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Status Updates posted by Surenas

  1. 6th image added to the Ceasefire Series (Fallout): 'The Last Magazine'.

    Track for a standalone would be

  2. Salam, Corlan :)

    Greetings to Tehran! How are you going?


    Shabbat Shalom to all fighters out there *g*


    NB Will v0.2.5 be available in public, James? Would be great!

  3. As-Salāmu `Alayka, Corlan :)
  4. Thanks, Maharg67 :)
  5. Great future on the horizon, James *wawing*

    I'm dying to put MERP to the proof soon :)

    As-Salāmu `Alayka from Bethesda's lonesome Mujahid of the Potomac River *g*

  6. Third FA3 image cancelled until further notice. Soundtrack of the Ceasefire Gif (FA3) changed.
  7. Howdie! Groovy kind of music :)
  8. The weekend was so-so, funny barbecueing and a few dudes have overtexted me bout all my doings (instead of minding their own affairs) - nuttin new in the east...

    And hey, thx that u love that I've brought sounds into the silence. I need this! :)

  9. Relax, James, keep cool :)

    The change of life we've to face first in TES... um... let's say: in TES10 *g*

  10. Greetings from here to there :)
  11. Aloa Hea amnis, das wünsche ich dir auch :)

    Happy weekend to all'y*'all

    NB The image quality of the animated gifs used for the profile is low, as is usual for this image format. Please bear with me.

  12. Shabbat Shalom - 4 mins vor Ende, uff, hehehe
  13. Iechyd da, Thorin!
  14. Okay, I've abloaded the Harad.wmv on my own webspace; simply click on the Ring thumbnail above. Enjoy!
  15. Read YouTube instead of Yahoo, a typo on my side, sry. Apparently the country configuration on the bottom of the video sides decides what is to be seen, and not your IP address.

    Ain't dead sure that in the Free World Holland is still the freest country of all ^^

  16. What a pity!

    I have chosen "country: Netherlands" and "language: English" in Yahoo - and there's no problem at all. Perhaps you might adjust it. However, it took me two weeks for the remix... *g*

    See ya, Thorin!

  17. Well, the depth of field, Aurasoma, is weaker in Fallout as in Oblivion or even in Morrowind, probably the prize for the increase in the close-ups. However, it again took me some time to construct a workable face.

    The new Oblivion image is upladed, finally, unfortunately up to now probably none has ever listened to the important background music, as the Yahoo counter tells me

  18. Well, ain't we a pair, Mal my man? *lol*

    Smootching back :)

  19. Greetings from MDPL-05 Power Station near the Enclave main military base at Raven Rock... I've been sniper in the Army, so what? *rofl*
  20. The same to you, Lautrec! :)
  21. Howdie Lautrec, and thanks! One gets not that many compliments over there ;)

    I've indeed tried out the rifle for the very first time ... not that easy after some 10-15 years exclusively with the long bow, I must say *lol*

    The sync probs are ongoing - I have to fire the provider :(

  22. Greetings to all y'all!

    I'm back from sync error. Guess how long *grr*

    Well, Aurasoma, I've followed the main quest. And that has caused the end of the lonesome wanderer (theologically: the suffering servant) already at level 12; doubtlessly my fault.

    I'll upload the delayed OBL image during the next connection to the open INet session.

  23. Thanks Mal - smootching back :)

    I'll do that at short notice, Aurasoma. I've finished Fallout-3 due to the lack of any INet connection within 36 hours, btw. *lol*

  24. Thank all y'all and Dankeschön :)
  25. The latter would have been the case for the baker stood visibly in bread up to his neck.

    "Gee!" muttered the German and toddled off... *lol* I mean, if a Marsian would ever asked me in his tongue, e.g. for the next burger king I'd perhaps cry for help...

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