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Posts posted by RZ1029

  1. Let's get over this playing the blame game stuff. Let's try to keep our planet whole long enough for the next pendulum swing. That way the next generation can do this all over again.... Hmm?

    Or we can start burning now and laugh as our children and grandchildren scramble to put it all back together. I vote we go with my idea, but I also don't plan on having kids, so the future doesn't really matter as much to me.


    Ok, seriously though, as far as fixing things go... I'm not really sure things can be fixed without cataclysmic failure. You know, kind of one of those epic failures where there's nowhere to go but back up? Again, I'm not the best at doing the whole optimism thing, but still... Yeah, anyways, it's one of those things where people will continue to blame each other as we spiral downwards, essentially killing ourselves in the process.


    Then, once things bottom out and all confidence is lost in our society/economy, we begin to rebuild behind some figure we promote to lead us, probably some random charismatic individual or an economist who calls for all sorts of reform that basically reworks our entire economy.

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