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Posts posted by VincentIcarus

  1. Hey, guys, I'll get straight to the point and stop wasting time. I have a mod that for the last 2 weeks I have been trying to add non-replacer armors into the leveled lists so that they can show up as random loot, in vendors lists and equipped on enemies. Weapons of the Third Era is the mod that I have in mind for what I want to accomplish but 747823 hasn't responded to my PM. I need someone's help putting this mod into the leveled lists. If anyone can show me a tutorial or give me a hand with this I would be so very grateful because I'm on the verge of losing all of my hair trying to figure out how to do it myself.
  2. I really like this idea. I think that the current poison system is really, really broken. The only thing that I would like to add would be instead of adding a poison to a weapon for 1 or 2 hits the poison stays on the blade for a certain period of time and each successful hit causes the poison to be slightly less effective. Example: Apply poison that does 35 damage to your sword and it lasts indefinitely until the poison has worn off. First hit does 35 points of damage. Second hit does 30 points of damage etc., etc.


    Also, for the bow, instead of wasting an entire bottle poisoning one arrow head it should apply for multiple arrows. Example: One small bottle can poison 10 arrows. A medium bottle can poison 25. A large bottle can poison 50 arrows. Also you could have an entire weapon mod centered around poisoning. Forge a dagger with an empty handle and a hollow tube into the blade, you put a bottle of poison in the handle so that when you stab someone the poison flows through the blade into the bloodstream. So how much damage you do depends on how long you can hold the person and how much poison you can deliver in that amount of time. Lingering damage poisons would be the most effective to use.


    One last thing, Alchemy. You should be able to use natural poisons (Frostbite Venom, Lotus Extract, Pre-made Poisons) as a base to make your created poison exponentially stronger. Example: Created Poison = 25 Poison damage on impact but if you use Frostbite Venom as a base it will deal 10 damage a second for 3 seconds. So it changes the Instant damage to an equivalent damage over time. Or you can use a paralyze potion that you bought as a base to cause both paralysis and poison damage over time. Also you should be able to mix natural poisons together to make even more potent poisons. Example: Mix a Poison of Fear + Poison of Stamina Regen + Poison of Magicka Damage to make your enemy run away while losing stamina and magicka so by the time you've caught up with him he won't have anything with which to fight you. It'd be awesome!


    Sorry for the long rant but I really loved Alchemy both in Morrowind and Oblivion and I just feel like Skyrim isn't really matching up to what the Poisoning, Potion and Alchemy skills could be.

  3. The Book of Fate. You get to write your own book, lol.


    Honestly, I'd have to say the Journals, in general. I like learning about other people's lives and how they came from where they were to where they are, their struggles and triumphs, etc., etc. My favorite journal, by far, are Cicero's Journals.

  4. I accually thought they pronounced it Dwem Myr (close to saying mirror fast) w/ and emphasis on the second syllable in the game.


    Same with my game. They pronounce it more like "Dwim - er" but this is from UESPWiki:


    The Dwemer (/dweɪ.mɚ/ dway-mer or /dwiː.mɚ/ dwee-mer) were a fabled lost race of Mer hailing from Dwemereth, the region that is now Morrowind.


    So I guess they're even pronouncing it wrong in their own game but that's Bethesda for you. :wallbash:

  5. Usually, when you've clicked on something in the console and type in disable it completely removes it from the game. The only way to bring it back is to load from a previous save. Also, for future reference if you accidentally delete something, keep it selected in console and type in "enable". That should bring it back immediately.
  6. I'll be honest, I downloaded nude models for both male and female characters, not for the sake of being perverted and fapping to pixels but because in my opinion, Bandits, Raiders and other criminals/deviants who survive on only what they can plunder wouldn't take the time to plunder some guys/girls undies and also probably wouldn't take the time to try to piece together their own. For me, it adds an aspect of "realism". If I'm a bandit, living in a cave and stealing what I want to survive why would I bother with things like underwear? Simple answer is, I wouldn't. I barely wear any as it is now. (Don't get too excited now.) But getting back to my point, I also use them because when a bandit tries to kill me, I leave their naked, slashed-up, arrow-ridden corpse on the side of the road as a reminder to their buddies that not everyone on the road is easy prey.



    I also like to leave the naked corpses of the Silver Hand strung up on the archway of Jorrvaskr as a sign to not f*** with me or my Shield-Brothers and Sisters.


  7. Hey, guys, this is an error that I keep getting on the top of pretty much every page: Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/skyrim/public_html/downloads/download.php on line 102


    So far it hasn't actually effected anything. I'm still able to open windows, download file and look at pictures. It actually doesn't appear to affect anything at all but I figured it must be worth mentioning to you, at least. Oh, and I'm using Google Chrome 16 if that has anything to do with it.

