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Everything posted by eltucu

  1. Well... Its not like Beth likes to set lore in stone (they pretty much decide what would be cool to have in a game, then write their way around it).
  2. eltucu

    Fallout 4?

    There is no such thing as "TES engine" or "Fallout engine" Level designers, artists, 3d modelers, etc ALWAYS get around the tech to get to the final feel of the game. Specially the older ones who had to work in the 90s since those ppl had to create a good atmosphere out of 64x64 sprites, and you're telling me that those ppl wont be able to make a Fallout out of the Creation Engine? Hell, if anyone made a power point presentation about the features of the Creation Engine then showed it to a bunch of devs that dont know TES exists, NO ONE would even THINK that Skyrim could be made of it. "Lets see... We have shadows, but they kinda dont work as they should... We have this very complex system for applying shaders that depends on each mesh file, that also doesnt works as it should... and its pretty un pratical... We have this limited LOD system that eats up vram like there is no tomorrow..." And the entire presentation would be like that.
  3. They look like DLC placeholder to me, or an unfinished idea that half made it to the game (like the winterhold college for example :P )
  4. In the end i fixed the spotlight bug by deleting the other shadow casting light i created. Seems that the first light didnt bugged out no matter what for some reason and that the spotlight was more "sensible" to that (maybe the engine has the spotlights first in its list for culling). Replaced the candle with a common omin and all worked fine. About the globals, no idea still, i just wrote the number instead : / (already uploaded it, mod is in my signature). Too bad bout the globals...
  5. Barrels and sacks are the main source of food in skyrim. The farms are cover ups for the magical food barrel smuggling.
  6. Aww, but spotlights are nice : / Sadly, without at least one shadow casting light in the room, they look pretty bad. I'd like to know if other engines have such limits for shadow casting lights, 4 per cell seem to be a very low number. Even so, i think the room bounds dont work for lights because if i TCL outside to see what is being rendered in the other room (i just go through the walls a lil bit, inside the room bound but outside the actual room), i see half of the next room plus all the lights of the cell for some reason. Useless culling method is useless. There are other culling methods it seems, but they're not detailed in the wiki, occlusion planes and cubes. Any idea bout the other issue im having? Its kinda the game dont allows me to reference globals in the dialogue. If i solved those two things i'd upload my mod right away...
  7. Hire obsidian to write the game. There, problem solved! :P
  8. Yup, noticed that it is way less complicated than i thought. Ended up with this: Scriptname TestingScaleOnActivate extends ObjectReference float Vara Event Onload () vara = getscale() Endevent Event onActivate (ObjectReference actRef) while vara < 10 Vara = vara + 0.1 SetScale(vara) endwhile EndEventTurns out that i dont need to initialize actref, nor the activator ref, the game just assumes it when i call getscale or setscale. That said, i tested it duplicating a lever since it seems that replacing the lever mesh for the star mesh isnt enough for the game to consider it an activator. I dont know how to make the game consider the azura sphere nif as an activator, editing meshes or nif nodes is kinda out of my reach, or at least out of my inmediate reach, unless its something simple. Good stuff is that without doing any enable/disable or wait(), the lever scales fluently, no hiccups. Test it, just attach that to a lever, though an oversized lever isnt something very impressive... I could make a quest around it, "The lever of Boethia" or something like that, it gets bigger and engulfs you, killing you in the process.
