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Posts posted by RZ1029

  1. Ban Pagan for banning me twice, with only one reason each, instead of banning me once with two reasons. Also, I remember the post and chose to tactfully ignore it. What now.

    1 ban jollowman125 for no using a spoiler tag

    2 ban hollowman125 for sending me this challenge

    3 ban hollowman125 for not helping blow up minecraft

    4 ban jollowman125 because I can ban in FFFFFF and still ban in color

    5 ban jollowman125 because the last number of his name is the same as what number ban I'm at

    6 ban jollowman125 for banning in FFFFFF at the last two bans

    7 qɐu ɥoןןoʍɯɐu ndsıpǝ poʍu

    8 ban hollowman125 for GP

    9 ban hollowman125 because ctrl +v is awesome

    10 ban hollowman125 for need to ban 16 times in one post

    11 ban hollowman125 for only saying 16

    12 ban hollowman125 for being 28

    13 ban hollowman125 for editing his post

    14 ban hollowman125 for not being here

    15 ban hollowman125 because I misspelled his name on the first ban

    16 ban hollowman125 for the 16th place ban

    17 ban hollowman125 because I need something to do

    18 ban hollowman125 because I'm bored out of my mind

    19 ban hollowman125 because I need a new a keyboard

    20 ban hollowman125 because they cost 50 some-odd dollars

    21 ban hollowman125 with a smiley :biggrin:

    22 ban hollowman125 with a dirty ban hammer

    23 ban hollowman125 with a clean ban hammer

    24 ban hollowman125 because pizza is the breakfast of champions!!

    25 ban hollowman125 because there are a lot of because here

    26 ban hollowman125 with qoutes


    27 ban hollowman125 in a spoiler in a spoiler


    28 ban hollowman125 for thinking I would let him get away with this

    29 ban hollowman125 for enjoying this :tongue:

    30 ban hollowman125 ban because I banned 29 times before here


    Ban Pagan for putting that many bans in one spoiler.

  3. Ban RZ cause there is no "z" in his\her post. But all those "a"s may make me change my mind.


    EDIT: And Again, ban pagan for the ban theft :thumbsup: .

    Ban Ytsejam for not knowing whether I am a him or her.


    Ban Pagan for being skipped.

  4. Ban HW because I refuse to correctly spell his name until I am unbanned and he honors the awesomeness of a Sheep Doctor.


    And ban Pagan for totally ninjaing me.

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