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Posts posted by RZ1029

  1. Unfortunately it seems you duplicated the real win too many times, and now cannot even tell the real win apart yourself.


    So... guess I win because you can't win because you can't figure out which is the real win, which is a lose for you.

  2. Whut du i liek?


    Well... I like good grammar, despite what my first sentence might suggest.

    I like most any Asian food that doesn't consist of something I might consider a 'pet'-type animal.

    I like firearms of all shapes and sizes.

    I like everything electronic that isn't a stupid Tamagotchi.

    I like Pandora, it's awesome.

    I like movies, even some bad ones.

    I like video games, especially Fallout: New Vegas, my first Fallout ever.

    I like Minecraft, because it's just that awesome.

    I like that I've just covered 90% of my likes in under 20 seconds or so.

    I like how long this list is getting.

    I like to hunt.

    I like to fish.

    I like to go camping.

    I like how I didn't combine those all into one 'like' like I probably should have.

    I like the side-by-side 'like's the previous line.

    I like how ADD this post is turning.

    I like how I'm not even ADD and this seems pretty ADD.

  3. I could make a joke about double-tapping that, but I don't think I will, since I'm pretty sure she could turn me into a bloody mess of pulp with that rifle.


    In all seriousness, though, that Sportbusche is a pretty gun, been kept in good shape? My grandfather had a bolt-action rifle he got from WWII, but I was never allowed to touch it as a kid. He'd tell a mile-long story about it and how it got it, I never figured out how much of it is true and how much he was pulling my leg, but it was pretty important to him, even if he never killed anything more than a rabbit or squirrel with it. I wonder whatever happened to that, I might just ask him.

  4. I think Vagrant hit it on the head. What he does is art, no doubt in my mind. That being said, what he's doing is also technically vandalism, though I'm sure what he paints ends up looking better than it did before.


    I don't think that some graffiti should be a crime, like what you see Banksy doing, but I think other graffiti, associated with gangs and such, most definitely should be because it is the further thing from art and is often simply vulgar or inappropriate or self-promotion of a lifestyle that shouldn't be lived.

  5. That's a pretty gun there Vindekarr, I like the wooden stock and grip. Is it actual wood or just a laminate on a synthetic material?


    A bit worn, but I like the character that comes with a little wear and tear.... And is that picture in the middle of a street? That looks like a curb in the background.

  6. That's pretty interesting granny, thanks for sharing that. I have a slightly different take on it, though, being a southerner who spent some time in the Big Apple.


    I saw some of the richest and poorest neighborhoods I have ever seen, and that's saying something since I come from the land of the trailer parks.


    The thing that floored me was the cultural diversity, and how well everything just coexisted. In my home town, we had THREE restaurants that weren't your basic steak house or burger joint. Two were Japanese restraunts owned and run by third(?) generation Japanese-Americans. The third was a Mexican restaurant owned by probably the only Hispanic family within ten miles. I visit New York and there's block after block of culture, from the Middle-East to the Far-East to Europe and Central/Southern America. I could eat lunch in Italy, breakfast in McDonalds (international ftw?) and then catch dinner in China or India.


    While the food was amazing, the culture was what impressed me the most. They didn't just bring their cooking, they brought their dreams, their story, their world, or at least part of it, with them. I remember one man who told me about his trip to America from India... almost thirty years ago, now, over some rice and a drink.


    But to answer the question, I think the thing that makes New York different is that it is what America as a whole claims to be. They say we're the 'Great American Melting Pot', but where I come from, there's no melting. There was an African-American community a ways west of town, then if you headed south-east you had a pretty good size community of various Asian descents that ran a couple farms.


    NYC was, and hopefully still is, the Melting Pot America claims to be, as are a few other cities in the US. New York is kind of the iconic picture, combined with things like the Statue of Liberty, the site that used to be the Twin Towers, both when they stood and now, Time Square.


    Probably not my best writing ever, doped up as I currently am, but I hope I got my point across well.

  7. Granted, and as I'm assuming the card game, all the cards are actually flat spiders that scurry off every time you try to draw, so it proves rather problematic to play.


    I wish my cough would go away.

  8. *cough* M-1 wasn't a bolt action, but it was a beautiful gun. You might be thinking of the 1903 Springfield, which the M1 replaced.


    Even the Remington 700 is a very elegant weapon, in my opinion, along with the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare. (Given the designation of L96 by the Brits, one of my favorite personal weapons, second to my R700.)

  9. Some games shouldn't be remade. I liked my Combat Evolved, and still do. Don't make it another Reach pl0x.



    Granted, but it implodes the first time you try to use it.


    I wish I had my old computer back.

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