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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Those would be mods which can be entirely merged into the bashed patch, thus leaving the original ESP activated takes up a valuable ESP slot in your load order to no purpose. Wrye Bash will deactivate the original ESP and it will be displayed in your Mod tab with a green box with a cross in it. Leave the check marks as WB has them and rebuild your bashed patch.
  2. I'm with RatTech on the mindless repetitive nature of most Oblivion worlds. What I'd like to see is more than one way to get to the objective (so you could either find the correct levers to pull or find a hidden cave system for example).
  3. Wrye Bash uses exactly the same files as ArchiveInvalidated Invalidated and is likely the source for your ArchiveInvalidatedInvalidated!.bsa ... you could try turning BSA Redirection off in Wrye Bash (Mods tab context menu if memory serves) start the game and exit and then turn it back on in WB (will have a check mark when turned on).
  4. What form of archive invalidation are you using and how did you implement it (e.g. Wrye Bash, OBMM etc)?
  5. BSA Redirection is the only archive invalidation method you should be using. BSA Alteration is an older method that was superceded by BSA Redirection.
  6. Something else to consider is the differences between each user and their individual needs. For example a typical "Striker" step by step is no better than a wall of text to one user but a perfect fit for another. If those install instruction were in a readme then the first user example wouldn't even read far enough to see other non-install related info in the readme. The universal rule of thumb is you have zero chance of satisfying everybody, so you may as well just do what seems best to you and let the results sort themselves out.
  7. I use Stolen Item Ownership. Works great except for items stolen from owned containers. To clear the stolen flag on those items you need to go through the extra step of dropping the item on the ground and picking it back up while unseen.
  8. The mod comments for the Bevilex mod list is a gold mine for mod installation info ... just ignore the advice for anything you've decided against using (e.g. Oblivion Reloaded etc). If you use the forum interface for the mod comments you can use search to save from a ton of reading.
  9. A good source of troubleshooting info for Oblivion Reloaded is the Bevilex mod comments. Ya there's a lot to read but the forum view of the mod comments plus search can speed up the process.
  10. Search for RefScope and it should tell you the mod.
  11. Just as an FYI ... note that oft-times "cosmetic" mods will include unintended changes (an easy thing to have happen when doing anything touching races). Carefully examine all changes each of your mods make in TES4Edit to be certain.
  12. OR 6.5 is no longer available for download so if you don't already have it it's a moot point.
  13. I can't recall exactly what different settings I changed, but Levelling Quick Fix was the catalyst that got me looking for how the same tweak could be applied elsewhere. MyTweaks.esp is for the most part a collection of things borrowed from reverse engineering many different mod's small game changes that just make good sense to me (and sometimes leaving out the parts that don't). One ESP slot close to the end of my load order in place of many kind of thing.
  14. Step 1 ... install the game. Step 2 ... start the game and insure in runs and Oblivion.ini is created. Step 3 ... install OBSE, start the game and insure that OBSE.log reports a good start. Then start installing mods, one at a time and test thoroughly before moving on to the next mod. When the game stops working you will have an extremely short list of possibilities tostart troubleshooting. Yup, sounds like the slow way, but it winds uo being the faster way far more often than you would guess at first blush.
  15. Ya I incorporated the changes into my own MyTweaks.esp and would never go back to vanilla. I believe Maskars Oblivion Overhaul adds similar plus more (will finally get around to MOO in my next character ... someday).
  16. If I remember correctly it's a single game setting changed to 99.
  17. Look at Leveling Quick Fix that I linked earlier and you'll see how that mod does exactly that (not at my gaming computer much through the summer, but it was simple to find the game setting it changed in TES4Edit and just as simple to do the same in my own ESP).
  18. Anything set for Conditions that may not be satisfied? Only use Flags that are absolutely necessary (e.g. Must Complete will prevent all other packages until the flagged package completes, effectively locking the NPC with nothing to do if the flagged package doesn't complete). Not at my gaming computer for most of the summer so I can't think of anything else off the top of my head.
  19. You don't even have COBL installed so anything that depends on COBL will give you a missing master crash. You are also using multiple versions of mods that require you to use only one of the optional ESPs (e.g. use one RealisticForce ESP ... not all three).
  20. I believe the GOG version of Oblivion.exe has already had the 4Gb patch applied before you download it from GOG.
  21. If I'm remembering correctly EngineBugFixes has some tweaks that are supposed to help crash on exit (among many others).
  22. A very well done guide HadTo ... it's good to have you venturing into the wilds of Oblivion.
  23. There was something similar in the Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul mod comments recently (as in within the last month or so) that turned out to be caused by a mod (don't recall the particulars).
  24. How did you install ... plus do you have any other mods that touch eyes?
  25. Not at my gaming computer so I can't check what eyes come with the default OCO v2 install for High Elves but have a look for New Eyes for OCO ... it adds some options for them.
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