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Everything posted by Brigand231

  1. I was waiting for a response to Worminator's post since I thought that, logically, images rated appropriately would be treated the same as adult flagged or supporter material on the Nexus and that if people see it, it's because they deliberately set themselves up to see it. Rereading some of the wording in the official position though, gave me the impression that the fact that the image exists in the gallery at all regardless of how it's moderated or restricted makes it unsuitable for linking to so I had to go and "break" the only story entry I posted to the supporter's section by marking any "questionable" images private and posted the images to DeviantArt with links to them there, thus rendering my flickr gallery "safe" by Nexus standards again. Knowing what I know now, yeah, I might have considered a second flickr account to host that stuff. I considered embedding from MediaFire, but their ToS suggests it would not be welcome content. What still puzzles me is that this brings us back to the same "bad" situation for the Nexus as the discussion on disallowing embedded images in the first place. It makes it more attractive to host the questionable images as "hidden" uploads in the supporter's section then embed from there which puts more of a strain on the Nexus servers and resources. The other logical and permitted option would be to simply upload multiple images without making them hidden or embedded which brings up another another interesting debate... The Nexus position on multiple posting in succession is that the only limit or restriction is 5 or 10 images each day depending on membership and it's that simple. It feels like (I'm being very specific with how I worded that) the administration is turning a deaf ear to the community disapproval of the practice of "flooding" the image section with dumping a user's allowed number of images in succession as it pushes other users' work further down the list and less likely to be seen. There's currently no limit to how many mods a user can upload, but I suspect that if I were to post umpteen mod files with very subtle variations as separate file uploads instead of on one mod page action would be taken. To be clear, I'm not trying to criticize the Nexus or its administration in any way as we're guests in their home and it's kind of them to invite us in. What I'm trying to do is encourage clear and honest discussion and dialog that addresses the concerns of all involved instead of just giving things a stamp of approval or disapproval. Dark0ne does an amazing job of laying things out for us in his announcements that explain how and why things are the way they are, but we're not seeing that here; just a statement that change is coming. People get frustrated when they believe their concerns and points of view are brushed aside or ignored when they have no way of knowing if they're even understood or considered.
  2. I'm taking twisted satisfaction in getting the second image up on the SRR imageshare. Thanks for adding it!
  3. Thanks for the update, it all sounds amazing! Glad it's all on track and still satisfying for you. As always, please feel free to hit me up for a bit part or two when you get to needing recordings.
  4. Those darn writing frenzies, I've been stuck on one for months now. Fun teaser, someguy, you've got me looking forward to Russel again. Thanks for the appetizer!
  5. You bring up an interesting point, but there's a crossover as well: Modders that create what they do for use in their stories. This goes beyond the obvious like posing mods; I know the mod I've released was made purely to add characters to a story and since I could, I shared it. I know I make use of many mods with a similar history and am grateful that the artists that create them have this outlet to inspire them to mod and share their creations. My point is that while the imageshare may not, on its own, be a priority or deemed to have much value; it absolutely does contribute to the production and release of quality mods, which is the mentioned priority.
  6. "Much like love, Art is a bit like gas, if you have to force it, its probably crap." - lordsam17 in the description of an image on the New Vegas imageshare
    1. AliasTheory


      Saving that quote.
  7. Ok, I admit I hadn't even considered that as a possibility after someone recounted that it was a problem when they ran across a description wtith fifty embedded images; I assumed with that many that they would have been hosted elsewhere and figured that was a given in further discussion. If external links are exempted nothing would change for me. Again, I don't leave the NV side of the Nexus, but a vast majority of multiple image posters link to flickr or photobucket and upload 2-3 actual images to the Nexus to host each day.
  8. The bandwidth concern is on the part of users who view the image and are "forced" to download the images using their own download bandwidth. It's not on the part of the posers at all; for some users this slows down other downloads or mires their LAN. For some users, there is a monthly download allotment that they try very hard to stay withing for financial reasons or to be avoid being "throttled" once they pass it. Again, though, I don't see how it's any different than reading "penis" in a title and deciding it's something you may not want to view so avoid it if that's a concern. This does also assume that posters use a standard, recognizable naming convention and users pay attention to titles before opening images. I agree, that requiring an image to be opened in another window ruins the flow. I'm still thinking expandable image placeholders, sort of like the spoiler ability we already have that don't parse or load a link until being clicked would be acceptable for me.
