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Posts posted by RZ1029

  1. (Psh, I would find it. Portal is worth it.)

    Granted, but that fish is fresh from the Japanese nuclear plant is irradiated with a near-lethal dosage of radiation that manages to ruin your life for the better part of a month, but you survive in the end, though I think children are out of the question now.


    I wish Notch wouldn't consistently break my mods every time he puts out an update for Minecraft.

  2. Uhm... wish granted, Portal 2 is out... I think. I got a early copy from a friend who works at a certain store... yeah. But... since you didn't know about it, no real need to corrupt this wish.


    I wish I had a PS3 and SOCOM 4, because it looks pretty cool.

  3. Erm... you do realize Bungie's all done with Halo, right?

    Oh well, there's another Halo out, but it's made by the same people who made the first Atari... literally, the exact same people. So... it's sub-par, to say the least.


    I wish I still had my old Sega Genesis.

  4. Yes Silver, it's extreamely important. We must start looking for my gender now, before it's too late!



    You all need help. :whistling:


    *skips away*

    Clearly, weren't you paying attention, broken lost his/her gender!! This is a very serious matter that requires immediate help and attention.


    Kids these days...

  5. Fair enough, they win the Cup, but you decide halfway through the season you no longer care about the Stanley Cup and instead become increasingly obsessed with NASCAR and the left turns.


    I wish NASCAR wasn't around...

  6. If the 'debate' continues to derail down these paths, I'll have to withdraw as well. I'm here to debate the topic of national security and various aspects thereof.


    As for my qualification of words, I don't think you have quite the authority to argue with Mr. Merriam Webster. The phrase I used was direct-from-dictionary and then I placed it into the context of the document in question. So either you're saying I'm actually right and it might not be entirely correct because of changing meanings or you're saying I'm right because the dictionary definition is the definition. I'll let you decide and get back to me.

  7. @marharth

    Thanks for pointing that out, I didn't think to actually click their names for whatever reason.


    Implications now associated with the word in modern English, indeed. Are you sure that is what they meant back then?


    al-Qaeda was formed in the last 1980s in Pakistan as a 'religious organization' essentially for the purpose for forming a religious army to fight what most people know as 'jihad', though that's technically in some ways a misnomer, from the little Arabic I understand. We did give them money, and weapons, though, to enable them to fight Soviet expansion. It was a CIA pet project that came back to bite us, in the end, under the name Operation Cyclone, I believe.


    Then the Saudis pissed them off when Saddam invaded Kuwait. Bin Laden offered his mujahideen to assist the Saudi king (his name escapes me), but the king instead opted for US protection/deployment/assistance/whatever you want to call it. Now, you have to understand, that area is fairly sacred to Muslims (Medina and Mecca), and Bin Laden didn't appreciate foreign involvement, where he thought his mujahideen could have gotten the job done.


    /time travel, there was a Sudanese overthrow by Muslims, backed by Bin Laden and led by Col. al-Bashir. Then the Saudis backed the Oslo accords, for peace between Israel and Palestinians.


    /more time travel, we'll just cut to 1992, first attacks. There was some more tension building in here, but I don't have the time to tell the entire history of the Middle-East.


    December of '92- bombings in Yemen hotel


    '93- Ramzi Yusef detonated a truck bomb in the WTCs. Six dead, a thousand injured, and many millions in damages. He escaped, but was later apprehended after planning several other things, from an attempted assassination on the Pope to a suicide-plane into the CIA HQ.


    '96- Failed attempt to detonate a bridge as an assassination attempt of Clinton.


    '98- US Embassy bombings, about 300 dead.


    October 2000- USS Cole attacked, killing 20 or so servicemen.


    September 11th, 2001


    EDIT: Minor detail I failed to mention, just to clarify a point.


    RE-EDIT: I forgot to use my color, and guys, go easy on Marharth, he's victim to misconceptions many share, I prefer education over ridicule.

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