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Status Updates posted by Surenas

  1. No, I don't feel myself bored by the hard to follow internal Italian contradictions. I live in the Lowland where we already can see the weather of the day after tomorrow ^^

    However - Forza Italia!!! wherever this may lead us to! ;)

  2. A typo - Genova, yup.

    Dad thinks that at least sometimes there'd be local economic interest behind as well. Hope he's wrong.

  3. Between Geneva and Marseille? Already again?

    We have a cottage in Bussana Vecchia *ummh* :(

  4. No problem, sonk2 :) "kinky" was my middle name at school. It's been a while... ^^
  5. No problem, sonk2. I love great images :)


    Yup, Aurasoma - in this way already whole landscapes were burnt down together with the fauna for decades... just for a few sick minutes of "fun".

    Here in Europe the Mediterranean coast is often target of such freaked out fire-raisers :(

  6. Stuff is brilliant, James *congratz*

    Love the Fangorn and Misty Mountains images.

    Can't wait for a workable re-installation here. Time to give MERP a try.

    We should discuss the diff. regions in detail via PM during the week.

    See ya, Thorin :)

  7. Howdie Lautrec :)

    Should we have to fight Mordor in the Football Cup, we'll show them the real McCoy, for Robben is our King of Numenor and the ancestors are with us... *lol*

  8. Howdie, James :)

    I'll be fond of checking the images tonight when I come back from the beach party where everythin' is damned hot, not only the sun and the beefsteaks... ^^

    See ya!


    Happy Weekend to all y'all!

    For the love of arts, may your brushes never run dry!

  9. Happy weekend from the merry lowland next door to Mordor where the shadow lie ;)
  10. Happy weekend from the merry lowland next door to Mordor where the shadow lie ;)
  11. No problem, Aurasoma :) It's in any case a good image *thumbsup*
  12. Inga: Werewolf!

    Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Werewolf?

    Igor: There.

    Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: What?

    Igor: There, wolf. There, castle.

    Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Why are you talking that way?

    Igor: I thought you wanted to.

    Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: No, I don't want to.

    Igor: Suit yourself. I'm easy



  13. Yeah - that's why Tomaso has already named me "Annebelle the Cannibal" or somethin' *lol*

    Right, many people know often only the daily soaps or the Muppet Show. We can't change that.

    Guess in the comment window here most tags are disabled ^^

  14. Thanks for the good comments in the Fallout section, Aurasoma :) *thumbs up*
  15. Wat moet dat moet ;)
  16. Thank you, amnis *froi*!

    Yeah - Brazil shredded!!!

    Hup Holland Hup !


    Greetings Mal and Aurasoma :)

    Yup - the Bunny Hop is always hot, hot, hot! Esp. for bunnies ;)

    Really, it's damned hot here in Holland at the moment *phew*

  17. Hup Holland Hup - we laten de leeuw niet in zijn hempie staan !!! *g*
  18. Dankeschoen, amnis *froi* !!!

    Ich bin zwar wat skeptisch - wie immer, mein Faehnchen schwenken wie bekloppt tu ich aber doch *g*

    Hup Holland Hup - we laten de leeuw niet in zijn hempie staan !!!

  19. Nice mashups, love it :)

    Keep it up!

  20. Howdie Aurasoma!

    I have no bra on tap to wave at the moment ^^ So I'll perform the bunny hop for you, okay?

    Hop, Hop... Hop... Whew... Hop... ;)

  21. Howdie, Mal my man!

    You're the lucky winner of the 1st prize in our weekly tombola:

    The wonderful blue wonderbra in size 50 entitled 'Hello boys'! :)

    That's great, eh? So, let's hear it for Mal! Yeah!!! Hope it fits... ^^

    (smooches back!)

  22. Shabbat Shalom, Mal my man *g* *waving with the wonderbra* ;)
  23. Shabbat Shalom all y'all !!! *waving with the wonderbra* ;)


    Guess the Afrikaanse ball has gorged somethin' that is not kosher, cos all this ain't no football but poseball... and the best diver team probably wins due to arbitral decimation of the opponent, gee!



    Gimme hope, Jo'anna!

    Hope, Jo'anna!

    Gimme hope, Jo'anna!

    'Fore the mornin' come... ^^

  24. Switzerland is abgebrannt :(

    Aber kein Grund, deswegen mit einem Gewicht an den Füssen in den Genfer See zu hupfen oder so. Lass was vom Käsefondue übrig, wenn wir dann vor die Pumpe laufen im 8tel Finale, ja? *froi* und 'thumbsup*

  25. Thanks for the warm verses, sonk2

    We haven't that many poets and thinkers here.

    So, I feel myself honoured by your lyrics. And warm greetings back :) Forza Italia!


    Thanks back, esp. for you artwork, Lautrec :)

    The European teams are indeed weaker than expected. Guess the black beauties there have already consumed all energy of the great white men *lol*

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