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Posts posted by RZ1029

  1. All I can say is I'm glad I live in North Carolina, where apparently people still make sense most of the time. (Barring the racism issue which is still, unfortunately, very true.)
  2. The difference is the Nazis were an idealism formed behind a man. Osama was a man who took on an (very) radical ideology that has been fed since the time of the Crusades many years ago (and it was already a tumultuous area at that time). The idea of the jihad against the 'West' isn't really new, it just shifted focus and took on the face of one man in particular.


    My four and a half cent, for what it's worth.

  3. Granted, but unfortunately all the employees at Bethesda quit, and then sued for their rights to all the games, which was won by them. Now, it's just you and the new intern, Steve, from marketing.


    I wish for something more productive to do.

  4. Meh, I haven't posted in a while on this topic, figure I'd just formalize my removal from these debates. I'm not a fan of the mudslinging it's devolving into, and I'd rather not get into the mess of it if the banhammer comes down.
  5. But if it's not working now, why keep doing it?


    Let's give them money they can forward on to terrorist groups, thus being indirectly responsible for terrorist attacks being launched, possibly at home, but definitely abroad? I don't see how that makes more sense.


    At least with a bounty system, that money is (hopefully) worth the risk.

  6. That is a good idea, but the bounties at a total will have to be near our current aid payments.

    I disagree, they don't contribute, they don't get their money.


    Judging by our current return on investment in Pakistan, we're not getting much for our money anyways, so why give it to them?

  7. OK I think it is about time I added a constructive comment to this thread, the total US aid to Pakistan is more than $20.7 billion post 9/11, according to the data compiled from information received from the Departments of Defense, State and Agriculture and US Agency for International Development. My proposal is simple, instead of paying them aid for questionable services we pay on a basis of terrorists turned over to the US. We assign a price tag for each and every terrorist and pay only a bounty on cost of that operation. Either that will give the Pakistanis an incentive or we will not be paying for nonexistent help in the war on terror. The savings then may be applied to our deficit or reinvested in our intelligence services.

    A bounty system? I love that idea, I just wish I would have thought of that myself. The only problem might be in a new witch hunt of sorts, this time for non-existent terrorists instead of Communists.

  8. Well guys, I'm from the South, as most of you know by now, or if not, you do now. I saw this picture a while back and thought it was rather appropriate:


    I would like to introduce you all to the USRSF.

    It's an elite military unit formed by the Pentagon, called the United States Redneck Special Forces.




    These good 'ole boys will be dropped into enemy territory and given only the following facts about the enemy:

    1) The season opened today.

    2) There is no bag limit.

    3) They taste just like chicken.

    4) They do NOT like pickup trucks, beer, Jesus, their momma, OR country music.

    5) They are directly responsible for the death of Dale Earnhardt.


    The Pentagon expects this problem to be resolved by next Friday.


    Serious mode re-engaged:

    Lisnpuppy covered it pretty well. I think I'll just fourth that thought myself, after Aurielius and Grannywils.


    EDIT: Also, Jethro Bodine for the win. I support our double ought spy all the way.

  9. You all know it by know, OBL is "Dead" and presumably killed un-armed.

    He is dead and he was killed when he held no weapon. Unarmed does not mean innocent. What he has done has carried and does carry the death sentence, both in the US and abroad. It was just delivered without all the paperwork, albeit about thirteen years too late.


    Know may people rage on him being a demon, a monster ect for what he has done.

    He is not a demon, he is something far worse.


    Ok, so what DID he do? Let's keep it at plain mass murder. Kill innocent people.

    Mass murder of innocent civilians, both Americans and his own people. In the hundred of thousands, all said and told, if I had to throw a number out there.


    Now, what rights do USA has to talk about Justice and killing a demon while themselves go in other countries and MURDER INNOCENT CIVILIANS. Is it me or its some kind of dry humor? They go and kill and un-manned armed (Which i am used to by now, USA seems to love that) and claim he was a Murderer while themselves killed numerous civilian in other countries.

    I assume you mean they went in and killed an un-armed man and claim he was a murderer. This is all true, and he is a murderer. There is no claiming about it, Osama bin Laden himself took credit for the September 11 attacks, in addition to being financially tied to the funding of numerous other attacks, both successful and unsuccessful. As for the killing of numerous civilians, proof please? Or should I go dig up my previous post in the "Who are the real terrorists?" thread Marharth made a while back. It's basically four pages worth of information reporting the civilian deaths.


