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Posts posted by Surenas

  1. I'm not rude, but fair. Is that a problem? The facts are given and I didn't expect a classical watering down in the matter - the news amnesia - here!


    NB Regarding your qualification, I hold a Dr. rer. nat., guess you know what it means. But who cares what we are in the real world as long as that what we have to say in the virtual one has almost no impact on anything that is real? Nobody...


    Good day!

  2. If others prefer metric then fine, I'm not suggesting they stop using it. We don't all have to be the same, something I wish the EU bureaucrats would understand.


    Exactly that's your problem - you can't identify you real sitz-im-leben any more. It isn't up to the last imperials to suggest all others might stop with the metric. Don't even think of it! And you have, Jim. We have already all the same: You HAVE to convert - we just have to wait for your funny conversion, you see? Actually such a stubborn behavior, km beyond all logic, reminds of the famous "na - I don't want to eat my soup!"... :woot:

  3. So how exactly have things been downplayed? It's been all over the news media since it happened. Various solutions have been applied in order to attempt to temporarily stem the leak. It's not exactly easy to work at that kind of depth, the wells in the Gulf of Mexico being in waters several times the depth of anything in the North Sea. The only real and long term solution will be when the two relief wells are drilled, and you just can't do that in a couple of days. As far as I can see that has always been the intention.


    Perhaps you start with the the official statements by BP in the beginning und compare these with the later ones.

    Is it really so difficult to follow a presented reasoning line and the shifts therein? Guess so.

    Probably a few more catastrophes are necessary to initiate a learning process...

  4. Why then takes something generations in the Anglo-American world that takes only a few years elsewhere?

    I tell you: It is the high level in the understanding of personal freedom - inter alia the freedom to do the totally wrong things at the wrong time... :woot:


    How much is a dash of salt in metric anyway? and for you guys, what's metric for a jigger of rum?

    You tell me, bben46, for I don't have to convert... :laugh:


    Because they're perfectly happy using imperial, I can use metric if I want but don't bother normally because I prefer what I'm used to.


    No, because they're still think to be special - and only that makes them happy .... a strange kind of self-chosen ones. Too bad.

  5. I'm not impressed cos It merely reveals the lack of engagement in the development of scenarios and effective repair and prophylaxe mechanism (e.g. near-ground back pressure or cut-off valve segments) in the forefront of such a catastrophe. It was easier and cheaper at first to downplay the event for weeks...
  6. Why then takes something generations in the Anglo-American world that takes only a few years elsewhere?

    I tell you: It is the high level in the understanding of personal freedom - inter alia the freedom to do the totally wrong things at the wrong time... :woot:


    How much is a dash of salt in metric anyway? and for you guys, what's metric for a jigger of rum?

    You tell me, bben46, for I don't have to convert... :laugh:

  7. Acc. to the lore one has to multiply the own age with the years here on the Nexus.

    And then I'm as old as the hills of Ald'ruhn...

    I'd still be 39 :rolleyes:

    But in dog years I'm 273 :biggrin:


    Kewl, my son :thumbsup: - grass has already grown on my cheeks in the 171-184 or somethin' acc. to the lore :wacko:

  8. (snip]

    It doesn't really matter how the grid burns out, i just want to know what people on the forums believe what would happen if it did.


    It's not a matter of semi-religious belief but of consequence in the construction of a possible, rapidly developing scenario with a one-sided open time interval and given start conditions. And next to reasoning, consequence is something one has to learn first, as well as an acceptance for an unexpected and perhaps even feared final result...

  9. Perhaps removing them from the latest pictures? Otherwise they are necessary for adult mods to describe what they do. It's not that they are art or porn, it's that people cry for screenies in order to know what the mod does. Especially cosmetic mods which make up most of the adult section anyways. I suppose required censoring would clear this mess of a debate up, but someone would debate against it.



    It's rather easy to tell if an image containing nudity for a mod is intended to show off the texture/ect of the mod, or if it's just there for someone's jollies. If you need to show an image of a woman being brutally penetrated by two guys to show off your hair mod, you clearly need better judgment skills, and it would have been removed even before the rule change.


    I hope that this free zone does not include user uploaded nude images as add-ons to the mod descriptions, for otherwise everything I've read up to now would reveal itself as being rather too-too. And that'd be awkward...

  10. The problem is finding a partner you can make happy.



    Because finding the right person is very very dificult. And to make it worse usualy the people most owrth talking to usualy are the most unhinged, ugly, or just down right wierd people in the room. Its not a matter of making people happy that screws up relations ships IME, Its people being unable to accept others for what they are and demanding change.


    In my experience usualy relationships that dont work stop working not because of someone being unable to please their partner and give them what they need, but that one person wants the other to be someone they just aren't, happened to me enough times thats for sure.


    Don't search but be easy to be found. The inexperienced searcher (resp. his banana) merely thinks that he'd have an option, thus figuratively playing an alien role by force - the come on line; actually he has none, normally. Try to remember your Saturday Night frustrations in the past, boys ... ^^

    The key is, you have to be present on the market, the real one, not the virtual one, for the runs are as epidemic on the internet as the macho men are in real life. Move your ass and go for a night out, changes that relate to you will happen soon enough, e.g. modified clothing and body care.

