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Posts posted by VincentIcarus

  1. Okay, well that seemed to fix the model looking like Spellbreaker in the inventory, unfortunately now it looks like nothing. Nothing shows up. In TESSnip everything looks fine but when I opened my .esp in TESVSnip (supposedly, better for Skyrim editing) I get a warning that states: "Warning: The subrecord doesn't appear to conform to the expected structure. Saving is disable and the formatted information may be incorrect." I'm assuming this is part of the reason why it's not working. How would I fix this?
  2. As some of you may know I've been working on/maintaining a mod that adds new shields to the game. Up until now it's mostly just been smaller versions of existing shields. Now I'm trying to add completely new shields into the game and when I have it equipped it looks correct in my hand but in my inventory and when it's dropped on the ground it still looks like the Spellbreaker shield.


    Now, I don't know if this has something to do with it but the shield I'm working on right now (The Shield of Winterhold) is an alternative replacer to the Spellbreaker for people who don't like golden, glowy shields. It uses the same enchantment as the Spellbreaker but the mesh itself looks like a regular guard shield with the symbol of Winterhold in place of the town symbol and it uses the proper mesh when it's equipped so, why does it look like the Spellbreaker every other time?


    So, to try to fix this, because I thought this was some kind of issue tied to the Spellbreaker enchantment, I tried duplicating the enchantment and just renamed the duplicate to something else and attached it to the Shield of Winterhold. After I did that I fired up the game and it started crashing every time I pull up the Steel tab under the Forge menu which is where I've placed the Shield of Winterhold. I've since reverted back to an earlier version so I can keep testing but does anyone know why this is happening and what I can do to fix it?

  3. I use a nude male+female mod not because I want to see a bunch of nake people running around, I can just mosey on over to my local internet connection to see that but because I don't think Bandits would really care about wearing underwear besides it's more humiliating for them to strip them bare and leave them by the side of the road after they've tried to kill you. Or my personal favorite, after the Silver Hand attacks Jorrvaskr I leave their naked bodies strung up outside on the archway as a message to not f**k with my Shield-Brothers and Sisters.
  4. @GoodfellowGoodspring: If I were, do you really think I would admit to it? But, no, I'm not.


    Thanks for all the feedback guys. My room mate was the one that brought up the fact that I take this game a little too seriously, so I thought I'd check and see if anyone else played like I do. I guess all the really hardcore RP'ers are still glued to their game and can't come to the forums to respond. lol

  5. Well, in all reality, I would probably do something like that in real life if I were some kind of assassin and kinda did when I was in the Marine Corps. Before every patrol I would always drink a bottle of Blue Gatorade, disassemble my rifle and clean it really well and I would even clean my rounds. I don't know why but I always like them to look shiny. And if some bad stuff went down when we were out when it was over I would drop to one knee and say a prayer for the fallen (on both sides sometimes). So to me, it adds a bit of realism to the game.


    @AtlasS: Be careful with my special blend. It's really potent. If you're a Master Alchemist it can do up to 53 PD (Poison Damage) on impact, 26 PD for 10s and Paralyze for 26s. I can take out an Ancient Dragon on Master in about 3-4 shots. Two if the first shot is a sneak attack.

