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Posts posted by VincentIcarus

  1. The surprise is that shortly after they release it, they're going to pull it from the download sites because it's still full of bugs and they don't want to get firebombed by all the pissed-off fanboys and girls. lol


    No, I honestly hope it'll be a more user-friendly script writer so that those of use who don't know C++ can write some of our own basic scripts.

  2. Whiterun. Most of the people there seem like decent, honest, hard-working people and the Jarl is doing his best to keep out of the political BS that has been plaguing Skyrim. All in all Whiterun is my favorite place to go whenever I want to relax and chill out and spend some gold but I have to admit my favorite house is actually Hjern. It used to be Proudspire Manor because I had console modded the basement into my dream workshop/man-cave but I just don't have the patience to remove all the old stuff and put all 56 new peices of furniture in their proper place. :wallbash:
  3. I treat them like they were the Silence. "You should kill us all on sight!"


    For those of you who don't watch Doctor Who, I just slaughter them every time I see them. Brutally.

  4. Ah, so many WTF moments, so little space to write them all.


    Sneaking through a Draugr dungeon and stealth one-shotting Draugr Death Lords and Death Overlords like an assassin boss until a Draugr Scourge shows up and it takes 5 stealth shots to bring him down.... That's only happened about 1,000 times.

    Raiding another bandit camp and stealth one-shotting the guy in Steel Plate Armor but the guy with Fur Armor takes 4 stealth shots to bring down....

    Sneaking up on a Dragon and stealth one-shotting it with a Legendary Daedric Dagger, Backstab enchanted gauntlets and an Elixir of the Warrior....

    Sneak level 100, all perks and hiding inside an abandoned cabin that has a roof, Dragon still sees me and one-shots me with its Fire/Frost breath through the roof....


    I could go on but you guys get the general picture.

  5. @Aarkon: HA! That would be pretty cool.


    If someone did make more humanoid-khajiit then it would be awesome if it were a complete hybrid race you could choose from the start. That way you could still be a full khajiit or a half-breed (more human-like). I personally, would like to see a more beastly version of Khajiits, similar to how they appeared in Morrowind. Oh and of course, let's not forget about the Werelions. I would LOVE to see khajiits infected with lycaonthropy transform into werelions instead of a werewolf.

  6. I've actually been trying to work one. I've got a few modders resources from FO3 and FO:NV but I personally didn't think that they looked like something that belonged in Skyrim. If you want to try to do it yourself, I'll post up the links. Of course most of these require textures from New Vegas or Fallout 3. I gave up trying to do the mod after a while because one, they didn't look like they belonged and two, I don't know how legal it would be to use textures from FO3 and FO:NV for a mod for Skyrim. It probably wouldn't turn out well for me.


    BlackWolf Packs


    Leather Backpacks


    The Backpack

  7. To OP: I don't think so. The Nexus family of sites has a much stronger community base than Steam does. Steam is more like a loose conglomeration of people who like to play whatever game is popular at the time (from my experience, I mean no offense to the hardcore Steam advocates here), whereas the Nexus, most of us have been around for a while and will still be here long after Skyrim has been shelved by most Steam gamers. Heck, some of the modders on here, when they're not making Skyrim mods, they're still working on mods for FO3 or FO:NV. I think the only people who will leave the Nexus are the fappers who came here for the booby mods and Macho Man Dragons mods.
  8. Oh, man there are so many to choose from. Here are my top 5 in no particular order:


    "You'll make a fine rug, cat!" *Only after I got the Cover-Khajiits mod.*


    "I'm not a man. I am a weapon in human form. Just unsheathe me and point me at the enemy." *It sounds like a sex pun EVERY TIME*


    "I used to be an adventurer like you but then I took an arrow in the knee." *Funny at first, then it wasn't. Now it is again thanks to



    "You see those warriors in Hammerfall? They've got curved swords. Curved. Swords." -To which I reply: "Oh, I'm sorry. You must not have seen my Silver Katana. Here, I'll let you have a closer look."


    "I've never seen anything quite like this before." -Lydia, after killing our 20th dragon together....