  9. I also came up with the idea of simply making embedded images "collapsed" by default in image descriptions and in forums so that they don't load, but viewers know there's a placeholder that they can expand and load if they choose to. Simple and efficient. I don't know how it is on the rest of the Nexus or if it's even a valid metric, but looking at the top rated images on the NV Nexus 19/27 of them either include images in the description or are posted by users who do it regularly. Guess I'll start attempting to develop new skills just in case.
  10. Just brainstorming here, now that this is in my head... I'm not trying to "elevate" image stories to be on par with mods, but what if story artists had access to a page similar to the current mod pages? One simple page that users could track for updates. Instead of needing separate posts or image entries an author could create a sub-forum for each series. The folks who don't want to see that kind of stuff wouldn't be forced to look at it. Alternatively, would there be any point in considering allowing multiple images per upload entry with only one being able to viewed at a time or maybe include a tab for thumbnails to associated images? Could there be an exception made for "hidden" images, properly sized and hosted on the Nexus? At this moment I'm imagining that stories or comics with multiple images will devolve into commercials or advertisements for image sets on flickr or deviantArt. Again, only guessing, but in that scenario I would be more likely to simply further my efforts on flickr and tell stories through slideshows. I'm not trying to come off as a whiner saying I'll take my toys and go away; I'm just one user and have no illusions that the world will be any different whether I'm here or not. I'm trying to think of how this might be best-resolved to represent all the affected members of the community equitably.
  11. I'll chime in too as someone easily affected by this change. I can understand and support the idea that if the administration doesn't like the status quo or wants to make a change, that's absolutely fine and their prerogative. From the perspective of someone not caring for the layout or how images are cut off or not sized, or the number of images linked to in an entry, I think that easily falls under "if you don't like it, don't click it and move on." just like if someone doesn't agree with lore, penises, or the poster's perspective within a mod or other forum. It is simply a means of expression so I don't understand why those arguments are given any weight or credence here. Edit: It seems the most efficient alternative for me personally would be to blow my wad on spamming ten smaller episodes every day instead of one decent sized post every few days. In the long run I imagine that would account for more bandwidth on the Nexus' end and piss people off when their images get flooded off the recent images section.
  12. Even if you don't release them, I believe vanilla companions will leave your service if left for a few days and go to their original home anyway so you'll want that modified as well if you can find it.
  13. Thanks for all you and the staff do here. Thanks even more for having a sense of humor about it.
  14. Finally released my first mod. Thanks to all for the support and to all the modders who have provided assets that made it possible!
  15. This might sound like an odd question: Will choices made before meeting Russell take effect retroactively then, or will players potentially miss out on things if Russell it met later in the game or if not `recruited` as soon as possible after starting a new game? If it takes so many `positive` actions in his presence and the player has already used all the opportunities to gain those points are they simply out of luck and doomed to never get that dialog in their current play through?
  16. Just my opinion... This is likely why we have director's cuts of movies these days; You have a vision and since you have the ability to make that vision reality I'm guessing you may personally not be fully satisfied until that vision is realized. Flagging the mod as adult gives you carte blanche (within the accepted framework of the Nexus) to do all that you've described and those that don't like it are free to not download or endorse or whatever. On the other side of the coin, why alienate or antagonize those that might be a little more sensitive? If folks don't want anthropomorphic ponies they don't download pony mods, if folks don't want animated prostitution or nude bodies they don't download the mod, if folks don't want quest mods that explore potential dark realities they're not forced to try them. I think you're very well justified and within your rights to release with the attitude of "it is what it is, nobody's twisting your arm", but if what you're debating is "simply" the inclusion of specific slides in a final cutscene I would imagine it's not too difficult to include two dialog choices for the ending in question, one graphic and one tame. An alternate slide replacer version might also be feasible. I've run into a similar dilemma in my own writing where I feel a sexually graphic scene is appropriate and called for; while the sexual content will be mostly textual and I can probably put it into general circulation with an adult flag I've decided that I'm going to post the full entry to the supporter's section merely because I believe it would be NSFW (not suitable for work) and I will probably post an extremely watered down placeholder version to the public section so folks that can't access the full version won't be left completely out of the loop.
