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Status Updates posted by Surenas

  1. With exception of one friend everybody involved has volunteered in doing the recommended rerun test for the staff. The result is clear and I have dropped a line to LHammonds. Thanks again to the coalition of the willing :)
  2. Hehehe - I simply love that fruit so much ;)

    Of course not the green or rotten ones :p

    Nice to see ya, Mal my man

  3. Three of the four voters whose ratings were registered as "incorrect" have participated in the retry test and in all cases it has worked :)

    I love all y'all!

  4. cool - that means that the staff was right with the assumption that perhaps not the error but at least the loss of the ratings is homemade by us and that we always should retry if we don't see our given thumbs appearing in the rating.

    Thanks again for your help :)

  5. Great! I'm entirely satisfied with Noa... and my life :)
  6. Salut Lautrec! Ça va? ;)
  7. The same to you, _frost_! :)
  8. Okey-doke! hehehe :)

    After a short trial I've again lost any interest in debates ^^

  9. The same to you, Todd! :)

    I'm back in play for a time - the guys in Cyrodiil have already badly missed the sunshine *g*

    But still I control my thumb, thus show me the real McCoy, hehehe ;)

  10. Nachtiii *froi* :)
  11. Thanks. Gimme that carrot, Mal my man. I'll see what I can do for the lil plant *lol*

    BTW Guess the congeneric people of Duckburg have to eat much more carrots, eh? *g*

  12. Ho amnis!

    Yup - Kontakt hergestellt. Das Problen soll für Images ab dem 22/3 gelöst sein. Davor ist leider Pech (oder Eigenverschulden des Voters) angesagt. Der Test meines Bildes war ziemlich umfang- und aufschlussreich. So sind alle 11 Voter Ip-mässig nicht miteinander verwandt *g*

    Ich bin froh, daß dieses Bild nun stabil in der Präsentation ist - mehr hab ich ja auch nicht erhofft.

  13. Ho amnis!

    Yup - Kontakt hergestellt. Das Problen soll für Images ab dem 22/3 gelöst sein. Davor ist leider Pech (oder Eigenverschulden des Voters) angesagt. Der Test meines Bildes war ziemlich umfang- und aufschlussreich. So sind alle 11 Voter Ip-mässig nicht miteinander verwandt *g*

    Ich bin froh, daß dieses Bild nun stabil in der Präsentation ist - mehr hab ich ja auch nicht erhofft.

  14. Thanks to LHammonds and Dark0ne my last image (no.4 here) moves again. Three of four ratings remain lost, but who cares? I'm happy with the result :)

    Dutch squiredom rulez! OK - with a little help by Pushkatu and support by my friends *g*

    Thank you, I love all y'all!

  15. Lieb, dass du dir Sorgen machst, aber ich muss mit dem Vormittag auskommen. Nachmittags unterrichte ich Studenten und nachts arbeite ich entweder in der Klinik oder an meiner Doktorarbeit.

    Daher verkaufe ich hier wohl auch Beauty, etwas, das manchmal an einen Feinkoststand mitten bei McDonald's erinnert... leicht daneben *g*

    Tabus hab ich natürlich auch - ich nuckel nicht am Daumen...

  16. Boo yourself! hehe :)
  17. Groetjes naar D

    Ich bin hoechst ehrbar - und somit auch nie nie nackig! *g*

    Vrouw Antje arbeitet halt oft nachts... ;)

  18. Since you insist... I never dissapoint *g*
  19. Shabbat Shalom all y'all :)

    May the Force be with you!

  20. Well, don't worry. I really don't mind a ribbed tongue or somethin', flavoured or not... in rabbit size.

    The fate of an unknown crowd of people isn't by a long chalk as important as that of those we love. We'll understand at the latest when the beloved ones return in a plastic container... or never, leaving nothing for us but a great deal of sorrow, sometimes even for the rest of our lives.

  21. Ah ya! - the blown kiss... hasn't reached me *snief*, it's gone with the wind of site change here, for I have no PM of the past either. And 1/3 of my posts are gone to hell as well.

    Tomorrow my bro will return from his mission in Afghanistan - alive and in one piece *yeah! happy*

    New profile casting is finished *uff*

  22. 1944? Long time passing. Man has learned almost nothing since then, probably because the own experiences are non-hereditary. However, visiting the Berlin Love Parade is an experience of its own, worth a try.
  23. Not to choke on the dry cookies… coffee’s ready for the parley? If so then I'll clear the dinghy of the Flying Dutchman - coming! Let's eat and drink up me 'earty. Yo Ho! :)
  24. If I’ve caught an infection now that undermines my beauty, then it is pitch-black, Mal my man, green? *g*
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