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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I've been getting the same from BitDefender Jimmy ... started more than a week ago if I recall correctly. Latest was 14 minutes ago for me, which aligns with when I came back on here today.
  2. I pride myself on doing my bit for the spring bees (dedicated dandelion farmer). That old saying goes hand in hand with ... "Walk a mile in the other man's shoes". I like to keep in mind that I'm only capable of seeing things from a single perspective ... my own point of view as seen through the filtered portal of my own eyes interpreted by my own brain. So here's an off-topic (something I specialize in by the way) ... if it's a given that to see things from another perspective requires input from someone else, who is likely to give the most valuable insights (examples friends and family or people who don't like me or ... )? I am too .... :smile: One of those unlikely situations where we have found a valid excuse for our laziness ... win win all around. - Edit - I just noticed your little yellow quote thingy ... I'll have you know I resemble that remark!!
  3. I pride myself on doing my bit for the spring bees (dedicated dandelion farmer). That old saying goes hand in hand with ... "Walk a mile in the other man's shoes". I like to keep in mind that I'm only capable of seeing things from a single perspective ... my own point of view as seen through the filtered portal of my own eyes interpreted by my own brain. So here's an off-topic (something I specialize in by the way) ... if it's a given that to see things from another perspective requires input from someone else, who is likely to give the most valuable insights (examples friends and family or people who don't like me or ... )? I am too .... :smile: One of those unlikely situations where we have found a valid excuse for our laziness ... win win all around.
  4. ... ~ Striker takes Paga's advice and casts Invisibility and quietly leaves Mk rooted in place, looking for a crowd to control ~ Hehehe
  5. It's ... Don''t forget! :mad: What Striker879 wrote! :tongue: Practice your Illusion magic. :dance: And join the Fun! :teehee: I don't know Paga ... Illusion just doesn't seem to be cutting it anymore for me. I'm thinking of leveling up Alteration and see if that makes a difference (and if that doesn't do it either then maybe Conjuration ... perhaps a companion or two??). - Edit - Ya skip Alteration ... I'm going with . You are going on a rocket? I can understand 'social distancing', but, this seems just a bit over the top........ :D If it takes a rocket to get where I want to be ... then so be it. All I ask is that Barbara be there waiting.
  6. I pride myself on doing my bit for the spring bees (dedicated dandelion farmer). That old saying goes hand in hand with ... "Walk a mile in the other man's shoes". I like to keep in mind that I'm only capable of seeing things from a single perspective ... my own point of view as seen through the filtered portal of my own eyes interpreted by my own brain. So here's an off-topic (something I specialize in by the way) ... if it's a given that to see things from another perspective requires input from someone else, who is likely to give the most valuable insights (examples friends and family or people who don't like me or ... )?
  7. I have used the Seam Mender tool to limited success when trying to turn some body NIFs into seamless quality. You can find it in the Optional Files section of SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition. It's another one of those "if you aren't smart enough to figure out how to use it you aren't going to use it" things (which explains the "limited success" part).
  8. Thought I'd read on here that you'd "picked up a dishwasher" ... did you already need to send her back to the shop?
  9. I'm the same for not knowing what may be still open and what is not (except going by what I've read in the news). I combine my weekly grocery store run with the post office (which is in a pharmacy, but I never need anything from that part). Once I get back home and the groceries put away the big excitement for the rest of the week is here (which is just normal routine), playing Oblivion (also a "home away from home") and wondering whether or not I brought anything "extra" home with me from this week's run into the great virus wilderness.
  10. Oh I do agree Jimmy. I am surprised by how much I miss my daily trip to the grocery store (vs the once a week currently). Was only 45 minutes or an hour total there and back (I'm walking distance) but it is something I miss. Well back to Oblivion for me ... I'm doing a sweep through Cyrodiil picking up supplies and checking on all my "house guests" in preparation for resuming the "big job" of being Lord of the Shivering Isles (tough job, but somebody has to do it).
  11. I'm going for: here Mostly because of: this
  12. It's ... Don''t forget! :mad: What Striker879 wrote! :tongue: Practice your Illusion magic. :dance: And join the Fun! :teehee: I don't know Paga ... Illusion just doesn't seem to be cutting it anymore for me. I'm thinking of leveling up Alteration and see if that makes a difference (and if that doesn't do it either then maybe Conjuration ... perhaps a companion or two??). - Edit - Ya skip Alteration ... I'm going with .