  8. I say we just make everything freeware. That way you don't have to worry about pirating or gaming corporations installing bloatware on your computer or any of the pre-existing downsides. A new downside: Game quality would go WAAAAY down at least graphically but on the flip side they might actually start making games that are fun to play and have in-depth stories instead of awesome graphics. I mean, which would you really rather have?
  9. Hey, everybody, I've got a mod for Skyrim called Modular Nightingale Classes and I was wondering if I could get a modeler to help me out and make some new .nifs for it.


    Originally the premise was to change the enchantments to the armor to make it more useful for non-thief class players but I've since decided to shift direction with it. I want to add all new loot-able or forge-able armor sets based off the Nightingale Armor. Imagine a Nightingale were to take his original armor and forge it into some kind of Knight-esque armor or Mage Robes or he were to become a bandit and wanted his old Nightingale Armor to reflect his new position in life, How would those armors look? You know. Something like that. I was hoping if some of you weren't too busy with your own mods maybe I could get somebody to help me out. Unfortunately, I have no experience with 3D modeling. I can do some minor editing in NifSkope and Photoshop but that's about it. My "expertise" is mostly with the GECK and now SkyEdit. If you're too busy or just don't want to do it I understand but maybe some of you can point me to someone who has the time or interest.

  10. The CK isn't a program that you can just download to your computer. It's more of a... state of mind. A way of living your life that emphasizes peace, enlightenment, and love for your fellow man. The CK is a metaphor for a moral existence; we should stop waiting for someone to just hand it to us, and start creating our own CK here on Earth.


    ^THIS! is my new signature. That is just all kinds of epic!



    Everybody has gotten their facts wrong, Bethesda DID say it was selected for release in January but in 2013 after all the DLC was released..


    News link is here: http://bit.ly/z7UF5U




    Okay, seriously, now. I've heard "two weeks" since the end of December so hopefully before Jan 31st.

  11. Yes, Glowing Ore Veins 300 is known to cause Daedric weapons and armor to look pink or purple. I would try deactivating that mod and if you're still getting that problem then uninstall it. If the problem persists, then it's because of another mod.

    The only mod in your mod list that I don't recognize is the insan0h Realistic Sun. I have most of those mods myself and none of them give me any problems. You might have to repeat the deactivate/uninstall process for every mod until you find the one that is giving you grief.

  12. Have you tried checking your Active Magic Effects tab to see if you got infected with a disease or if there is an active spell which is causing the skill loss? I know there are some dieseases/poisons which can degrade your skill levels temporarily and if you save while infected/poisoned it can glitch and cause a permanent change to your skill levels.
  13. SkyEdit is the tool that I've been primarily using for my Bucklers mod. The easiest way to add new items is to find an recipe or entry similar to what you want to make create a copy and rename the editor id. Then you can change up the recipe or armor stats or what have you. As far as custom meshes go, when you pull up the item entry that you want to give a new mesh there will be a little an entry that says model, edit that so that it uses the proper file path. Now save your .esp. Afterwards open up your .esp in TESSnip, find the entry for your armor/weapon or whatever, in the little box on the bottom left you'll see entries like MOD2 or MOD4 open all of these up and edit them to use the proper file path for your custom mesh. Oh and make sure after you edit the file path to the new mesh make absolutely sure that you add 00 to the end of the hex code. That little tidbit caused me SO much grief.
  14. Hey, everybody, I know this is kind of an old thread and I'm pretty much just bumping it to state my opinion but I've pretty much been a contributing part of this community (IMO) since I've joined up. I managed to find out about this place completely by accident when Oblivion was starting to fade away right before FO3 was coming in. I've always tried to be a respectful and polite member but I know sometimes my attitude has gotten the better of me in some of my posts and I know I've only got about a dozen or so mods that I've made between all of the Nexus sites but I think there should be some kind of revision to the reputation system. I know there's the report button but when I first joined up I was actually afraid of reporting someone in the fear that if my reporting them seemed biased on my part that I would somehow be punished, which is probably true if I just go around and start reporting all the posts that have bad grammar and poor spelling, yeah, I'll probably be banned but the reason I bring this particular example up is because if I felt that way when I was a new member then probably a lot of other new members feel the same way. So out of fear of repercussions of a "bad" reporting they might not be able to be a part of this community anymore so instead they probably do what I used to do. Just -1 rep the post. So I propose some type of revision to the reputation system where your reputation actually determines if people take your comment seriously or not. Example: I've seen users who have -9 to -14 reps for a single post. That should show up on their account as some sort of negative mark. Now, I know there are some people here who (and this has happened to me personally) will go onto a mod and for some reason they don't like the mod or mod author they'll negatively rep all the posts of the author and any positive comments. Of course, that's semi-counter-acted by only being able to rep 5 posts per day. But, getting back to my original point, I still think there should be some sort of permanent repercussion for negative reputations unless the individual in question can provide physical evidence that it was the work of trolls. Example: A guy posts a stupid/troll comment and for some reason he doesn't get reported but the good people of the community negatively rep his post. After so many negative reps for a single post a report should be filed automatically with a moderator/admin to investigate and take appropriate action. Or if a user/member has a handful of negatively repped posts in a certain time span an official warning/reprimand would be issued to the user by an admin. Anyway, those are just my thoughts, opinions and suggestions. Hopefully, when the next big Steam game comes out a lot of these trollers will go back to wherever they came from. I personally can't stand steam but that's a post for another time.
  15. I cleared out the cave before starting this quest and I didn't have any problems. Have you tried using the coc code to teleport inside? That might help you out. I know that's helped me out in the past with FO:NV when I had similar problems.