    Now here 2 comments i found:

    Junadelacruz: So many civilians were killed in Afghanistan by the USA that Human Rights Watch and others were blocked when trying to collect casualty figures. The USA acts like the psychopaths glamorised in their B-films and then wants the world to admire them. When we despise them they say we're jealous! l wouldn't want their human rights abuses on my conscience.

    No, they were blocked because that is a war zone. The US military cannot be responsible for a human rights group that wants to run around in a war zone to collect quasi-accurate figures while bullets are flying in all directions and car bombs can roll through a road block on any given day. Psychopaths? Those are men and women that give their lives to keep us safe at home, who are the reason most people even have the right to complain. Do they kill? Yes. So do cops, are they psychopaths because they protect people they are charged to protect? They are looked up to because they give selflessly, not because they kill people. Is war glamorized in films? Yes. Should it be? No.


    Poppymarenge: How do we know he was a demon? He never stood trial. All I know is that the Americans went in and shot a man, in cold blood. They said this man was guilty but I've never seen any proof either way.

    I'm not quite sure what you're saying here, so I'm going to assume 'he' is bin Laden. They went in and shot a man who was wanted dead or alive by the FBI, CIA, and numerous international agencies for terrorist attacks he either planned or funded. As for proof? He's been tried in absentia by military tribunals that were authorized by President Bush along with the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT Act). The very first charge ever filed against bin Laden was back in 1998 in Federal District Court, if I remember right, and was found guilty. Regardless of his involvement in 9/11 or (insert conspiracy theory here), he was a wanted man by the US government for the involvement in the bombing of an embassy.


    Please i want intelligent replies, un-biased, un-patriotic. If you come here to tell me TROLOLOL HOW DARE YOU DOUBT THE WORD OF THE GVRMENT then take your trolling away.

    Intelligent granted, unbiased is impossible in this case, as it's an opinion backed up by facts. I am a patriot, but I can be objective. You are allowed to doubt, but do so intelligently. I gave you facts, you give me facts to back your argument up.

  10. Hmm, in that case, I'd have to agree with you. If Japan was able to muster the same forces and resources the US had, we'd be in for a hell of a fight, and I'm not sure our British friends wouldn't be speaking German now.


    EDIT: Also, no biggie on the Byzantine thing, I had to look it up myself to double-check, those dates just didn't seem right. Still, your point stood.

  11. Although I see your point, that article is completely hypocritical and invalid.


    1. They claim Islam is the enemy. What is an enemy without its opposition? Nothing (or anything but an enemy). Right now, although most states are 'secular', it is pretty much a Christianity vs. Islam right now.

    Eh... what? It's an invalid article because they claim Islam is the enemy... but it's a Christianity vs Islam thing?

    Just no, it's not an Islam vs Christianity thing, at all. If that's what you think it is, you're sadly mistaken. This isn't about a war of religious ideologies, this isn't a war for oil or whatever else, it is justice being delivered to those responsible for many, many thousands of deaths, both of their own people and those they marked as enemies.

    2. Who started the Crusades? Technically, the Christians since they were sitting on territory that belonged to the Byzantine (by now integrated into the Islamic) empire.

    *cough* Yeah... Aurelius covered it good.


    3. Trust me, if USA was attacked beyond Pearl Harbor, the war would not go well for the allies.

    The Japanese Admiral Yamamoto stated, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and filled him [it] with a terrible resolve." Guess he knew what he was talking about, look who dropped the bomb on who. Besides, Japan lacked the resources to fight much beyond Pearl Harbor. They could hold a defense well enough, but they couldn't mobilize an army for any sort of prolonged war.



    The Nazis and Imperial Japanese were defeated by just two things: superior firepower and superior ruthlessness. The British firebombed civilian cities like Dresden, burning them to the ground.


    Unit 731 was much more ruthless than anything Britain and/or America did to anyone in the war. Well, unless you count vivisection, poison testing and hypothermia testing humane.

    Hmm... I think we're agreeing on this one, that we're the lesser of two evils in almost every case. Not to mention all the attrocities commited by Todesengel Josef Mengele and his cohorts on behalf of the Nazis.

  12. Personally I don't think he is dead, due to the fact that there is no body to be independantly verified (they've kept the bodies of other 'lesser' threats before, why should someone as notorious as Osama not be?)..

    They don't keep his body because it could, and likely would, become a shrine and a rallying symbol for al-Qaeda forces and other anti-American groups both in the Middle-East and around the world, who saw that man as a crusader for their cause.


