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Status Updates posted by Surenas

  1. Good to hear from ya, James :)

    Na - not yet checked out Nehrim, I'm still searching for my Oblivion material from 2006 on to come to an almost identical configuration as it was before the HD collapse. Fortunately I have Noa saves on disc ^^

    And in the Wasteland Rachel hits form, finally. Phew!

  2. Happy Weeking, James. Long not seen. Hope everything is okey-dokey
  3. Happy Weeking, Lautrec, and whatever had happened to Les Bleus - it's a good team, no doubt!
  4. Dankeschön amnis *froi*
  5. Happy Weekend *wink*

    Schätze du kriegst Schocki für den Swiss Support. Ich fang dann auch mal an für unseren Käse zu werden, nech? *g*

  6. Thanks for coming by and Happy Weekend ;)
  7. Thanks for coming by, Netwit2008. It's pleasing that ya like my images from 2003-2010. The avatar is just me and it helped to finance my studies, was thus advantageous.


    Happy Weekend to all y'all, folks, and good gaming, less posing and still less déjà vu ;)

  8. Hollehiii & Jollidüüüü or somethin' ;)

    Thanks for the visit. Möge dir das Käsefondue niemals ausgehen :)

  9. Bedankt, amnis *froi*

    Yup, ich bin Patriotin bis zum Ende, und dat is noch lange hin, hoff ich mal. Die D.... sind wieder zurück auf dem Boden und Les Bleus zeigen le crêpe de deuil. So ist das in einem Turnier. Poo happens ^^

  10. In later years... perhaps, but surely not yet today ;)

    NB I’m very fond of the guys from the Ivory Coast – they look sooo sexy *g*

  11. Pleased to meet you, Mal my man. Smootches back, wet as usual ;)

    Hope everythin' goes well with your toon series, important stuff in a virtual world of the déjà vu.

  12. Yup. Oranje boven! van der Vaart *yum yum* :)
  13. Shalom Lautrec. Same to L'Equipe tricolore! :)
  14. As you can see, a flea to the dog is not charity. Charity is the flea shared with the dog, when you are just as sordid as the dog ;)
  15. Shabbat Shalom, Lautrec; and keep in mind: Holland wint de wereldcup! Well, I'd say! *lol*
  16. Hi Lautrec! Everything is fine here:) Best wishes to you and happy weekend. We're watching soccer, what else *g*
  17. Due to job-related time pressure at this end of the line I can't regularly track what you've uploaded, friends. Therefore feel free to drop me a line in the PM.

    See ya!

  18. Groetjes terug van hier aan de Grote Anduin (Rhine) *g*
  19. Yup, echt mooi.

    Groetjes & doei


    Soundtrack of Mutant Chronicles changed & 8th image added: 'Bad Moon Rising'

  20. Got nuked by nasty aliens from the Whirlpool Galaxy... had to reformat the root partition :(
  21. Howdie Lautec :) Greetings back! Keep up the good work; may the brush always be with you! *g*


    6th image added to the Celebrity series (Oblivion) above:

    "Big Whoop" - "The 2nd biggest banana I've ever seen".

  22. Morrowind section added. Quality problem of the animated gifs solved, finally.

    I fought the good fight, I finished the race, I kept the faith. *g*

  23. Thank you, Balagor! :)


    I'll eventually add a Morrowind section with stuff from 2003 on; we'll see. At the moment my interest in the profile page outranks by far the public image sharing sides.

  24. Listen to the track I recall solkraft as one of the rare ways with promising future. Guess that in the matter (as well as in all others that deal with renewable energies) Judas had again kissed the truth for thirty pieces of silver ... a decade or two before my birth
  25. Hehehe, thanks James ;)

    I'm curious about it. *thumbsup*


    'Brown Sugar' added as no.7 to Ceasefire above (Fallout)

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