  9. Hello. So, i was making an upgrade mod for honeyside, and im having two issues: First one is that a shadow casting spot light is kinda bugged, switches in and off in certain angles, see video about it (more details in the video description): http://youtu.be/sE84LR-51o4 First i thought it was the room bounds that i added, but if i erase them, the problem still is there. Then i removed the shadow casting light of a forge that is located on the next room, thinking it may be an issue with the number of shadow casting lights, but still the error appears for that particular light while the other two shadow casting lights that i had worked perfectly. Second issue that im having is that when Anuriel gives me the list of upgrades, the one that i made doesnt appears as it should. For example, in the CK my brach appears as "Blacksmith's Hideout. (<Global=HDRiftenTucuBlacksmith> gold>", the vanilla kitchen branch appears as "Kitchen furnishings. (<Global=HDRiftenKitchen> gold)". Ingame the kitchen furnishings appear correctly "Kitchen furnishings. 1000 gold" (or something like that), mine appears as "Blacksmith's Hideout. (<Global=HDRiftenTucuBlacksmith> gold>". I've made the global variable HDRiftenTucuBlacksmith, its value is 3000, short int, then added it to the HousePurchase quest in the list and made the reference to with the same syntax as the other vanilla upgrades. I've seen the other vanilla global variables for house upgrades and they're referenced in the same manner as mine, two times by the upgrade topic, and once by the quest itself. So i dont know what else i have to do for it to appear correctly in the dialogue : / This i could easily fix it by just writing the 3000 in the dialogue, but i'd like to know why my upgrade isnt appearing as it should when its made pretty much exactly like the vanilla ones. Anyone could help me with these two bugs? If you need more details just ask.
  10. Whats a VFX? Visual FX? Like the one for summons i guess? Anyway, it wouldnt suit my purpose. Did you open the Azura Star cell in the CK? I was thinking of doing some weird "outer realm" stuff for a quest mod that i might never make :P I didnt remember how they dealt with that cell, the sky and that stuff, so i looked it up. Beth used a sphere with some FX stuff in it (single object made out of 3 spheres, each has different mesh settings but use the same texture, neat effect). I was thinking if i could make the player touch the sphere, while its size is as big as a ball (like a sigil stone), then the sphere grows exponentially until it engulfs the player and his/her surroundings. I dunno what use i could give it but i think it may be a cool effect. Maybe activating some kind of epic magical artifact. EDIT: Great, i just dont know what im doing. Tried to make the star sphere nif into an Activator, used a new texture for it and all that. Tried to make an script with an "OnActivate" event but it didnt worked. Im not even sure to what im actually setting the scale. Ingame i cant even activate the sphere, activated it with the console, did nothing. Scriptname TestingScaleOnActivate extends ObjectReference actor Property actRef auto Event onActivate (ObjectReference actRef) actRef.SetScale(3.0) EndEvent That doesnt even makes any sense. I edited the property so it references back to the player, wich is what i suppose the onActivate is asking for, the ref of the actor who activated it. I dont know how to reference the activator itself inside the script.
  11. Nice, though it may look kinda glitchy... I'll have to try it out! Kudos to you :D
  12. Hello! Well, i was messing around with the CK (probably going to open a thread about an issue that im having) created an interior and started to place stuff, move stuff, etc... While i was messing around with scaling, i noticed that it would be awesome to, say, having the player walk upon some object, activate it, then it becomes colossal right in front of his eyes. That cannot be done with scripting right? Only with animations? EDIT: No wait, there is a setscale command? If there is one, maybe with a script i can increase the scale by a very little amount but each one quarter of a second for example until it becomes the size i want... huh... Lol, i meant dynamically :)
  13. The guy is pretty straightforward if you didnt noticed it, if steel works, he will do just that, he likes his Skyforge steel stuff. Besides, the stock of the merchants depends on your level. On my current playthrough, i made my Orcish armor buying Orichalcum from him (and some ebony). Biased opinion is biased. Checked in the CK. Adrianne has 26 smithing, while Eorlund has 44, they dont level up with the player. Seeing that the best blacksmith in the province has 44 smithing it doesnt sounds that weird that with 100 smithing the player is sort of a god in the forge capabe of making god killing weapons. Though that would mean that i should be able to say that IM the best blacksmith now, bunch of jerks those nords! Stealin' my success n' business!
  14. You could check this http://www.creationkit.com/Room_Bounds_and_Portal_Basics The room bounds are the only thing that i know of that can cause such issues. Maybe while duplicating the cell the room bounds get screwed up. Check the CK optimization tutorial for information on how to edit room bounds and portals. For example, the Riften Jail wall disappearance issues in vanilla Skyrim are produced by bad (overlapping in this case i think) room bound placements.
  15. I think that categories are hardcoded. Thats why you see many mods with the new recipes in the "Misc" section, cant create new categories as far as i know.
