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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. My thought too ... but it does look so much like Privateer for it's RPG aspect, which I find kind of exciting.
  2. No I don't want to suggest that. UAC has it's uses and does protect you somewhat from having your Windows install damaged by all those folks out there who live to do stuff like that. What version of Windows are you using, and as well are you using the Steam, GOG or disk version of the game? Could be that you have some leftover registry entries that are still being seen by the OBMM installer or something similar. It's a bit outdated now, but have a look through Bbens Complete Uninstall/Reinstall for Oblivion and see if you see any suggestions there that may apply to your situation.
  3. Yes. It s fairly common for games to run fine in the UAC protected locations until you try to mod the game ... then UAC "protects" you from the changes you are trying to make to the game (or in this instance the tool you wish to use to install your mods detects the path you are on and gives you no option except insatll in a modded game friendly location like C:\Games).
  4. Could be related to this (which circles back to my query on where the game is installed) ... from the file obmm.chm again: Limited users If you are logged on to your computer as a limited user and oblivion is installed somewhere to which you don't have write access, such as the program files folder, then obmm will start up in a special limited user mode. You have access to the save manager, bsa browser and conflict detector, and can check/uncheck esps. You have no access to your omod collection, any of obmm's settings or any other features. Running in this way completely removes your ability to install mods. If you want to install and use mods as a limited user then oblivion must be installed somewhere to which limited users have write access. C:\Games\oblivion is a common choice.
  5. Well anything I used to know about OBMM I got from reading through the manual (accessed by clicking on Help ... the manual uses the standard Windows Help menu system to display). - Edit - Had a look and I have the file obmm.chm (which is the manual in Windows Help format) in a folder I extracted the ZIP into (full path is obmm\obmm.chm if that helps). Here's a copy/paste from the first part of the Main section ... The esp list: The left hand panel contains a list of all active esps. They are listed in oblivion load order, with the top mod in the list loading first and the bottom last. When mods conflict, the mod which loads last gets the final say. (i.e. mods towards to bottom of the list will override mods above them.) The checkbox next to the mod indicates if the mod is currently active. Clicking on the name of an esp and either drag/dropping it into a new position or using the move up/down button allows you to modify the load order. You can also click on the mod you want to move, hold alt and use the arrow keys to modify load order. Right clicking on the name of a mod brings up a menu which allows you to modify load order, activate/deactivate all esps or to delete the file. The 3 buttons underneath the list allow you to edit the load order or to sort the esp list in a new order. Sorting the mods by a criteria other than load order wont change the order in which they are loaded. - Edit 2 - If the OBMM user interface isn't working I wonder if your game install location (and thus the location that OBMM is installed) has something to do with it. If you have the game installed in C:\Program Files (x86) then UAC could be causing trouble.
  6. Been a long long time since I used OBMM for anything but don't you single click a mod to highlight it and then arrow keys in the OBMM interface to move the mod up or down the list?
  7. Do you have a Roberts compatible armor on a vanilla body or vice versa?
  8. I saw your post here last night and this morning saw the one in the OBSE mod comments and wanted to let you know that I wish I had some advice to offer that I felt had some merit ... but I don't. I'm not a Steam user myself (disk guy) so I can't give anything resembling first hand advice. The problem I have with administering second hand advice for the Steam version of the game is what you are already at least somewhat aware of ... you can find claims on how just about every possible combination of "Run As" is what worked for that particular person, to the extent that the claims directly contradict one another and both couldn't possibly have worked. I wish I could explain that. The Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion - Graphics mod comments is a great resource of advice. If you click on the mod's Posts tab you'll see a button that will load the Nexus Forum version of those same mod comments near the top of the comments page. The advantage of using the Nexus Forum interface is that it has a useful search function that will allow you to search just that Bevilex mod comments topic. For example I just searched using the forum page using steam + obse and got 14 pages of results returned (which is better than 9227 posts on 480 pages using the mod page plus your "mark 1 eyeballs" for the job). Wish I could be of more help ... good luck.
