fewer than 255) ... it's the content of those mods that is the rub. TES4Edit will tell you what the bashed patch is able to fix, not what it has not been able to fix, and that is really what you are looking for. The problem faced when troubleshooting an entire load order is always what I call the "plate of spaghetti" problem. You need to find the end of one particular noodle, maybe even a certain end of one particular noodle ... amid that sea of noddles covered in sauce. You'll need to grab a lot of wrong noodles before you find the right one. My rather old school way is more like checking each noodle out as it comes from the box, before it joins the others already bubbling in the pot. By the time they hit the plate all that is needed is a fork and a big spoon, and my own twirling technique. And one other thing to keep in mind while you're on this journey ... crashes have always been a "feature" of this game. EngineBugFixes has helped with some of them from my experience, and others swear by the virtues of Oblivion Reloaded's fixes as well as Oblivion Stutter Remover. The Bevilix mod comments is probably the most comprehensive source of information concerning stability in Oblivion. Be prepared for some time spent reading, and as usual on the internet, lots of conflicting opinions. I suggest using the forum interface to those mod comments so you can use the forum views search options to cut down on the reading.
  7. I didn't know about John myself until I Googled the quote. The short clip is from the movie Apollo 13. Doesn't say this anywhere I've seen but I do wonder whether that phrase was actually used during the Apollo 13 mission. It is such an awesome quote that I wouldn't doubt that Ron Howard and crew couldn't resist inserting it somewhere into the Apollo 13 saga, whether it belonged there or not. In any case because of it being in the movie I knew it, and it really was the first thing through my mind when I tried your solution. I've been largely disenfranchised with Microsoft for well over a decade myself. I have one more virgin copy of Win 7 for my next build (whenever that may happen) but the way the Linux world has embraced gaming makes that a very likely scenario too. If I can get the remaining parts I need for my last "obsolete before first powerup" build it'll probably be Win 7 ... if it turns out that I can't source the parts I require and need to build a more modern box (that has a greater chance of "requiring" Win 10) then I'll be off to Linux land.
  8. I use C-Bash myself (even though it has the beta designation and I understand it is no longer supported or recommended) ... my understanding is that it is able to use more options when finding records to include in the bashed patch. I also don't have an extremely large or conflicting mod list so I haven't had to look any deeper into what (if any) conflicts it may not resolve automatically. When you are using TES4Edit to find these conflicts I take it you are talking about your entire load order. If so do you include the bashed patch in the report? I've only used TES4Edit to compare a couple or few mods at a time to see what (if any) conflicts they may have before commiting them to my load order (generally while first building my load order ... it remains largely static until I decide to start a new character, and years can pass before that happens). So much will depend on what types for conflicts are reported. Load order and bash tags are the two primary tools for the types of game records that are supported by bash tags (load order still plays it's role even with bash tags, especially when two partially conflicting mods use the same bash tags, as load order will determine which tagged records from which mod eventually wind up in the bashed patch). When the automatic tools don't cover everything I believe the next step is creating your own patch manually with TES4Edit (notice I said believe ... never had to do that myself).
  9. I knew the sun would find me before it found you Paga so the 50 minutes of HewHaw closed out my day. Made for a nicer thing to rattle around in my old noggin while I awaited the Sleep Fairy than I`ve had recently, so it was a gift well received and greatly appreciated. I noticed they never stop the camera when they miss their lines. Sometimes it's Funnier too! They keep filming the real life activities so we know the rest of us children growing up in the REAL WORLD are not alone. Ya some of the stuff with Junior is a hoot. They even go back and replay some of the best of the worst messed up lines ... they knew how to celebrate the "right stuff".
  10. Ahh ... the youth of today. They don't realise that it is about more than Nov 11 ... the other 364 days are just as important.
  11. Jimmy won't find this one interesting (in fact I think I may be recycling one of his) ... - Edit - There you go Jimmy ... swapped it out for a live version.
  12. Thanks again, Strike. As always. So... this doesn't cause crashies, then? And what about the Construction Set? it doens't cause crashies, too? checking plugin C:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\Construction Set Extender.dll couldn't load plugin C:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\Construction Set Extender.dll (Error code 1114 (0000045A) Can't say one way or another about the CSE problem (I'm still using the vanilla CS). I have the exact same error reported in my own OBSE.log regarding OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll and any crashes I get I know the reason why (having so many Blockheaded NPCs in one cell that my VRAM usage gets so high that the game chokes when changing to the next cell is the reason for me 99.99% of the time).