    The DNA 'evidence' could be taken from any of his relatives and compared with his sisters DNA.. Without the body it came from, it is irrelevant... Now, my theory as to what happend? America studied this compound for a while and believed it to be occupied by Osama.. They raided it whilst breaching Pakistani borders, entered the building and then executed an unarmed civilian whom they believed to be Osama. In order to prevent any backlash they took the corpse and dumped it in the middle of the ocean claiming it to be Osama.

    See the PS, besides what is Pakistan going to do about it? The most they'll ever manage is some whining, the fact is they were harboring one of the most wanted men in the world, right under their nose. If they start whining about us crossing borders without permission, we'll just ask why they didn't find him earlier.


    The CIA are 'preparing' on releasing a photo of said Osama, yet why not just release it? Why do they need to prepare it.

    I imagine they're trying to find a picture that doesn't depict a bullet-ridden body. Also, the desecration of a corpse is highly offensive in the Islamic world and the last thing they need to do right now is release some random photo they have of him shot up and lying on the ground in a slump.



    I know many people won't hesitate in calling me an idiot or a 'conspiracy theorist' but this is just my personal opinion, it seems too sketchy to be true.

    I figure if they shot the wrong guy, they'd just say it was a high-ranking al-Qaeda officer. Why claim they just took out America's Most Wanted if they really didn't? There's a swell of patriotism, but I doubt most people care that Obama managed to do that versus if Bush had succeeded in his presidency versus if the guy had been shot by Russians during the Soviet invasion back in the 80s.

  13. What did your grandfather do in the war? One uncle that went was a grunt in Japan, the other that took the rifle we're talking about was a tank driver. I forget what division tho :(

    I had a couple of other uncles that went as well, but I didnt see them much as a kid, so I dont remember what they did in the war. :(

    He was dropped in with the 101st Airborne to support the D-Day invasion, but he was wounded two months or so in and ended up spending most of the war in the hospital. He says he still managed to collect three German rifles, two of them he gave to buddies and one he kept. He still has it too, I asked him the other day about it.

  14. No, no, no, you're clearly doing it wrong. Forget occupation, irradiation is the solution.


    EDIT: I accidentally hit the submit when I went to look at previous posts and make a serious response.


    I am glad he is dead, I feel no regret or remorse or even the slightly twinge of sadness, except, perhaps for the woman who was killed during the raid. I've not heard whether she was protecting him, or forced to protect him, though I'm not sure anyone will ever know.


    That being said, al-Qaeda will be slightly tumultuous for some time. Not so much because he was the operational leader, but because he was a symbolic, spiritual leader to them all, and in many cases, was the man they rallied behind for their cause. I hesitate to use this analogy, but I see it as something similar to if the pope were to be assassinated on the Crusades. Morale has taken a hit, but operationally, his death means little.


    I'm curious to learn, though, what they might find on that computer of his I heard about. Hopefully, though he wasn't involved in the operations, he might have some useful information.


    Also, on the subject of Pakistan, I have a good feeling they knew far more than they ever told us. They might have even known he was right under their nose, or were taking bribes to conveniently overlook it. From what I understand, the way were finally able to 'confirm' it was through one of his couriers who got careless. They knew he was a courier, but every time he got anywhere remotely near Islamabad, his cut his phone of, and they couldn't track him. He slipped up one day, and from there the pieces fell into place.


    NOTE: The last paragraph is mostly conjecture and second-hand information, I may be incorrect on some or most points, feel free to correct me.

  15. I'm RZ1029 and I approve this execution.


    In all seriousness, I shall, for once, quote Mr. Obama and say, "Today is a good day for America."


    I'm curious, anyone know a bit more about what happened? I went to sleep early last night, so I didn't find out anything until this morning and it's been a crazy rush of a day, so I'm not really sure about the details. If someone would like to break it down a bit, I'd appreciate it.


    EDIT: Amusing video, despite it's ah... crude nature.

  16. If they were able to get land from some of the neighboring countries as well, I think it would be a good idea.


    It think it would definitely help to diffuse some tension there, though I doubt it'll solve the problem entirely. I'm sure someone would complain about it, because this world just isn't that perfect.

  17. I could never get my head around the idea of eating dog. Cat doesn't bother me, because I don't like cats. Probably because I've always had a dog since I was like 5, and they've always been as much a part of the family as a brother or something.
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