  9. Okay, that is probably the coolest single idea I've heard for archers. Yeah, if all your arrows are in one quiver, you're not going to know which arrow you pull out next. It's on your back and you can't see that very well. I'm pretty sure you can use ScriptDragon or SKSE and you can write a script to make drawing a type of arrow from your pool a random event. Unfortunately, I don't know the first thing about scripts or scripting. If I did, I would do this mod in a heartbeat.
  10. I read that book The Falmer: A Study and I have to agree it does seem to paint the Falmer as victims but as it has been stated previously in this thread the Dwemer wouldn't act hostile towards any race unless they were provoked so whatever the Dwemer did to the Falmer, the Falmer did something to bring it upon themselves. Now, as far as, current situations go, I have no mercy for Falmer, they kidnap, torture and murder innocent (and sometimes not so innocent) people just so they can try to develop more efficient weapons with which to kill them. Or at least, that's what I think. Every time I walk into one of their torture rooms, I see a bunch of dead bodies and poisons everywhere so it seems to me like the Falmer are creating and testing new poisons on living subjects. Yeah, they might have once been a great civilization with culture and heritage as great or if not greater than the Altmer or Dwemer but now they're only revenge filled beasts with inflicting pain and death on others being their only motivation. Like Staind716 said: I kill them with a smile. Every Falmer I kill is another merchant or trader that I've saved.
  11. Sometimes the game glitches and you'll get diseased/poisoned when you're not supposed to. I remember one time I was wearing the Ancient Shrouded Armor which provides 100% protection from poisons and I got attacked by a Frostbite Spider and got poisoned. Sometimes the game works the way it's supposed to, sometimes it doesn't. You either have to work around it or quit playing, at least until they patch all the bugs or give us the CK so we can. lol
  12. I'm pretty sure some of our brethren gamers in Germany call them Euros or Marks out of habit. So... yeah, I think you should do what you think is right or honorable or whatever code you (your character) operates by. Who cares if you "fail" a side quest. It's your character and if really bums you out that much, make a hard save, start a new game with a new character and have that character do the opposite of what you originally did.
  13. This has probably already been mentioned before and I'm sorry to keep bothering you with it if it has but I would like to implement a feature to NMM where when you tell it to uninstall a mod it deletes all the files that were installed by that mod. I know NMM has certain file tracking capabilities. Sometimes when I try to install a mod it will say "Texture A has already been installed by Mod A. Would you like to overwrite Texture A from Mod A with Texture B from Mod B?" I don't know if this is something that you're working on already but it's becoming bothersome to manually track down all the installed files and manually deleting them and it would really help with ease of use and to prevent FPS hits in Skyrim when the game is accessing all of these loose files that aren't even being used anymore. I know I cleared out a couple of texture folders from a mod that I am no longer using and I got a good 3-5 FPS boost overall. Also, is there a way to disable NMM from checking for updates every time you open it. I know sometimes my game will CTD for no reason and I open up NMM to relaunch my game and I have to wait 2-5 minutes while it checks for an update and it can be quite annoying sometimes.
  14. Well, the reason I said the Empire is because they have different types of soldiers for different types of missions which would require different types of armor/gear. Whereas the Blades only have one role. Be annoying. j/k But that could actually work if someone wanted to do a Blades overhaul mod where you can actually recruit members and actually establish your own faction and buy/take property for yourself and build up strongholds. You could even do something really crazy, like, overthrow the Imperials, the Thalmor AND the Stormcloaks so that the Blades faction is the ruling body in Skyrim now and the Dragonborn is pretty much Emperor or King or Thane or Jarl or whatever you want to call yourself. Who cares? You rule an entire country!
  15. This all I have to say about the CK:


    The CK isn't a program that you can just download to your computer. It's more of a... state of mind. A way of living your life that emphasizes peace, enlightenment, and love for your fellow man. The CK is a metaphor for a moral existence; we should stop waiting for someone to just hand it to us, and start creating our own CK here on Earth.


    If that ain't good enough for you then go learn C++ and Hex and then come back and post up tutorials so the rest of us can mod.

