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Status Updates posted by Surenas

  1. It's not that weird. A few words in Arabic and I got fresh bread from a baker in the souk of Tunis last year - the German behind me in the line asked the same in English... and got nothing. "Sold out!", the baker cried *g*

    The Hebrew of Psalm 144.1 in the Jewish Tanakh runs:

    "Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle."

  2. I know merely a few phrases in Persian, vesemir. But I always try to come up to my dialogue partners from afar in their foreign tongue - it's a token gesture of friendship :)

    No problem, sonk2 :)

    I'll add the new image (see above) to the image share section, the day after tomorrow I guess. I hope you'll like it! :)

  3. I've added a 3rd variant C - the ring with the eye of Sauron. A better known alternative. Still undecided.
  4. All's well that ends well, Aurasoma. I mean, there must be an end of the problems some day for there was also a beginning *g*

    Today's special: Carrots for free! Mal, my man :)

  5. Sunday greetings to all y'all. By chance I am online, a rare temporary island in the sea of connection faults since 4/12.

    Owing to the great demand I'll upload a new image, preview above, hopefully before my birthday next friday :)

    Version A is the normal one, version B has an implemented map of Middle-earth. No decision made by now.

  6. perhaps the image hosting sites in Mordor, where the shadows lie are still unfiltered. Give www.abload.de a try.
  7. Doesn't matter, I'm gifted in languages *coughing bout*

    Jackson himself has probably borne the One Ring for too long and now he shares the doom of Gollum and fades away, slowly but surely - ooops *g*

  8. Greetings from Mirkwood to the Haradwaith ;)
  9. Thanks for the Tolkien link, Corlan :)

    Aurasoma, unfortunately my time is fully engaged at the moment. A brief look what you guys have done is all for now.

  10. Salam, 'mellom'/friend from Harad in the South! Az molaghat e sham khosh vaghtam.

    A tabletop RPG, not such a bad thing as evening entertainment with friends, yup.

    The Ring Triology movies I've indeed enjoyed, but the Tolkien literature as such is my real field, as is perhaps already signified by the name and aspect of my char. Ba’adan mibinamet, Corlan :)

  11. Ssss - my preciousss! Finished our profile site layout is, and we wants it!

    Bless us and splash us, my preciousss! I guess it's a choice feast; at least

    tasty morsel I'd make us, gollum!

  12. @LorNorkan: 'Peaceful Saturday' on the seventh day of the week for the Jewish calendar - similar to the Christian 'Nice Sunday' :)

    @sonk2: My pleasure! :)

  13. Eat more carrots, Mal my man :)
  14. Private conversation moved to PM.

    A happy New Week to all y'all :)

  15. At the moment I'm reading the works of Tolkien anew, apparently doing it at gunpoint, succumbed by the siren call of the shadows. And the twilight, ambiguous touch suits Noa so well. That's why the above profile image is the last one from where we stand, the status quo.

    Ssss - it's my preciousss! So beautiful it is, it's mine, it is, and We wants it... my birthday present, my preciousss! ;)

  16. Howdie sonk2!

    Oracle: When the time has come.

    In other words, hard to tell ;)

  17. Dir auch eine schöne Nacht :)
  18. Das Bild ist schön - und ich kann die Figur nicht mal eben so in TES nachbauen. Das meinte ich damit. Nachtiiii :)
  19. Oh, ganz simpel. Ich bin Spieler - und daher spiele ich auch meine Figur im Bild. Alles was gekonnter aussieht hat meine Wertschätzung (oder wie dat heisst) und wenn's dann noch spielbar ist, dann mach ich eine tiefe Verbeugung :)
  20. Bedankt :)

    Die TES Machine regelt u.a. die Konstruktion der Chars, in der Regel per Schieberegler - und da sind die Grenzen des Machbaren oftmals rasch erreicht. Anime Figürchen sind da erheblich einfacher in der Bauart als die 'echten' und wohl auch populärer bei den kleinen und den grossen Kindern *g*

  21. Shabbat Shalom :)
  22. Shabbat Shalom :)
  23. Shabbat Shalom :)
  24. Shabbat Shalom :)
  25. Shabbat Shalom :)
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