  6. Most people use the Nexus Mod Manager, which if you go into your mod list it'll display all the mods you've downloaded and if the mod you're using is out of date, it displays a little yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in it. I personally think that's enough because it falls on the mod users shoulders to make sure that their mods are up to date. Also LuDux has a point, most people would consider that spamming and might even remove their endorsement for a mod if they're getting spammed by that mod every time it updates.
  7. I'm actually more interested in how they expand the current story with the DLC's. Maybe you can become a Jarl or even Emperer in one since you seem to be able to lead any random group you encounter in less than a (game) week. lol But, seriously, I'm hoping that the quests get a MAJOR overhaul in the upcoming DLC's. They should probably release 1 DLC per joinable faction. Like one DLC that enhances the Dark Brotherhood quests and storyline another for the Thieve's Guild etc etc.
  8. Hey, guys, I'm just posting this up to get an idea if any other Skyrim players do strange things in their game to enhance their role playing experience because I think I might be taking the role-playing part of the game a little too seriously. Example: Recently, I've joined the Dark Brotherhood (always a classic faction to join) and whenever I receive a contract to assassinate someone, I go out and find a Gold Ore vein and mine it, smelt down the ore and forge a Gold Necklace for the victim. I also use the console commands to remove a Daedric Arrow (the only arrows I use for assassinations due to overall rarity) from my inventory and my reasoning for that is because while I'm forging a Gold Necklace for my intended victim I place an arrowhead on the medallion as a type of calling card and after I kill the poor guy/girl I place the necklace next to their dead body. Also, if for some reason I'm unable to get close enough to them to use my dagger, I always coat a Daedric Arrow in a special poison that I've made using Human Flesh, Slaughterfish Eggs and Imp Stool. Again, this is the only poison that I use for assassinations. I use other poisons but those are my "Special Blend". So, basically, I was just wanting to know if anyone else did strange things like this to make the game a little more entertaining.
  9. Hey, guys, sorry to bother all of you again but I'm trying to find out which music file plays whenever you start combat with a dragon. I've uploaded a Main Menu theme replacer and I want to upload an optional file to where you can listen to the same song while fighting dragons. If anyone knows which file this is could you please let me know? I haven't been able to find out which one it is and I think it would be really kick-ass to hear Dan Bull's Skyrim Epic Rap while fighting a dragon! :D
  10. Hey, I know you like to keep your info up to date and I don't know if you already have this covered in this thread but I've posted up a useful tutorial on how to merge multiple .esp's together using TESSnip. It's pretty useful if you need to merge a bunch of small plugins together into one comprehensible mod. Here's the link.
  11. A lot of people lately have been asking on the NPC Editor mod page how to edit multiple NPC's at once. Well, quite simply, you can't, not yet. BUT, there is a light in the darkness. You can create multiple .esp files of your modded NPC's and merge them together. Here's how:


    Before you can begin you need to download and install three programs:


    Fallout Mod Manager




    Skyrim NPC Editor


    Once those are downloaded and installed we're ready to begin. So let's get to it shall we?



    Step 1 & 2:




    Step 3:




    Step 4:




    Step 5:




    Step 6:




    Step 7:




    Step 8:




    Step 9:




    I was trying to keep it light on that last little bit but in all serious. Save often. I cannot tell you how many times I lost all of my work because of unexpected crashes.

  12. Is there any way to merge .esp's into one .esp? I have about 12 esp files and each one only changes one thing. I'm trying to merge them all together into one comprehensible mod. Does anyone know how to do this?
  13. I have searched all through the forums and I have not yet been able to find a mod that allows you to ready your weapon faster. I hate how I'm a level 57 Master Assassin and it still takes me a full 3 seconds to ready or sheathe my bow or how when I quick switch to my dagger it takes almost 4 seconds to unsheathe it and if I'm in the middle of combat those are precious seconds lost that I'm taking damage that I shouldn't be because my character should be quicker at pulling out his weapon. So if anyone knows of a mod that allows you to switch between weapons faster or increases the speed at which you sheathe/unsheathe weapons could you please let me know.
  14. One thing I always thought should be overhauled was the bows from a Maker's standpoint. Historically (from lore), elves have always made the best bows. So it's safe to assume that they make the best arrows. I propose an accuracy system based on the design of the bows. For example. Elven Bows + Elven Arrows would be the most accurate, have the most range and have the highest penetrating power (ability to pierce through armor) but have a lower damage rating than some of the higher level bows. All Hunting Bows should have a bonus to damage vs animals or sneak attack. Ebony Bows should have higher damage but at a cost to penetrating power and accuracy. Daedric Bows would have the highest penetrating power but at a penalty of accuracy and damage, etc.


    Here's my proposal in a nutshell:

    Longbows - 10 damage, 0 penetration, 50% accuracy, short range 1-50 yards

    Hunting Bows - 15 damage, 5 penetration, 60% accuracy, short range 1-60 yards

    Imperial Bows - 20 damage, 10 penetration, 65% accuracy, mid range 1-75 yards

    Orcish Bows - 30 damage, 10 penetration, 60% accuracy, mid range 1-75 yards

    Elven Bows - 15 damage, 25 penetration, 80% accuracy, long range 1-150 yards

    Ebony Bows - 30 damage, 15 penetration, 70% accuracy, long range 1-125 yards

    Glass Bows - 25 damage, 20 penetration, 75% accuracy, long range 1-100 yards

    Daedric Bows - 30 damage, 20 penetration, 75% accuracy, long range 1-125 yards.