  13. Can't help with the FileFront link problem but the old TesNexus broken links can be fixed by just changing the mod number on a working page to the one from the TesNexus link (so in this case 21135) ... so http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21135 becomes https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/21135
  14. Read Forli's post above (from June 20 2015).
  15. Thank you Chambcra ... that solution works a treat!! And you sir are a steely eyed missle man. Steely Eyed Missle Man John Aaron I've wondered for a while now about how this "double start" requirement came about. The game worked fine despite it, but I did notice that when I exited Windows on my Administrator account (which is the one I play Oblivion on) I would always get a shutdown warning about an active process, though nothing was ever shown as the cause (and I could never find anything with Task Manager right before I exited Windows). With GameUX.dll renamed the shutdown is back to normal. I have an idea that when I updated Win 7 just before Microsoft shut down support is when this started for me. Since early in the WinXP days I have always had automatic updates shut off so my Win 7 installation (which was only a bit more than a year since install) hadn't received any updates after original install. In any case problem solved thanks to you taking the time to post your answer and resource links.
  16. Ahh ... so now I see where you were headed. Guess because I use Mysticism and Conjuration as major skills (which are only used infrequently when I'm ready for a level up) my alchemy skill (and the equipment I use for it) are more "in step" so I've never noticed. My latest character is the first with a custom class, so I've fine tuned it to my play style. Willpower is also an early priority for me and Destruction is a useful tool to level that. Rather than just using conventional burn 'em up tactics I've explored the subtle stuff you can do with the vanilla system. Weakness to Magic is the number one under utilised tool in the tool box. A couple of hits with magic weakness followed by a single Weakness to Poison and the wimpiest poison is uber powerful. I primarily use custom spells these days. My new characters need to wait until they can afford Emma's Leyawiin Lake House for a Spell Altar (I can't stomach the Mages Guild questline again, and Frostcrag is too far off my beaten path and on a quest delayer anyway). I find that early game is when I'm most likely to use a balanced combat approach, both from a skill and leveling consideration and required survival tactic aspect. Late game is mainly magic, with potion use limited to restore/shield and the occasional "for fun" custom poison "games" (damage strength and damage endurance down to zero, easily done when combined with the magic "softening up" leaves any NPC completely helpless, but I do use a couple of mods that may affect the mechanics of how that works).
  17. The UESP Wiki doesn't agree with your assessment, and neither does my own experience. Oblivion:Alchemy Oblivion"Intelligence Oblivion:Increasing Attributes - Intelligence My own characters always use Alchemy as their primary tool for increasing Intelligence (and achieving the plus 5 increase). First it provides a good source of those "lifesaver" potions needed early in the game. Second it provides a good source for those "equaliser" poisons (which conserve the need for the lifesavers ... let's you eat the red ones last ... oh wait, that's Smarties). Delivery of those poisons advances Marksman (Agility is useful early as well ... I keep it out of my major skills so I can use it as needed) and when up close and personal is the order of battle Blade (Strength is always an early game priority ... Blade is also not one of my majors). Short on gold early in the game ... make some potions to sell. Ya, I guess you could say I'm an alchemist. - Edit - Almost forgot Feather!! Where would my guy be without plenty of feather potions early in the game, before he has the strength to drag that loot out of the dungeons to his Packdonkeys (well once he has enough gold to buy a packdonkey ... looks like Undena is going to be missing some more tomatos so I can make a bunch more Restore Fatigue potions ... you need some??).
  18. I knew the sun would find me before it found you Paga so the 50 minutes of HewHaw closed out my day. Made for a nicer thing to rattle around in my old noggin while I awaited the Sleep Fairy than I`ve had recently, so it was a gift well received and greatly appreciated.
  19. Jimmy ... thank you so much!! It's all crystal clear to me now!! You know, for years and years I've known I was an alien. It is a tiny bit disconcerting to find out that actually I'm a defective alien ... but I'll get over it. When you get right down to it nothing has changed for me since the moment immediately prior to me reading your post. It's still SNAFU, which is OK as I'm used to it.
  20. Some sights can't be unseen ... thanks Paga ... HeeHeeHawHawHaw!!
  21. This is the exact script I'm using. I used the standalone version ... brings up an interface for you to select run options and then you select your template and the piece to be mended.
  22. The Unofficial Oblivion Patch (and associated ones for the DLCs) don't make any big changes to the vanilla game beyond fixing a lot of bugs. EngineBugFixes is likewise not into changing the game as much as correcting issues. Both require Oblivion Script Extender (again not a game changer ... in this case a "capability" extender for tools like EBF and UOP).
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