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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. If you look through the Bevilix mod comments you'll see your lighting issue has been covered in detail many times.
  2. If you are using Wrye Bash to install your mods then it will give you a report on the Installers tab. TES4Edit will also show you quite a bit, but if you have a large load order it may take some time to compare a few possible mods at a time. My tried and true method for installing mods is excellent at uncovering problems in a manner that allows easy troubleshooting ... install one mod at a time and test thoroughly in between. Takes longer to get your mods installed but figuring out where to start troubleshooting is trivial (add one mod to a working load order and things break ... simple to figure out where to start dissecting). - Edit - You could use the good old "disable half" method to narrow things down. Disable half your mods (except the Better Cities stuff) ... if the problem persists then it's in the other half. Then disable half of the problem half ... rinse and repeat until you narrow it down to one of two mods and then you'll have a 50% chance on your last throw of the dice.
  3. Ya I knew it would need something like a non-vanilla container/wall/etc to be of any use. Glad it got you looking in the right direction.
  4. Is the location of their X marker also their editor location (clutching at straws here)?
  5. OK this won't help find vanilla assets that have been relocated type stuff, but if you go to the affected area and find something that is not vanilla and check it's refID in the console the first two digits will correspond to either Better Cities or this conflicting mod.
  6. I'm assuming that you haven't given them any AI packages ... To further what OblivionAddicted is suggesting, take a look at the NPCs in the CS and note what direction they are facing (my guess is that they are facing the wall). To rotate them first highlight them one at a time and then right mouse click and hold and move the mouse and you'll see them rotate around.
  7. Did Windows do an "update" on you automatically?
  8. As I said before, I use a Growlf based skeleton.nif (specifically BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton). To deal with the flying body situation I have a rather complicated solution which works well for me, but has "side-effects" that may not appeal to most people. To counter the flying bodies I use a combination of Realistic Fatigue and Basic Physical Activities with the INIs of each tweaked to achieve my desired effect. Just before an NPC (or the player) dies his/her fatigue will be below the threshold set for them to collapse onto the ground due to low fatigue. This works with the exception of the rare times that so much damage is delivered instantly that they go from healthy enough to stand to dead in a single frame. The downside is that it completely changes how the game is played in how encumbrance and fatigue affect player movement (more encumbered you move slower ... more fatigued from other sources such as not eating does the same to your speed). I personally find it more realistic than the vanilla method of freezing you in one spot when you pick one too many flax seeds (so you could run full speed while 0.1 below your encumbrance limit but that 0.1 seed or whatever made it so you can't move ... did anybody at Bethesda ever pick up a bunch of stuff and then try to move carrying it or did they spend their entire life stuck behind a computer monitor). My previous characters (from before I started using RF + BPA) have used Packdonkeys ver 2 as a convenience ... now they are essential.
  9. Can't really think of anything else to suggest. I'm an old BOSS dinosaur myself so I can't give much direct advice about LOOT, but I do know that all of the newer versions of Wrye Bash need to use LOOT for load order as support for BOSS was dropped quite a few versions ago. Maybe somebody who knows LOOT will have some ideas. My original comment about the missing master was aimed at Book Jackets Oblivion - BP.esp should be below Book Jackets Oblivion.esp (I know diddly about either but the names suggest that to me) ... again maybe somebody who actually knows will drop in and comment.
  10. If you are running a UI mod like Darn plus Oblivion Reloaded you need to do things in a certain order for them to work and have fonts set up correctly in Oblivion.ini (or so I've read ... don't use either myself, search in the Bevilx mod comments for details). Locking the load order is found in the WB Mods tab context menu. If you are running LOOT from the desktop then turn Lock Load Order off in WB (it's a toggle, so no check mark is off).
  11. Does LOOT allow you to set something like BOSS's User Rules? Seems very strange to me that it would set the timestamp to identical values, even if it didn't recognise the mods (BOSS always puts unrecognised mods at the end of the load order). Something else to check is how you are starting LOOT ... from within Wrye Bash or from the desktop. If you start it from the desktop and then start Wrye Bash to rebuild the bashed patch you'll need to turn off Lock Load Order (but you can leave that turned on if you run LOOT from within WB). I think that your crashing is from a new issue ... you solved the original issue but then created a new one, so you went from crashing because of problem A to crashing from problem B.
  12. Moonshadow and Ren_Soya both have the same timestamp as Mass Outfit ... each mod must have a unique timestamp. Did you sort and then rebuild your bashed patch? The explanation for the colours and symbols that Wrye Bash uses for the Mods tab are outlined in section 5c of Wrye Bash General Readme.html found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder.
  13. It's not showing as deactivated in Wrye Bash ... it's deactivated and merged into the bashed patch as close as I can tell from the fuzzy picture. - Edit - To post your load order from Wrye Bash open the Mods tab and right click on the column header. From the right click context menu select List Mods and then copy/paste all of that output text (including the spoiler tags at top and bottom) into your post here.
  14. Missing master ... Book Jackets Oblivion - BP.esp is above it's master.
  15. Look in Control Panel and see if you have an icon there that is named RealTek.
  16. With a Wrye Bash installation method you can use the Anneal and/or Anneal All when on the Installers tab to fix a lot of installation related issues (save the whole re-install thing).
  17. Oblivion's load order is hexadecimal ... the number 17 does not exist in hexadecimal (numbering starts at 0 so 15 is 0f, 16 is 10 and 17 is 11). In Wrye Bash the mod index number is just to the right of the ESP name column, and should be displayed using the correct hexadecimal number for where Knights.esp is in your load order. Use those two digits as the replacement for xx in my previous post.
  18. The console command is ... setfactionrank xx000cee 2 ... where you replace the xx with the mod index number for Knights of the Nine in your load order (can be found in the Wrye Bash Mods tab list). If you want to troubleshoot why I'd start by confirming you achieved completion of NDPilgrim (getstage NDPilgrim ... should report 200). You can see the complete quest stage list for the NDPilgrim quest at the bottom of the page Oblivion:Pilgrimage.
  19. There is Light compatible Skeleton. Haven't tried it myself (I use a skeleton.nif that is Growlf based) but it would be worth a shot.
  20. Don't know then. Like I said that is a hallmark of the Growlf skeleton.nif, not the one from Coronerra (has something to do with the "scale" bones or nodes that Growlf adds according to what I've seen reported by Tiawar of EngineBugFixes fame).
  21. Try re-installing your Coronerras skeleton. I suspect that a mod you installed after you installed Coronerras has installed one that is a version of Growlfs (the effect you describe is a known problem when using a later version Growlf based skeleton.nif).
  22. Use the console to disable her. With the console open click on her to get her refID displayed at the top of the screen and type "disable" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. You could also use the console to "tame" her if you'd rather have her running around. With her refID displayed it's ... getav aggression modav aggression <x> ... where <x> is the value returned by getav (e.g. 100) reduced to 1 (so if getav aggression is 100 then modav aggression 99). I have had some strange results myself in the past if I tried to just setav aggression 1 when using it in the console, so that's why I suggest the getav/modav cycle. Something else to keep in mind ... if you didn't make your spider daedra a persistent reference she'll be gone when the cell resets, so if you just stay away from Frostcrag for more than three days she'll automatically be gone (even if you do tame her).
  23. On the first problem ... do you use a skeleton.nif based on Universal Skeleton by Growlf?
  24. TES4Edit may be a better tool for looking for that flag set for the Chapel of Arkay, working through the mods that you think to be the most likely candidates.
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