  9. Could the problem with females be described by the term "boobs to infinity"? That is as a result of not having a BBB compatible skeleton.nif replacment installed. The two main options for a BBBed skeleton.nf are: Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons Universal Skeleton Nif (use the Controllable version not the TotalControllable version usless you know you have a mod that require the TotalControllable version, and then understand the limitations and workarounds required for that version) If in fact you don't actually want to see BBB in your game simply install the replacement skeleton.nif but do not install any BBBed animation replacer (e.g. NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer). If you do want BBB then of course you will also require the BBBed animation replacer as well.
  10. What happens if you set their initial Aggression higher. I would guess that you'll find even at Aggression 5 they will attack a hostile NPC who is targeting them but the low aggression level may not be high enough to overcome what ever their Disposition towards that NPC is currently. Do a test ... leaving them at Aggression 5 bring the follower along and after the NPC has begun battle with your character open the console and get the refID (for example lets use ff001234) of the attacking NPC. Next click on your follower and then "moddisposition ff001234 1" (no quote marks of course) and then note the current disposition of your follower towards that NPC (which will be the reported disposition minus the one we added with the console). If your follower's disposition towards the NPC isn't zero they won't attack unless attacked themselves when their own aggression is set to 5. - Edit - No need to go through all the complicated Striker testing ... the UESP Wiki to the rescue ... Oblivion:Aggression.
  11. As mentioned in the posts you've made on the Oblivion forums regarding this issue ... is Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) working? One way to determine whetehr or not OBSE is working is to start the game and then make a save. Using Windows Explorer look in your Saves folder and see whether or not you now see two save files each time you save (example ... MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse). If you only see a single file with the ESS file extension each time you save then OBSE isn't working and any mods that require OBSE will also not work (or work correctly for some type of OBSE dependant mods).
  12. A resource I sometimes use when looking at what ingredients I could combine to make a potion with the effects I want is Alchemy Calculator. If I'm getting what you were asking for correctly ... the crafting of custom potions is all done using the in-game Alchemy menu, not using the Construction Set. For custom potion containers there's a couple I can recommend: Alluring Potion Bottles v3 Coffinbags Better Vanilla Potions and Poisons I use assets from Alluring for replacing the vanilla game bottles for generic potions and use assets from Coffinbags to replce the player made potion bottles.
  13. I use Fluffy Follower Frill (full disclosure ... even though I'm listed as one of the authors Contra did all of the work, I simply tested and floated some ideas).
  14. I use FOV Zoom myself. - Edit - To be clear ... I don't use the zoom function at all, but the INI does allow me to set exactly the normal FOV I prefer. Set it once in FovZoom.ini and that's it.
  15. The Oblivion game engine was designed way back in the heydays of the "GHz Wars" (i.e. back when each new processor release was primarily just faster, with no design changes that weren't primarily focused on allowing that faster CPU speed). When the CPU manufactures ran into the brick wall imposed by the limitations to speed that came from the actual materials used to manufacture chips (faster required smaller structures in the CPU and smaller became impossible at a molecular scale). they changed to making CPUs "seem" faster. The primary tool for giving the appearance of faster was predictive processing (basically guessing what a program is going to want to do next and starting to calculate the result of that hypothetical next program request before it even asks for it). When the CPU guesses right it has the result as soon as the program asks for it (hence appearing faster than it actually is) ... when it guesses wrong everything the program (i.e. Oblivion.exe) has to wait while the entire executuion pipeline is flushed and refilled with the information the program actually wanted (i.e many CPU cycles are lost). To accomodate this guessing game CPUs have added more pipelines and made each pipeline longer (i.e. each pipeline has more individual steps it must go through from the time that information enters the pipeline to when the pipeline has it's answer waiting at the end). The longer the pipeline the longer a failed prediction takes to resolve to the correct answer. Modern programs are designed to both take advantage of predictive processing and to minimise the impact of failed guesses. None of this was even on the radar back when the Oblivion game engine was being developed, so it takes it on the chin big time each time a failed guess grinds everything to a halt.
  16. Yes I was wrong to call it an "empty" DLL ... it is in fact 71 KB size. If you look at an older version of MenuQue (I have a downloaded copy of version 9a) you'll see that the file OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll is 293 KB in size. In version 16b that same OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll is 71 KB in size. If you had version 9a installed back in 2010 and then installed version 16b today without completely uninstalling the older version 9a what would happen is the version 16b copy of OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll would overwrite the older obsolete version from 9a and your MenuQue will work. The explanation that I recall reading somewhere is that if that older obsolete version was allowed to remain intact it would cause problems. - Edit - The older versions of MenuQue are there available for download if you want to investigate further yourself.