  16. Yes, i do. I dont think that it could get better with mods though. "Writing Overhaul Mod" is kida a stretch.
  17. What Paladin said. I think that the whole idea of the aliases was to not to state direct (hex)references in the scripting anymore. Check the house upgrading quests. They're use a few stuff to making enabling/disabling stuff easily (like the xmarkers having all the upgrades as childs, so enabling the xmarker enables all the upgrades at once)
  18. I know nothing about Papyrus, just common programming concepts (lil bit of ada and lil bit of c++) but i think you're using stuff there that doesnt does what you think it does http://www.creationkit.com/OnUpdate_-_Form http://www.creationkit.com/RegisterForUpdate_-_Form That registerforupdate does nothing since you dont have a OnUpdate event there (or maybe you didnt quoted the entire sources). And these two lines are doing nothing if im not mistaken: Game.GetPlayer().IsSprinting() Game.GetPlayer().IsRunning() You're just asking "Is the player sprinting?" it returns a boolean (true/false) then doing nothing with that boolean. And then asking "is the player running?" and doing nothing with that again. The only two things that are doing something there are the bIsFinishing = true and the two ModActorValue. Having said all that, i dont know how to do what you're asking. Im guessing that the game updates the actor speed value when the player changes their type of movement (walking to running, sprinting to walking, etc), not in between them. At first glance that seems kinda out of reach for Papyrus (forcefully update the current actor movement speed) but as i said, i know nothing bout it so i may be wrong. Maybe you can artificially change the sprinting or running checks for a sec so the game updates the speed values right there. EDIT: Maybe you can do it with SKSE or ScriptDragon. I think that those can set key presses. Just make the script press the sprint button for half a second for the game to update the current speed value. Seems overly complex just for doing that, maybe some ppl with experience can point out other solutions.
  19. Yeah you're right. First for the dragon themed thing and second cuz Dragon Smithing perk can be reached from both Heavy and Light smithing branches of the perk tree. Requiring Daedric for a masks like Volsung and Krosis, wich are perfect for thieves, assassins and every light armor user is kinda stupid cuz you'd need to spend like 5 perks into heavy armor smithing just for the masks (the daedric weapons are a plus but requiring dragon smithing is more a one-size-fits-all solution).
  20. Yep http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Artifacts#Dragon_Priest_Masks Tempering column. Im not sure if some of Headbomb's mods changed that (Crafting Overhaul or Weapon and Armor fixes), i'll have to check but i doubt it since they're pretty powerful items so it is expected that they're hard to enhance. If you could temper Krosis without perks anyone could have unmatched legendary end game equipment at level 30 or so lol
  21. More or less yes. Although in the gameplay side of things, you dont absorb raw power but you kinda can get more in touch with your dragon side if you absorb dragon souls, they help you learn their shouts. Your character has pretty much the same power as he/she had before. Alduin can get as powerful as there are living beings on Nirn ready to eat. Seems that as a (sort of) mortal you can do only so much devouring Dragon souls. I mean, they're dragons, very powerful creatures every and each one of them. If the player could absorb their raw power, by the end of the main quest he could go back in time, slap Vivec, Sotha Sil and Almalexia in the 1rst era, and return just for teh lulz. I mean, he would be a god killing machine (heh sounds familiar) having absorbed the power of countless of immortal souls. But yeah, the Dovahkiin situations is more of a "its either dragons or us" thing cuz you're preventing Alduin ending the existence of the ppl of Nirn by ending the existence of his kin : /
  22. roflamo HAHAHAHA, Ripped the clothes of the goalkeeper, bwahahaha! ... Ehh... I mean, *picks up monocle* Well done sir, very nice indeed.
  23. It is jerky if you dont have enough vRAM (i dont for example, GTX 560 Ti 1Gb, drops to 40 fps until it loads) but there is NO WAY that it could halve your fps like that unless you have some serious issue in your system or configuration. Since the art style its exactly the same as vanilla textures (and vanilla textures were designed so they'd look ok at 512x512), its not as an impact like the HD texture mods. But, do you need glasses? I do, its exactly the same effect like when i put my glasses on. While before i could see stuff and function normally, when i put glasses everything is just sharper and more defined.
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