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Posts posted by MikeRyan

  1. Morgan nodded in agreement, slowly ofcourse not to upset his head


    "That is true my friend, and if we blew that building high enough to paint the moon brown with dirt it would sure attract unwanted attention. Infiltration is starting to sound better but I think we should just wait with doing anything"

  2. "Considering its an old building, there might be an underground acces tunnel from either the sewers or the metro for easy maintenance, but knowing the legion they proboably have more mines down there then an Klondike mountain"


    Morgan twirled the cigar around his fingers while thinking "Then again, those tunnels are probably crawling with enemies so they might be a bad idea anyways"

  3. "That might be true, but a small charge placed in the right place could proboably clean up some room, but it would proboably alert the guards. Do you think they sealed off the sewer access?"


    Morgan held a cigar in his hands, still to weak in his lungs to smoke it but not too weak to toy with it

  4. Morgan accepted the rifle from greebo and inspected it, seeing the fine amount of working put into it. He sat down and started to look at it in more detail, and then thanked Greebo while toying with the scope.


    "Wow, thanks Greebo, this will come in handy"

  5. Morgan, who hand't quite fallen asleep heard sandro and chuckled "Indeed it did old chap, indeed it did. Darn good luck that those ferals showed up and did some work too, saved me some ammo."


    he then got up and tried to find a spare gun he could use incase his .45 ran out of ammo.

  6. Morgan responded to Vlad with a yell himself "Yeah I'm good!"


    He then proceeded to walk around and mercy kill the dying ones, since slowly bleeding out is not human and an extremly painful way to go, He then proceded to pile them up in a corner to make the place a bit more tidy, but after a while, his pains from his injuries forced him to stop for now



    Morgan sat down and reflected over how lucky they where over the sudden ghoul rush, which sure helped out a lot. He took out his canteen and raised it to the sky in a small cheer "Cheers to you, whoever sent those ghouls" he then took a swig of water and laid back to rest.

  7. Morgan laughed and looked at Vlad and said "Well, that was lucky hahaha"


    Morgan thought he saw something off in the distance, like a shimmer of a stealth boy or similar but didnt think much of it. "Must have been heat haze" he thought to himself.

  8. Morgan pulled his colt and started to return some of the fire when he saw the power armored guy, thats when he decided to bolt it and run for cover near that hogtied assassin, dragging Loki with him since he didn't want to lose his friend.


    Morgan, who had put Loki in safety decided to try and get a few more shots of at the power armored guy, whom Cathy's grenade attack had failed to kill, but the bullets didnt do much. But all of the sudden, out of the blue, a sniper shot went straight through the helmet of the power armor guy, killing him in a blink.



    Morgan just stared at it for a few seconds before shooting two more mercs and then retreating

  9. "Yeah I think it's best to go guard that prisoner, don't want to risk anything seeing as I got pretty badly beaten up earlier. But I can help set up some fortifications first, should be some materials we can use"


    Morgan started to look around for anythign that could be used as cover

  10. Morgan, upon returning to the mart, went up to the slain deathclaw and looked at it in triumph before he took his eye of from the horn. He smiled briefly before he went under a tree and buried it, seeing as he wouldnt need it anymore.


    He then went up to the deathclaw and cut off its horns, thinking they would do fine for crafting. While doing this he noticed that one eye was missing and he found this a bit strange but he entered the mart to meet up with the others.


    "Guess who is back?"


    He said, entering the store

  11. Morgan stepped outside into the sunlight, all patched and cleaned up neatly, with the eyepatch covering his now empty eye socket and took a deep breath, before he started coughing due to the pain he was still feeling slightly, but atleast it was healed a bit.


    He started to walk back towards the mart, a bit eager to see what they could get from the assassin

  12. Morgan started to wake up, and instinctly wanted to rub his yes like he usualy would, but then he remembered what happened earlier and decided that it would be an bad idea, instead he looked at the people carrying them, looking for answers "Where are we? I don't recognise this place"


    It was obvious that morgan was tired after all that had happened, you could tell on his slightly slurred speech


    "Could someone clean up my face a bit? I got blood in my good eye"

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