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Everything posted by geekminxen

  1. Work on Benny continues apace. Hope to release 2.0 by Tuesday (F:NV Ultimate Ed. day). Doubtful I'll get that far that fast, but if Benny cooperates, there's hope. :)
  2. Ah, I see. Thanks for letting me know; I won't waste a bunch of time trying to figure out how to make it work. XD Thank you, as always!
  3. Oh-- I thought that was for an NPC's lines. It'll work for PCs, too? Thanks!
  4. I'm working on a mod and have a spot where the PC needs to ask a question that is longer than the allotted space the geck gives you. Is there a workaround for this? TIA!
  5. Thanks! And thanks for the help on my dead robot-- he's sprawled out nicely now. :)
  6. I'd like to modify a particular wilderness cell, but since there are a zillion of them, I was wondering if there was any way to find out which wilderness cell it is short of looking at all of them in the render window. Is there? Thanks!
  7. I LOVE YOU. :D (Um, that worked, in case you didn't get that from my subtle reaction.) :wink:
  8. Okay, this worked fine for lip files until I needed it again. :P I'm using the LipTemplate by Kivan, which I've used tons before this. But now when I click on a dialogue entry to change it, it starts to load and then the CS crashes. I've reloaded everything in case it was corrupted somewhere, but that didn't change anything. Help? :blush:
  9. Thanks, guys! We've been trying to get pictures of them, but they are quick and squirmy right now-- we've got some nice blurry shots that you can almost tell are an animal of some kind. :tongue: Soon as we've got some, I'll post. :)
  10. My understanding is that a whole new mesh, texture, and animation set would have to be created to put a horse (or any equid) in game. It's a big bundle of complicated trouble, basically. That said, I think it would be fantastic if someone with the know how would do it. :)
  11. Released my first mod. Worried it sucks. eep.
  12. Ah, great ideas-- thanks, all! We thought we were going to get a male, and wound up bringing home two females-- still not sure how I got persuaded into that. :) But it also means I can use multiple good names, so thanks. :happy:
  13. I won a bet that involves getting a new pet rat tomorrow (we have a very strange household) and since it was a NV-related bet, my dearly beloved and I think it should be a NV-related name. If you feel like playing along, would you care to suggest good rat names from New Vegas? :happy:
  14. Well, then...thank you yet again. :) Off to clean up my esp (and not the esm)!
  15. Ah! Just delete them out of the left-hand window of FNVEdit where they're listed in the tree? (Forgive me if this is an overly basic question, but today was the first time I ever used FNVEdit.) Thanks so much. You've answered several of my questions on the forums now, and I really appreciate your patience and generosity in dealing with us lost little modders. :happy:
  16. Okay, trying to polish up my first mod, and I was advised to clean it with FNVEdit. FNVEdit reported that I had messed with every persistent reference in an entire outdoor cell, which I know I didn't-- I'd remember taking the time to pick up every single bottle and tin can and rock and and and.... :) I understand the Geck can cause these sorts of oddnesses, but how do I fix them? Thanks!
  17. Version 1.0, companion mod without quest, is up: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=44776 Thank you!!
  18. Just an update/fyi...the mod is on the brink of initial release (companion functions/no quest yet). In fact, I just posted a thread asking for play testers. :) If anyone who's been following this thread is interested in testing him, please PM me or reply here. It'll be ready for testing in the next couple of days. :dance:
  19. I've got a mod about ready for its initial release and need some kind soul to run it through the wringer for me. :) It's a companion mod that restores Benny to the game if you free him in Caesar's tent so that he can become a follower. It'll be ready for testing in the next couple of days...if you're interested, please PM me or reply here. Thanks very much!
  20. And well beyond my capabilities! But @Felddoon, I was already thinking along some of those lines, particularly looking into the Chairmen's past. :)
  21. @Felddoon and DeZako, I was always intrigued by Benny's offer to hire the courier to do "special missions" for him and the Chairmen-- cool as they are, they've obviously had to struggle to get as far as they have and I'm sure there's all sorts of potential for backstory there. But I am not great at coming up with quest stuff, so please, feel free to keep suggesting things! Any and all help is truly appreciated. :) And DeZako, I had the barest outlines of a quest in mind and had already planned on adding a character like you describe-- a Chairman who's a mover and shaker, but doesn't show up until you take Benny on as a companion. This new character would be the liaison for the quest, being unhampered by preexisting dialogue and all. Great minds thinking alike there, I suppose! ;D
  22. Hey, I love that people are trying to help me make a good mod. I think you're thinking of S*censored*. Your idea is interesting, imo; I don't know what dialogue I would have to splice together for the conversation they might have, but depending on how lenient the player is, I'm sure there are ways around it. I'm going to keep this in my notes, and when I start on the quest part I'll dissect S*censored*'s dialogue files and see if there's enough material to make him a companion. I really like the Chairmen-- I think being part of a pack of them roaming the Mojave and kicking everyone else's butt would be cool. :)
  23. Thank you for your unasked-for advice! I am serious about not knowing what I'm doing and will take any and all help gladly. If it weren't for Llama helping me and basically holding my hand to walk me through everything at this point, I'd be in trouble. :/ The Benny I'm working with is a copy who is enabled after the vanilla Benny escapes the Fort. I'm trying not to interfere with the vanilla NPC too much just in case it would add problems. Glad to hear that's a sound move. :) HA! I thank you for the vote, anyway. And who knows? Maybe some playthrough you'll decide to let him live. ;)
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