  17. Once you have a list of likely candidates for the root cause of the problem you will need to completely uninstall them to test. With a list of possibles as short as yours you could either uninstall one at a time and test in between until you find the culprit (which also assumes that only one on your list is the root cause and also not the combination of two or more that is the problem). I personally would uninstall all of those, test without them to confirm that the problem is gone and then add them back one at a time until the problem returns. You may need to go through the uninstall all and add them back one at a time but in a different order a number of times (or perhaps you could get lucky and reinstall just one and find it's the problem). Don't be afraid to keeps some notes to yourself of what you've tried.
  18. Note that you need to install the regular package for non-Steam (i.e. disk versions of the game) and then replace the obse_loader.exe that was installed with the disk version install with the obse_loader.exe from the GOG version download.
  19. What I meant is the "install one mod and then test thoroughly" suggestion is intended for next time you install mods (for a new character for example). What I mean by "test thoroughly" will vary from mod to mod. If I install a mod that changes all of the trees to some high resolution I am going to go to an area with lots of trees and see how it affects my game. If I add a mod that changes some aspect of combat I'm going to need to find a bunch of enemies and see how that mod affects things. Each testing session will be determined by the type of mod I just added. The place you find yourself in now is the one I avoid at all costs because there is no easy or simple way to find the cause of the problem. The best way to find things in mod comments that are a large number of pages (like the Bevi mod comments) is to use the forum interface for those mod comments. After you open the Posts tab on the Bevi mod page click on the Forum Thread button at the top of the listed comments. Once the forum page loads use the Search box at the top right corner to search for keywords that describe your problem (such as stuttering or low fps).
  20. My advice is primarily aimed at installation of mods. The problem I see in trying to zero in on the cause by disabling one mod at a time and testing is how many steps are required at each test to do the job properly. If you just turn off the ESP a mod could very well still have assets loading via archive invalidation that are causing problems ... plus if you are using WB then you really should be rebuilding your bashed patch at each step before testing. Pretty time consuming. When you are installing one mod at a time you need to run through the bashed patch rebuild after each install, so I suppose that time is spent the same using my method as well. If you read the Bevi mod comments (and install instructions if I'm not mistaken) you'll see that it's suggested there to install a small group of mods, sort the load order and build the bashed patch and then test. Perhaps a path forward for you would be to use a similar method in disabling for troubleshooting.
  21. What are you using for the player formID (aka baseID) ... 00000007 (pretty sure I have the correct number of zeros)? - Edit - So to add your run to just the player it will be Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\SpecialAnims\walkfastforward_BLKD_PERNPC_Oblivion.esm_00000007.kf - Edit - Completely uninstall Womans Move (which means all ESPs and all files it added to the _male and SpecialAnims folders). Extract the Womans move files to a folder your create yourself. Rename copies of those files to conform to Blockhead's naming convention and folder location. I have only used Blockhead's PerNPC for animation overrides myself so I can't say from my own experience whether/how PerRace animation overrides work (but if I were going to give them a try I wouldn't try to use Blockhead and Womans Move at the same time ... simply use the Womans Move animations as source material for Blockhead).
  22. The correct folder path will be Data\meshes\characters\_male\specialanims\walkfastforward_BLKD_PERRACE_Dark Elf_F.kf (note the leading underscore on _male and that characters is plural in the vanilla game folder names ... if memory serves). You could also be running into the Windows file/folder name length restriction (255 characters if I remember correctly) if you have the Steam version of the game installed in Program Files (x86). Find that forum post I mentioned for more details. I don't recall Womans Move having a Blockhead version, but I'm not at home so I can't investigate further myself.
  23. Blockhead works perfectly well with NoMaaM (an example of what I call a "pure replacer" ... a replacer that works without an ESP). On it's own Blockhead does absolutely nothing, it merely adds the framework via OBSE to allow changes via the methods documented. I won't be home until the later part of September and so won't have access to my gaming computer until then. Without the resource on that machine I'll be of limited utility for helping you with Blockhead's animation overrides. I can tell you that they work, as I use them extensively to individualize different NPCs in my game (different walks, runs and/or combat animations to certain NPCs).
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