  13. Hey I'm a few hours drive NE of you ... that means that you got that nice weather before I did. I kinda' wondered about how it didn't seem quite as nice as was portrayed by the "Weather Lies from the Weather Guys" but now I'm startin' to think on it in a different direction. Did you use up more than your fair share of the nice while it was strollin' by? Looking on the bright side ... it was One Nice Day in a Row!!
  14. Back when the solar system was coalescing out of it's natal gas cloud ... when I was but a young lad. I've gone through a bunch of variations on that theme with the grandkids over the years.
  15. I use the Task Manager for that (Ctrl + Alt + Del). EngineBugFixes has some fixes that help some but I still get what you describe if my VRAM usage gets high.
  16. Thanks for the explanation Renneer and DoctaSax. For a long time I wouldn't even consider releasing anything I'd done for the reason that I had spent too much time helping out troubleshooting on other peoples mods and I saw the abuse that some had to put up with. Then I got the idea that perhaps I could accumulate enough Donation points to get a 1 month/supporter membership, so I released a couple. Now I've spent enough time on here to wonder whether or not I want to hang around the next year and a half or two years it'll take to get the points needed. May just donate the accumulated points and fold up the tent.
  17. It means what it says? It's not exactly unclear language or legalese. Am I reading this wrong ... are we potentially held accountable for our mods being sold by someone else because we "permited them to download" and then they distribute our mod for money? Is Bethesda saying they won't go after the guy selling our mod ... they'll be looking us up because we allowed them to download it? If that is how Zenimax's lawyers wished to view it, then probably yes. Obviously they have never done that in 15+ years of Bethesda game modding. But if push came to shove, as per the exact wording, we would be the ones responsible since it is our work. But I imagine we would have to be promoting such behavior for Bethesda to hold us, as mod authors, responsible for what others are doing with our work. Well in that case I won't be contacting Bethesda thinking that they will help deal with somebody selling my work ... all that would do is put my name on their list.
  18. It means what it says? It's not exactly unclear language or legalese. Am I reading this wrong ... are we potentially held accountable for our mods being sold by someone else because we "permited them to download" and then they distribute our mod for money? Is Bethesda saying they won't go after the guy selling our mod ... they'll be looking us up because we allowed them to download it?
  19. LOL ... gee, I wonder how this is going to turn out! - Edit - So will you be going with "traditional" Emperor clothes or will you just rummage through the dresser and find something comfortable? Jeans and a t-shirt. :smile: Comfort wins every time. Paga's gonna' be disappointed in you Hey ... he had high expectations!! - Edit - +1 :ninja: for Paga!!
  20. It always turns up Tales because it starts one and the Tale goes on and on and on... LOL ... gee, I wonder how this is going to turn out! - Edit - So will you be going with "traditional" Emperor clothes or will you just rummage through the dresser and find something comfortable? See! The Emperor's Clothes! I got here just in time! Waiting for HeyYou to tell us the tale of the Emperor's Clothes.. The winner is the Head that wants to be the one to tell it, even if they don't tell it like it is, they want to tell it their way. And they'll cheat if they can get away with it just to be the one that gets in front of the audience. Okay! Boys and Girls! :woot: :wub: :woot: :wub: :woot: :wub: Get ready for, It's HeyYou's story time! :woot: :wub: :woot: :wub: :woot: :wub: And here he is. The one with the mostest! The Man of the Hour! The one with the only quarter, of an hour, fifteen minutes of story time that will keep your attention offering you toys and places to go for 45 minutes of advertisements between storyline breaths. :tongue: :laugh: :teehee: IT'S HeyYou! :turned: :happy: LOL ... Paga wins ... oops, wrong thread!! - Edit - Just curious Paga ... did you notice my "Paga still wins" edit a while back in the Last Poster thread?
  21. Can't buy 1 month premium ... the workaround is found in Goggelmuggel's post found here.
  22. LOL ... gee, I wonder how this is going to turn out! - Edit - So will you be going with "traditional" Emperor clothes or will you just rummage through the dresser and find something comfortable?
  23. Well summer is coming, the original version will probably be cooler (though I suppose some sunscreen could be useful in certain areas). So what will it be ... rock, paper, scissors for who goes first? We can flip a quarter. :D OK but I'll be keeping an eye on where that quarter goes afterwards (if we use one of mine) ... that's laundry money!!
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