    Folks that feel some interest for each other always try to cable on a similar frequency, approaching one another, accepting the remaining differences (e.g. hobbies), and that's caused by mutual fascination. Consequently that doesn't mean to become one with the stronger, dominating character, cos that model fails in the end, and sometimes the end comes already after the first one-night stand when he's still in the virtual blue world and she's already up and away in the real one.

    Don't talk about sex at an early stage, leave it up to her, guys, for an experienced woman knows that the he who babbles to much about his abilities in the run-up won't be able to come up with the goods later.


    Good luck ;)

  11. And the army will collapse short therafter due to a common communication breakdown in a scenario of a fading understanding of law and order, beheaded and the torso broken into fragments of manageable company strength and finally of marauding platoons... until they all run out of ammunition...


    I see you've been watching some movies...



    or playing some war games maybe... But anyway I can only hope that survival of the fittest includes some of the less militant of us so that we stand a chance against some of those marauding platoons.


    Self-appointed experts in remote diagnosis are widespread on the internet, but their fine words butter no parsnips.

  12. The question which one is better is already answered by the fact that only three countries on earth still use a non-metric system.

    The real question is: how flexible are those who insist on outated stuff by means of whatever and - how long does outdated stuff survive in a networked world that harmonizes the technical systems already for quite some time. I recall the guilder, but the introduction of the Euro didn't throw over my convictions - now I don't have to convert the different currencies. And that's half the battle...

  13. That's called calculated optimism. Well, the brave new world of the computerized urban dreamer will end already after the first few days without electricity in the first lootings. And the army will collapse short therafter due to a common communication breakdown in a scenario of a fading understanding of law and order, beheaded and the torso broken into fragments of manageable company strength and finally of marauding platoons... until they all run out of ammunition...
  14. No man is an island entire of itself; every man

    is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;

    if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe

    is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as

    well as any manner of thy friends or of thine

    own were; any man's death diminishes me,

    because I am involved in mankind.

    And therefore never send to know for whom

    the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.


    The overall prize for cooking the own soup for too long is the final fading away of the cook.

    Arrogance is the proud self-assurance of the fool before the fall. I have thought it would be clear after my cubit example. Unfortunately, it is not the case. All right!

  15. I just don't get this need to try and compel people to use one or the other system. It's both totalitarian and at the same time, naive. Naive because you just can't standardize everything and put it in neat little boxes, and thinking you can do so will only lead to frustration. And totalitarian, because someone is telling me "Because I say so". Like the man said "Aw, nuts!" I don't see what is wrong with using metric when dealing with friends and customers in continental Europe, and Imperial here in Britain. Live and let live, I say. I rather like being five foot nine rather than 1.74m. And buying my groceries in whatever units I please. I do not see why we need a law to force us one way or the other.


    Wrong. It's naive to insist on something nobody outside of the homeland is still interested in, even more - it's arrogant. Only time will teach the stubborn a lesson...

  16. In the US, it's a matter of politics, not practicality. They could easily start phasing in metric with normal measurement study and product labeling, but they won't.

    Afaik you are already using two systems. The metric system in science and the imperial system for home use. But at least almost every country in the world went through the decission. You only can handle this by law. I don't really ever see such a law coming in the US, but it won't happen by itself. People are always just too used to their daily measures.


    The law will come within the next generation, simply not to play the last Imperial Mohican. In those days the US will be reduced to a mere relative importance either way, probably the initial spark for a change - and then they can ^^

  17. At that moment the worldview of man is instantly reduced to the radius of a half day's march or ride. Inside anarchy rules, buzz, killing and suicide of primitively organized grim faced people and beyond the horizon there will be nothing but horror and memory followed by legend and finally - myth. The urban civilization with the folk that has two left feet dies first and when the last farmer in the outback is butchered, the last Indian tribe in the Amazon district is eradicated by vagabond hordes of hungry raiders the show is over and man can rest in peace, for there is probably no time left for a remake of the history of mankind.
  18. Nobody buys eggs by the gramme - yet. There is apparently another loopy rule in the pipeline, not yet law, that proposes we shall all buy our eggs by the gramme. At the moment, we can all buy our eggs in boxes of however many is the norm in our respective countries. But the EU wants to try and standardize everything and make us buy them by the gramme. With a bit of luck, most governments will say "Aw nuts" to this nutty proposal. All my recipes will specify something like "four standard eggs" or "six large eggs".

    In the past, they said yes to stupid measures regarding oil, chocolat and marmelade - hope they will leave eggs in peace, at least! :wacko:


    Yeah - blown out eggs should never ever reach the market ! *g*

  19. Since 1996 EU eggs are sorted according to the following rules:



    Grade A - fresh, for the public market

    Grade B - fresh, for the industrial market



    0 - Bio

    1 - Open Ground

    2 - Free run

    3 - Cage system housing


    Weight class

    XL - Extrem Large, 73g and above

    L - Large, 63g up to 73g

    M - Medium, 53g up to 63g

    S - Small, below 53g



    e.g. 6 or 12 eggs in the pack


    We rear medium heavy Dutch Barnevelder chickens.

    Hope this helps the betties here.

    Bon Appétit

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