    EDIT: I just found this on the Elder Scrolls Wiki under known bugs for The Taste of Death.


    "Sometimes just trying to enter the Cave will cause the game to freeze." Link

  16. My game seems to stutters a little more than usual but generally load times seem about the same. Even though the 1.3 patch supposedly came with the 4GB patch installed, I don't think it's been optimized for Skyrim. I know when I was playing with 1.1 and the 4GB patch, my game never stuttered and loaded up pretty quickly but then again that might be because of all the mods I've installed since then. :whistling:
  17. With the exception of eating 5-6 meals a day and sleeping at least once every day but then again I don't do that in real life. lol The only exception is console commands. I should be able to decorate my house how I want and put clothes back on dead bodies by default and not have to use console commands. Oh, and the not playing again after you die. F that. I believe in re-incarnation. lol
  18. @karaigamer: Something, that you could try that I used to do when I was in the Thieve's Guild. After I successfully steal from someone's house I leave a Dragon Skull (Tytanis mod or a Troll Skull pre-Tytanis mod) on the table in the kitchen/dining room or if you're a thief with a conscious reverse-pickpocket them and put a sum of gold in their pocket or give them a really expensive piece of jewelry or potion. Or you could always develop a routine. The easiest way to develop an in-game routine find out something that you do every day different from everyone else and do the in-game equivalent. Also, check out this thread. This guy seems to have a lot of ideas about how to immerse yourself into a role.
  19. Khajiit. Why? I like cats. Seriously, Skyrim is the first time I've ever played as a Khajiit and I'm loving it. Despite how annoyed I used to get with the way they talked in Oblivion, they actually sound intelligent in Skyrim plus they're stealthy death in all kinds of furry flavors. I also played as an Imperial (who joined the Stormcloaks) but I didn't really connect with my character so I abandoned him. I always played as a Dunmer in Oblivion because of the Stealth/Destruction magic bonus but because the magic system in Skyrim is kinda broke I haven't even tried using any magic/Mage characters. Until then "Kitty's got claws!"
  20. I personally think that the Wood Elves look great. Much better than they did in Oblivion. In Oblivion most of them looked like they were overweight or just misshapen in general. The Dunmer look like how they did in Morrowind, which I love but the Altmer, really need to go back to the pretty-boy look. Maybe it's just me but whenever I hear Altmer or High-Elf I think of someone who is extremely vain and self-centered. Not that many ugly people are vain, I would know, I am not that fetching. lol But seriously, the Altmer should be extremely fair-looking and not the a fore mentioned Klingon/Vulcan hybrids.
  21. I tend to agree with an earlier poster about the leveled loot. I was just playing a few hours ago and I ran into a random, nameless Nord NPC that tried to kill me simply because I was a Khajiit and she was wearing Iron armor, Iron Boots, Iron Gauntlets, wielding a Dwemer Mace and sporting a Daedric shield and I'm just like "Ya know, that set of weapons and armor just goes together. It just makes so much sense that you would have a Dwemer Mace and a Daedric Shield with your Iron Armor." (For those of you who don't get it, that was sarcasm.) Another thing is emotionless NPC's with the WORST lip-sinking I have ever since since 2001 PC games. I mean, seriously! At least, in New Vegas when they moved their mouth it at least LOOKED like they were saying something similar. Completely, shallow and back-story-less NPC's. The only NPC in the game that I actually gave a crap about gets killed as part of a quest and there's nothing you can do about it because you have to save his spirit form in another quest later on. The "big plot twist" in the Main Quest was predictable. I saw that coming the minute I started talking to the Greybeards. The map, while initially amusing, is more annoying than useful. The dungeons are essentially a giant circle ending up back at the Main entrance and last but definitely not least, the "skill" system. It's completely and utterly BORKED. It's so broken the word used to describe it has been broken. Honestly, these days, I'm having more fun modding the game than I am playing and that kinda depresses me since I've been waiting for this game since the announcement of The Shivering Isles. If nothing else, I still have New Vegas installed....
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