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Posts posted by RZ1029

  1. Granted. They're actually radioactive.

    (Also... how is mercury NOT covered under the 'non-lethal platter' part?)


    I wish I knew Spanish. I hate studying, stupid required classes that have nothing to do with what I'm actually studying.

  2. *accidentally pushes the big red button labeled EVAC on the Fleet Command panel*

    'Oh dang it... guess this'll be a ground war.'

    *watches as all the ships jettison their personnel carriers, loaded with crews and group troops shortly before most of the fleet detonates*

    'Putting in that button was such a stupid idea.'

    *keys radio*

    'All personnel carriers, this is Fleet Command, we're taking the fight to them. Set course for the coordinates I've sent you, looks like this'll be a ground war.'


    ((My part in attempting to turn this into a epic sheep vs anti-sheep ground war.))

  3. Well, I'm going to translate you thinking it was cold there into a wish for warmer weather.

    So... granted. But, now it's a balmy 130 degrees year-round. Good luck with that. Also, I'll make my sheep slaughter much less one-sided, and include some ground combat. It's much more interesting than nuking them from orbit.


    I wish for dinner... except it has to taste good, it must remain in my hands until it has been consumed, it will not magically spoil as I go to eat it, it is not spoiled, it tastes good, comes with a delicious red wine that isn't spiked, and is all delivered to me on a non-lethal silver platter by a non-murderous individual who also knows how to make a nice baked Alaska for dessert, and does, which also tastes delicious and doesn't harm me in any way shape or form, barring a minor stomach ache for eating too much. Thankee.

  4. World War Three will be fought with nukes, chemical weapons, and total war. World War Four is what you'll call the fight for food after World War Three.


    I'd say it'll start with something involving Iran or North Korea. They're two countries led by leaders who are unstable, at best. I'm leaning towards Iran, as there is already a US presence in the area, which Ahmadinejad is less than happy about. Assuming it starts with Iran, Israel will probably jump at the opportunity to turn it into a radioactive hole in the ground. They'll fight for all of a week, and then if either of them have nukes, they'll use it.


    And while Ahmadinejad is unstable, he's also not an idiot. He'll probably go to North Korea, who he could probably lobby as an ally against the US/Israel. North Korea pulls China into the war, the US calls in Britain, France, Germany, and possibly Canada. The British and Canadians will probably respond, France might, and Germany will probably allow us to use the bases we have for the war, but they won't pledge troops. Some of the smaller European nations will probably help out in some capacity.


    Russia's likely to remain out of it entirely, as they're not entirely anti-American or pro-Chinese. A lot of it's just the matter of who launches the first nuke. Once the first nuke is lobbed, and probably not by the US due to the backlash that would come with it, the US will probably respond with a massive nuclear barrage using a few of our approximately 10,000 nuclear weapons. That's enough to annihilate approximately 1/50th of the entire world. Direct that towards major cities and important military targets, and then you've got basically nothing left. During that, China decides to lob some back at us, assuming they're probably a target, and they've got enough to take out about 250 major targets in the US, pretty well crippling us. Then if Russia decides to be enterprising, they could go ahead and finish off both the US and China with their 12,000 or so odd nukes. That's another 1/50 of the world gone.


    1/25th of the world gone, with much of the developed world lying in ruin, followed by a large ground war between the surviving countries, in which most survivors die of either radioactive fallout or in combat.


    Problem solved, lots of dead bodies, a few people left around in Africa and such.


    EDIT: I like Balagor's statement about WW4 better. It's much more amusing.

  5. Granted, but now there's an elephant in your house.


    I wish for a tank that I own, complete with weapons and ammunition, having no mechanical or electrical faults, gets 80 miles to the gallon, is bulletproof, blast proof, meteor-proof, can withstand nuclear blasts, and has a coffee maker and a mini-fridge, both of which work perfectly and dispense delicious food on command. It also needs to have a security system that will only admit me by using a fingerprint/retina scan combination to verify identity. It also checks for a pulse on the fingerprint before opening.

  6. 'Fleet RZ-10, this is Fleet Command. We have received a message from XO. Confirm, use of Planet Crackers authorized.'

    'Planet Crackers authorized, confirmed. Targets in sight, positioning for bombardment with Planet Cracker ordinance.'

    'Affirmative. Destruction of planet authorized, leave no survivors.'

    'Confirmed, no survivors. Pursue any ship leaving the target?'

    'Affirmative, I mean no survivors.'

    'Fleet RZ-10 in position. Dreadnaughts arming Planet Crackers. Prepping fusion reactors. Armed. Deploying in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Deployed.'

    'Post up, make sure there are no stragglers, and then upon confirmation of destruction, return to base.'

    'Affirmative Fleet Command, confirming destruction now, you will receive imagery shortly.'



    'Southern hemisphere confirmed annihilated, commencing bombardment of northern hemisphere.'

    'Good kill, RZ-10. Continue bombardment on the sheep homeworld.'

  7. Not a problem. Too bad you didn't think to cover any inherent issues regarding personnel. Unfortunately it's all manned by monkeys who have been trained to use AK-47s by the Russians in order to invade your space station and take it over. They killed the former crew and are now manning it. Also, I was generous, and added a space laser. Which is now under Russian control, nice job.


    I wish I had a really nice, new car, with no mechanical issues, no design flaws, no electrical issues, and gets 80 miles per gallon, it is given to me free, is bulletproof, explosive proof, meteor-proof, and rated to withstand a nuclear blast, in addition to having a coffee maker and a mini-fridge, both of which are in perfect condition and the coffee maker has a no-spill cup with it too, also in perfect condition. Good luck.

  8. 'This is Fleet RZ-10. Further orders?'

    'Fleet RZ-10, this is Fleet Command. We have located the sheep stronghold and you are to take up position in geosynchronous orbit above. Prepare for a orbital bombardment.'

    'Affirmative Fleet Command. Coordinates?'

    'Being sent to you shortly. Use the autopilot program attached, and prepare for a nuclear strike. You are authorized weapons-free once the order to fire is given.'

    'Confirm, Weapons Free order.'

  9. *re-directs his fleet to intercept HM's*


    Leave no surviving sheep. Any who surrender are to be executed. Scrap the ships for anything useful and then scuttle the remainders. No further orders.

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