    Damage is base damage. Damage that is done to an individual wearing clothing. Penetration would be set up by a percent of armor negated based on penetration i.e. 5 point of penetration is equal to 20 point of armor negated. Accuracy would be percent of shots out of 100 that land within the on-screen crosshair. Range is well range kinda self-explanitory.

  15. I agree as well. I'm hoping that when the CK comes out someone can actually implement a survival mod. Where besides hunger, dehydration and fatigue one of the other things that you will have to account for is hypothermia. I find it unrealistic how I can swim around naked in a river surrounded by snow and ice and be perfectly fine as I just stand there enjoying the sunrise, instead of freezing my nads off.
  16. Hey, everybody. Something I've been trying to do but by the Eight, I can't f'n do it because of this Imperial Sword in my chest. I'm trying to replace the ugly, stone-hammered shiv with the nice neat mini-dagger that is used in the lockpick interface. I know it's probably just a simple mesh swap but everytime I try to do it myself I end up breaking something and it doesn't work. So is there someone out there with more experience than myself that can replace the standard shiv with the lockpicking dagger? I think it would look much more awesome using that for stealth attacks than that nasty little stone dagger. Especially with FreakySugar's Dark Steel lockpick retexture.
  17. Hey, Nexus modders and mod users,


    Okay, so I've been playing Skyrim for a little while now and I've playing as a Stealth Spellsword/Archer style character. I've grown very attached to my current Enchanted Glass Armor set but I was looking at it a few days ago and I couldn't help but think that something was off about the look the armor. I couldn't put my finger on it so I just played through... until I found the Ebony Mail. The Glass Armor (along with several other light armors) had Pauldrons!! (I have no idea how I missed that...) Now, I personally, think that the purpose of light armor should be to provide enough protection to the wearer so he can take some direct damage in battle without sacrificing speed or mobility. If I were an archer in Mid-Evil times I would wear something that would not restrict the movement of my arms. Pauldrons would limit your movement. So I thought I should post this so that anyone else who also has had this idea can all come together to try to hash out the details of how to make this a reality.


    What I propose is simple but I lack the modelling knowledge that this mod would require. So here's my idea in a nutshell:

    -Remove the pauldrons from all the light armors (i.e. Glass and Elven) but keep the armor plating on the upper arms.

    -Beef up the size of the Light Armors with pauldrons (i.e. Vanilla Glass Armor) and make them a separate set of heavy armor.

    -Remove the bulky chest piece from the Ebony Mail and make it a light armor. (Because what stealth character would wear heavy armor?)

    -Make a separate set of Light Armors using slimmed-down, trimmed-up versions of Heavy Armors

    -Smooth out the light armor sets and by that I mean remove the blade-looking things on the Glass gauntlets and boots and other armors that have similar features. (What purpose do they serve?)

    -Smaller versions of the current heavy armor shields to make light armor bucklers.

    -Reinforced versions of the current light armor shields to make heavy shields.

    -Reinforced gauntlets that can double as a shield for people who like to use just 1 one-handed blade but not shields because it breaks the look of their armor set. (similar to this mod)

    -Add the ability to forge light/heavy armor plates and attach them to hoods, hats, clothes and robes. (Archmage Heavy Armor anyone?)


    I know this might not be completely possible until the CK comes out but it's food for thought for right now. Feedback is appreciated.

  18. Don't dis the Draugr bow, if you've got ZOMGWTFBBQ Skyrim skills you can make them better than Daedric(legendary)


    Frankly though my weapons each do over 750 damage per hit normal, and an extra 400 via enchants, each. My Armour rating is similarly ZOMGWTFBBQ, all it takes is a fortify restoration potion, some Gauntlets Of Major Smithing, and a little bit of a smithing bender. The result is simple: "though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I sall not fear, for my Daedric bow does 4000 DpS and climbing"


    ^ This. You,sir, win the intrawebs.

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