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Posts posted by Surenas

  1. Anne Frank (1929 -1945), my eponym and patroness in the last days of my childhood in Israel and the first days in the Netherlands, the beautiful land of the windmills, full of tragic family memories of old - something that gave the little girl a good scare for a time and a half.



    Oy vey iz mir


  2. Yeah, in most Western countries (don't know enough to say anything about the others) DOING what's portrayed in a violent picture can get you arrested but posting a picture of it being done (real or staged) won't, while the reverse is true for sexual activity!


    (Legal/Idiot Mis-interpretation DISCLAIMER: Doing SOME kinds of the latter will also, rightly, get you arrested.)


    It's a funny ol' world, isn't it?


    There is nothin' funny at it: Individual violence is always a crime whereas "a picture of it being done" reflects the public peeper lust thereon. On the contrary sex is a private affair and in public a scandalization. The stage of scandalization regarding "a picture of it being done" depends on the understanding of the respective control organs and their flexible morals which always leads to more or less controlled public peeper lust. And this is true for illustrated violence as well.

    So, if people think they'd get nuked by illustrated violence in public then there is probably something wrong with both state and individual level of morals regarding violence.

    NB A ban or strike is no arrest, in so far the reverse comparison is flawed, to say the least.

  3. A 2010 film on Ernesto "Che" Guevara is just a less impressive hoax. There is already enough commonly accepted material present that deals with the man from all sides, politically, psychologically as well as iconologically, there are no unknown facets left, thus any additional attempt to repeat the already said or even to try a pert falsification of history turns out to be as nothing but foolishness, still there are folks alive that remember the old fashion icon pretty well as a legendary child of their time - the bygone era of Cold War and Permanent Revolution. Time has changed, ideals have changed, the enemy has changed, but the fools that have to say something never will.


    No further comment intended in this case and no personal attack expected as a quid pro quo.

  4. The values of the boolean domain are "false" ("0") and "true" ("1").

    " ? " ("2") does not exist, thus I'd vote for the digit "true" ("1").

  5. Fallout 3 can;t support more then 2gbs. There's a mod to fix that on the nexus.


    Missing support >2 GB doesn't mean that it doesn't work at all, it works with the max. supported 2 GB (here plus 2 "useless" GB in slot 2) !

    2x 2GB PC25300 NONECC UNBUFFERED 200PIN DDR2 SODIMM RAM modules in use?



    Take your protein pills, boys



    Stephen Hawking also proposed a theory very similar to the anthill theory, and suggested that we should keep our heads low, and shouldn't try to contact other species, because if they get to Earth, they are automatically superior to us, and could essentially do whatever they please. And if we happened to have resources they need, guess what, they are gonna take them and we wont be able to do a whole lot about it. It could be like playing a game of Russian Roulette, and we are broadcasting our location to everyone, what if the universal serial killer decides to stop by and visit us?


    Too late - It's already done by the Golden Record on Voyager 1 (1977)



    Take your protein pills, boys


  7. Guess the game play of old is the problem. The former gamer interest in tricky and time-consuming problem solving is almost vanished and with it the high intellectual aspiration of the designers, cos market research results and modern product development are mutually dependent.

    New games like "The Day After The Tentacle" wouldn't feed the game studio anymore.



    Take your protein pills, boys


  8. :thumbsup: Thandal



    http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_mttao_haeuptling.gif Sigmund Freud - Totem and Taboo

    Resemblances Between the Psychic Lives of Savages and Neurotics

    [finished after 5 days]


    http://fc07.deviantart.net/images/i/2002/41/a/9/che_guevara_emoticon.gif Ernesto Che Guevara - Reminiscenses of the Cuban Revolutionary War 1956-1959

    [2nd reading after 2002]


    http://www.abload.de/img/khomeini5n55.png Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini - Velayat-e faqih / Islamic Government

    On the Support of Theocratic Rule



    Have a mazel tov


  9. Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something

    [Pseudo Plato]


    The beginning of the words of [the fool's] mouth is foolishness; and the end of his talk is mischievous madness

    [Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) 10.13]



    A deigeh hob ich


  10. Thanks for reading, grannywils :thumbsup:

    I have a special for you and for all those steadfast who still can remember it:

    How low can you go? :woot:




    Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll



    USA - Cover Oblivion (mine)

    The song was 1962 in the US tops when most of us were still fluid (if ever) :wub:



    Take your protein pills, boys


  11. A Wasteland radio score is always hip for sand people, silver :thumbsup:


    Hunger is the Weapon




    Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll



    Senegal - Cover Fallout 3 (mine)

    The song was used in the 2001 American war movie Black Hawk Down directed by Ridley Scott


    Hunger ( language: Pulaar ) - English lyrics



    Peace is a long time coming

    Peace is my prayer for this earth

    Bloodshed grows on this earth

    Famine is everywhere

    And life is getting harder


    Let's wake up, all together

    And take action before it's too late

    Bloodshed grows, famine increases

    Sons of the earth must rise up together

    To prevent this before it's too late


    Life is getting harder on earth

    Bloodshed grows and hunger is upon us

    It's late, in the night, the stars sparkle

    I wake up suddenly because I cannot sleep

    So much I am suffering for humanity




    Take your protein pills, boys


  12. Happy the one that doesn't live in the asocial 18th century anymore. Somewhere the Mercedes Benz second car has to come from, finally. From socialism for sure not, and not from the lack of a social net that obviously makes the workers (we say: employees) less aggressive, less correspondent to all radical theories at the border to no-good like "class war"... and second car burning, of course *lol*

    Remarkably enough, both US and Europeans share one and the same philosophical theorem, it's the known "Leave No Man Behind". Unfortunately the US understand it as an exclusive reference to the military, but the Europeans as "everyone". So folk, if the European social net is to be called socialistic, how then do we call the US Army if not communistic, okay?

  13. Oops - do we have an off topic nest here? :woot:


    Yoda saying,

    Always two by two they are. A master and an apprentice.

    But which is to be destroyed first, the master or the apprentice?


    Sorry, but I don't take you seriously, ginny. You strike a false note, the too personal one, as usual. Let's go at that. It's healthier for all of us.

  14. Balagor, instead of daily knækbrød met buko friskost we have to eat more junk food to understand that we here in Western Europe host socialism or somethin'... :woot:



    Take your protein pills, boys


  15. An Austrian anabolic baby that has made a brilliant career as actor up to US governor was meant. No more - no less!

    It'd be wiser for you to realize the point of safe return. It's enough, my dear ex-friend.

  16. School and university already finished. So, if I'd get a 2nd chance I'd choose history, cos the path of the offspring of the last Neandertal woman through the ages up to the today Governator is amazing.



    Take your protein pills, boys


    You just could not resist taking a political shot, even in an educational thread, so predictable.



    A political shot? Nice try, soldier! Actually it's a genetic shot :laugh:



    Take your protein pills, boys


  17. School and university already finished. So, if I'd get a 2nd chance I'd choose history, cos the path of the offspring of the last Neandertal woman through the ages up to the today Governator is amazing.



    Take your protein pills, boys


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