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Everything posted by ghostrecon123

  1. my first character was male paladin good guy but i wanted to try out the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild quests so i decided to make a ninja bad girl character, currently i'm using this as my ninja girls' armor, i love the male version of it, the female not so much http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7649 so i though maybe someone might want to make a sort of anime-ish ninja girl armor, here's a rough sketch of what i'm thinking (forgive my crappy drawing and sloppy coloring, i was in a hurry) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/189351 i know the chance of someone actually doing something as time consuming as making an entirely new armor set is very very small, i'd still like to post this here so someday someone might see this and decide to make this thanks in advance :thumbsup: (NOTE: a less skimpier version than my drawing would be perfect, my drawing's probably too skimpy when in-game than i thought when i was drawing that)
  2. that worked, first i needed to change some other things in the body data tab aside from the first person list but in the end it worked! thank you very much! 1+ kudos for you
  3. here's the ESP http://www.mediafire.com/?wsmayb50lxi1ib7 so someone can take a look at what's the problem
  4. so i created a custom race based off Nords, i got it working but there's 1 bug i found, any weapon i put in left hand is invisible, it still works, i can still stab people with my left hand sword but its invisible, any ideas? bows and shields still show up on left hand though note: the custom race is pretty much the same as Nords, only the skills, face model, face textures and powers/abilities are different, i didn't touch the combat tab on the race menu so i don't know what could be causing that bug, i checked that the "can dual wield" check box is also checked
  5. did you change her voice?? only a few voice types work with HousecarlFaction and Iona is in that faction, either change the voice or remove that faction
  6. while i've only used a torch once in Oblivion and never in Skyrim because i always use Candlelight and a custom Night Eye spell but if your ok with using console commands then just bring up console by pressing ~ and type player.additem 1d4ec 100 (this won't fix why there's no torches spawning in your game but that code will give you all the torches you need)
  7. try using "Right Click/ Transform/ Scale Verticles" instead of "Right Click/ Transform/ Edit/ Scale 1.2 etc."
  8. i can make her into a marriageable companion but she might no longer have her unique dialogue about her quests etc., are you ok with that?
  9. make sure you pasted the meshes and textures in the correct places, if that doesn't work, open Creation Kit and activate the ESP with the bugged heads then select the bugged NPCs under "actors" in the "object window" then press CRTL + F4, a massage will pop up and click yes, exit creation kit, play the game
  10. never mind, i found these mods http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15508 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11414 and when combined they pretty much make what i'm looking for, except with more immersion
  11. thanks but i read the mod description and it doesn't seem to say that i can still fast travel to Major Holds but not in other locations which is what i'm looking for, it just says disables/enables fast travel with an axe
  12. i know there are tons of "disable fast traveling" mods out there but i haven't seen a mod that disables fast traveling except for major holds, so what i'm looking for is a mod that allows you to still fast travel to and from large towns/Holds like Whiterun, Solitude, Windhelm etc. but disables fast travel to other locations, is there a mod like that already? and where? thanks in advance :thumbsup:
  13. all right, i'll replace the gold textures with silver but still use the same mesh, if all things go smoothly it should be uploaded in a couple of hours or so EDIT: its done, here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28513/
  14. in Creation Kit, select all the NPCs you edited then press Crtl and F4 at the same time, a message box will appear press ok, that'll fix the skin tone of the face, as for the body i don't know, since i don't use body replacers
  15. Whiterun has dozens of different Guard NPCs, they can't just use 1 npc for the whole town because guards do many different things so they have different AI Packages, so if you want to modify the guards you'll probably need to edit a few more NPCs, namely the Template NPCs, in the Actor Object Window, look for the Guard NPCs with the word Template in their names, those ere the NPCs you need to edit, since there are dozens of guards, the devs used Templates as a basis for making different version of an NPC to make things faster so if you edit the template that should modify all the others that use the same template NPC
  16. do you want to changes it into a ring or do you want the crown to use the exact same model as the 2nd one or do you want the crown to be retextured like the 2nd? i can do either of those if you say which one you want
  17. i think the IDs you get from clicking an NPC in the console are Reference IDs and you need Base IDs for creation kit but if you want to know which NPCs are used in certain places you could just load up the place you want in the render window, click Exteriors then Tamriel then Whiterun in the "Cell View" box, below the Object Window, then you can just double click the guard in the render window to see which is which
  18. these mods look similar to the chainmail armor you want http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28386 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19372 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13462 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22684
  19. Here's the Knights of Agatha and Mason Order Vanguard Armor i made http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26983/ this claymore also looks very similar to the one in chivalry http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27129 i think someone's already making that resourse for use in-game
  20. i'm working on Mason and Agatha vanguard armors right now, their not ripped so they don't look exactly the same like in Chivarly Medieval Warfare but its good enough for me, should be released in a couple of days
  21. i just finished watching "Wreck it Ralph", its a disney 3d animated movie, basically toy story but instead of toys, its video game characters, i usually don't watch anything Disney anymore but its a pretty good movie, there's a lot of cemeos in that movide like Zangief, Sonic, etc. and Hero's Duty reminded me of Call of Duty and Starcraft 2 combined but i was expecting a character relating to Skyrim in there but there wasn't (EDIT: my friend said there were some knights in platemail and swords and soldiers walking around in game central station, so i guess thats a bit like skyrim and other medieval/fantasy game, i probably just didn't see them in the background), anyway there's few things about the ending that doesn't add up for me, here's what it is http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20121202070742AAYFEV0 oh and btw if you haven't watched the movie my question in that link might have SPOILERS
  22. so you clicked the other ESP and clicked your own ESP as active in CK then saved then your guy is naked in-game? it looks like you need to convert the other ESP (the one with the armor) into an ESM so you can use that ESM for your ESP, just use TES5Edit to convert ESP to ESM or just send me the ESP so i can convert it to ESM
  23. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9614
  24. i think i'll just stop it, it was just a request made by someone on one of my mods anyway, it was too much work than i thought trying to fulfill that request, thank you for all your help 1+kudos :thumbsup:
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