  16. I usually side with the Stormcloaks mostly because they remind me of America about 200 years ago. They're trying to break off from an oppressive and corrupt empire and I'm not referring to the Empire, here. I'm referring to the Aldmeri Dominion. From my perspective, it seems like The Aldmeri Dominion used underhanded tactics by attacking the Empire after it had been weakened by the Oblivion Crisis. A good tactical move but shady nonetheless. It also seems like they pretty much run the Empire. Yeah, the Emperor is still technically in charge but I'm willing to bet that if a few Thalmor agents walked into his bed chamber and told him to get up because they wanted to sleep there, he would. Also, I agree with the Stormcloaks on the issue of religion (Talos worship). I am by no means a spiritual or religious guy. I believe in God but that's pretty much the extent of my religiousness. Anyway, getting back to my point, I think that people should have the freedom to believe in whatever deities that they want to believe in and should be allowed to worship them in whatever manner is fitting. The only exception to this would be impeding upon the free will of others i.e. Human sacrafices, torture, things of that nature. Animal sacrifices? Sure, why not. There are a bunch of them anyways. It's not like we're going to run out anytime soon. Getting back to my original point, America did pretty much the same thing when it broke away from England and look at us now. Who's to say that Skyrim wouldn't become the next Cyrodill if they were to break away from the Empire? I just want to state though, that I do not hate the Empire. I realize that they are corrupt and dwindling but on the other side of that there is hope that they can redeem themselves. The Aldmeri Dominion on the other hand is basically just a group of prideful, self-righteous Altmer who think that they're better than everyone and deserve to rule everything. I basically join the Stormcloaks just because I want to weaken the Aldmeri Dominions influence in Skyrim so that people can have the basic religious freedoms that all people deserve to have.
  17. Hey,guys, I saw this mod here on the Nexus before and for some reason I didn't get it but I'm looking for it now and I seem to be unable to find it. It's a small mod that doubles how long certain potions last. Instead of Blacksmith Elixir's lasting 30 seconds it doubles it to 60 seconds. If no one knows what it is or is unable to find it, I'll try to re-create the mod myself. Also there was another mod that allowed certain poisons to work on higher level enemies. It allowed you to Frenzy poison City Guards and other really high level NPC's. I'm looking for that as well.


    EDIT: I found the first mod. It's called Less Annoying Items if anyone else is looking for something similar. I still haven't found the second one though.

  18. I gave it a 7 mostly because even though they did give us a broken game they at least left us the ability to mod it so almost all of the bugs we can fix ourselves and we can always add new content to make the game "ours". It has a lot of potential, maybe not all of it was realized but they gave us one hell of a basis to build everything off of. I honestly think there's more moddable content in Skyrim than in FO:NV or even Oblivion.
  19. @ASCLKA: That would be pretty cool too but I don't think the streamlined Japanese design really fits the profile of Daedra. They seem too demented and chaotic. By nature, a chaotic race of beings probably wouldn't develop nice, angled, streamlined armor. I think they pretty much nailed the Daedric appearance with the Daedric Armor in Skyrim. Oblivion was close but thought it was still a little too organized. I know in Morrowind it was very nice looking but I didn't get the feeling that I was being attacked by, what is essentially, a group of demons. It felt like I was being attacked by a bunch of evil knights. In Skyrim, I'm like "HOLY *****!!! DEMONS ARE COMING TO EAT MY SOUL!!!!!"
  20. Okay, so earlier today, I was just derping around on the intrawebs and I saw something really f'n cool. It was a series of concept images of if Star Wars had taken place during Medieval Japan and that got me thinking. What if the Imperials in Skyrim followed a Japanese Samurai theme. I would really love to see if someone could create some fully functional Samurai style armor as a replacer for the "been done already 1,000 times" Roman Legion look. I get that the Roman Legion was at one point in history the greatest military fighting force in the world but I still favor Samurai lore over the Roman Legion any day and I'm sure there are many others here who feel the same way. I mean, let's face Katanas are cooler than Longswords anyway. Basically, this is just a basic idea that I'm throwing out there. If someone wants to do it then by all means, go for it. If not, well at least I shared some cool pics with you guys.




    Here's the link where I found the pictures: Images


    And here's the link to the original blog: Blog

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