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Posts posted by RZ1029

  1. I'm a cynical little ******* and since we all know one person represents an entire peoplegroup very well so I'd like to say, no. But in all seriousness, the US is pulling from its roots, whether for the better or worse isn't my decision to make. I don't like where it's headed, personally. Not ethically, not socially, not economically. The value of human life's just going out the door in the US. I don't know that crime is actually going up, but it just seems like it's so much worse. It's not just 'house was broken into and robbed'. It's 'house was broken into, woman was raped, man was shot, woman was killed. News at 11.' It's not just 'soldier died at war and his funeral was today.' It's 'soldier died at war and people showed up to protest the war, gay marriage, and harass the family at his funeral'. It's not 'we're running a little low on funds' it's 'we're so s__t deep that chances are we're just f____d and it's all the governments fault, our economy's going to pieces because of such and such and such and we're just going to keep seeing it degrade. Then they shell out another trillion or whatever in cash to all these companies that've been doing the bad business practices, blah blah blah. Capitalism, socialism, communism, yada yada.'


    I'm also just one guy, though. Maybe not everyone's as negatively pissed off at the world as I am.

    /deactivate ragemode, because I just realized how whiny that post sounded.

  2. Ban CC and Pagan. And Pagan again. Ban Pagan the first time for banning for using a phone. Ban him the second time for banning me for skipping someone on the ban. Then ban CC for not using color, even it isn't his fault.
  3. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles -- The only Final Fantasy I ever played. I gave up on it after I spent 3 hours running through a stupid desert only to get ninja'd by a worm just as I make it out and then having to run through the whole desert again. Half way through, I quit, bought the most recent Zelda game and never went back.


    I still have that game, and my GameCube, and I have no intention of ever finishing it. Ever.

  4. You're definitely right, drawing and holstering are probably the two most dangerous actions with a pistol. Especially when people don't use a true 'holster'. (IE: their waistband, their pocket, et cetera) I think I mentioned this earlier, but a local guy actually shot his bits and pieces off because he stuck a pistol in his waistband and it went off. It also goes back to the whole 'gun control should be more about education' thing that we were on a page or two back.


    You also brought up something I completely forgot to mention, with the gun shows and such. After I read that, I thought back and you're right, I don't know that I've ever been in a gun shop where a guy pulled his gun out, even if they were talking about it.


    EDIT: Scratch that bit about a page or two back, it's pretty far back and I don't have time to find it yet.

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