  17. One way to bypass scavenging could be to add items to a reward container or supply cache as enemies are killed so you can remove corpses and not care one way or the other. For each wave or enemy type survived specific items or a random list could be added to the container(s) for the player to access. I recall there's merchants added, you could reset their inventory as part of the ending script of a wave so if the player makes it to a vendor between waves they have the chance to resupply if that option logically works within the circumstances.
  18. It's your thread, hijack and ramble away. :) As it is, it was actually kinda cool seeing the wheels turn and that little bit click into place there. You could put a similar time counter/token system on the battle and after so many waves fire off a clean up body event or pause to allow some looting and forcing a conversation with a specific NPC, when in proximity of them to up the counter and trigger another wave.
  19. You bring up a good point... "slaves" in general could also mean women. In legion eyes that would likely never be acceptable. If talking literal lore, a female player doesn't get the arena option with Benny. Limiting it to male slaves would obviate that specific issue, though. Would it be a capital crime for a slave to pick up a weapon? It might be hard from a "legal" perspective to determine which slaves are following orders or arming for rebellion. As for "time" that could be harsh on people with lower end systems who might not make it as far as quickly due to low frame rates. It would be simple though, to allocate a time unit variable to specific actions and after enough of them have been accumulated scripts could fire or whatever. It might even be easier than actually running a real timer and certainly less script intensive to script a passive "listen" than an active count if scripting works as I believe it does.
  20. Trust me, there are plenty of folks involved in these projects and all contribute in their own way: Technical skills, writing, acting, teaching, testing, modeling, cheerleading.... I could go on all day. I can be fairly secure in saying that at least in this case, someguy2000 does all the work when you consider the time and energy he's putting into it. I've had the pleasure of voicing a part or two for him and credit is given; it takes me 2-3 minutes to record the lines that takes him hours (at the very least) to reformat and lip-sync and script.... Similarly, I've been privileged to help test some of his work and while it's helpful for me to say, "Hey dude, you might want to move the duel with Zimmer to an untouched location or players can `salt` the battlefield with mines" it takes him more time to move the stuff and script a teleport after building/adding a new location than it did for me to write it. It took all of five minutes to write a snippet of script for weapon integration for one of the mods, but someguy2000 had to figure out where to fit it into his main script so it would fire once and only once. I'm not downplaying the contributions of anyone who assists in projects; someguy2000 gives credit where it is due. I can't speak for other contributors, but I'm satisfied with being part of a support team while the man who has put untold hours of his own time; his blood, sweat, and tears into the project gets the spotlight. It's his baby and he deserves the credit he gets. He's just as willing to help out the rest of the community; I've asked for opinions and advice on some of my story entries and he's taken time out of his schedule to read for me and provide feedback; in my story entries that benefit from his wisdom I give consultation credits. It all works out in the end. :)
  21. Perhaps the "malfunction" here is assuming that endorsements indicate a good mod that is what the user is looking for and in their taste. A mod that introduces, for example, an anthropomorphic pony race might get hit by so many users and those users are very enthusiastic and 90% of them endorse. If I'm not a fan of anthropomorphic ponies that information means nothing to me. Having said that, if someone were to ask me to check out their mod and it's the mod in my previous example I will download it and assess its functionality. I might even endorse it because it was well-implemented and I could tell that multiple authors spent a lot of time working on models and rigging. The textures might be amazing and the scripting fantastic. I would endorse the file even if I'm indifferent on anthropomorphic ponies. The same goes for body texture replacers, "too-modern" items, sex quests, god items and cheats, or player homes. When it comes to number of endorsements there is simply no accounting for taste. Edit: If a specific mod does not appeal to a large crowd, it is very likely it won't have a lot of endorsements. That has absolutely no reflection as to its quality.
  22. In response to post #7814570. Wasteland 2 was promised a modkit as one of the stretch goals during the Kickstarter campaign and we met the numbers. There will be a Wasteland 2 modkit. They've even consulted with modders such as Gopher (among others) for ideas and suggestions on how to best make it happeen. Thanks for the update Dark0ne. Thanks Nexus staff and support for all you already do and will do. This is an exciting (and noble, in my opinion) prospect!
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